nine coffins

Chapter 928 Seven years!Out of the cocoon, the demon body is complete!

Chapter 928 Seven years!Out of the cocoon, the demon body is complete!
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Two setting suns fell into the sky like fire.

The two sky foxes Hu Qing and Yuhuo didn't control the wind, nor did they use any spells.The two of them, like ordinary people, walked towards the Guteng City of the Mu Clan step by step.

The Tianmu Grassland is the birthplace of the Tianzhou Spirit Race.Tens of thousands of years ago, Hu Qing and Yu Huo knew everything about Tianmu Grassland like the back of their hands.

"Brother Qing, this place seemed to be a wilderness back then! I remember that when we were not in human form, we used to run freely here! At that time, Xueying was just a white fox with a new spiritual consciousness."

Yuhuo looked in the direction of Guteng City from afar, sighing deeply.

Hu Qing looked at the ancient vine city with cold eyes, and his eyes stayed more on the ancient wood immortal vine with green glow.Perhaps men are always more rational than women.

"That's right! However, the past is like smoke!" Hu Qing didn't have much emotion in his eyes, "Now, this is the ancient vine city of the Mu clan! And what we want is that eternal vine, and then restore your appearance. In the end, we are going to find Xueying, to find our coffin!"

"Seven days later, it will be the wedding of the Plum Blossom Fairy and the Devil." Yu Huo looked at Hu Qing, as if wanting to remind him of something.

"The love of monsters!" A cold light flashed in Hu Qing's eyes, "The snow shadow of the demon master is a lesson learned from the past! The ancient Mu clan didn't take it as a warning? This is against the destiny! The Tianzhou spirit clan is really a comparison A sorrow!"

Yuhuo said nothing, she understood that Ya'er's choice back then had always been a pain in Hu Qing's heart.Even though Hu Qing has given Amu his priority, he still can't understand Ya'er's choice.

Yuhuo, on the other hand, understands Ya'er a little bit.

The love of demons is now the love of demons.For Hu Qing, the supreme power of the spirit race tens of thousands of years ago, he really didn't want to accept it.

"In seven days, all the spirit races on Tianzhou will know that the sky fox has returned!" Hu Qing smiled coldly, "The ninth day of September is a good day! It will be the death day of many spirit races!"

Hu Qing didn't say anything, Yu Huo sighed softly.Then, the two went straight into Guteng City.Now, in Guteng City, except for Xiao Luo's lineage, no one knows these two ancient peerless sky foxes.

And Xiao Luo would definitely choose to remain silent!


In the north of the sky, immortals are buried in snow-capped mountains.Liuzhen, the old residence of the Wang family.

At sunset, two rays of setting sun intersect.Wang Jue in black, dragging two long shadows behind him, walked slowly back from the depths of the Xianbuying Snow Mountain.

This is an ordinary sunset.

For 700 years, Liuzhen has been the same as before.However, Liu Zhen is actually slowly maturing.Today's Tianzhou Willow Town is no different from Shura and Haihuang Willow Town.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine townspeople have exactly the same layout.

It's just that Wang Jue returned a little earlier that day.

The backyard of the Wang family is surrounded by black awns, which has remained the same for 700 years.

However, when he pushed open the door of the house, Wang Jue couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.Because, at that moment, there was a slight change in the black cocoon light in the Wang family's backyard.

"Could it be that he will break out of the cocoon in 700 years?" This is 300 years earlier than Wang Jue expected.

Open the door, close the door.Then, Wang Jue took one step and stood directly in the backyard.At this time, the color of the black glow began to gradually fade.

The Dragon Whip of Canghai Town contains nine hundred and ninety-nine ancient dragon souls subdued by Canghai.

Wrapped in dragon air, it turns into a cocoon. 700 years of practice, this is Amu's longest practice after 5000 years of practice at the bottom of the Forgotten River in the Asura Realm.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon souls completely entered the body.Then Amu's realm will advance by leaps and bounds to a higher level.

Standing in the backyard, Wang Jue squinted at the gradually fading black cocoon, and sighed slightly in his heart.The person who has been robbed for thousands of years is really extraordinary.

In terms of talent, Wang Jue believes that no one can surpass him in the first 99 generations of the sea.

Practicing the Three Lives Art of Immortals and Demons, Wang Jue stepped into the realm of half-lord after only 10 years in the Three Realms.This point is enough to disdain the Three Realms.

However, Wang Jue is only inheriting the past and enlightening the latter.In front of Amu, Wang Jue also sighed.Amu's speed is definitely No.1 in the Three Realms.He also couldn't see Amu's fate clearly.

"Canghai Immortal, did you really arrange everything?" Wang Jue looked up at the sky and asked in his heart.

The sea has been going on for a hundred generations, and there are shadows of the sea everywhere.The cause and effect of the Three Realms Chess Game seems to be unable to get rid of everything in the sea.

