nine coffins

Chapter 921 The Great Realm!Who arranged it, the fate of the first generation of Canghai!

Chapter 921 Great Realm!Who arranged it, the fate of a hundred generations in the sea!
The sun is so bright that the forbidden pictures can block out the sun.In the Wanli area, Tianmang was startled.

Deep in the snowy ridge, Mo Lang's black robe was slightly swaying, and his steps were steady.On the snow, a string of footprints was extremely clear.

The Alluring Sword wants to break the Great Restriction of Heaven and Earth.

That sword intent can shock the Three Realms.However, when Jianguang went straight into the white mist, he was immediately trapped by thousands of forbidden pictures.That's like, the sky binds the dragon, and the mud locks the dragon.

Wang Jueban map, unique in the Three Realms.

Suddenly, Mu Qingcheng's expression changed.Because, he didn't expect that the Great Forbidden World would be so powerful?
The alluring sword light is like one's own life.

At that moment, Mu Qingcheng felt the sea of ​​pills was churning, and his breath was not smooth.The great ban on heaven and earth, although it only trapped the sword light.But Mu Qingcheng is also in the middle.

Endless coercion swept over, as if submerged into the sea.

With a thought in Mu Qingcheng's mind, the mysterious light all over her body was stronger than that of Fangcai, and the coercion was relieved a little.At the same time, the seal formula in his hand changed, and he directly controlled the sword light, charging outward.

In fact, at the level of Mu Qingcheng, there is no need to seal easily.With a thought, all dharmas have been born.However, if he doesn't move the magic formula at this time, Mu Qingcheng's natal life will definitely not be able to escape.

The vast void is like the sea.

The alluring sword light is like a tired dragon and a trapped beast, rushing from left to right.However, at a loss.

In the snowy ridge, Mo Lang didn't turn his head, it seemed that it had nothing to do with him.Indifferently, An Ran.

The sword that surpasses the world and the city, the king of fighting is absolutely forbidden.That is definitely a strange battle in the Three Realms!
In the corner of the void, the Buddha girl dispersed, quietly and independently, with endless admiration in her eyes.

Allure is peerless, worthy of its name.

If the opportunity exists, the sword god of the Mu family will definitely be able to embark on the road of being a sage in the future.It's just that fate is boundless, and I don't know if he has such a karma.

Moreover, today Mu Qingcheng met Cang Hai's No.90 ninth-generation heir.

Three lives of immortals and demons, one step at a time, No. 1 in eternity!
Today's Mo Lang, even before the ages, is an existence that disdains the Three Realms.Under one statue, above ten thousand immortals.What's more, in the Dharma-ending era, the Venerable has withered, leaving only remnants.

That peerless battle couldn't make Mo Lang turn around slightly.

The world-shocking sword light moved the world.The unrivaled wonders are actually just the background of Mo Lang's journey.

Great momentum, great realm, nothing more than that!
There was a trace of tenderness in Mo Lang's eyes, reflecting the majestic snow mountain.


Shocking noise!In the vast void, the clouds are dispelled like waves, just like the sky is opening.

The clouds dispersed, and he frowned slightly.Because, the endless aftermath has already affected the place where she is.

Initially, the black and yellow umbrella turned slightly.The aftermath of the shock dissipated in an instant.The cloud-scattered dress swayed slightly.

Goodbye, Mu Qingcheng in the distance suddenly flew upside down, turning into a ray of light.

At the same time, a line of blood spurted out.

Mu Qingcheng has disheveled long hair and a pale face.Dan's waves rolled and his breath was unstable.That sword light, in the end, did not break out of the great ban of heaven and earth, but was directly destroyed by the power of the forbidden map, and was destroyed between heaven and earth.

wow - wow -

Mu Qingcheng sprayed blood twice again, her cultivation base was greatly damaged, and her face was extremely ugly.

That can be regarded as Mu Qingcheng's first defeat since he was promoted to Eternal Realm.Sadly, the opponent didn't even look back.

"Cang Hai Mo Lang, I haven't seen you in ten thousand years, but he is so powerful!" Mu Qingcheng's mouth was bleeding, and his eyes were extremely unwilling.

At that moment, Mu Qingcheng's arrogance was almost driven into the mortal world.

At that moment, Mo Lang happened to be standing in front of the Snow Mountain Cave Mansion.

With a slight wave of his hand, the cave opened wide, and Mo Lang smiled.

"Mu Qingcheng, one defeat and one victory, the karma is over. Back then, you didn't kill me, and today, I won't kill you either! Go back to Qingcheng Mountain and devote yourself to it for thousands of years! If you have the chance, you may embark on the road of being a sage! "

Mo Lang didn't speak, just a sound transmission of divine thoughts, and then stepped lightly into the cave, from the beginning to the end, he didn't look back.

Mu Qingcheng had complicated expressions in her eyes.That unwillingness gradually turned into calm.Then, Mu Qingcheng slowly wiped away the blood from the corner of her mouth, and bowed deeply in the direction of Liu Zhen.

"Mo Lang, one day, I will come again!" Mu Qingcheng's figure gradually faded away.

