nine coffins

Chapter 941 Your Woman!May the wedding dress be stained with blood for you!

Chapter 941 Your Woman!May the wedding dress be stained with blood for you!

Amu Jieyin, a word of truth!

In an instant, nine hundred and ninety-nine strands of soul energy were released suddenly.Xiao Luo couldn't help but change his expression.Because those soul qi are so special.

That is by no means an ordinary human soul.
The three coffins of heaven, earth and man have not appeared in ancient times.

From ancient times to the present, countless monks have searched and explored, and they have never stopped.Xiao Luo's coffin gathered the souls of the three worlds and turned it into a human coffin. In fact, there was nothing wrong with it. To a certain extent, it had already obtained the essence of the human coffin.
But Amu was right.

That human coffin has a shape but no soul.It was like a dragon, without eyes.It is more like turning the world around with one's own power.


Immortals are buried in the snow-capped mountains, the Wang family in Liuzhen.The black-clothed Wang Jue opened the water mirror to watch everything, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Devil! The so-called defying the sky is actually walking in the sky! The nine coffins of the three realms are all born from the chaos of black and yellow, how can they be made by human power alone? Between good and bad, immortals and demons instantly! You can't get the soul of reincarnation in the three realms, How can you hold a coffin in your hand? Let it fall!"

"Xiao Luo, let's fall!" The voices of Amu and Wang Jue sounded almost at the same time.

What Amu sacrificed was nothing else, but the soul of Haihuangliu Town that had survived for thousands of years.

Back then, Fuhunzi killed the people of Liuzhen.Those souls were finally collected by Amu in the soul-gathering bottle.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine Dao mortal souls, the wheels are round, and they shine brightly.

It was a faint milky white light, soft, peaceful, and beautiful.That is nine hundred and ninety-nine, the most simple mortal soul.It was incompatible with all the aura around it.

It seems that a treasure suddenly appeared in the fighting.In the dark night, there was a ray of dawn.

coffin reference!

With this spirit of the sea, Amu could not subdue the human coffin.However, Xiao Luo's coffin suddenly froze.Although the brilliance of the entire coffin was circulating, it lingered.

At that moment, it seemed that he saw something terrifying.How dare people change their minds when they see their hearts?

The three coffins stretched to the sky, just for a moment.

And at the same time as the human coffin paused slightly.Amu's magic coffin also stopped in the void.Between Xiao Luo's eyebrows, thousands of magic lights directly covered the magic coffin.

Indeed, the magic coffin is useless to Xiao Luo.The magic coffin is indeed ineffective against the devil.

However, Xiao Luo was very sad.Because, Amu has two coffins.

Two coffins stagnated, and one coffin went straight.Thousands of red flames engulfed Xiao Luo in an instant.

"Xiao Luo—"

In the void, there was an exclamation.

I'm afraid, that was the only one who really cared about Xiao Luo among all the people present.

There are thousands of murderous intentions, and you are silent.

Only that heart-piercing cry highlighted the preciousness of love.

Thousands of plum blossoms are like moths.

In fact, the dragon saliva on the void also went straight to Xiao Luo with red hair.However, at that moment, Hu Qing suddenly disappeared, directly blocking Longxie's path.

"Dragon Saliva, don't miss it, please stand on the sidelines. I can protect you from death!"

"Qinghu, Tianhu Xueying is Lihen's true love, now that the devil is trapped, you are actually a sea eagle dog!" Long Xin sneered.

"What is an eagle dog?" Hu Qing smiled faintly, "Cause and effect have changed, tens of thousands of years have passed. Above the deserted seas, I have enshrined Amu as my master. What does it matter to me if the demon is gone? On the surface, I won't kill you today! You don't want to interfere in everything. I, Qinghu, just have a clear conscience!"

"Hmph!" Longxi snorted coldly without saying a word.

If Hu Qing was alone, Longxi might be able to fight.

However, Yuhuo is still on the side, as long as it makes a move, Longxiu will definitely lose.Qinghu and Mohuhu joined forces and were able to fight the Venerable back then.

Besides, Long Xi definitely did not come here to save Xiao Luo, so at this moment, he could only stand still in the void and watch the changes.

At your most dangerous moment, if a person stands by your side without hesitation regardless of life or death, even if it is a moth to the flame.Then, that must be the person I love the most.


Thousands of plum blossoms rush to the fire.However, it instantly turned into green smoke.

The plum blossom spirit couldn't get close to Xiao Luo's body at all.With a surge of divine power, Wu'er spat out a mouthful of blood.

The wedding dress was stained with blood, and Wu'er smiled sadly.

In no time, she formed a seal of life and death.In an instant, a pendant was placed around her neck, and the green light was displayed.That is the last essence of the Tianzhou Wood Clan.

Suddenly, protected by the green light, Wu'er rushed into the sea of ​​flames without hesitation.

