nine coffins

Chapter 933 Devil's long hair, ancient vine fairy formation

Chapter 933 Devil's long hair, ancient vine fairy formation

Heaven and earth complain forever, weep forever.

Tianmu Grassland is as dark as hell.The ancient demon venerable, one spirit of resentment is immortal, and one strand of determination persists.Like fog and wind, it coils around Guteng City.

At this time, the ancient wood fairy vine emitted endless green light.Looking far away, like a torch with green flames holding up the sky, it shows that the sky is low and dark.

A flash of lightning killed Yuan Xian.The power of the ancient curse shocked the audience.

The spirit clan of Tianzhou was shocked.

The patriarch of the Mu clan, the king of the Mu clan, has white beard and hair.At this time, his expression was serious.

Goodbye, he frowned, then lifted his clothes and knelt down, looking up to the sky.

"Successors of the Mu Clan, please calm down the spirit of the ancient demon venerable! The love of demons is a rare opportunity for our clan to meet in thousands of years. Our Mu Clan will definitely flourish if we become friends with demons, surpassing the past, enough to comfort the immortal soul of the sage! "

The king of the wood clan, the eternal triple.

However, at this moment, he knelt down on the ground, his white hair facing the wind, and he was endlessly pious.From his standpoint, maybe he is really planning for the Tianzhou Wood Clan.

When the king of the Mu clan knelt down, all the people of the Mu clan fell to their knees instantly.Even the three major spirit clans of Shui, Yu, and Wu, as well as the tribes of the Tianmu Grassland, followed and bowed down.

At that moment, the hearts of countless Tianzhou spirits trembled.All races are afraid that the ancient curse will implicate everyone and come to the race itself.


The mournful sound continued, making people feel cold all over.In the vast void, there are countless bolts of shocking lightning coiled around.

Inside Guteng City, the wind howled.

All the Eldar knelt down, and only the Human race stood.However, Mei Hua Wu'er, Hu Qing, and Yu Huo are not among them.

The Plum Blossom Fairy gracefully stood beside Xiao Luo.Look calm, not saying a word.At this moment, she is not the inheritor of the Mu clan, but the wife of the devil.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo stand side by side.All the spirit races around knelt and prostrated, and their husband and wife were already extremely conspicuous.

However, Tianhu turned nine and was extremely arrogant.

Within the Three Realms, they would only worship Yaozun Xueying and Amu.How could the ancient demon master bend his knees with a remnant thought?
The corner of Hu Qing's mouth slightly raised, watching everything with cold eyes.In Yuhuo's eyes, there was a hint of helplessness.

According to legend, the ancient demon master came from the Mu clan.Once abandoned by a lover of a foreign race, he was always resentful and unwilling to die.

However, Tianhu understands that the kneeling of the spirit clan is meaningless now.Because, that remnant thought, in fact, no longer has any spiritual wisdom, only endless hostility.

In name, it was the remnant thought of the ancient Yaozun, but in reality it was lost long ago.

Jie Jie - giggle - woo woo -

I issue this curse...the love of demons, crying blood every night, desolate for eternity——

The miserable voice of the woman was endless, but there was no trace of her figure.That voice naturally ignored the worship of the Tianzhou Spirit Clan.

click - boom -

High in the sky, under the dark clouds, another thunderbolt struck straight down.It's just that this time, instead of rushing to Gumu Xianteng, they went straight to Xiao Luo and Wu'er.

The love of demons is beyond their tolerance.

At that moment, Xiao Luo's originally smiling face suddenly became murderous.

Heaven and earth, I am the only one!
Xiao Luo, the eternal demon body is the way of cultivating demons.Since Sheng Yu, He Shengliang?However, because of Amu's existence, Xiao Luo's peerless brilliance was covered up.

Ten lifetimes of reincarnation, and eventually become a demon body.Magic twins, from the ages.

Xiao Luo is definitely not an ordinary existence.In his heart, he was even more disrespectful to any ancient demon venerable.

Xiao Luo made a lot of preparations for this wedding today.It's just that the demon master's curse came so quickly, which still surprised him a little.