The remaining clouds have cleared, and the world is still.

The Buddha girl scattered in the clouds, alone and independent.

"Canghai! You have changed the Three Realms!" Yun San looked down at Liu Zhen with a gentle smile on his lips.In Yunsan's watery eyes, the cocoon of black light in Wang's backyard was reflected.

"A branch of the sea, absolutely invincible!" With a movement of Yun San's green skirt, Void stepped lightly, and disappeared in one step.

The Immortal Burial Snow Mountain, the boundless forbidden land, finally regained its original calm.


Fuchen River, passing through Wuliang Mountain, is the totem of Tianzhou.A green peak on the river bank does not belong to the Wuliang Mountains.

White sackcloth, barefoot and long hair.

A man, as rich as jade, looks out quietly.

On Tianzhou, there are very few people who know the existence of this man.However, all monks who know of his existence are in awe of him.

Among them, there is Mu Qingcheng.

Although the number of times this man has left the Qingfeng can be counted on the fingers, for some people, the existence itself is an endless shock.

Infinite mountains, ups and downs.

The man in sackcloth had a calm expression, as if it had been like this for thousands of years.However, a strange color suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, a woman in green clothes appeared not far from him.

A look of surprise flashed in the eyes of the man in sackcloth.Because, I don't know how many years, absolutely no one can stand in front of him so easily.

This Qingfeng is his world.

Green clothes, ancient umbrellas, Buddha light, gourds.The man in sackcloth was shocked.

"Cang Hai Gu Liu, No. 90 Eight Generations!" Yun San looked at the man in sackcloth and smiled faintly, "Eastern Emperor Taiyi!"

The man in linen was startled for a moment, then calmed down immediately, and then gave a deep salute to Yun San.

"Junior Donghuang, I have seen the Green Soul Lord!"

Yun San shook his head when he heard this, and said with a wry smile: "East Emperor, my name is Yun San, and I am no longer a green soul, let alone a saint!"

Donghuang smiled and said: "The door of reincarnation has been opened for thousands of years, and the holy one has awakened. In fact, there is no need to cling to the name. It only takes time to cultivate the realm. Reincarnation, the recovery is just around the corner!"

"Oh?" Yun San nodded when he heard it, "The whole lineage of Canghai has unparalleled experience. The last three generations seem to have all the demeanor. The eighth generations of Canghai No. 90 really have extraordinary experience."

"Holy Venerable praise!" Donghuang smiled, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes.

"How many years have you been on this green peak!" Yun San asked.

"At least 10 years!" Donghuang said calmly, "Actually, I can't remember it myself!"

"Men from the sea!" Yun San smiled wryly, "They seem to be homeless! Women from the sea are the real guardians of the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms!"

"The man in the sea is indeed ashamed of the woman in the sea. However, I am the watcher!" Donghuang looked into the distance and smiled helplessly, "Shen Lang is the real wanderer! In fact, I just came from the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms. , It’s all here at the immeasurable green peak! Shenlang and Amu are the real surprises in the sea.”

Yun San smiled slightly.

"Donghuang, in fact, the distance in space is nothing to you. With your realm, you can return to the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms in one step!"

"Almost!" Donghuang smiled, "But——"

Donghuang's eyes instantly darkened.

"But, you can't reach the starting point of the floating dust!" Yun San said, "Maybe, you won't be able to wait for the person you want to wait for!"

The pain in the depths of Donghuang's eyes was fleeting, he looked at Fuchenhe, and then bowed deeply again to Yunsan: "Donghuang, please give advice!"

Yun San looked at Dong Huang and sighed.

"Donghuang, you should know that the Fuchen River has no starting point at all!"

Donghuang was silent.

"At the end of the floating dust is the river of forgetfulness, at the end of the river of forgetting is the black water, and at the end of the black water is the floating dust! It is the only existence that runs through the three realms, without beginning or end. Tell me, which is the starting point and which is the end point?"

"Holy One!" Donghuang said slowly, "There is a person, tell me that one day, she will return from the starting point of the floating dust!"

Yun San nodded and said with a smile, "I don't think she lied to you!"

"Holy One, have you ever been to the starting point of the floating dust?" Donghuang said.

"No!" Yun San said.

"What about Canghai Immortal?" Donghuang asked again.

"I don't know!" Yun San shook his head, and then looked at Donghuang with deep meaning, "Donghuang, you are the one who knows the existence of the sea best, right?"

Donghuang nodded.

"The Secret of Three Lives of the Immortal and Demon, and the Mo Lang Token, you passed it on to Mo Lang, right?" Yun San said.

"Yes!" Donghuang nodded, "That is the mission of Canghai No.90 Eighth Generation!"

"What is left in the sea?" Yun San calmly asked.

"No more!" Donghuang said, "Everything about me comes from my master, and then I passed it on to Mo Lang!"

"Passing down the fire from generation to generation! Canghai, is it you who arranged the fate of the hundred generations of inheritors of the ancient flow of the Canghai?" Yun San looked into the distance, his mind was at a loss.

The Fuchen River flows through the ages.It does not belong to any space.

(End of this chapter)

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