nine coffins

Chapter 919 Years, not counting years; 3 worlds, once the endgame!

Chapter 919 Thousands of years are not counted as years; the Three Realms were once an endgame!

The backyard of the Wang family was filled with black light.

At this time, Amu's figure had long since disappeared.In the formation of nine remnant coffins, a cloud of black air was like a cocoon.Amu, on the other hand, was completely wrapped in the air of the dragon soul.

And the black cane in Wang Jue's hand has already completely turned into black light.

Wang Jue glanced at Shen Yan who was standing not far away, and said calmly: "Amu's realm is too low, and he needs to practice quietly! Otherwise, it will not be enough to deal with everything in the Three Realms."

"En!" Shen Yan nodded, without saying anything.She knew that Wang Jue used a peerless secret method to help Amu cultivate.

Yuan Xianyi's great accomplishment is considered a normal practice even for ordinary Canghai descendants.Even though Amu's combat power is extraordinary, Wang Jue must not be satisfied.

One must know that the body of Mo Lang back then had already reached the perfection of the Nine Great Immortals, not to mention the current Wang Jue.

"Senior, how long will it take to practice this time?" Shen Yan asked softly.

Wang Jue looked at Shen Yan, smiled faintly, and then slowly said: "My generation of monks, a thousand years is not a year!"

Shen Yan's body trembled slightly, and after a while he said: "This junior understands!"

A thousand years is really not a long time for the existence of being promoted to Yuanxian.However, for Shen Yan, it was still a little too long.

At this time, Amu was bound in the black cocoon of the dragon soul, and had already fallen into a state of nothingness.However, Wang Jue's spiritual thoughts had already entered Amu's mind—the dragon soul entered his body and emerged from the cocoon.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon souls enter the body, and Amu is considered complete.Then, Wang Jue and Shen Yan left the backyard.

The array of remnants of coffins, changing and blurring.A cocoon of black light, surrounded by black awns.


The night is getting thicker and the sea of ​​stars is endless.The Wang family in Liuzhen was quite quiet.

Shen Yan and Li Ruo rest separately.

And Wang Jue and Qing Mozi sat and drank in a corner of the front yard.It's just that the king at this time is by no means a mortal body, but a demon man.

Black robe, Tsing Yi.Mo Lang and Qing Mo, these two strange men in the Three Realms are getting drunk.

"Mo Lang, what state are you in now?" Qing Mozi drank a glass of wine.

"Three bodies in one, one step away from the Venerable!" Mo Lang sighed, seemingly helpless.

"Still one step away from being a venerable? Are you still not satisfied?" Qing Mozi looked at Mo Lang and smiled wryly, "There are as many monks in the vast universe of the three realms as there are sands in the River of Forgetfulness. For thousands of years, whoever can become a venerable It’s also one of the few!”

"The peak of the Nine Layers of Eternity seems to be close to the Venerable, but there is still an endless gap from the Venerable! You are only one step away, and you are already comparable to the Phoenix of Tianzhou, and you have passed the half-prime realm. I don’t know how many monks I want to envy, What more do you want?"

"The Secret of the Three Lives of Immortals and Demons is said to lead directly to the road of respect. But, I can't turn the wheel of cause and effect! I can't change many causes and effects!" Mo Lang drank the wine in his cup violently, "Moreover, I can't let the celestial girl, Phantom body eternal life!"

"Hehe! If you can do it, what do you want Amu to do?" Qing Mozi smiled, "Don't forget, he is the one who should be robbed for thousands of years, and he is the hundredth generation descendant of Canghai!"

"Haha!" Hearing what the green devil said, Mo Lang couldn't help laughing, "That's right! He came here for all karma! However, as a teacher, I still hope to split some thorns for him!"

Qing Mozi nodded and said with a smile: "This time, how long will it take for him to be a teacher again?"

"At least 700 years, at most a thousand years!" Mo Lang said lightly, "This Tianzhou Liu Town also needs time to mature! These two times, just don't delay!"

"Mo Lang, if the introduction of the human coffin is successful, how sure are you of summoning the human coffin?" Qing Mozi said.

"Seventy percent!" Mo Lang pondered for a moment.

Qing Mozi nodded and didn't ask any more questions.

"Qingmo, is Amu the Canghai Immortal?" Mo Lang looked at Qingmozi and asked suddenly.

"I don't know!" Qing Mozi shook his head, frowned and said, "Tianzhou people, the three souls are gone, there is no reincarnation. Theoretically, it is absolutely impossible for the sea to reincarnate! Yes, everything now is more confusing!"

"However, I have one thing. I must find out why Cang Hai died? What happened at the end of the war tens of thousands of years ago!"

In Qing Mozi's eyes, a sharp murderous intent flashed.

