nine coffins

Chapter 935 Turmoil is surging, self-inflicted can't live!

Chapter 935 Turmoil is surging, self-inflicted can't live!
Today, whoever is me, kill without mercy!

The voice of the Sky Fox echoed throughout the Tianmu Grassland.At that moment, in the Tianzhou Boundless Realm, many great powers that have not been born for thousands of years, all felt the induction.

The sky is leaning towards the city and the mountains.

The sword god of the Mu family, Mu Qingcheng, sighed with his hands behind his back.The awakening and return of ancient powers one after another makes the era that once belonged to Mu Qingcheng seem to be gradually drifting away.

The Mu family has to face a more complicated situation.

Tiannan Baiyun Building.

An old man in white, sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes at this time, and then said slowly: "Send the order, let Zizhou and others return from Xinghai immediately!"

"Respect the patriarch's decree!" There was no one on the top of the Baiyun Tower, but there was only a reply, and then a white light shot straight into the sky.

Tiannan Qingshuishan.

A mother-in-law in Tsing Yi, leaning on a green bamboo cane.Beside her, stood a maid and a middle-aged monk in Tsing Yi.

"Jiu'er's marriage, it's time to mention it. I think the seventh boy of the Bai family is good, and Jiu'er likes it in his heart. Let's just nod. You tell the Bai family a word, and let them come to propose marriage on an auspicious day Go!" Tsing Yi Granny said slowly.

"Huh?" The middle-aged monk hesitated slightly.

Qingbai two families get married, a strong alliance is a good thing for thousands of years.

However, Qing Jiu'er is the jewel in the palm of her ancestors, and she has always been reluctant to marry off.The old ancestor didn't nod, so Qing Jiu'er kept silent.Obviously also likes that Bai Zixiu, but has been refusing to reveal it.

Why did the ancestors take the initiative to mention this marriage today?
"The situation has changed. The Qing family and the Bai family have to stand in the Tianzhou Wuliangjie. Many things should be done as soon as possible!" Tsing Yi Granny naturally understood the middle-aged monk's mind, and lightly tapped the crutch in her hand.

"Qianyu, I understand!" The middle-aged monk nodded hurriedly.

"Also, let Qianzang's first body come back. I'm almost done with the experience, and I have something to ask him. You will do these two things right away!"

"Yes!" Qing Qianyu bowed to salute without the slightest hesitation, and at the same time her body became pale, and then disappeared suddenly.

The mother-in-law in Tsing Yi looked at the endless Qingshui Mountain with a gloomy expression.

"Old man, if your spirituality persists, please protect my Qing family from the catastrophe of thousands of years!" There was a wind on the mountain, blowing the granny's white hair.

The cyan back looks slightly lonely.


The wind is moving and the clouds are surging.

In Guteng City, a pair of sky foxes proudly look down on all beings.Hu Qing gave the Mu family one last time to think.In the entire Guteng City, Ya Sparrow was silent.

The faces of the Mu people were solemn and determined.They have actually thought about many things for a long time and already have answers.

"Gentleman, don't take away people's love!" Xiao Luo's voice was faint, but it was heard clearly in everyone's ears, "The ancient sky fox, who came here nine times in thousands of years, is now trying to take away the totem of the Wood Clan? This, it seems Very inappropriate!"

"It's inappropriate?" Hu Qing smiled coldly, but he didn't look at Xiao Luo, but looked at the Tianzhou Ten Thousands of Clans, "Thousands of years ago, the Three Realms fought. Without the protection of the Tianhu Clan, the entire Tianzhou Spirit Clan , I am afraid they will all be extinct. And our Tianhu clan has died countless times in battle."

"You can take a look at my woman's face!" At this time, Yuhuo had already dissipated the spell on her face.

Endless scars, shocking.All the monks gasped, because it was rare to see such a face among the monks.

The Tianhu family, charming and intoxicating, are all peerless beauties.

The former Firefox Jade Fire is of course no exception.But, how can I see the former appearance now?

"The Great War of the Three Realms, wounded by the fire of the sky, will never recover after nine turns! And I want to use the ancient wood fairy vine to restore its appearance. Compared with everything that our fox clan has done for the Tianzhou spirit clan, an ancient tree fairy vine is nothing! What?"

"You have to know that without the Fox Clan, how could the Spirit Clan exist for tens of thousands of years?"

Many spirit races are all ashamed.Hu Qing's words are not false at all.

According to the legend of Tianzhou, in the ancient war, there was a sky fire, which fell outside the Wuliang Mountain.

The Tianhu family fought hard to save the people, and there were no deaths or injuries to protect the safety of the ten thousand people.It's just that time has passed, and those years have passed, and there are old dreams.

If Hu Qing hadn't mentioned it, how many people in the Tianzhou Spirit Clan would remember it?
"Associating with the demon, for the Tianzhou Spirit Clan, it is a dead end! The monster snow shadow, stunning and beautiful, still can't get rid of the shackles of fate, and you are going to go back to the old way? It is a dream to think that the family is the only one! "

"Today, I will destroy your Mu Clan as a warning to others! From now on, demons and monsters will never be at odds!" Hu Qing's words echoed in the void.

