nine coffins

Chapter 927 I have no regrets!Tianhu returns, blood stains Tianmu

Chapter 927 I have no regrets!Tianhu returns, blood stains Tianmu

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To the north of Wuliang Mountain is the Tianmu Grassland.

In fact, from the perspective of the division of the entire Tiannan Tianbei region, the Tianmu Grassland should belong to the Tianzhou Northern Territory.However, because of its particularity, Tianzhou people prefer to treat it as a single region.

In the ancient days of Tianzhou, there was a lineage of the Spirit Race.After endless years, the big waves wash away the sand, and finally the five spirit clans--fox, water, wood, feather, and witch--are the core.

Each ethnic group has its own style and strengths.Among them, the fox clan is stunning and beautiful, so it is the leader.Tianhu Xueying even embarked on the path of being a venerable, and that is also the last venerable of the Tianzhou Spirit Clan.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the Three Realms fought.Although the mainland of Tianzhou was not completely involved in the flames of war, the spirit clan of Tianzhou was deeply involved in it because of the demon venerable, unable to extricate themselves.

The Fox Clan of Tianzhou has been in a slump since then, and the inheritance is almost cut off.

The Tianzhou Spirit Race is dead but not stiff.Today, after tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the Tianmu Grassland has returned to its former grandeur.It's just that, among the four spirit clans of water, wood, feather, and witch, the dragons have no leader, and they act independently, seemingly in harmony with each other.

Just because Tianzhou is stable and there are no worries everywhere, so Tianmu Grassland is also safe and peaceful.

A few months ago, the Tianzhou Wood Clan spread the invitations widely, inviting all the bloodlines, human beings and spirits.The reason is that the inheritors of the Mu clan want to marry Mozi.

The Marriage between the Wood Clan and the Demon is definitely news that shocked Tianzhou.In the north and south of Tianzhou, each school has its own interpretation of this.

For a time, the love of demons became a hot topic in Tianzhou.Many forces began to follow suit.

Tianmu grassland is vast and endless.
The entire Tianmu grassland is dominated by plains, with few mountains, and there are thousands of miles of primitive dense forests.The Fuchen River flows through from south to north.

Back then, the Fox clan ruled Tianmu. There used to be a high mountain named Tianhu Peak.However, later this Tianhu Peak disappeared with the inexplicable disappearance of Yaozun Xueying.

Today, the four major spiritual races each occupy one side of the Tianmu grassland.

The Yu family is in the south, close to the Wuliang Mountains.The Mu clan is in the north, backed by the northern region of Tianzhou.The Shui people live in the east, facing the Fuchen River.The Wu clan is in the west, based on the ancient dense forest.

For tens of thousands of years, the four major spirit clans have developed independently, but no one can replicate the glory of the fox clan in the past.None of the four major spirit clans can suppress the other three clans and become the overlord of Tianmu.

And the leader of the spirit clan is what the four spirit clans all want to do.The marriage between the wood clan and the demon will naturally touch the sensitive nerves of the other three clans.Moreover, it is even more interesting that the Mu family is acting so high-profile.

For several months, the Tianmu Grassland seemed to be calm, but in reality it was undercurrent.


Tianmu Grassland, Guteng City.This is the territory of the Mu clan.Guteng City is called a city, but it is not a city in the traditional sense.This is only a part of the grassland, where the core of the Mu clan is.

Dense mist, like a fairy tent.There are countless gray and white stone buildings, some soaring into the sky, and some are small.High and low, uneven and scattered.Looking from a distance, they are connected together,
These stone buildings contain many restrictions, but each is a cave.The people of the Mu clan practice their own practice.

And in the middle of the entire Guteng City, there is a green light soaring into the sky, like a pillar of the sky, the height does not reach the top.That is a fairy vine.

That fairy vine has survived for tens of thousands of years.

There was a legend that what the fairy vines entwined was a ten thousand year old tree, and the wood and vines had long been integrated into one.So this vine was named Gumuxianvine.

It is said that in the most distant era, there were ancient spiritual clans who practiced cross-legged on the fairy vine.

And this Eternal Immortal Vine did indeed gather the aura of the Heavenly Continent.I don't know how many people of the Mu tribe practice according to it.The ancient wood fairy vine is the totem of the Mu people.

At this time, the sky is about to be dusk.Two rounds of red sun sink from east to west, and the entire Tianmu grassland is mysterious and beautiful.

In a corner of Guteng City, there is an exquisite white stone house.

In the meantime, a beautiful man in white sat cross-legged.That was none other than Mo Zi Xiao Luo.And in front of him, sat a one-armed scribe in Tsing Yi, naturally Wen Qu Xingjun Wen Muran.

