nine coffins

Chapter 920: One sword in the world, not in the eyes of Mo Lang!

Chapter 920 A sword that pours the world, does not enter the eyes of Mo Lang!

First snow, early morning.Beyond the mountain, Liuzhen.

There are several people standing beside the stone monument at the entrance of the town.A little snow falls on the shoulders, as if to say goodbye.

Wang Jue was dressed in black, and Qingmo was dressed in a green robe.Li Ruo stood silently behind Qing Mo.Shen Yan, on the other hand, showed the face of a supreme ghost, completely devoid of sadness or joy.

"Mo Lang, take care!" In the morning snow, Qing Mozi cupped his fists slightly at Mo Lang.

"Qingmo, the Three Realms are unpredictable, and the future is so difficult. Remember to be careful in everything!" Wang Jue said slowly.

"Don't worry, Mo Lang! That blue light will definitely illuminate the entire Tianzhou!" Qing Mozi smiled faintly, and looked up at the clear sky.

The blue devil is still calm and calm, and still arrogant.

Wang Jue nodded and smiled, then looked at Li Ruo and said, "Miss Li Ruo, if you want to stand next to Shenglian, your cultivation level is far from enough. Qing Mozi is amazing in the Three Realms, you can practice hard by his side!"

Li Ruo bowed and saluted: "Senior, don't worry, thank you for your guidance!"

"Shen Yan!" Wang Jue looked at Shen Yan again.

"The junior is here!" Shen Yan responded.

"You and Amu have a deep relationship! At this time, if you go back to the ghost's house, it's just a practice experience. If you want to go back to Liu Town, you can go back anytime!" The Wang family smiled, "You can enter the Wang family's door anytime!"

"Oh?" After hearing Wang Jue's words, Li Ruo couldn't help looking at Shen Yan, pursing her lips and smiling.

Wang Jue is Amu's master, and also Amu's closest relative in the Three Realms.You can enter the door of the Wang family at any time.This sentence, of course, has no deep meaning.

"Eh?" Shen Yan had the face of a supreme ghost, otherwise others would definitely see Qi Xiafei's cheeks.

"Thank you...Senior!" Shen Yan hurriedly responded, "It's just that if Amu breaks out of the cocoon in advance. I hope, the senior will tell me! I will come as soon as possible!"

"Haha!" Wang Jue couldn't help laughing loudly, "Don't worry! I probably don't need to tell you when the time comes. That brat doesn't care if I want someone, that's fine!"

Qing Mozi and Li Ruo both smiled.The supreme ghost face is really a good baby.Shen Yan blushed.However, even His Holiness couldn't see through that ghostly face.

Two jokes, diluted a little parting sentimental.

The snow is falling, and the coldness is gone.With one wave of Wang Jue's hand, there are thousands of restrictions.

Goodbye, endless splendor outside Liu Town.In the void, a broad road suddenly appeared.

This time, Amu didn't use the Magic Lang Order to open the way for several people.If Wang Jue hadn't opened the great ban on heaven and earth, even the green demon might not be able to get out.

Several people said goodbye again, and Qing Mozi, Li Ruo, and Shen Yan turned into three rays of light and left.

Wang Jue stood alone at the entrance of Liuzhen, looking up at the sky.

Shen Lang, Mo Lang, Wang Jue, the three immortals and demons, seem to be disillusioned at the mouth of Liuzhen Town.

The world is forbidden, gradually closed.

If you look at it from seven thousand miles away, there will always be endless white mist here.And monks who are not qualified enough can't go seven thousand miles away at all.

Qing Mozi and the others have long gone.

Wang Jue suddenly looked into the distance and smiled coldly.However, Wang never ran in that direction, but went straight to the depths of Xianbuying Snow Mountain.

Every day, he would take a look at the celestial girl Huanhua.At the same time, he is still practicing.

In the human coffin, the last soul attraction failed.Amu is still cultivating by transforming the soul of a dragon into his body.Before the time came, other trivial matters were not worth mentioning in the eyes of Wang Jue today.

At this time, seven thousand miles away, a middle-aged monk with flying long hair stood upright like a sword.That's exactly what Wang Jue looked at, and the person he saw.

The alluring sword god, with a graceful fairy appearance, is independent from the world.

Back then, Mo Lang roamed the Three Realms, powerful in the sea and wild, and undefeated Shura.However, in the Tianzhou Boundless Realm, he was defeated by the sword of the sword god Mu Qingcheng.