The love of monsters is absolutely incompatible.

Back then, the matter of Xueying was Hu Qing's pain for thousands of years.Both Hu Qing and Yu Huo believed that if there was no Mozun Lihen, Xue Ying would never be miserable forever.

Even the Eldar would not be involved in the Great War.In fact, they also have hatred for demons.

Needless to say, Hu Qing didn't want to waste time.

In the void, Hu Qing's face turned cold, and he formed a seal with one hand.

In an instant, a green glow, like a big hand, went straight to the ancient wood fairy vine to grab it.If there is no one to stop Hu Qing from taking the ancient wood fairy vine, he will not kill him.

Because, he promised Yuhuo.

However, the Mu clan has already put all their eggs in one basket.In fact, when the love of demons was recognized by the Mu clan, the entire Mu clan blocked everything.

They have no way out, and they don't want to.

Fate is actually a gamble.It's just that some people win the bet and are called kings; some people lose the bet and become gamblers.

When Hu Qing took the wood, a determination flashed in the eyes of Baifamu King.Even if he hits a stone with an egg, he still has to fight, otherwise he will have nowhere to go.

The white-haired Wood King, with a thought, waved the order flag in the sky again, emitting a profound light.


Eternal realm triple, definitely not waiting for nothing!Looking at the entire Tianzhou, Baifamu Wang is also a top master.Moreover, at this moment, Baifamu King is already fighting to the death.

He understands that the ancient sky fox is by no means something he can deal with?However, the endless mysterious light has already gone straight to the green light emitted by Hu Qing.


Xuanguang and Qingmang collided suddenly.

In the void, the stars are falling far and wide, shining with splendor.Everything in a radius of a hundred miles was instantly reduced to ruins.Guteng City, it can be said is beyond recognition.

All the monks protected themselves, and then retreated sharply.Even so, some monks were affected and fell.

The important people on Tianzhou didn't leave the scene, but were watching.However, some low-level spiritual and human monks have already begun to disperse.

Such a big battle is not for everyone.

The aftermath of the immortal energy shattered endless castles.This time, half of Guteng City no longer existed.This still thinks that Guteng City has eternal restrictions.

For the people of the Mu tribe, everyone's expressions changed.A dark glow also flashed across Xiao Luo's eyes.The ancient sky fox, that is the existence of Megatron Three Realms.

Goodbye, the King of the Wood Clan, with white hair flying around, robes torn, and blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.Just now, Hu Qing just took wood, but it has already made it hard to resist.

"The Holy Spirit Sky Fox, it's really extraordinary!" The King of the Wood Clan smiled miserably, and then waved the command flag above his head, "All the people of the Wood Clan, form a holy soul formation!"

Form the holy soul array!

The king of the wood clan gave an order.The entire Guteng City responded like a wave.All the wood tribes have a tacit understanding, and they have the intention of sharing the same hatred with the enemy.

"With my soul, ten thousand trees form an array!" The voice was like a sea, and Guteng surged.

That is definitely prepared.Because, at that moment, none of the Mu clan panicked, and none of the Mu clan retreated.That seemed like a long-awaited battle.

Yuhuo couldn't help raising his eyebrows.No one knows Hu Qing's character better than him. I am afraid that even a Mu clan will not be able to survive today.

The blood of the Mu clan will surely stain Tianmu with blood.

At this time, in the entire Guteng City, countless green glows rose like tentacles.

Soul power!

That is not a simple fairy power, but soul power.Soul Gathering City Formation!That's not an ordinary formation.

The green light is disturbing, like clouds and mist.

The white-haired wooden king floated in the void, with infinite green light shining from his eyes.Gather the souls of the entire Wood Clan and fight against the Sky Fox!
At that moment, a complicated light flashed across Mei Hua Wu'er's eyes.Xiao Luo kept holding Wu'er's hand.

The Plum Blossom Elf can be regarded as the only person in the entire Wood Clan who has not contributed soul power.However, her eyes were shining brightly, and the hands under the red robe were actually trembling slightly.

Holy Soul Formation, she knows what that means!
The souls of the entire Mu clan floated in the sky above Guteng City.They were all gathering, and a huge pattern appeared above the head of the King of the Wood Clan.

It was a fairy tree with luxuriant leaves and branches, green as jade.That is the ancestor of the legendary Wood Clan.A fairy tree once turned into thousands of trees.

At that moment, the power of the entire Mu clan was concentrated on Baifa Muwang.Under his feet is the Great Formation of Wanmu.

"Wuah——" the white-haired wooden king raised his head to the sky and howled.

"Heaven's evil is still forgiven, but self-inflicted evil cannot live!" Hu Qing's voice gradually turned cold.

In an instant, the round of myriad demon eyes in the void burst into light.The endless murderous aura of green light suddenly spread out from Hu Qing's body like a water wheel.

(End of this chapter)

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