nine coffins

Chapter 932 Curse! 1 banquet, eternal fate

Chapter 932 Curse!A banquet, eternal fate
Bless God!Goodbye!
No matter where and what world, no matter whether humans or spirits, the awe of heaven and earth seems to be exactly the same.Praise is born, sing praises, and the sound can be heard in the world.

Xiao Luo and Wu'er, dressed in red, bowed hand in hand.

At that moment, the red cover covered her face, and Wu'er had tears in her eyes.She had waited thousands of years for this day.From Sea Desolation to Shura, from Shura to Tianzhou.Long-cherished wish of reincarnation, no regrets in this life.

Xiao Luo's hands were slender and powerful, very warm.Wu'er's heart is as gentle as water, with ripples.No matter whether Xiao Luo is a human or a devil, no matter what he does is right or wrong, all of that has nothing to do with Wu'er's love.

Wu'er loves Xiao Luo without any reason.Everything is that simple.

Heaven and earth bow down, no regrets and no complaints.

The applause was thunderous, like the sea!
At that moment, all the monks present, regardless of the human race or the spirit race, seemed to be willing to forget that this was a love affair between monsters.At that moment, they were all willing to send their blessings.

Hu Qing raised his eyebrows and stood up slowly.Of course, the surrounding spirit race also stood up and cheered.Therefore, Hu Qing did not appear abrupt.

To worship the heaven and the earth is to worship the ancient wood fairy vines.That is the totem and sacred object of the Tianzhou Wood Clan.

At this time, the patriarch of the Mu clan and many elders in the clan were there.The Tianzhou Wood Clan has worshiped the ancient wood fairy vines for tens of thousands of years.As long as they worship the fairy vine, then Xiao Luo and Wu'er are a real couple.

"Worship Immortal Vine—"

Zan Lisheng is a monk of the Nine Layers of Immortals, and his voice was clear, especially clear.It can almost linger around the entire Tianmu grassland and linger for a long time.

Hu Qing's pupils shrunk slightly, his blue robe moved slightly, and a faint green light was already glowing on his body.The power of Tianhu can overturn the entire Tianmu grassland.

Demon Love!

No matter which family it is, in Hu Qing's view, it must not be tolerated.However, at this time, Yuhuo suddenly leaned gently on Hu Qing's shoulder.

At that moment, Yuhuo felt Hu Qing's anger.

"Brother Qing! The love of life and death is already irresistible. Then, will their wishes be fulfilled today? Perhaps, the next moment will be their farewell!" Yuhuo sighed helplessly in a faint voice.

Sky Fox Nine Turns, she and Hu Qing lived and died countless times.In any case, there is nothing wrong with love!No one can change that kind of unforgettable love.

Back then, didn't the crow turn into a black bird without hesitation?

Hu Qing frowned, her heart softened slightly.In the end, he heeded Yuhuo's advice.This moment is not bad, then give them a consummation!

"Okay! It's up to you!" Hu Qing put his arms around Yuhuo's shoulders, his tone was very gentle, and his love was beyond words.

"If they surrender to the Tianhu clan from now on and hand over the ancient wood fairy vines, I will not kill them!" Hu Qing said again.

"That's the best!" Yuhuo had a smile in his eyes, then nodded with a sigh, "Actually, it's been tens of thousands of years, and we don't want to see killing again!

Hu Qing smiled wryly, but there was too much helplessness in his eyes.Because, in many cases, only killing can make everything perfect.Many people are not willing to kill, but have to kill.

Baixian vine——

The lingering sound of Zan Lisheng is still alive!

Xiao Luo and Wu'er bowed down together.Styles in red clothes, zithers and harpsichords.The ancient wood fairy vine seemed to have a sense, emitting a sky-high green glow.

At that moment, those brilliance directly scattered on the couple, it was truly amazing.


Again, thunderous applause.

The patriarchs, elders and three star kings of the Mu clan all showed joy on their faces.

Different from normal wedding customs.According to the etiquette of the Mu family, after worshiping the ancient wood fairy vines, the groom can lift the bride's hijab.Let everyone see the beauty of the bride, thank the guests, and then pay homage to the masters and elders of both parties.

Behold the bride--

Lift the hijab——

A glimpse of the spirit of the plum blossom——

The atmosphere of the whole wedding was pushed to a climax.Many low-level monks cheered loudly.All the great powers above Yuanxian also had smiles on their faces.

However, at that moment, Hu Qing and Yu Huo's expressions changed.Because, the breath of the entire Tianmu grassland is changing slightly.

It was an extremely ancient aura, probably only an existence like the ancient sky fox could detect it so quickly.

Others, ignorant and joyful, even including Xiao Luo.

