nine coffins

Chapter 926 The Way of the Venerable!Live up to the ghosts, thousands of years!

Chapter 926 The Way of the Venerable!Live up to the ghosts, thousands of years!

With one sword, the flow is clear, and the murderous intent is overwhelming.The seal of Mingzun rose into the sky.

At that moment, the two ancient treasures of black and white impermanence completely protected him.The black chain is circling, and the white beads are shining.The atmosphere of black and white, fused together.

A form of Tai Chi gradually emerged.Black and white are impermanent, each with a fish eye.

In the entire Wuliang Mountain, thousands of auras flow, as if they are all under the control of Yin and Yang.It has to be said that Black and White Impermanence, as a first-class monk in the Three Realms, is absolutely extraordinary.

This type of technique is enough to gain a foothold in the Three Realms.

At this time, relying on the magical seal of Hades.The realm of the two of them has directly risen to the third or fourth realm of eternity.Today, if their opponent is not Cang Hai Bai Guang Xing Fei, then they will definitely win.

It's just that the devil is one foot tall and one foot tall.

Reversal of cause and effect, black and white impermanence has long been the end of the world.In fact, the moment they stepped into Wuliang Mountain, or the moment they thought they were saved by Hades, their fate was already sealed.


Xing Fei's sword light is really like the sword of heaven's punishment.With just one sword, it penetrated the black and white impermanence Tai Chi defense.

It was as if a sword broke a world.

In an instant, Black and White Wuchang's expression changed.The sea of ​​white light is so powerful.The brothers, having opened the seal, fought against two with one move, and they were at an endless disadvantage with one move.


Xianli is rolling like a hurricane.The black chain broke immediately, and the white beads scattered like stars.

One Sword Clear Flow, one of the Three Great Immortal Swords of the Three Realms.Under the nine coffins, Zhu Bao was dejected.Hei Lian and Bai Zhu are not opponents at all.

The two celestial treasures were shattered, but the life of black and white impermanence was saved.In fact, it was also Xing Fei's sword that showed mercy.

Immortal energy exploded, peripheral vision flowed.

There are countless peaks around, rumbling and trembling.If not, the ancient prohibition here will shock everyone.Even so, there are also several peaks that roll down boulders.

However, once those boulders fall, they will be drawn into the air current and turn into white smoke.It can be said that this is a battle that has never happened in Wuliang Mountain since tens of thousands of years ago.

At this time, the Buddha shadow on the top of Wuliang Mountain that had disappeared gradually turned into an illusion again.Two lights of compassion, watching everything.

Silver-haired Xing Fei, with a calm expression, looked at the impermanence of black and white.At this time, as long as he is willing, he can kill two people with one sword.

White robe hunting, long hair facing the wind.

Everyone in the Canghai lineage seems to have this aura of looking down on the world.That is, a unique charm and feeling among the Three Realms.

"I'll give you two more chances to make a move. Let's show what you've learned in your life! Then, I will break your reincarnation. Except for me, reincarnation may be hard for you!" Xing Fei's tone was very ordinary.

Dominate life and death, but that's all.

At this moment, Black and White Impermanence was unable to speak.Xing Fei's coercion gradually dissipated, and they had no choice but to fight to the death.

At this time, black and white impermanence all have long hair hanging loose, and the immortal power has been exerted to the extreme all over the body.The magic weapon is gone, the only way is fairy art.

Undoubtedly, the once high-ranking Yongjing, once the highest follower around Gui Zun, Black and White Wuchang is still qualified to make two more moves in front of Xing Fei.

The two of them were hanging in the air like two black and white clouds, and the Tai Chi image just now had been scattered by Xing Fei's sword.

Goodbye to the impermanence of black and white, and seal at the same time.

One is the sky seal, and the other is the earth seal.The faces of the two brothers were a little hideous.Endless eerie aura rises behind them.


Jie Jie Jie-

Wronged souls cry, evil ghosts laugh.The immeasurable holy mountain was full of howling ghosts and howling wolves!At the same time, a red figure gradually floated behind the black and white impermanence.

He is slender and has a clear face.The red robe is like blood, holding a lamp in one hand.

That is not someone else, but the shadow of the real Ghost Venerable.Xiaoyao Guizun, I don't know how many people in the Three Realms envied him back then.Drinking and singing wildly, beautiful women are like clouds.

Gui Zun is a different kind of prodigal son among the venerables, but no one will question the power and cultivation of Gui Zun.

A drop of wine can melt thousands of seas; a single force can destroy thousands of mountains.It's just that not many people have seen the Ghost Venerable kill them.The vast majority of people who have seen the red-robed and spear-speared Ghost Venerable are actually demons.

However, Black and White Wuchang once followed the real Guizun.Now, all of them have formed seals and sacrificed this technique, which is the true transmission of Gui Zun.