"Sir, there are still seven days to the wedding!" Xiao Luo said lightly.

"En!" Wen Muran nodded, "Your Highness, everything is ready. It can be said that everything is ready, and the only thing I owe is Dongfeng!"

"The other three big demon clans will all come!" Xiao Luo's mouth curved.

"The love of monsters, Tianzhou pays attention. This marriage is enough to change the pattern of Tianmu, how can they miss it? In our eyes, the status of the overlord of Tianmu, although it is just a cloud, but it is definitely the wish of all the monsters!" Wen Muran sneered.

"How about Mu's house in Tianbei?"

"Everything is safe, the ore lifeline of the entire Tianbei is firmly in the hands of the Mu family. With the Mu family turning their hands, the entire Tianbei can be overthrown, and the souls of Tianbei can be gathered at any time!" Wen Muran said.

"Hehe!" Xiao Luo smiled faintly, "If it becomes an adult coffin, the Mu family's contribution will be indispensable! However, what the Mu family wants seems to be quite lofty."

"It's indeed quite lofty!" Wen Muran smiled coldly.Because, if they guessed that the Mu family's thinking was correct, then in his opinion, it was a dream and out of reach.

At the same time, outside Guteng City, there was another stone building.

Wu'er, the plum blossom spirit, is standing on the stone building, looking at the dusk on the grassland.In the dusk of Tianzhou, two rounds of red suns reflect each other.The sunset on the grassland is especially intoxicating.

Wu'er, still dressed in a blue dress, was still cool and gorgeous.However, today's Tianzhou Wu'er is already different from that of Haihuang Shura.

Wu'er is of the blood of Tianzhou and bears three souls.It's a pity that her first soul was destroyed during the chaos of the Sea Desolation and Heavenly Girl.The second soul died on the night of Shura's blood moon battle.

Tianzhou Wu'er is her third soul.But now, her identity is the only successor of the king of the Mu clan.

Wu'er's realm is naturally not what it used to be, it is already the third realm of the original immortal.

Life turns around, love doesn't go away.

No matter which soul, Xiao Luo's position in Wu'er's heart has never changed.Asura Realm, she said before she died - I am in reincarnation, waiting for you to marry me!
It is a life waiting.

Now, there are still seven days before the wedding, and a red cloud faintly floats on the cheek of the plum blossom elf.Because her heart is filled with endless happiness.

The plum blossom spirit has a strange fragrance and is surrounded by petals.On the stone tower, the five children stand gracefully, which is a scene of Tianmu.

At this moment, a figure appeared faintly beside Wu'er.Dressed in white, with evil and charming white eyebrows, that is Lian Zhen Xingjun.

"Father!" Wu'er looked at Lian Zhen and called softly.

Lian Zhen nodded with a smile, and said, "Wu'er, Your Highness asked me to come and see you! Anything else, do you need to prepare?"

"Yeah!" Wu'er nodded with a smile, "Everything is fine. Tell him, don't worry about it!"

Lian Zhen nodded, looked at the setting sun and then at her daughter, her expression was slightly complicated.

"Devil's Love! Wu'er, don't you have any worries in your heart?"

Wu'er shook his head and said with a faint smile: "Father, you should understand. It is my lifelong wish to marry Xiao Luo! If this wish can come true, what else is there to worry about? Where does the worry come from?"

Lian Zhen smiled wryly, but didn't say anything more.Because the same was true for Wu'er's mother back then.

"Wu'er, many things are fate! All the stars will fall, but they will still gather around the devil. No matter what, as long as you are like your mother, you will have no regrets!"

Wu'er turned his head and looked at his father seriously, his eyes were as clear as the stars at night.

"Father, I understand! Don't worry, Wu'er will have no regrets!"

Lian Zhenxing Jun looked at his daughter, sighed, then nodded in relief, and then gradually disappeared into nothingness.

The setting sun in the sky is like blood.Ancient vines and green awns, like monuments.

Tianmu Grassland, Guteng City.At night, it was extremely quiet.

However, at this time, two figures, one green and one red, were already on the outskirts of the Tianmu Grassland.Hu Qing, Yuhuo is stepping into Guteng City step by step.

When Tianhu returns, whoever refuses to surrender will bloody Tianmu! (The novel "Nine Coffins" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
 Sorry everyone!In the past two days, my son has been ill, with repeated high fevers of over 39 degrees, and the drip does not improve significantly.Been taking care of him!I don't have the time or the mood to write a book.It hasn't been updated for two days, and that's all for today.Please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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