nine coffins

Chapter 929 Flame of the Phoenix, Endless Green Mountain

Chapter 929 Flame of the Phoenix, Endless Green Mountain

Immortals are buried in snow-capped mountains, the backyard of the Wang family.A black awn shot up to the sky.

Yuan Xian Jiuzhong!

When the dragon soul entered the body, the demon body was actually complete.At that moment, Amu was wearing a black robe with flying long hair.Countless phantoms of dragon souls lingered around his body.

If you only look at the back view, Amu at this time and the black shadow he saw just now are like the same person.

Wang Jue narrowed his eyes, and the improvement of Amu's realm even exceeded his expectations.Yuan Xian Jiuzhong, this is Mo Lang's cultivation level when he was in the Three Realms.

However, Wang Jue had practiced for 7 years.Amu's path is definitely not something that other monks can copy.

The body is refined by the secret method, and the dragon soul enters the body.In fact, Wang Jue knew that this would unlock part of the power of the coffin and infuse Amu's body.However, Yuan Xian Jiuzhong was something that Wang never thought of.

Moreover, the demonic energy was so strong at that moment, it was beyond Wang Jue's expectation.

On Amu, there is a secret that the king can never see through.


At the same time, in the depths of the Three Realms at that moment, two mysterious dialogues resounded again.

"Immortal Burial Snow Mountain, Tianzhou Liu Town has changed!"

"Hmm! Just now, there seems to be a force of hatred emerging."

"The person who has been robbed for thousands of years has become the body of the demon king! It's incredible!"

"Rolling in the world of mortals, who is an immortal? Who is a demon? The descendant of the sea has become the body of a demon!" A man sighed long, "What did the sea leave behind?"

"The Eternal World, its No.90 eighth generation is persistent and sticks to it, and it is already demonic. No.90 Ninth generation, three reincarnations have achieved the trinity of immortals, demons, and mortals. The current state may be comparable to you and me. Now, the hundredth generation It seems reasonable for the person who should be robbed to become a Demon Lord!" It was a woman's voice.

"The sea, wisdom is like the sea. But—" the man's voice paused slightly.

"But, we can't let the magic run wild, can we? That way, Lihen is likely to be reborn and awakened!" the woman said.

"That's right!" The man said in a low voice, "You know, Lihen is also immortal and can be everywhere!"

"However, all of this may be the result of the sea!" the woman said.

"The chess game is complicated and confusing! If, before Cang Hai died, he really turned the roulette wheel of karma. I'm afraid that after tens of thousands of years of changes, everything today is not what Cang Hai intended!" the man said.

"You mean—" the woman paused, her voice a little surprised, "Lihen may use the vicissitudes of life to revive his soul with a dead body!"

"The Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, seal the demon body! If it has been impregnated with demonism for tens of thousands of years, it is not impossible!" The man said slowly, "The wisdom of Lihen can't go far into the ocean!"

The woman was speechless, because this worry was not unreasonable.

"Of course! This is just my worst guess—" The man gave a wry smile. "If it is the layout of Cang Hai, it shouldn't be like this! However, now that all parties are changing, we may no longer be able to wait and see in peace!"

"Thousands of years, you and I exist! Is it just to wait and see? One day, after thousands of years, everything should be understood!" The woman's voice was faint.

Deep in the Three Realms, unknowable.The two figures stood up gently.

For tens of thousands of years, they basically did not move.

At this time, if someone can see their existence, then they will see that they are two flames, and there is no human form at all.Those are two groups of flames that can illuminate the three worlds.

Tens of thousands of years have been bathed in fire, and when you get up, you seem to be reborn.

Two phoenix cries resounded throughout the Three Realms.In the post-Honor era, Xuantian and Xingchen can be said to be invincible in the three realms.That is true invincibility!

However, there are very few people who can see and hear everything.


In the immeasurable sky of Tianzhou, there is a green mountain in the void of an unknown height.The world is surrounded by mist and mist, and the spirit of immortality is boundless.There are mountains under the green hills, and there are mountains above the green hills.

In the vast void, mountains and mountains are superimposed, like a ladder to the sky.That is definitely a strange holy place in the Three Realms.