As the sun sets, the sea of ​​stars gradually emerges.

The light of the black cocoon is still converging.The refining of the dragon soul has entered the final stage.

That night, Wang never walked out of the backyard, but fortunately, he crossed his legs directly here.Three clusters of bright lights faintly floated in three directions above Amu's head.

Those are the three peerless souls.

Shenlang, Molang, and Wang Jue are trinity, and they are protecting Amu in the final stage of cultivation.

The sky is covered with stars, and the night is deep.The night in Liuzhen was still peaceful.Time is like water, flowing little by little.

700 years ago, Amu was locked up by Wang Jue with a peerless secret method.Inside the black cocoon, it almost became a world by itself.Amu crossed his legs inside, his mind is clear, but he cannot communicate with the outside world.

The dragon soul enters the body and emerges from the cocoon!That was the last message from Master that Amu received.

For 700 years, Amu practiced non-stop day and night.

After repairing the magic coffin, Amu stayed briefly in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms for decades.Amu, although Yuan Xianyi has reached the great consummation, but due to his own realm, he still lacks the ability to control the magic coffin.

With the coffins of gods and demons in the body, it is like two treasures.In fact, as long as one of them is excavated, Amu can achieve a qualitative leap.

For 700 years, the heart is like still water. 700 years, calm like a wave.This can be said to be the most peaceful 700 years since Amu practiced.

Because, he knew that he was in Liu Town of Tianzhou.

Outside of this small world, there is an extremely powerful master sitting in the town, absolutely safe.Master Wang Jue will arrange everything.All he needs to do is practice, as long as the dragon soul enters his body, he can break out of the cocoon.

For monks, realm is life.

The Vicissitudes of the Seas Jue is endless.Within the Danhai, green awns cover the sea.Whether it's the devil's energy from the magic coffin, or the Buddha's energy from the Kuhai Buddha Lamp, they are all transformed into green lights.

Inside the black cocoon, Amu has long forgotten the time, but those dragon souls can only linger outside the body.Amu could clearly perceive the existence of those dragon souls, but he couldn't take them into the sea.

I don't know how many years have passed, I don't know how many Sundays have passed.

Amu just felt that his Danhai was gradually filled with shocking power.It seems that one day the waves will be high and the world will be tsunami.

For 700 years, it was a feeling that Amu was familiar with but strange.

It was the dawn before dawn!That is a prelude to promotion!

Suddenly, at this moment, a dragon soul roared straight into the Amudan Sea!

At that moment, it was like a shooting star in the dark night.Although not enough to light up the night, everything began to change at that moment.

The sea of ​​pills is churning, and the immortal power is endless.A dragon soul, like a fuse, ignited everything.

Amu's heart was surging endlessly.

A dragon soul, a shooting star.

Instantly, one, two, three...

Ten Ways, Hundred Ways...

Intertwined like a net, Danhai forms its own sky.


Amu's pill sea is like a volcano that has been dormant for tens of thousands of years.Endless power is erupting, roaring, and merging.

The magic coffin is shining, and the dragon soul returns to its body!
Nine hundred and ninety dragon souls flew into the Dan Sea one after another.Road after roar, as if from ancient times.

At that moment, Amu's strength rose sharply.

The second level of the original immortal, the third level of the original immortal, the fourth level of the original immortal...

There seems to be a distant door in Amu's Danhai.That door, in a trance, seems to exist or not.In the long darkness, no one knows where the door leads to.

However, at this time, the door opened a gap.

A ray of sky light, a ray of black light, and a proud black figure with long hair.That figure turned its back to Amu.

Amu, I don't know who that is!
Endless power poured into Amu's limbs and bones.Nine hundred and ninety-nine dragon souls were completely integrated into Amu's body.That was the last time for Amu to sacrifice his body.

"Crossing the long sword, singing on the snow, the eternity, the flick of the fingers hurriedly pass by! Let the world grow old, with a beautiful face and white hair, who can know me? The world of mortals has a limitless time, who is a fairy? Who is a demon?——"

That long-haired figure actually sang the song of separation and hatred.


The sky light exploded, and in Amudan Sea, there was a strange light, like a roulette wheel.Endless black lights scattered into the sky, bathing Amu's body.

In the backyard of the Wang family, the stars fell like rain.

Dressed in a black robe, surrounded by dragon light.

Tianzhou Liu Town, 700 years later, Amu broke through the cocoon and soared to the sky!The body of the Demon Lord is truly finally consummated! (The novel "Nine Coffins" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there will also be a 100% lucky draw gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the "+" sign on the top right "add friend", search the official account "qdread" and pay attention, hurry up!)
 My son's fever finally subsided!Thank you for your concern, there are still 60 days left, and I will graduate from the third year of high school!I try to update as often as possible.Let me emphasize again, it will never be a eunuch, nor will it be unfinished!Don't worry!

(End of this chapter)

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