nine coffins

Chapter 938 Demonic Battle!You and I cannot coexist!

Chapter 938 Demonic Battle!You and I cannot coexist!

The power of the human coffin is unstoppable.

Xiao Luo turned into the state of a demon lord, and the coffin burst out with terrifying power.The souls of the Three Realms are coffined, with the power of the Three Realms.Under the black and white light, it is stunning and majestic.

That is an absolutely invincible power.

In the Eye of Myriad Monsters, the white light converges and instantly dims.Hu Qing and Yuhuo's eyes showed a strange color, and at the same time they retreated slightly, put up their defenses, and temporarily avoided the sharp edge.

The power of the coffin, even the Venerable should be afraid of it.That is the most strange power in the three realms of the vast universe.

At this time, all the monks looked cold and shocked.At this moment, the great power of heaven and earth made them all feel endless pressure.

Even, many monks regret watching the battle here.Because, once you can't protect yourself and get involved in the torrent of immortal power, you will lose your soul.However, it is already difficult to want to leave at this time.

It was a moment when the coercion was endless and the world was about to shatter.

That was also a moment that belonged to Mozi Xiao Luo.

Black and white long hair, like a demon.Such as blood red robe, black and white light.The murderous aura rose up in shock.

There is no doubt that Xiao Luo, the devil, is stunning and gorgeous, and he will never meet again in ten thousand years.

However, karma reincarnates, and fate is doomed.Some people are destined to have regrets in life and unwilling to die.

And Xiao Luo is one of them.Xiao Luo's astonishment was only momentary.It was like a shooting star, streaking across the vast night.Many people, before they have time to appreciate it, have already fallen.

There is a change in the sky, and a guest comes from the north.

In an instant, the desolate soul roared and shook the heavens.Dressed in black, with a black coffin, with endless magic, he went straight to Xiao Luo to press him down.

Magic Coffin!

Thousands of mountains are pressing down on the top, like falling into the world.The entire Tianmu grassland was trembling.

The sun in the double coffin has not been seen in the boundless realm of Tianzhou for tens of thousands of years.At this time, both the two rounds of daylight and the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters have already been covered by the light of the twin coffins.

Two coffins, like two worlds.

Human coffin, magic coffin!
If these two worlds collide completely, the entire Tianmu Grassland will cease to exist.Although Tianzhou Boundless Realm is far superior to Shura Demon Continent, it is bound to suffer heavy losses.


The two coffins are interlaced, as if squeezed.

In an instant, thousands of meters of smoke and dust were like a tsunami.Countless rays of light filled the sky.

At that moment, an unknown amount of celestial power spread out, like a thousand miles of celestial sea, surging endlessly in the void, roaring and surging.

The magic coffin and the human coffin did not completely collide.It was just a friction impact on the edge, and it set off a cloud of smoke.In Guteng City, the only ancient wood fairy vine that did not fall could no longer withstand such an impact.

The green light exploded and broke with a bang.

All the monks were teleporting back to save their lives.However, two figures went straight to the ancient wood fairy vine.

One is Hu Qing and the other is Wu'er.

The ancient wood fairy vines have special meanings to them.However, how could the Plum Blossom Fairy be able to match the Nine Revolving Sky Fox?

Among the thousands of shock waves, a green light flashed, and Hu Qing was nowhere to be seen.The magic coffin was on top, Xiao Luo had no time to look at it.In another flash, Hu Qing reached into his hand and already held the ancient wood fairy vine in his hand.

The green glow dissipated and returned to its original form.

The real vine is just a green vine root, less than three feet long.However, the endless green light is lingering on it, and the immortal power is surging, which is extremely bright.

Flipping it with one hand, the ancient wood fairy vine has been put away by Hu Qing.In this way, the most important task of Hu Qing and Yuhuo's trip to Tianmu was completed.

Er Meihua and Wuer were directly shaken away for several miles by the agitated fairy power.However, the green light under her neck completely protected her, and she was not injured at all.

The smoke dissipates, goodbye to the blue sky.

At this time, the entire Guteng City had completely disappeared.As far as the eye could see, there was nothing but ruins.

But at this time, the two people in the farewell void are facing each other far away.One is Xiao Luo, with a human coffin on his head, standing in the south of the sky.One is Amu, with a magic coffin hanging on his head, standing in the north of the sky.

The wild soul beast stepped on the black cloud.The blood wings spread out, and Yunpeng stood beside Amu.

"Mozun's mount? Wild Soul Beast—"

"The Demon Lord—"

On Tianzhou, not everyone knows Amu.However, the wild soul ancient beast is a legendary beast, but many can recognize it.

But at this time, Amu was wearing a black robe, with a demon coffin hanging from his head, and he was carrying an ancient wild soul beast.The surging magic flame is even better than Xiao Luo.For a while, many relatively low-ranking Tianzhou monks mistakenly thought that Amunai was the ancient demon king.

