nine coffins

Chapter 930 Cause and Effect! The 3 worlds are the chessboard, and all living beings are the chess p

Chapter 930 Cause and effect!The Three Realms are the chessboard, and all living beings are the chess pieces!

Immortals are buried in snow-capped mountains, deep in caves.

The shadow of the coffin, endless brilliance.The misty coffin hangs in the mid-air of the cave.White light, black light, and six rays of reincarnation, these auras are enough to shock the Three Realms.

In the shadow of the coffin, the celestial girl Huanhua, dressed in purple.His expression is serene, and his appearance is lifelike.Golden fairy writing, surrounded by Taoism, seven-color lights, bright as stars.

The entire cave mansion is surrounded by peerless seals.The time in this cave is almost static.Everything about Tiannv, just like back then, seems to have not changed in the slightest.

At this time, Mo Lang and Amu were already in the cave, both dressed in black robes.Mo Lang stood tall, while Amu knelt down in front of the coffin of the goddess.

"Nephew Amu, bow down to Auntie!" Amu said sincerely.

He still remembered everything left by the goddess in Asura Willow Town.

"Chizi, my son..."

"If you encounter a problem that is bound to die, you can open the seal with a thought, and my aunt will cut it for you, but only once! Be careful and cherish it!"

"Don't ask about past lives, don't ask about cause and effect, don't think about aunt, don't go to Ziyou!...Aunt doesn't know that the three worlds are like a game of chess, who will play against us?..."

"My aunt is invisible, whether she is alive or dead, I wish you peace!"

On that day, all the words of the goddess were still in my ears.Kowtowing respectfully and respectfully three times, Amu's eyes showed endless warmth, even tears.

The purple sword of phantom flowers, the volume of the goddess of heaven.One day, many exhortations.The goddess left a lot for Amu.

"Master, will aunt still wake up?" Amu asked.

"Yes!" Mo Lang raised his eyebrows slightly, and then said in a firm and low voice, "I will!"

"Yeah!" Amu nodded, "But, master, what can I do to wake up my aunt?"

"Nine coffins merge into one, and time flows backwards!" Mo Lang said slowly, "If the karma wheel is broken, Huanhua should be able to wake up!"

"Karma Roulette?" Amu raised his brows slightly.Although this is not the first time he has heard of karma roulette, Amu is not very clear about what it refers to.

Mo Lang smiled bitterly, and then slowly said: "In the Three Realms, there shouldn't be celestial maidens. For tens of thousands of years, the wheel of karma has rotated, and the resentment of the Three Realms has gathered to form a Huanhua. To be precise, Huanhua is basically Not a human body. She has no past life, no future life, no three souls, and no reincarnation!"

"Actually, Huanhua is a poor woman!" Mo Lang sighed, "She was born out of grievances because of demons, and even though she spent her whole life eliminating grievances and slaying demons, she couldn't completely get rid of her fate!"

Amu listened, frowning slightly, but did not interrupt for the time being.

Mo Lang's eyes gradually cleared up.

"Huanhua, maybe it's just a poor pawn!"

"Master, who is playing chess?" Amu asked.That was a big question in Amu's mind.

Mo Lang shook his head.

"Master, I don't know yet! The Three Realms are the chessboard, and all living beings are the chess pieces. Even the Venerable Master may not dare to accept such a game!"

Amu nodded and was slightly silent.

Mo Lang sighed, and continued: "On the Tianzhou, there are immeasurable peaks. On the peak, there is a curved pool called the Tianzhou Holy Mirror. I don't know how many years ago, a roulette was born in that pool. It is said that On that roulette, the cause and effect of all things in the three realms can be seen, hence the name karma roulette."

"Thousands of years ago, there was a great war in the Three Realms. The cause was the Karma Roulette!"

"The cause of the Great War of the Three Realms was the roulette wheel of karma? Wasn't the great war tens of thousands of years ago caused by the fight for the coffin?" Amu couldn't help but frown.

"Contesting for the coffin?" Mo Lang smiled wryly and shook his head, "The three coffins of heaven, earth and man have never really appeared! Gods, demons, Buddhas and immortals, each coffin has its own owner, and its owners are almost all at the level of venerables, so who will fight for it?" Coffin? It was a great battle in the Three Realms, causing the nine coffins to scatter and regenerate thousands of karma!"

"Could it be possible to control the Three Realms by controlling the causal roulette?" Amu asked.

"That's right!" Mo Lang sneered, "With many causes and effects in hand, wouldn't it be better than one of the nine coffins?"

"Then after the Great War of the Three Realms tens of thousands of years ago, in whose hands did the karma wheel fall?" Amu asked.

