nine coffins

Chapter 939 The sea will never fail!Hate the sky, hate the earth and never give birth!

Chapter 939 The sea will never fail!Hate the sky, hate the earth and never give birth!
Magic battle!

Two men, two worlds.The Tianmu Grassland, and even the entire Tianzhou Continent, were covered by the world created by these two men.

The Tianzhou has changed, and the powers of the three realms have different expressions.

On the top of Phoenix Mountain, clouds and mists shroud the air, and the immortal energy is endless.Two figures, in the middle, are looking down on everything.

The man in blue has endless fairy looks, high spirits, long black hair and shawls; the woman in red has a beautiful face, gentle expression, and two swords on her back.

Behind them is a volcano-like existence.The red light and the blue flames are surging and burning, and they are tens of thousands of feet long. They will not be extinguished for thousands of years, just like a sea of ​​​​fire in a sky burial.

The male and female monks had endless immortal light on their bodies, and there were layers of immortal clouds under their feet.They are like gods, overlooking everything.Such a magnanimity is incomparable to non-Honorable Ones.

Today, within the Three Realms, they can indeed be called gods.

Xuantian, stars!Descendants of the ancient phoenix!
In the current Three Realms, Xuantian and Xingchen can actually be called venerables.Because, tens of thousands of years ago, they were one step ahead, and the phoenix of Tianzhou was immortal.

Phoenix Nirvana!As long as there is fire, they can be reborn.

For tens of thousands of years, Tianzhou Phoenix has been recognized as the leader of the Three Realms.Almost everyone in Tianzhou knows that there is an immortal phoenix above the nine heavens.

However, for an unknown number of years, Phoenix did not appear in the Three Realms.

However, Tianzhou Phoenix is ​​really immortal!At this time, everything in the Tianmu Grassland is under their watch.

"Xuantian, do they look like Canghai and Lihen back then?" Red Xingchen smiled lightly.

"Oh?" Xuantian in blue smiled wryly, "We can't see through the cycle of karma! However, this battle really has a bit of the taste of the past. However, this is not a battle between immortals and demons, but a battle between demons and demons." war!"

"Indeed! As a descendant of Canghai, Amu's magic is not inferior at all!" Xingchen said.

"The body of ten thousand venerables, the devil's body is complete!" Xuantian couldn't help but slightly frowned, "Everything is inconceivable!"

At this time, the entire Tianmu grassland was completely covered by demon energy.Looking down from the void, the blackness is like a sea of ​​ink.

"Who will win this battle?" Xing Chen asked lightly.

"Who will win?" Xuantian seemed to feel that Xingchen's question was a bit strange, and then he sighed, but gave a plausible answer, "Whoever is a wedding dress will definitely die!"

Star frowned and nodded.


Suspended green hills, 97 weights.

Green Devil, there is no wave in his eyes, only calm.Li Ruo, dressed in plain clothes, stood beside him.Above their heads, there are two mountains.

"Master, is there any change in the Tianmu Grassland?" Li Ruo couldn't see through everything, but could feel the endless demon energy on the Tianmu Grassland, overwhelming everything.

The green devil smiled faintly.

"Amu, I want to kill Xiao Luo!"

"Oh?" A look of nervousness flashed across Li Ruo's eyes.

Because, Amu and Xiao Luo are fighting endlessly in the three worlds of grievances and grievances. On the surface, Amu has the upper hand, but Xiao Luo has never really failed, but the more he fights, the stronger he becomes.

Above the deserted sea, the Holy Mountain battles.Murong Huang fell, but Xiao Luo did not die, and his soul did not die.This time, Tianzhou met again, and I really don't know what the result will be.

"Master! Brother Amu, broke out of the cocoon and left Xianzhuliu Town? How is his state?"

"Yuanxian Jiuzhong!" Qing Mozi smiled slightly, "As expected of Canghai Molang, in 700 years, he was able to create such a disciple with secret methods!"

"Where is Xiao Luo's realm?" Li Ruo asked again.

"It's also Yuanxian Jiuzhong!" Qing Mozi sighed softly, "If my teacher remembers correctly. This is the first time that Mozi has not suppressed Amu in the realm."

"Then what will happen to the outcome?" Li Ruo asked.

"Hehe!" Qing Mozi chuckled, "There is no need to ask. Karma turns, Mozi has been abandoned by fate! Besides——"

Qing Mozi's tone paused, and then calmly said: "Cang Hai, we will never fail!"

After finishing speaking, the green devil let out a clear whistle, which echoed endlessly on the 99-fold high mountain.Then, the master and apprentice, with a movement of their figures, went straight to the 98th green mountain.


The whistling is intense, lingering in the clouds forever.On the top of Phoenix Mountain, Xuantian and Xingchen stood side by side.

"Green Demon, it will be here soon!" Xuan Tian smiled slightly.

"The blue light in the sea is the same as before! There are only a handful of people in the Three Realms who can climb these 99 heavy mountains." Xingchen also smiled lightly, "The blue light and white light are really lucky in the sea! Then this time, let Sheng Lian and Heilong Are they coming down?"

"Half is the sea, and half is the holy lotus!" Xuantian smiled wryly, "The fairy body of the holy lotus has been formed under Phoenix Mountain for nearly a thousand years. If you can, let them go!"

