nine coffins

Chapter 924 One Buddha's name!all kinds of pain, all kinds of sadness

Chapter 924 A Buddha's name!all kinds of suffering, all kinds of sorrow

A sword clears the flow, desires blood.

In the Wuliang Mountain, blue light and red light suddenly collided.Immortal power surged like the sea and the sky.


Mushroom clouds, soaring into the sky.

In the depths of the Wuliang Mountains, there was a sudden shock.If it weren't for the presence of a sage-level restriction in Wuliang Xianshan, the consequences would be disastrous.

The blue light dissipated, and Yijian Qingliu suddenly returned to his hand.Xing Fei's white clothes swayed slightly, but his silver hair remained.

At this time, a peak was suspended in the void.Under that peak, the blood mist rises, the murderous intent is endless, but it is suppressed by the mountain air, the forbidden map, and the Buddha's will, and cannot escape.

If so, it unexpectedly took Xing Fei's sword abruptly just now.

"Blood-hungry Shura is here?" Xing Fei narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing his murderous aura.

"Amitabha——" the Buddha shadow on the top of Wuliang Mountain recited the Buddha's name loudly, "Sura, you have been under Wuliang Mountain for less than a thousand years, and you actually have the heart to protect me today. In this way, you will return to the Dao, and the years will be endless." Period! It’s just that your guide hasn’t arrived yet. Still, go back!”

Saying that, the Buddha shadow waved one hand, and an incomparably magnificent Buddha power directly covered it.

That peak came crashing down, and landed directly next to Wuliang First Peak.Shura, who wanted blood, restrained herself and gradually disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, with a wave of the Buddha's shadow, the mushroom cloud rising into the sky dissipated instantly.In Wuliang Mountain, everything returned to normal.

In Xing Fei's eyes, a bright light flashed.The power of that Buddha shadow far exceeded Xing Fei's imagination.

In fact, Xing Fei's sword was just a test.Based on Xing Fei's deduction, even if there was no Lust Blood Asura, that sword would definitely not be able to hurt that Buddha Shadow.

However, Xing Fei needs to use a sword to determine some things.It's just that the power displayed by the Buddha's shadow now exceeds Xing Fei's imagination.

"The blood-desiring Asura, the evil beast of the Three Realms, the master can seal it here and suppress it. This is the supreme merit of the Three Realms!" Xing Fei's tone was quite respectful, "I really admire you!

"How can you talk about supreme merit?" The Buddha's shadow seemed helpless, "Blood-hungry Asura, most of them have been sealed when they came to Tianzhou. Old Monk, it's just a little effort, and I'm doing my last bit of strength. But if it's based on this, Cang Hai It's a blessing that Bai Guang doesn't take into account the fact that the old monk has occupied the magpie's nest!"

"Hehe! Master is serious!" Xing Fei smiled lightly, "It was Xing Fei who was abrupt just now! Master's skill is unfathomable. Xing Fei strikes a stone with an egg."

As he said that, Xing Fei swung his hand with one hand, cleared the flow of the sword, and disappeared.

"Thank you!" The Buddha Shadow clasped his hands together and sighed, "In the Infinite Realm, there is such a place where I can stand, the remaining life of this old man is enough!"

The place where the cone stands?If so, the monks of the Three Realms would be speechless when they heard this sentence.The holy land of Tianzhou, the first peak of Wuliang Mountain, is actually a place where a cone stands?
That awl is big enough.

You know, for tens of thousands of years, there are only two or three people who are qualified to sit on the top of Wuliang Mountain.Among them, one is the former Canghai Immortal Venerable.

Xing Fei also gave a wry smile, but he was speechless for a while looking at the phantom.The look in Xing Fei's eyes was unpredictable, and he seemed to be making a difficult judgment.

In Xing Fei's eyes, it seemed that he wanted to reflect the depth of the Buddha's shadow.

On the top of the immeasurable mountain, there is a curved pool in which golden lotus blooms.Xing Fei knew that the curved pool was called the Infinite Holy Mirror.In the puddles, many worlds can be reflected, and disillusionment arises.

"Master, on the top of the immeasurable mountain, you can wait and see the Three Realms. So, has the master ever seen the shuttle of cause and effect?" Xing Fei pondered for a while, and asked slowly.

"Cause and effect?" The Buddha Shadow paused, as if hesitating, "The cause and effect of the three realms keeps changing. It is erratic, and there is no trace to be found!"

"Hehe!" Xing Fei said with a faint smile, "Master, you should understand what I'm asking? What I'm asking is not the three worlds of karma and nothingness, but the Dao karma roulette!"

"Amitabha——" the Buddha shadow recited the Buddha's name, and said for a while, "Actually, thousands of years ago, when I crossed my knees at this moment, the karma of reincarnation has disappeared!"