Mo Lang shook his head and said: "From the surface, the Canghai Immortal, the Green Soul Buddha, and the Tianzhou Phoenix should be the winning side. However, the three ancient trends of Canghai, Letu, and Xuantian definitely don't have a roulette of cause and effect." Inheritance! Mozun, Yaozun, etc., can't have the karma roulette!"

"Karma Roulette, disappeared?" Amu gasped.You know, it was the Venerable who fought back then, what kind of power can surpass the Venerable.

"It should be!" The corner of Mo Lang's mouth curled, "Nowadays, there may be no trace of cause and effect in the three realms! Therefore, there are phantom flowers, various bodies, many awakened and reincarnated people, and even thousands of people like you. The body of a thousand-year-old man who should be calamity!"

"Can the nine coffins be combined to surpass the roulette of cause and effect?" Amu asked.

"Should!" Mo Lang said, "Canghai Xianzun, all the inheritances left behind seem to point to this point! The nine coffins are merged into one, and the three realms will definitely change. Therefore, we must hold all the coffins in our hands!"

Amu nodded.

"Master, if the nine coffins merge into one, the River of Forgetfulness will also flow back!"

"Of course!" Mo Lang smiled slightly, because he remembered the watcher of the sea.

"Black water, river of forgetfulness, floating dust, the great rivers of the Three Realms have no beginning and no end! They are the most bizarre existences in the Three Realms. No one knows their starting point, and no one knows their ending point! In the Three Realms, there are probably many I want to know the truth about Wang Chuan!"

"What's the truth about Wangchuan?" Amu said.

Mo Lang pondered for a while, but finally didn't say anything, just shook his head.

"Master, back then you took Yu'er to the North Country, but for the ghost coffin? Later, do you know everything about Yu'er?" Amu asked.

"Above the deserted sea, someone once imitated the meaning of ghost coffins to lure everything. Back then, I was in a hurry before I passed the catastrophe! In order to track down the ghost coffin, I crossed the realm of Asura. However, I still didn't get anything. Tianzhou changed, There was someone who investigated the burial of immortals, so I went to Tianzhou!" Mo Lang's words were brief, and there are many things that need not be said now.

"I know everything about Yu'er!" Mo Lang sighed, "However, that should be what she deserved! However, one day she will be consummated! It is not a luxury to forget the river!"

"Master, Yu'er is a ghost. I have been to Tianzhou Liu Town and heard various legends. The ghost is Yu'er! Then whose daughter is she?" Amu looked at Mo Lang.

Mo Lang shook his head and said: "Yu'er's life experience should be very special! When I met her in Tianzhou, she was five or six years old. She was born with a ghost body, but her memory is not complete at all. She will always be I only remember what happened in the past five or six years, and I will never grow up. Until I brought her back to Haihuang and became Yu'er. She started to grow up, like a normal person!"

Amu frowned.

"Yu'er, are you also from Tianzhou?"

"Perhaps!" Mo Lang nodded, "However, Yu'er is the most pure ghost body and awakened person! Theoretically, she should be a Shura! However, I have secretly visited all of Shura, and no one knows Yu'er's life experience. !"

Amu sighed.

"Master, no matter who she is, I will turn the River of Forgetfulness back! She will always be Yu'er!"

Mo Lang nodded and smiled slightly.

"Of course! Many things are inextricably linked. You will understand everything when the clouds are cleared!"

Amu smiled wryly.

The master and the apprentice talked about the dusk from the beginning of the day.There are answers to many questions in Amu's mind.

At dusk, they left Xianbuying Snow Mountain and walked back to Liu Town step by step.Mo Lang turned into Wang Jue.

Liuzhen, the three worlds are unified!

Mo Lang had already told Amu that Liuzhen's nine hundred and ninety souls were transformed from the essence of the souls of the Three Realms.They are not mortals in the true sense at all, but formed by Mo Lang gathering the souls of the three realms.

The spirits of the three realms can be used as a guide for adult coffins.However, Tianzhou Liu Town is not yet complete.

The master and the apprentice walked slowly, and they were almost at the entrance of Liuzhen Town.And at this moment, a white brilliance suddenly flew in the void.

Amu was taken aback, what could penetrate the forbidden world?
However, Wang Jue smiled slightly.

"Don't be surprised. It's a ray of sky light!" Wang Jue raised one hand and directly received the white ray of light in his hand, which turned out to be a white jade slip.

With a sweep of consciousness, Wang Jue's eyes were quite calm.

"Amu, in three days, you will be preparing for the Tianmu Grassland party!"

"Eh?" Amu was taken aback, "What's the matter?"

"Kill the devil!" Wang Jue said flatly.

(End of this chapter)

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