At this time, a man in Tsing Yi and a woman in plain clothes were standing on that green hill.

In the eyes of the person in Tsing Yi, the clouds are calm and the wind is calm, and the waves are calm.However, in the pair of eyes that can see through reincarnation, there are two groups of flames that soar into the sky.

He knew that the phoenix moved.

"Master, is Phoenix Fairy Mountain further up?" the woman in plain clothes asked.

"That's right! On the top of Tianzhou, Phoenix Mountain! Above 99 layers, you can see Phoenix. We still have Triple Layer Mountain!" The man in Tsing Yi said gently.

Looking up at the high mountain above her head, a flash of hope flashed in the eyes of the plain-clothed woman. For the first time in 700 years, she was so close to her beloved.

The two people are naturally Qingmozi and Liruo.

In 700, they finally reached the top of the Phoenix.And if Liruo worships Qing Mozi as his teacher, his cultivation level will naturally be different.

Qingmozi and Liruo climbed to the sky step by step, heading straight to Phoenix Mountain.The figures of the master and the apprentice gradually disappeared, and they went straight to Gao Tian.


Liuzhen, the Wang family.

There is an endless barrier in the entire backyard.Amu soared into the sky, then fell slowly, and fell to the ground on one knee.

"Thank you, Master, for the kindness of being a disciple again!" Amu was dressed in a black robe with flying long hair.

"Get up!" Wang Jue looked calm, "This is all your luck!"

Amu got up, and the devilish energy in his body gradually subsided.

"Yuanxian Jiuzhong! It's really good!" Wang Jue looked at Amu, nodded again, and his tone was quite appreciative.

"Master, I have many things to ask!" Amu said.

"I know! Rest for the night, and tomorrow, I will take you to meet someone. We will talk about everything tomorrow. After that, you will leave Liu Town!" Wang Jue's tone was naturally unquestionable.

At the same time, without waiting for what Amu said, Wang Jue turned around and was about to leave the backyard.

"Who are you seeing?" Amu hurriedly asked.

"Huan Hua!" Wang Jue left the backyard without looking back.

"Auntie!" Amu's heart was shocked, and he touched the center of his eyebrows subconsciously.Seeing the goddess, this is something that Amu did not expect at all.

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a devil in the devil.Amu, once felt that it was so far away to fully understand everything about Mo Lang and Tiannv.But now, everything is within reach.

The whereabouts of Shen Yan and Li Ruo, Wang never said.Amu didn't have time to ask.As for Yu'er's question, it seems that it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Cool night!

Amu walked out of the backyard and ran directly to the room where he was supposed to live.

Everything is strange and familiar.Many things, time after year, never change.

Time seems to be seamless.In Haihuangliu Town, that night, the magic coffin entered the sea, it seemed like just yesterday.And this night, Amu achieved the Jiuzhong Yuanxian, but he was sleepless.

In Kongkongliu Town, there are actually only two members of the Wang family!


The netherworld, the black swamp, and the white island.The man who turned his back to everything raised his mouth slightly.

Black and white are impermanent, the Tao disappears.However, all the goals of the man in black have been achieved.Everything at present is under his planning and control.

"Dragon Saliva!" The man in black called softly.

In the void, there was a wave of fluctuations.Ambergris red hair flying, standing in the air.

"What's the matter!" Long Xi looked at the man in black and said.

Back then, there was a battle on the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.After returning, Longsaliva has not come out of Netherworld.Now, the realm of Dragon Saliva has recovered by [-]% to [-]%.

Dragon Saliva is not an awakened person, nor is it a reincarnated person.He relied on secret techniques to survive until now.Therefore, his state recovery is better than Shui Mei and others.

"Get ready to go to Tianzhou Wuliang!" said the man in black.

"Oh?" Long Xin's eyes were playful, "Did the devil pave the road so quickly?"

"Hehe! Soon!" The man in black chuckled, "The love of demons is a game! If this game is successful, I can turn around!"

Looking at the man in black, Long Xin twitched his mouth and said with a smile: "It's so, then I'll leave immediately!"

"Dragon Saliva, take care!" The man in black's long hair swayed slightly.

Longxi nodded, and the figure gradually disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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