"I have checked all the clues in the Canghai Cave Mansion. Immortal Venerable, did not leave any clues? Thousands of years ago, it seems that someone wiped everything cleanly." Mo Lang said.

"Chess players, erase the endgame, and then play quietly!" Qing Mozi smiled helplessly, "But, it hurt us, the players in the game."
"Mo Lang, is the Eastern Emperor still in Tianzhou?"
"Of course, it's still in Tianzhou!" Mo Lang shook his head, "It's just that I haven't gone to see him when I come to Tianzhou this time! I can't persuade him either. Fuchen River doesn't flow backwards, and his heart doesn't flow back." will die!"

"Canghai disciples, generation after generation! The last three generations, there are too many unbearable burdens!" Qing Mozi sighed, "Is this the cause and effect that Canghai wants? However, it has been a hundred generations. According to Canghai Immortal, everything It’s time to be consummated! In the sea, the mission is over!”

"Eternal times in the sea, nine coffins unite into one. The three lives are reversed, and the world will be opened again!" Mo Lang raised his brows.That is, on the title page of the Art of Three Lives of Immortals and Demons, the words left by the sea.

That seemed like a prophecy.

Qing Mozi and Mo Lang shook their heads and smiled, then clinked glasses and drank together.

The starry sky is endlessly brilliant.

"Mo Lang, I will leave here tomorrow!" Qing Mozi said.

"Go to Tianzhou Phoenix?" Mo Lang said.

"That's right!" said the Green Devil.

"Phoenix, you probably won't kill Canghai!" Mo Lang said.

Qing Mozi shook his head and said, "Except for Cang Hai, I don't believe anyone in the Three Realms! Even the green soul was once in my suspicion! You know, almost no one in the Three Realms can kill Cang Hai! However, Cang Hai's death is too strange, and that half of the coffin has disappeared from now on!"

"On the day when I mastered the Three Lives Art of the Immortal Demon, I recalled an afterimage of a coffin from the sky. Now, in the snow mountain where the Immortal Burial, I seal the body of Huanhua."

"The shadow of a sky coffin is nothing!" Qing Mozi sneered, "The sky coffin is the king of the nine coffins! Back then, half a sky coffin could suppress any mouthful of demons, ghosts, and demons at will."

"Among the nine coffins, others are easy to get. Only the two coffins of heaven and earth, we have no clue!" Mo Lang said, "As long as Liu Town of Tianzhou is full of the last number of ninety-nine, and the three coffins of human coffins are filled with souls, It can be all in the body of Amu. If it can become a coffin, the world can be expected! However, many obstacles have to be cleared!"

"Looking at the Three Realms, monks are nothing to worry about!" Qing Mozi said, "Even the demon master and the ghost master are not the most terrifying and mysterious existences, but—"

"Ming Zun!" Mo Lang slowly spit out two words.

"That's right!" Qing Mozi nodded, "Because even I don't know what he looks like. I'm afraid Phoenix, Yaozun and others don't know what he looks like. Only Cang Hai has seen his appearance!"

"For now, he can't get out of the underworld!" Mo Lang sneered.

"But, we don't dare to enter the underworld!" Qing Mozi smiled wryly.

"Mingzun, you can take it easy!" Mo Lang said, "Where is Yaozun?"

"Tianzhou Xiuluo place!" The corner of Qing Mozi's mouth curled up, "That is definitely not the seal of Canghai!"

"Demon Venerable, she really values ​​love and righteousness!" Mo Lang smiled knowingly, "Demon Venerable, she should be a harmless venerable! If the demon coffin is really in her hands, then in the current Three Realms, she is invincible! "

Qing Mozi nodded, and said: "You and I are probably not her opponents! She can perfectly control the existence of the demon coffin. Tianzhou Shura is a small world! However, there is a drop on Amu's body that I will give you." His Yaozun's tears will definitely be useful one day."

Mo Lang nodded.The two of them exchanged cups, commented on the Three Realms, and speculated a lot.

The Three Realms are now in chaos.Both Mo Lang and Qing Mo are in the chess game.It's just that they tried their best to find a way in the chaos.

"If you go to Tianzhou Phoenix, take Li Ruo with you. Shen Yan, I will let her go to Tianzhou Guijia for a while. Presumably, that is what she wishes in her heart. After all, she is the blood of Guijia!" Mo Lang finally road.

"Let's arrange it like this! To find the real ghost master, you may have to rely on the power of the ghost family!" Qing Mozi smiled lightly, "Amu, if you practice for a thousand years, the ghost master must also find your own roots!"

That night, the stars were brilliant.

Liuzhen Wang's family, two people pointing the country.Outside the fairy burial snow-capped mountains, there is a lot of vitality.

(End of this chapter)

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