nine coffins

Chapter 934 Seal!Who dares to stop the Tianhu family?

Chapter 934 Seal!Who dares to stop the Tianhu family?

Lightning flashes, pouring down from the sky.Guteng Immortal Formation, struggling to support.

The ancient wood fairy vines, the green light is fading, and the aura is drawn by the large formation.Hu Qing can't just sit back and watch, otherwise this trip to the Tianmu Grassland will be in vain.

With a single palm flip, ten thousand dao brilliance.

At that moment, a scorching sun seemed to appear in the entire Guteng City, but Hu Qing held it in his hands.The dazzling brilliance made the original immortal monks dare not face it directly.

That is the incomparably majestic aura of demon spirits, even better than that ancient wood fairy vine.

At this moment, the eyes of all the monks present were focused on Hu Qing and Yu Huo.At this time, they seemed to realize that this green and red, one male and one female monster clan is probably a peerless master.

However, no one present could see through their depths.

Goodbye, Hu Qing's body is already full of endless green light.Immediately, with a shake of one hand, that round of daylight really went straight into the void.

"The Eye of Myriad Demons!" In the Wu Clan, a great expert in the eternal realm finally recognized the magic weapon, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Jiuzhuan Tianhu!" In the aquarium, another eternal realm power also flashed a gleam in the eyes.

At that moment, the Tianzhou Spirit Clan was in an uproar.

The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Holy Artifact of the Monster Race!However, it has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, and there is no trace on Tianzhou.

For tens of thousands of years, the three realms have been blocked, and only the extremely powerful can know a trace of the past.

Back then, Hu Qing and Yu Huo took away the Eye of Myriad Demons during a battle at the Brahma Temple in Haihuang.However, for Tianzhou Wuliangjie, that is almost an unknowable event.

Except for Xiao Luo's lineage, probably everyone did not expect the two sky foxes to return suddenly today.Goodbye Void, the Eye of Myriad Monsters, the brilliance spread out, and even directly broke through the Guteng Immortal Formation.

Compared with the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Guteng Immortal Formation is a world of difference.In the entire spirit race, apart from the demon coffin, the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons is the number one holy weapon.

"The light of the eye of the sky, the candle illuminates the three realms! Scatter!" Hu Qing changed the seal formula in his hand, and stepped into the void at the same time.

The holy vessel hangs in the air like the daylight.Thousands of brilliance dispel the dark clouds.

Those circling lightnings turned into thousands of electric arcs in an instant, and were directly absorbed by the Eye of Myriad Demons.The holy weapon of the monster clan, that is an unstoppable force.

At the same time, Hu Qing played a spell directly in his hand.It was a sealing technique similar to Amu Bantu.

Green light, white light.A shadow of a green fox appeared majestically behind Hu Qing.

Tianhu Faxiang!

The entire Tianmu Grassland was shaken.The Tianhu family has been extinct in the Wuliang Realm for tens of thousands of years.This day is the return of the real king.


A fox cry resounded through the sky.

"The Seal of Ten Thousand Monsters!" Hu Qing shouted softly, but there was a trace of sadness on his face.

Jie Jie - woo woo - Jie -

As soon as the seal is released, the forbidden light disperses.

The woman's mournful voice that had been lingering in the void gradually stopped until it disappeared completely.

The smoke cleared, and two rounds of daylight reappeared.

The universe is bright and clear, just now it seems like a nightmare.Only, the ancient wood fairy vines are in a mess, so it can be seen that everything is true.

Hu Qing floated in the air, with the eyes of ten thousand monsters hanging over his head, looking down on everything.With a movement of Yuhuo's figure, she was already standing beside Hu Qing.

One blue and one red, the two celestial foxes are reflected in the void.

"Tianzhou Shui Clan, worship the ancient Holy Spirit Sky Fox!" At this time, the Yongjing monk of the Shui Clan who was the first to recognize Hu Qing and Yuhuo's identities, led all the clansmen to kneel on the ground.

"Witch Clan of Tianzhou, worship the ancient Holy Spirit Sky Fox!"

"Tianzhou Yu Clan, worship the ancient Holy Spirit Sky Fox!"

"..." The rest of the small clan responded one after another.

The holy spirit sky fox is the honorific name of the sky fox clan from the spirit clan.The remnant thoughts of the Holy Spirit Sky Fox and the ancient Yaozun are completely different.

That remnant thought can be regarded as an existence of nothingness, and the kneeling of all the spirit race just now is an unknown fear of the eternal curse.However, at this time, Tianhu's real body appeared and directly accepted that remnant thought, so the meaning was naturally extraordinary.

At this moment, the kneeling of all the spirit race is a kind of true awe and surrender.

For a time, thousands of races kowtowed, which was very spectacular.

All races also changed their faces.The strong return of the ancient sky fox is enough to change the power structure of the entire Tianzhou Boundless Realm.

Today, the Three Realms are changing, and one trigger affects the whole body.The return of the ancient sky fox is definitely not easy.