"What?" Xing Fei was startled, and then slowly said, "The karma roulette once sank under the immeasurable holy mirror, decorated with golden lotus. It can be seen that there are many karma, how could it disappear innocently?"

"Who can see clearly the many things in the Three Realms?" Foying sighed, "You should know that the cause and effect in the Three Realms are now in chaos! Someone has turned the karma wheel."

Xing Fei frowned, and said again: "It's better to ask the master to give me some advice!"

"Hehe!" The Buddha Shadow smiled wryly, "Punisher, if this old man can save people, why should he be here? I am here, nothing more than a walking corpse! Many things, I am also at a loss. The only way is to sit quietly and not make big mistakes!"

In Xing Fei's eyes, he was slightly puzzled.

"Master, within the Three Realms, with your realm, you are completely invincible. What are you afraid of?"

The Buddha Shadow shook his head.

"How about I compare with Canghai Immortal?"

"It's not as good as Xianzun!" Xing Fei said truthfully.

"That's it! If it is possible, I only hope that the roulette will never appear in this world! Then the Three Realms may be safe! There are many things you still don't know. Immortal, if you can't control the Three Realms, how can I control the universe? "

Xing Fei nodded, then frowned and asked: "Master, don't you dare to go out of Wuliang Mountain?"

"Amitabha!" A Buddha's cry, all kinds of suffering, thousands of kinds of sorrow.The Buddha shadow did not answer Xing Fei's question, and then fell silent.

Although he didn't answer, Xing Fei already had the answer in his heart.

At that moment, Xing Fei set off a shock wave in his heart.What kind of power is it that can make this Buddha shadow in front of you dare not go out of Wuliang Mountain?

How similar is that to Hades?However, now it seems that one cannot be released, and the other is not dared to.

In the immeasurable mountains, there are occasional breezes.The gray and white mountain color is unique to the Three Realms.If a piece of rock from Wuliang Mountain falls on Wuliang and Shura, it can become a great mountain.

Here, it is the most special existence of the Three Realms.The Holy Mountain of the Three Realms and the Immortal Isle of Worry, if compared with the Wuliang Mountain, they would be eclipsed.

However, what kind of power is it that makes this Buddha shadow in front of him not dare to take half a step out of Wuliang Mountain?

Xing Fei, no answer.It seems that the Buddha image will not speak either.

"Master! Above the venerable, can all dharmas be mastered?" Xing Fei sighed long and long as he looked at the illusory Buddha shadow.

"It can be said like this!" Foying nodded and said, "All dharmas go to one, and all roads lead to the same goal! Attaching to the true form is not the Buddha's heart!"

Xing Fei nodded, feeling ups and downs.

"Master, in the image of the holy mirror, you can see the reincarnation of the Canghai Immortal? Why did the Canghai Immortal fall?"

"Canghai Immortal? No one knows why he fell!" The Buddha Shadow shook his head and sighed, "I didn't see his reincarnation either. But, I expected that he would come to the Three Realms again by wishing! It seems that there are shadows of the sea everywhere!"

Xing Fei's cheeks were tense and he didn't speak.Because everything is still unanswered.

The Canghai Immortal Venerable fell without a name.In the past, he and Qing Mozi suspected each other, so they used different methods, one reincarnated, the other slept forever, and survived for tens of thousands of years.

However, now, both of them have fully awakened, but everything still can't be unraveled.

"How can we solve the worries of the master? How can we break the predicament of the Three Realms?" Xing Fei finally asked.

"Nine coffins in one!" Buddha Ying said slowly, "Time flows against the flow!"

"Nine coffins merge into one, and time goes against the flow!" Xing Fei nodded.Because this is also one of the trends of the Three Realms today.Amu, the two coffins are already in the body, and the other coffins may not be far away.

"Punisher, you haven't seen me!" Buddha Ying said slowly, "In Wuliang Mountain, if you meet miscellaneous people, let them melt into your white light!"

"Understood!" Xing Fei nodded solemnly, "Master, don't worry! One day, people who have been robbed for thousands of years will come here!"

"I hope so! Actually, I don't want to live!" Foying's voice was endlessly sad.

"Xing Fei, farewell...Master!" Xing Fei paused for words, then bowed respectfully and deeply to the Buddha shadow.This time, it was not instinct, but sincerity.

Immediately, the white light gradually faded, and Xing Fei disappeared endlessly.

The Buddha shadow sighed for a long time, and then faded away.In the end, there was a little red light.

The golden lotus swayed, and the holy water was silent.

In the immeasurable mountains, the people of the ages.It was a legend, but also a tragedy.

In the endless world, there are slight waves in the infinite holy mirror.

The years are turbulent, quietly silent.How many stories, annihilated in time, even without memory!
(End of this chapter)

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