At the same time, Xiao Luo had already seen Hu Qing and Yu Huo.Perhaps others don't know what kind of existence it is, but Xiao Luo is definitely no stranger to it.

At this time, when the lightning struck, Xiao Luo frowned slightly.The long hair on the outside of his wedding robe was gently swaying.At that moment, if one saw the man with flying hair flying from the back of Mingzun, his heart would definitely move.

Because, at that moment, the smell of such a long-haired person was exactly the same.

A faint black air emerged faintly, as if trying to see through the red wedding gown.However, Xiao Luo still held Wu'er's hand, and his hand was still steady and warm.

However, at this moment, there is no need for Xiao Luo to make a move.

Pray to the sky, to the earth, to the ancient wood and fairy vines——

Married to the Plum Blossom Fairy, Mozi is considered to be half a member of the Mu clan.

Prayer is invalid, those Mu people, although kneeling on the ground, does not mean waiting to die.

Lightning struck again, and a cold light flashed in the eyes of the King of the Wood Clan.

I would rather die in battle than live!Are the Tianzhou Spirit Race ordinary?

Just now, the two Yuanxian Qizhong who resisted the lightning flying and were injured, flew up again.This time, if he rushed forward, he would be desperate.

At the same time, there were two other Mu clan elders flying up.

Po Jun and Lian Zhen looked at each other, while Wen Qu beside him shook his head slowly.

However, at a critical moment.The king of the Mu clan suddenly jumped up, then shook his hand suddenly, and directly raised a command flag.

Xiaguang Wandao, Rui Cai thousand.

"Sacred Banner of the Wood Clan! Guteng Spirit Formation, open!" The White-haired Wood King yelled violently.

As soon as the holy flag came out, the Mu clan stood in awe.

At the same time, the ancient vines and fairy vines, the green awns bloomed.The rays of light spread across the sky like ocean waves.In the four directions of Guteng City, there are four brilliance at the same time, soaring into the sky.

In the light, there seemed to be thousands of vines, densely layered and woven like a net, directly protecting the entire ancient vine city.

Guteng spirit array!

Many Tianzhou monks present had heard of the peerless formation of the Mu clan inheritance, but this was the first time they saw it in person today.

The white-haired wood king looked resolute.

Because, this Guteng Immortal Formation has not been activated for countless tens of thousands of years.For tens of thousands of years, the Mu clan has never encountered such a crisis.

However, the king of the Rimu clan did not hesitate at all.

boom - boom -

That bolt of lightning struck directly on the endless green light.

The earth was shaken, and monks with low cultivation bases could only stand firm with the support of the strong.

Suddenly, lightning rained, stirring up thousands of green lights.

If so, looking at Guteng City from outside the Tianmu Grassland, you can see a peerless spectacle.The endless lightning seemed to swallow Guteng Castle.

At this time, thousands of miles away, at least two people looked at Guteng City from different directions.

A red-haired man stepped on black mist with a sneer on his lips.

A man in black sat down with an ancient wild soul beast with a calm expression.

Longxi and Amu are watching everything.

In Guteng City, the various immortal gates are lined up separately.The curse of the monster race will not affect the human race in theory.Therefore, the major forces in Tianzhou are also waiting and watching.

Mu Tingfeng, Bai Zixiu and others all looked calm, but they were constantly calculating in their hearts.

The Guteng Immortal Formation temporarily stabilized the situation.The sky was dark, and the lightning fell.

For a while, it was fine, but the power of the eternal curse could not be resisted by this fairy formation.Besides, that formation seems to be consuming the spiritual power of the ancient wood fairy vine.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo looked at each other, it seemed that they couldn't just sit back and watch.

They can ignore the life and death of the Mu clan, but the ancient wood immortal vines must not be lost.

They are not afraid of the cruel thoughts of the ancient demon master.

Hu Qing sneered and thought.One thing has already been held in his hand.

At that moment, the corner of Mozi Xiao Luo's mouth curled up, and a icy smile flashed across his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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