nine coffins

Chapter 925 Sealed for ten thousand years, betrayed the heart of the ghost!

Chapter 925 Sealed for ten thousand years, betrayed the heart of the ghost!
In the boundless mountains, there is a long white light.

Black and white are impermanent, walking in it, like ghosts.Their steps are very slow, but in one step, they cover hundreds of miles.

The immeasurable mountains can be described as thousands of mountains and mountains.Two people, like two wandering souls, went straight to the depths of the mountain.One black and one white, like clear water and light ink, the back is the gray and white Wuliang Mountain.

For a while, it was quite natural and freehand, with a fairy-like appearance.

In ancient times, black and white were impermanent, and they were once under the venerable and above ten thousand people.Back then, they stood beside Guizun, pointing out the country, proud of the Three Realms.

However, cause and effect have changed, and everything is impermanent.Now, what they hate most in their hearts is the Ghost Venerable.

Sealed for tens of thousands of years, this hatred is endless.

In Wuliang Mountain, black and white impermanence has a special feeling, but it can't be explained clearly.In the depths of Wuliang Mountain, there seem to be thousands of calls.

Suddenly, Black and White Wuchang frowned at the same time.Because, a rather strange breath suddenly blocked the road ahead of them.The two brothers stopped their figures and couldn't help but look at each other.

In Wuliang Mountain, there are many ancient restrictions, but that aura is by no means the power of restriction, but a powerful aura.It was an extremely powerful monk's spirit.

"Yongjing?" Bai Wuchang's face was serious.Hei Wuchang was all over his body, his breath spread out, layers of black mist, like a soaring dragon.

Shura Xinghai, one of the three great immortal roots of the Three Realms.

The immortal perception of black impermanence is naturally better than white impermanence.At this time, his face was even more gloomy.Because, that is not only the Qi of Eternal Realm, but also the high level of Eternal Realm, which even exceeds the perception limit of Heiwuchang.

Is it the peak of eternity?
Goodbye to the front, the white light is faint.A figure appeared.

The white robe is better than the snow, and the silver hair is facing the wind.

Xing Fei, standing in the mid-air among the mountains, has an unrestrained fairy appearance and endless charm.In fact, this is the first time that Black and White Impermanence has seen Xing Fei in this life, and it is also the first time that Xing Fei has seen Black and White Impermanence after breaking the seal.

However, many people will not have the slightest sense of strangeness even if they meet for the first time.

Thousands of years ago, they had known each other for a long time.

Black and white are impermanent, the sea is white, they all come from the ages.They have a similar temperament, especially in this Wuliang Mountain.

This area, gray and white, seems to exist for them.The three of them looked at each other from a distance, like swordsmen who met unexpectedly but admired each other.

Time has never gone far, and the ancient time and space seem to reappear.

Black and white are impermanent, one black and one white, with a dark and ghostly atmosphere.Xing Fei with silver hair, emitting a faint white light, stood proudly.

"Black and white impermanence!" Xing Fei looked at the two with a slight smile on his lips.

"The sea is white!" A gleam flashed in Bai Wuchang's eyes.The black mist surrounding Hei Wuchang began to gradually recede, as if to form a barrier.

The different performances reflect the realm gap between them.To be honest, Black and White Impermanence never expected to meet someone like Xing Fei here.

"It's been a long time!" Xing Fei's expression remained unchanged, "I haven't seen you for thousands of years, and the two of you are safe? It's just that you can walk around at will in this immeasurable depth?"

"Hmph!" Bai Wuchang calmed down, and sneered, "Thousands of years have passed, and Canghai Xianzun is dead. This Wuliang Mountain is a sacred place passed down in ancient times, and it is not unique to Canghai."

"The immortal is not here, but the sky is still there!" Xing Fei also sneered, "This is definitely not a place where your wandering souls from the Asura world can enter!"

Black and white impermanence, eyes flickering.The immortal energy of the two of them began to disperse.

Yuan Xian Nine Great Consummation!
Black and white are impermanent, and they have not re-entered the eternal realm, but they still have the secret method of life and death.More importantly, they knew that today in Wuliang Mountain, they met the white light of the sea, and they had no choice but to fight to the death.

"I really want to know how you have survived until now? Since you are not dead, why don't you become your ancestors in the Asura Realm, and what are you doing in Tianzhou?" Xing Fei asked.

"Live till now? Hehe!" Hei Wuchang sneered endlessly, "Our brothers, but we survived the catastrophe, and survived until now!"

"The Ghost Venerable has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, leaving us with only a sliver of soul. Without the Underworld Venerable, we would never see the light of day again?" Bai Wuchang said.