Even, that time, Mu Qingcheng could kill Mo Lang.However, Mu Qingcheng did not dare to act rashly due to his identity as the descendant of Canghai and the existence of the Eastern Emperor.

However, it was Mu Qingcheng's most proud fight in his life.

That battle once allowed Mu Qingcheng to advance to a breakthrough.

However, now that Mu Qingcheng is standing on the cloud, looking down at the layers of thick fog, his mood is slightly complicated.

With Mu Qingcheng's realm, he could perceive Liu Zhen's shadowy image, and even vaguely saw the ordinary old man in black standing at the entrance of the village.

However, Wang Jue turned around, ignoring Mu Qingcheng's existence at all.Following his footsteps, Wang Jue's mortal body gradually transformed into that of a demon man.

That kind of scene is quite amazing.The footsteps are light and the footprints are slight.At the same time, the back view of Mo Lang Wang Jue showed a kind of arrogance, a kind of disdain!
Mu Qingcheng narrowed her eyes slightly.His long hair fluttered gently.

The alluring sword god, stunning and stunning.Mu Qingcheng is naturally extremely proud.

At that moment, Mu Qingcheng raised her eyebrows slightly.Because, he thought Mo Lang's behavior was a kind of silent contempt and insult.

Mu Qingcheng's single hand lightly grasped the void.

A peerless sword light appeared directly in Mu Qingcheng's hands, like a god holding a lightning bolt.Mu Qingcheng held the lightsaber firmly with her slender fingers.

Allure Sword!The Mu family's first sword!The first sword in Tianzhou!
With a sword in hand, Mu Qingcheng's temperament is completely different.Any superior person has his own completely different aura.

If we only talk about swordsmanship, within the three realms, even counting the ancient venerables, Mu Qingcheng can definitely be ranked among the top three.

The sword light is invincible, peerless and charming.

That sword light is Mu Qingcheng's destiny!
The unity of human and sword was achieved by Mu Qingcheng tens of thousands of years ago.Today's Mu Qingcheng has already pursued the realm where everything is a sword and the meaning of the sword turns into nothingness.

Qingcheng Sword, there is no sword anymore.At this time, the lightsaber in his hand was completely a sword intent.

Alluring sword intent, Tianzhou is invincible.That was a sentence that Mu Qingcheng said after defeating Mo Lang back then.

At this moment, the corners of Mu Qingcheng's mouth curved slightly, and a sneer appeared.

At this moment, he was confident that he could surprise Mo Lang.The disappearing black figure would soon turn around and return, looking at him in surprise.

Immortals are buried in snow-capped mountains, boundless forbidden places.The vast white mist, the heaven and the earth are forbidden.Mu Qingcheng naturally knows the power of this restriction.

However, Mu Qingcheng chose to believe in her own sword.He wants to try his long-lost Allure Sword.

At this moment, sword intent surged in his heart, if the sword didn't come out, it would definitely hurt his state of mind.

The heart is surging, and the sword is proud.

Mu Qingcheng's whole body exuded a strange glow.Within thousands of miles, one can see Mu Qingcheng's peerless fairy posture.

It's a pity that there seems to be no audience in the vast fairy burial.

Raise your hand, sword out!
Long hair flying, clothes hunting.Mu Qingcheng's movements are very soothing and beautiful.

The void, the snow, is a beautiful picture!

At this moment, if someone is there, they will definitely admire the Qingcheng Sword, and it is definitely not in vain.

That sword light, like a dragon and a rainbow, pierced through the sky, traveled thousands of miles, and went straight to the direction of Liuzhen.

A sword that can break a city can break a world.

It was a sword that made the world feel sad.

"The Qingcheng sword is comparable to the King Mu sword, it really is not bad!"

At this time, far away in the void, there is a woman in green clothes holding an ancient umbrella and a gourd hanging on her waist.A pendant under her neck emitted endless Buddha light, covering all auras.

Everything about Xianbu Snow Mountain is in her eyes.

Mu Qingcheng, to be able to get a word of praise from her, can be said to have no regrets in her practice.

However, it was such a shocking sword that couldn't make Mo Lang, who was heading towards the depths of Xianbuying Snow Mountain, look back.

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a devil in the devil.

Mo Lang was indeed defeated by Qingcheng sword back then.However, the rotation of the Three Realms is not the past.

Now, Mu Qingcheng's sword may pierce the void, but it cannot enter Mo Lang's eyes!


That sword light went straight into the heaven and earth.

The white mist rises, thousands of rays of light startle up, and countless forbidden pictures fly into the sky!

(End of this chapter)

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