nine coffins

Chapter 922 Tianhu Xianzi, restore your peerless appearance!

Chapter 922 Tianhu Xianzi, restore your peerless appearance!
The sun rises and sets, and the time is silent.

The immeasurable mountain range stretches for thousands of miles.The gray mountain color is slightly dazzling.From a distance, it looks like a winding snow mountain.

Wuliang Mountain and Fuchen River are the eternal holy places and totems of Tianzhou.

The north and south of Tianzhou are bounded by the immeasurable mountains.Wuliang Mountain has a different meaning to Tianzhou.In the ancient times, in the Wuliang Mountains, many peerless powers were cultivated.

However, times have changed.

After countless tens of thousands of years, Wuliang Mountain is still the same, but the many great powers have long since disappeared.However, even so, there are still many hidden immortals in the Immeasurable Immortal Mountain.

However, there are absolutely no ordinary people who can travel in the Wuliang Mountain.

At this time, among the mountains, two people walked slowly.

One white and one black, a middle-aged monk and a young mortal.This is a seemingly strange combination.They are not others, but black and white impermanence from the Shura world.

700 years ago, they met Amu in Beichen City, Tianzhou.

Originally, they wanted to cooperate with Amu to find the Ghost Venerable, but Amu refused.Since then, the footprints of black and white impermanence have almost spread all over Tianzhou.

However, they haven't found the slightest clue of Ghost Venerable.

Finally, they stood among the boundless mountains.

Tianzhou Boundless Mountain is actually a strange existence to Black and White Impermanence.They define here as a place where they have to come.

Tens of thousands of years ago, they had never stepped into this holy land of Tianzhou.The entire immeasurable mountains give people a feeling of tranquility and mystery.

In 700 years, the realm of black and white impermanence has been restored again, but it has not yet entered the eternal realm, but Yuan Xianjiu has achieved great perfection.Therefore, in Wuliang Mountain, they were quite cautious when walking.

In Wuliang Mountain, there seems to be a rather mysterious force.The consciousness of impermanence in black and white cannot be scattered here.

Black and white are impermanent, and both of them frown slightly.

In terms of experience, they are definitely the top-level existences in the Three Realms.As for their understanding of Ghost Venerable, they believed that in the Three Realms, no one could surpass him except Shangxie.

However, the vast Tianzhou is fruitless.There are many methods, but no clue can be found.

"Thousands of years have passed! Brother, will the ghost master not be in Tianzhou anymore!" Hei Wuchang looked like a boy, but he was Mo Wuxin's body, but his tone was full of vicissitudes.

Bai Wuchang sighed, then shook his head.

"Junior brother, I have actually thought about this before. However, Mingzun's judgment should not be wrong. Haihuang once had the lineage of the ancient rivers of the sea. Shura has Shangxie and Mingzun. Among the three realms, the most carefree Yes, I am afraid it is the holy land of Tianzhou. If you want to indulge in wine and enjoy yourself, Tianzhou is indeed the first choice! And, don’t forget that ghosts can form their own small world.”

Hei Wuchang frowned.

"Senior Brother, Shang Xie is the Ghost Venerable, and has deceived the Three Realms. But, I still can't figure it out, why did the Ghost Venerable let Shang Xie replace him?"

"I can't figure it out either!" Bai Wuchang sighed, "You and I have followed Guizun for many years. The phrase 'I would rather have a beauty than a country' is by no means the whole of Guizun's temperament. On the contrary, everything that Shangxie did later was very It is in line with Gui Zun's ambition. Otherwise, how could he have deceived many venerables?"

Hei Wuchang sneered, and said: "But no matter what, Gui Zun is too unfeeling to you and my brother! Without Ming Zun, we will never see the light of day. I only hope to find him as soon as possible. Even if we can't, we have to borrow Revenge with the power of Hades."

Bai Wuchang nodded slowly, but said nothing.

Once, Black and White Wuchang really thought that he was the most trusted confidant around Gui Zun.However, Gui Zun sealed them with his own hands, and there was no reason.

For black and white impermanence, it is a bone-chilling pain.

Immeasurable and boundless, black and white impermanent, relatively silent.