"Ghost Venerable Seal?" Xing Fei couldn't help being slightly taken aback when he heard this.

"That's right! Hehe!" Bai Wuchang laughed at himself, "How sad it is to be sealed for life and death! If it were the sea, I'm afraid you wouldn't treat you Qingbaiguang like this?"

"Hahaha!" Hearing Bai Wuchang's words and seeing the resentment in Hei Wuchang's eyes, Xing Fei suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed.

Black and white are impermanent, with a puzzled look on his face, he couldn't understand why Xing Fei laughed so wildly for a while.

"Loyalty through life and death? You are so shameless, how ridiculous!" Xing Fei's face was slightly cold, "If Canghai Xianzun let my green and white light go out, we will not shine for a moment. Since you follow Xianzun, you will have no regrets or complaints .Many things, if you really trust, why bother for reasons?"

"For tens of thousands of years, our blue and white light has actually lived for the sea!" A kind of pride appeared on Xing Fei's face, a kind of pride belonging to the sea.

Because they once stood beside the most outstanding venerables in the Three Realms.

"Life is life, death is death! What else is there to say?" Xing Fei looked at Black and White Wuchang and sighed, "It's just a seal! You are not worthy to stand beside Ghost Venerable!"

Bai Wuchang remained silent, but Hei Wuchang snorted coldly, disapproving.

"Ridiculous! What's the matter, you must seal us? The world of Shura is all conquered by us following him!"

Xing Fei disdainfully said: "What's the matter? I just want to ask you two points. If you don't have the seal of the Ghost Venerable, would you have survived to this day? Also, if the Ghost Venerable wants to kill you, it's so easy, why do you need a seal?"

Hei Wuchang sneered disapprovingly, but he was speechless.Bai Wuchang sighed.In fact, they have also thought about the second point, but the weakness of life prevents them from being rational.

They would rather believe in themselves, because it is really too painful to seal for tens of thousands of years.

"The Canghai fell, but he didn't say anything, but Qingbaizhiguang never doubted everything about the Canghai Immortal. This is the difference between me and you!" Xing Fei's words were resounding.

Indeed, Qingbaiguang even doubted each other.However, they also firmly believe in everything in the sea.

"Hate Ghost Venerable, turn to Underworld Venerable. Black and white are impermanent, monks of my generation, regardless of position. Betrayers will always be shameless!" When Xing Fei said these words, his whole body was awe-inspiring.

A sword flowed out slowly.

Black and white are impermanent, with a calm expression.In Bai Wuchang's eyes, there was still shame, but in Hei Wuchang's eyes there was only anger.

"Winner or loser, I follow my heart! Black and white impermanence, if you ask yourself, you will never be ashamed of anyone in the three realms!" Hei Wuchang's voice was cold, but he had no regrets.

Bai Wuchang listened to Hei Wuchang's words, and his expression became firm.

Indeed, stand in their shoes.They are well-deserved!

"It's better to be sealed for ten thousand years than to die! You have betrayed the heart of the ghost!" Xing Fei's voice was low, and at the same time the sword shot.

"Today, I will let you all die with dignity! Presumably, Guizun will also fulfill his wish!"

A ray of sword light actually splits into two parts, going to black and white impermanence respectively.

The light of the sea was once invincible.In the Three Realms, except for Cang Hai, almost no one knew the specific origin of the two divine lights.

Awakened from reincarnation, Xing Fei today is comparable to back then.

Black and white impermanence seal awakening, how could it be Xing Fei's opponent?

However, Xing Fei promised them to let him die with dignity, so Xing Fei gave Black and White Wuchang a chance to make a move.

Black impermanence, Shura Xinghai scattered.

In the entire Wuliang Mountain, there is endless black mist, like a black hole, with thousands of visions in it.A black chain, rattling loudly, twisted like a dragon.

White impermanence, white robe flying.The abacus of life and death turns into a bright star.

At the same time, black and white impermanence formed seals with both hands.

That is a rather strange seal formula, and it is not the inheritance of Gui Zun's lineage.

In an instant, a magic talisman opened between the brows of Black and White Impermanence.It was a seal, a rune.Surging power surged out from the seal.

Nether Seal!

Black and white are impermanent, breaking through the original immortal nine levels in an instant, and crossing the eternal realm!Black and white light, straight into the sky!

Xing Fei, watching all this, sneered silently.Because, all of that cannot stop the white light from shining.

The moment the Nether Seal was opened, in another world, on the isolated white island, the long-haired man with his back to the world slowly opened his eyes.

A cold smile hung on the corner of his mouth!
(End of this chapter)

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