Today, there is no venerable in Tianzhou, so the existence of Tianhu is invincible.

At this time, there was no wave in Hu Qing's eyes, and he smiled lightly.Yuhuo also looked calm.The scene in front of them was within their expectations.

The eyes of ten thousand demons, the body of a sky fox, any one of them is enough to make the Tianzhou spirit clan surrender.

However, at this moment, a coldness flashed across Hu Qing's eyes.Because, all the Tianzhou spirit clan bowed down, only the Mu clan remained unmoved.

A sneer flashed across the corner of Hu Qing's mouth.This was also within his expectations.

"Tianzhou Wood Clan, I have seen the Holy Spirit Sky Fox!" The white-haired wood king also bowed deeply to Hu Qing and Yu Huo, "Thank you Holy Spirit Sky Fox for breaking the ancient curse!"

If it is an ordinary person, it is an endless honor to receive the worship of the King of the Wood Clan.However, all races bowed down, only the king of the Mu clan just bowed.

This is a kind of disrespect to Tianhu, even an insult.What's more, it was indeed Hu Qing who took the initiative to solve everything just now.

At this time, all the clans were thinking in their hearts, what confidence did the Mu clan have to disrespect Tianhu.

A strange color flashed across Mu Tingfeng's eyes.Because, in his view, this is really asking for death.

Just now, the king of the wood clan can worship the ancient Cannian, why not the ancient sky fox?Mu Tingfeng knew that even the patriarch Mu Qingcheng had to be respectful when he saw this pair of celestial foxes.

Behind Xiao Luo, is there really a power that can fight against Tianhu?Mu Tingfeng understood Xiao Luo better than ordinary people, but he also had some doubts in his heart.

Bai Zixiu sneered and remained silent.Tianzhou's most poisonous eyes can see things far beyond ordinary people.In his opinion, the Mu clan is already a pile of bones.

Demon Xiao Luo, in his opinion, is absolutely unreliable.

Below the venerable, above tens of thousands of people.The sky fox is to the spirit race, just like the phoenix is ​​to the human race.With such an existence, who would dare to violate it?
Hu Qing glanced at the king of the wood clan and smiled coldly.

"Hehe! I have something to ask, not to help the Mu clan! At the same time, I just accepted that remnant thought, and it is far from breaking the ancient curse. The love of demons is bleak for eternity. In my opinion, the ancient demon master has no Wrong! Don’t you guys know that the Yaozun is a lesson from the past?”

All spirit races are silent.It's no secret that Tianhu Xueying is obsessed with Mozun.

Then, Hu Qing glanced at Xiao Luo again.He understands that the root of everything actually lies in Xiao Luo.

"Young Master Xiao, it's been a long time!" Hu Qing said lightly.

"Xiao Luo, I have met Senior Tianhu!" Xiao Luo also smiled lightly, speaking quite politely.However, this politeness itself is a kind of fearlessness.

"Congratulations on Mr. Xiao's wedding first!" Hu Qing smiled, "It's just that today we are here to ask for something!"

"Oh?" Xiao Luo looked at Hu Qing with a half-smile, "I don't know what it is? If I can, I will give it to you!"

"I want that ancient wood fairy vine!" Hu Qing said calmly, pointing at the fairy vine that had existed for an unknown number of years, and glanced at what the Mu clan used.

As soon as Hu Qing said this, the expressions of all the monks present changed.Because everyone understands the significance of the ancient wood fairy vine to the wood clan.

There was a bitterness on the face of the King of the Wood Clan, a sneer, and a hint of determination at the same time.Because, Tianhu's request proved that his choice was indeed correct.

Without the love of monsters, Tianhu would not let the Mu clan go!
"Ancient wood fairy vines, sacred objects of the wood clan. If the ancient wood fairy vines exist, the wood clan will live. If the ancient wood fairy vines die, the wood clan will perish! Sky Fox's request is hard to obey!" the king of the wood clan said slowly.

Xiao Luo nodded with a smile.At the same time, the other elders of the Mu clan nodded silently.

The sky fox is certainly terrifying, but the ancient wood fairy vine is the root of the wood clan, so naturally it will not let it go.

Hu Qing smiled with a calm expression.This answer is not unexpected.

"It seems that tens of thousands of years later, you have forgotten what is the number one spirit clan in the Three Realms? The Tianhu clan, who on the Tianzhou continent dares to block what they want? Today, those who stand in my way will be killed without mercy!"

Hu Qing's tone was slightly cold, resounding throughout Guteng City and even the entire Tianmu Grassland.

Gathering the essence of the five races and taking the water of floating dust, it is possible to restore the appearance of Jade Fire.Hu Qing, on this point, will never give in.

Tens of thousands of years later, Tianhu returns. Although all the demons bow down, they may not be sincere.

Kill one to warn others, and then establish Tianwei!This is what Tianhu wants.

Hu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.

Today, if the ancient wood fairy vines are not offered, the nine-turn Tianhu will bloody Tianmu!
(End of this chapter)

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