"Yeah!" Xingchen nodded.

At the foot of Phoenix Mountain, above the bluestone.A lotus flower is in full bloom, with a light fragrance and a clear fragrance.

At this time, a man in white, with long hair like a waterfall, and his eyes slightly closed, was sitting cross-legged.The charm is better than immortals, and it is as elegant as lotus.

When the green devil roared and shook the mountain, the man in white couldn't help but slowly opened his eyes, with a slight joy in his eyes.

"Green Demon, Liruo—"


The Tianmu grassland is like a demon realm.

A Mu and Xiao Luo are both the original nine levels of immortality, approaching Yongjing.Two coffins hang from the sky, and there are thousands of spells.Whether it is Amu or Xiao Luo's combat strength, they are comparable to Yongjing.

This is an eternal battle.

Two people, each has its own support.Endless magic energy, scrolling the void.Within ten thousand miles, the hurricane howled.At this time, all the monks watching the battle retreated thousands of miles away. Even so, they had to fully defend themselves in order to protect themselves.

Neither A Mu nor Xiao Luo had a choice, and directly used the magic coffin and the human coffin.Subconsciously, neither of them seemed to want a quick fix.

Hearty, endless!
This is the common thought in the hearts of two people.

The grievances and grievances of the Three Realms will be resolved once in a while.In this battle, they must do their best so that the opponent will never recover.

Amu, a ghost in black, with a murderous look.Xiao Luo, with a bewitching face, his eyes beat demons.

Demonic energy, killing intent, overwhelming the sky and covering the sun.

At this time, the only ones who can fully see the battle situation in the arena are Hu Qing, Yu Huo, and the red-haired Dragon Saliva who has never really shown up.

In the hearts of the three of them, there were endless sighs.

They all understand.Devil, must be defeated!

Fight demons with demons!

This is the first time since Amu cultivated into the Buddha Lamp in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, the Buddha and the devil, he will fight with a pure and broken devil body.Nine hundred and ninety-nine ink-colored dragon souls haunt his body.

Flying up and down, it seems like a fantasy.The torrent of magic is like black water rolling into the sky.

Phantom twins!

Xiao Luo and Murong are two in one mind.In fact, at this moment, Xiao Luo felt endless sadness, endless sadness in his heart.

His pain is far better than that of Amu.

In the battle of Haihuang, Taihuang was completely wiped out. The emperor of Taihuang made a pact with the devil and was cut off from reincarnation.In the first battle of Shura, 3000 years of business planning were destroyed in one fell swoop.In the battle of Tianzhou, the Mu clan was buried with them, and the Seven Stars returned to their thrones.

For many people, Xiao Luo has no choice but this.

Why is fate so unfair?Why, cause and effect were reversed?

Back then, Xiao Luo met Amu for the first time in the Wild Soul Secret Realm.At that time, Xiao Luo once thought that killing Amu was like turning back his hand.However, he didn't know that Amu was carrying the magic coffin.

Ten reincarnations!

Xiao Luo and Murong are actually the real demons.

However, cause and effect have changed, and fate has reversed.

Xiao Luo and Murong struggled hard, but there was nothing wrong with it.They just want to get back their own things.Within the Three Realms, no one would give up their own things to others.

Everything that belongs to the devil should belong to him.

But, why, born Amu?

Xiao Luo and Murong shocked the three worlds, their talents are endless, how can they be without complaint?How can there be no hatred?

"I have resentment! I have hatred!" This is the voice in Xiao Luo's and Murong's hearts in countless dark nights.

The battle situation is anxious, and the blood of the devil is soaring to the sky!

And suddenly, Xiao Luo's aura changed suddenly.In the eyes, a bloody light shot into the sky.His hands formed an extremely ancient seal.

"Li Hate Hate Heaven Jue!" Hu Qing blurted out.Yuhuo's expression also changed.Dragon Saliva's eyes are quite interesting.

That is, a Venerable-level spell of the Eternal Demon Venerable.According to legend, back then, the Demon Venerable Lian hated, because he realized this trick, he stepped into the realm of the venerable one step at a time.

God damn it!Hate!Hate the common people of the Three Realms!
Ha ha ha - woo woo woo -

The eternal magic sound came out from Xiao Luo's mouth.

"The sky will never be destroyed, and the earth will never be buried! My soul returns, and the blue sky is stained with blood—" Amu is no stranger to that devilish voice.However, at this time, Amu's heart and soul were suddenly shocked.


"Hate the heavens and the earth cannot be tolerated! For thousands of years in the Three Realms, demons follow my heart. If you are a demon, please obey my orders!" Xiao Luo's demonic voice resounded like a desolate sad song.

The red robe is hunting, and the long hair is flying.

Those who heard about it in the Three Realms felt sad and demonic heart gradually arose in their hearts.

Within the Three Realms, if everyone has the mind of a Buddha, then everyone has a mind of magic.Let me ask, who has no demon in his heart?

"I am a demon!" That was the voice of the demon in the hearts of countless people.Even, Amu's heart rose up.

The eternal magic coffin resonated loudly.Within the Three Realms, magic is everywhere.

"Wow—" Amu's long hair flew wildly, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spewed out.

(End of this chapter)

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