They looked surprised and froze on the spot.However, among the people present, there are still many people in Tianzhou who know the origin of Amu.

"Amu!" Hu Qing and Yu Huo naturally smiled lightly.As soon as the magic coffin appeared, they knew that it was definitely Amu who had arrived.

"Heirs from the sea!" The big families in Tianzhou definitely know something about Amu.At this time, Mu Tingfeng frowned slightly, while Bai Zixiu was smiling.

Amu's appearance was indeed not what they expected.

Back then, Amu left Beichen City, and now it has been 700 years.The Mu family knew that Amu went to the Xianbu Snow Mountain, but there was no specific information.

Today, seeing Amu again, Mu Tingfeng couldn't help being shocked.Because, Amu's cultivation is not what it used to be.

"Yuanxian Jiuzhong!" Mu Tingfeng understood that Amu's combat power would definitely destroy the Eternal Realm.

"The person who deserves to be tribulated is indeed the Lord of the Demon Coffin! This son can really change the Three Realms!" A white-haired old man in the Qing family's team sighed slightly.

In the void, Amu and Xiao Luo faced each other.It seems that there are two existences that cannot co-exist, and there is no bold murderous intent, but maybe there is only one of them left in the world.

"Xiao Luo, I haven't seen you for many years!" Amu looked at Xiao Luo with a calm expression.

"Hehe!" Xiao Luo looked at Amu and smiled faintly, "Amu, it's been a long time! Today, Xiao is married, and it is a great honor to have such a distinguished guest as you!"

"Brother Xiao's big wedding! Congratulations!" Amu smiled, and then cupped his hands at Xiao Luo and even Wu'er who was far away, "Wandering in the Three Realms, reincarnated in two lives, and still never leave. Amu, I really admire it!"

"Hahaha!" After hearing Amu's words, Xiao Luo couldn't help laughing, "What is wandering? Amu, the Three Realms will be in my hands!"

"Really?" Amu looked at Xiao Luo and said calmly, "Xiao Luo, from the sea wasteland to Shura, from Shura to Tianzhou. There is a big war between you and me! Whether it's personal grievances or the dispute over the coffin, No matter what, you and I cannot coexist!"

"I think so too!" The corner of Xiao Luo's mouth curled up, full of evil charm, "So, you may not be able to leave today!"

"The seven stars are all gone, Murong is dead!" Amu sneered, "You are the only one in the wild!"

"Magical twins, immortal!" Xiao Luo laughed, "If I am immortal, Murong will naturally live! Seven stars return to their positions, and they are all on me!"

While speaking, behind Xiao Luo's back, starlight protruded ten thousand zhang.

Sure enough, in the starlight, the Big Dipper's evil spirit was soaring into the sky.And above Xiao Luo's head, a phantom faintly appeared.Absolutely beautiful and strange, dressed in black, in the shape of Murong Huang.

However, seeing all this, Amu couldn't help but sneer.

"Devil, why bother to bluff!" Then, Amu pointed to the coffin above Xiao Luo's head, "That human coffin has a shape but no soul! You have the soul of the three realms, but you have no heart!"

Xiao Luo couldn't help raising his brows, but remained silent.

"Xiao Luo, today you and I understand all cause and effect!" The black glow on Amu's body suddenly rose, "I am ordered by my master to come and kill you! No matter what, you will die today! You pretend to be the devil of the ages, then I will let you die Under the devil!"

As he spoke, Amu formed seals with both hands, opening and closing them.The whole body is full of black light.At that moment, there was no trace of immortality in Amu's body, only the desire to kill demons.

The demon body is complete, and today Amu will fight with the demon body.

Xiao Luo's bewitching face also showed endless murderous intent.The eternal devil is not a commoner.In Xiao Luo's hand, he formed a formula.

On the red robe, the light of black and white wins.Xiao Luo's aura is definitely not like that of Amu.


The desolate soul beast raised its head to the sky and roared loudly, as if beating a drum to cheer.

Devil!The man who should be robbed for thousands of years!The same Yuanxian Kunou!
At that moment, all the monks in Tianzhou dispersed automatically.But no one escaped, because those who could stay were eligible to watch the battle.

Tianzhou is powerful, each occupying its position.

Red robe, black robe!Human coffin, magic coffin!
Within the Three Realms, the two most amazing inheritors.On this day, they will not die.This battle must also be a world-shocking demonic battle.

The roulette of cause and effect turns slowly.

Within the Three Realms, many great powers are waiting and watching.In the nether world, the man who turned his back to everything had long hair slightly raised and a smile on his mouth.

Tens of thousands of years of waiting are finally coming to an end!
(End of this chapter)

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