Within the Three Realms, those who can cast the shadow of a ghost master are not counted as black and white impermanence, and only one person is Shangxie.Even today's Shen Yan cannot possess this technique.

As soon as the shadow of the Ghost Venerable came out, the entire Wuliang Mountain was darkened.

Xing Fei looked at the shadow of the Ghost Venerable with a complicated expression, and then sighed coldly.

"Black and white are impermanent, this is really a great irony! You came here to find the Ghost Venerable for Mingzun, and you have endless hatred for the Ghost Venerable. But now you have to rely on the shadow of the Ghost Venerable to save your life? Really, the desolate Three Realms are People's hearts!"

Black and white impermanence, speechless.

At this moment, they have completely entered an instinctive fighting state.Xing Fei let them die with dignity, and gave them two chances to shoot.

However, they are absolutely not prepared for the third move, because it doesn't make any sense to keep anything now.


Whether it was tens of thousands of years ago or tens of thousands of years later, the Ghost Venerable was their last refuge.That way of summoning the Ghost Venerable is the highest profound meaning of their technique, and it is also the last essence of their cultivation.

As Xing Fei said, this is a great irony, but also a kind of sadness.

Thousands of ghosts, one ghost.In the black mist, red light soared into the sky.

Ghost Venerable didn't say a word, with his own power.At that moment, Xing Fei's sky was a little dim.Fortunately, this is the shadow of a ghost master. If the ghost master came in person, Xing Fei would also be defeated.

"Kill!" Black and white impermanence, with long hair flying around, drinking violently at the same time.That was the last spell in their lives.

The black and red light, the torrent of heaven and earth, went straight to Xingfei.At that moment, it was like black water forgetting the river, rushing down from the sky, roaring in the boundless mountains, drowning all living beings, unstoppable.

However, Xing Fei looked calm, white-clothed and silver-haired, as chic as ever.A sword was clear, hanging above his head.In fact, everything, only in an instant.

However, Xing Fei stood still, frozen like a mountain.Time seemed to stand still for a short time.

Xing Fei sighed softly, he knew that there was no need for a third move.Black and white are impermanent, this move is ready to burn life.

"Sky light! The three realms shine!"

Xing Fei gave a soft drink.There is no seal, but thousands of brilliance radiate from the whole body in an instant.At that moment, in the entire Wuliang Mountain, the white light was dazzling, illuminating everything.

In an instant, the two rounds of daylight in the sky will also be eclipsed.

Xing Fei, like a sun, melts everything.


Has anyone heard the sound of light?Who has rubbed shoulders with the scorching sun.Black and white impermanence, at the end of life, but felt this kind of shock.

The light is like the wind, you can't open your eyes.The endless coercion melted their souls.That is a hundred times stronger than the power of Tianzhou's infinite furnace.

The breath of death, black and white impermanence is extremely familiar.Only, this time it's them.

The soul gradually dispersed!

In a trance, Black and White Wuchang felt that he had returned to the state of being sealed in Wanghun Ancient House.There is no sun, no light forever.

Those tens of thousands of years were the most tormented days in the life of black and white impermanence.The great power of the Three Realms, even though he is extremely xinxing, is also hopelessly hopeless.

The suffering of black and white impermanence, only the brothers themselves know.The moment when Mingzun rescued them, maybe only a little bit, they disappeared forever.

Black and white impermanence always thought that Hades rescued them.

Xing Fei's sky shines brightly, instantly breaking the magic of black and white impermanence.At this time, Black and White Wuchang felt the same as when Mingzun rescued them.

Death is just a hair's breadth away.Soul, only a little left.There is only a trace of divine sense.

However, at this most desperate moment.In the last ray of soul in Black and White Impermanence, endless red light suddenly shines.The red light was like a flame, like the rising sun.

That ray of light of life, that is a power of rebirth, and even that is a power that can make black and white impermanent, and embark on the road of the venerable!

Break out of the cocoon and turn into a butterfly, reborn from the ashes!
Sealed for tens of thousands of years and put to death, it is actually to achieve the road of the venerable who is black and white!
At that moment, Xing Fei saw everything and was completely stunned on the spot.

At the same time, at that moment, Black and White Impermanence also sensed everything.

However, it was too late.What they see now is just an illusion.All of that is already impossible to come true.Mingzun, ruined all of this.In other words, black and white impermanence ruined all of this by itself!
Karma countercurrent is definitely not human.

The layout of Gui Zun is invincible!

"I've lost the ghost for thousands of years—" Bai Wuchang cried out life and death at the last moment.However, everything cannot be recalled.

Everything in the end disappeared in the sky and time.

The coming and going of life is so simple, but how bizarre is the process?Black and white are impermanent, and it is not until the end of death that one understands the meaning of those tens of thousands of years.

Xing Fei shook his head, everything can only be turned into a long sigh.


A Buddha's name, with thousands of sympathies, reverberates endlessly in Wuliang Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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