Handsome as a demon, even a demon would willingly bow down in front of Xiao Luo in terms of appearance.The demon Xiao Luo, who knows how many female cultivators in the Three Realms can be overwhelmed.

However, only Mei Hua Wu'er is the one who is happy.

Xiao Luo raised his hands lightly, and there was a smile in the depths of his eyes.Perhaps, at that moment, Xiao Luo really hoped that this would be a simple and beautiful wedding.

Deep in his soul, Xiao Luo absolutely wanted to give Wu'er a lifetime of happiness.

The red cover is lifted, and the beauty is like jade.

Wu'er, elegant and peerless, bright and gorgeous.

At that moment, the beautiful eyes looked forward, and Xia Fei's cheeks!
Countless plum blossoms suddenly flew up, forming a circle, surrounding Xiao Luo and Wu'er.That is not a deliberate technique, but a natural one.

The plum blossom spirit is a kind of beauty in itself.

The sky is full of flowers and rain, a pair of beauties.

All of this is beautiful to the extreme.The sound of silk and bamboo echoes in the void.Several salutes were fired again.Cheers erupted, and the entire Tianmu Grassland seemed to be boiling.

Xiao Luo smiled, and Wu'er raised her eyes.

"Five children—"

"Xiao Luo—"

The two of them stared at each other affectionately, without words, only love.Everything outside seems to be out of their minds.

That day, on the snow in the northern country, she was dressed in green, elegant and independent.On that day, under the demon lamp in the ghost city, he was dressed in a white robe and remained speechless.

That was the first time they really met.

Behind her is the Emperor of Absolute Desolation.Behind him is Wenqu Xingjun.It was an encounter after countless disasters.

Xiao Luo has never seen Wu'er, but Wu'er has seen the demon body from a distance in the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Plum Blossom Fairy, Demon Xiao Luo.

Fate had somehow connected them together.Because they are all too barren blood.

Birth, death, and reincarnation have never been cut off!
However, that was an evil fate!
Because, just when the whole wedding banquet reached its climax, when Xiao Luo and Wu'er were about to kneel down to worship the teacher, suddenly the situation changed and thunder fell from the sky.

In an instant, black clouds covered the sky.Two rounds of daylight suddenly disappeared.

Huhu black wind, blowing all over the sky.The bright white lightning seemed to strike the sky.

There seemed to be no signs of that.The entire Tianmu Grassland, and even the entire world, is reversing.


A bolt of lightning, like a dragon, descended from the sky.At that moment, it was also the same peerless long tenacity that broke through the long sky and went straight to the ancient wood fairy vine.

All the monks' expressions suddenly changed.

The love of monsters is a taboo of the monster clan.However, even if the eternal curse came, it shouldn't have come so quickly.

At that moment, the sky was about to collapse, the earth was about to fall, and yin and yang were about to reverse.


Under the immortal vines of the ancient wood, several figures appeared.Those are all the elders and strong men of the Mu clan, and the weakest among them is Yuan Xian Yizhong.

Rising to the sky, each showing their magical powers.

They must not let that bolt of lightning strike the ancient wood immortal vine.

I would rather give up the three souls than give up the fairy vines.


In the void, almost no one could see what was going on.Only Huaguang, only loud noise, only endless energy scattered like a hurricane.

The world was shaken, Sendai was scattered, and the wedding banquet was scattered.The green smoke was like mist, screaming again and again.

At that moment, an unknown number of monks fell directly, and their souls disappeared.

A feast disappeared in an instant.

Goodbye, in the void, the figure falls.Just now, at least seven or eight members of the Mu clan flew up, but only two fell, and the rest all fell.

Yuanxian Qizhong!

However, those two old men's faces were already pale, they were seriously injured, and the corners of their mouths and chests were covered with blood.However, the flash of lightning just now was dissipated by their resistance.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo stood on the spot without moving a muscle.

"The love of monsters is not tolerated in ancient times!" In Hu Qing's eyes, there was a complicated look.


In the void, there was a strange sound.That crying like a woman is eternally sad.Even with many great abilities, it is hairy and cold.

A woman's voice was shrill and piercing, like a ghost's voice, intermittent. blood, I issue this curse—

All my race, those who love monsters, will be loved forever!Those of my race who love demons have no chance of life or death.All my race, those who love others, we mourn together for thousands of years!

The love of demons, weeping blood every night, is desolate forever. ...

It was a woman, an eternal ghost, an eternal obsession.Her soul lingers in Tianzhou boundlessly and never really dissipates.

At that moment, the expressions of all the monster clans in Tianzhou changed suddenly.That is a kind of inquiry from the soul!
"Eternal Demon Lord!" Hu Qing and Yu Huo looked up to the sky and sighed.

Only Xiao Luo and Wu'er held hands and smiled, their expressions unchanged.

(End of this chapter)

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