In the boundless mountains that stretched for thousands of miles, the figures of the two people gradually disappeared.


The same time, the same Wuliang Mountain.However, that is the other side of the Wuliang Mountains, far away.

A man and a woman walk slowly.

The man was dressed in Tsing Yi, with a handsome face, a pair of sword eyebrows slanted into the temples, full of heroism.

The woman was dressed in a fiery red dress, her figure was exquisite and well-proportioned, but her face was covered with scars.The scars in patches seemed to be burnt by the fire, and they looked extremely hideous and terrifying.

Those scars have completely ruined the woman's appearance, but the woman's eyes are as quiet as water, charming and affectionate.

These two people, walking in the Wuliang Mountain, took every step extremely cautiously, and their steps were quite special, as if they were afraid of breaking any restrictions.

They are none other than Hu Qing and Yu Huo, the pair of sky foxes.

Back then, they worshiped Amu at the Brahma Temple in Haihuang, and then came to Tianzhou after they got the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons.However, they were not in a hurry to find the demon master and the demon coffin.

Over the years, they have been concentrating on restoring their true cultivation.

Thousands of years of death and life!
Hu Qing and Yuhuo used to be in the entire Tianhu clan, under one person and above ten thousand people.Tianhu Jiuzhuan, their husband and wife are different from those ancient powers preserved by the seal.

For them, Nine Revolutions is a kind of practice, a kind of training.Hu Qing and Yu Huo can completely restore their previous cultivation bases, and even go one step further.

The Wuliang Mountain Region used to be the domain of the Fox Clan.However, during the Three Realms War tens of thousands of years ago, the Yaozun Xueying mysteriously disappeared.The Yaozu was once involved in a chaotic war.

Hu Qing and Yuhuo were seriously injured, so they turned on the Nine Transformations of Tianhu to avoid catastrophe.

Since then, the Tianzhou Fox Clan has been in disarray, almost dying.

According to the calculations, it has been more than [-] years since Hu Qing and Yu Huo returned to Tianzhou.They have been hiding in the former site of the Wuliang Mountain Fox Clan.No bother, and no one can bother.

On this day, they finally left the customs.

For them, 700 years is just a moment.

After a few steps, the two finally walked out of the restricted area.Looking up from a distance, the gray and white Wuliang Mountains rise and fall.Two rounds of daylight, walking towards each other.

Once immeasurable, several times the sea.

Hu Qing took a deep breath.

"Strong! Immeasurable!"

Yu Huo, leaning gently on Hu Qing's side, has charming eyes.

"The beauty of the Three Realms is boundless!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.However, although their cultivation bases have almost recovered.However, the scar on Yuhuo's face could not fade away, instead it was a bit glaring.

Hu Qing looked at Yuhuo, and said softly: "Sister Huo, I once said that. One day, I will not only find Xueying and the coffin that belongs to us, but also restore your peerless appearance!"

Yuhuo nodded gently, but his eyes darkened.

"Brother Qing, don't forget that my face was injured by Tianyan! If I want to recover, I will be as powerful as ever!"

"It's all about man's effort, and the demon can conquer the sky!" Hu Qing smiled.At that moment, Hu Qing's smile was the real demeanor of Tianhu.Nine-turned celestial foxes, they have been silent for too many years.

"Brother Qing, where shall we go first?" Yuhuo asked.

"All the way to the north, Tianmu Grassland!" Hu Qing smiled.

Yuhuo was startled.

"Are we really going to get the ancient wood fairy vine? That's the totem treasure of the wood clan!"

"The totem treasure of the Mu clan?" The corners of Hu Qing's mouth slightly raised, and he sneered, "Shouldn't all spirits congratulate us when the sky fox returns? What are the totems of the Mu clan? All the spirit races will submit to you again. I will gather the spirits of the five races, take the water from the floating dust, and restore your peerless beauty!"

In Hu Qing's eyes, there was coldness, determination, and love.Yuhuo nodded with a gentle smile.

Which woman doesn't want her man to be like this?
Then, in Wuliang Mountain, two sky lights, one blue and one red, rose and went straight to the Tianmu Grassland.

(End of this chapter)

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