Amu, lead the coffin.Xiao Luo, restrain the coffin.

The divine coffin turned into a sea of ​​flames, engulfing Xiao Luo.The power of the divine coffin can burn the world, how can the plum blossom spirit resist?
Plum blossoms fight the fire, go to death with infatuation, and break everything.

At that moment, everyone was shocked.Amu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Because, at that moment, Amu thought of the purple jade who stood in front of him without hesitation on the North Cold Peak, and said that Shen Yan was dying generously outside the Brahma Temple.

Ask what love is in the world, and directly teach life and death!
Regardless of the magic fairy, the love is as deep as the same.

At that moment, Amu's heart trembled slightly.Not because of Xiao Luo, but because of Wu'er's friendship.

The seven great star kings have turned into dust.

Back then, there was a small shop in the ghost town of Beiguo.When Amu saw Wu'er for the first time, it was just a proud and natural plum blossom in plain clothes with a hand-held demon lamp.

Amu doesn't know all the stories about Wu'er and Xiao Luo.However, Wu'er and Xiao Luo are inseparable from each other, and the three realms follow each other.Life and death do not change, everything is naturally self-evident.

Love, nothing wrong.Xiao Luo, stunning the Three Realms, indeed has thousands of cuteness!It's just that the Plum Blossom Fairy fell in love with a man who was abandoned by fate!
The flame of the divine coffin ruins everything.

Plum blossoms and devils are in the sea of ​​fire together.

Devil Xiao Luo, naturally he will not be swallowed by the divine coffin in an instant.In the flames, black and white lights lingered, and many magical treasures instantly supported the barrier.

The five plum blossoms rushed straight to Xiao Luo.

At that moment, the green light on the body had dissipated.At that moment, Xiao Luo had tears in his eyes.

Because he couldn't save Wu'er.

"Wu'er——" Xiao Luo tried his best to radiate a black light, and caught Wu'er.However, the power of the divine coffin has already exhausted everything in Wu'er.

Wu'er's face was pale, and the green glow under his neck was faint.On the red clothes, the plum blossoms are scattered, the residual fragrance is still there, and the blood hits the skirt of the clothes.

Tianzhou's third soul, this is Wu'er's last soul.

Xiao Luo, tears rolled down, hugged Wu'er.Devil's tears don't fall easily.The devil's hands were trembling slightly.

"Why, Wu'er? He can't kill me!"

Wu'er smiled softly, but it was sad.

"Xiao Luo... I am your bride—"

Xiao Luo nodded solemnly.

"Thank you for this wedding!"

"In order to overcome everything! Grandpa, father, Xingjun are all dead. Master and clansmen are also gone. Then, your woman is also willing to stain her wedding dress with blood for you—"

"Whether right or wrong, I love you!" Wu'er smiled brightly, she has her own happiness.At that moment, countless plum blossoms suddenly flew up.At that moment, it once appeared in Tianzhou.

However, it will never happen again!
"Xiao Luo, now, I just want to die in your arms—"

"Wu'er—" Xiao Luo, knowing that everything was irreversible, choked up and couldn't speak.

"Xiao Luo! Today, we got married. I don't have reincarnation, but I am your woman, so I have no regrets in dying—"

After all, Wu'er held Xiao Luo's hand, elegant and beautiful.She wanted to take a last look at Xiao Luo's beautiful and bewitching face, and then slowly closed her eyes.

Today, the red clothes want to fly together, but who knows that there are only tears of life and death!A banquet is actually a farewell!
"Five children—"

At that moment, countless years of love, hatred and repression finally broke out completely.

No one is willing to let the closest relatives make a pact with the devil to cut off the cycle of reincarnation; no one hopes that those who follow themselves will fight to the death and return to their place; no one will choose to let the woman you love and love you the most die like this in your arms.

Die without regret!However, how can you really have no regrets?

Who doesn't want to hold his hand until his temples are stained with frost?Who wouldn't want to pay the child's heart forever?
The spirit of the plum blossom, the three souls died out and turned into a clean dust.

Dao Dao fragrance, scattered sky.In fact, life and death come and go, except for those who remember you, there are really no traces of many people in the world.

"Wu'er—" Xiao Luo's sad voice pierced through the Three Realms.When your woman dies in your arms, that must be the saddest moment for a man.

There used to be plum blossoms standing quietly on the snowy road in the northern country.That was Xiao Luo's life, not many bright colors, even the only bright color.That is the most painful time, the deepest comfort.

What about immortals and demons if they die but don't live?
The devil fell down, his long hair fluttering, and he exploded completely.Tens of thousands of years of enduring pain, in fact, at the moment Wen Muran returned to his throne, Xiao Luo was already overwhelmed.

The lingering fragrance of plum blossoms is still there, and the flame of the divine coffin is burning.

In an instant, Xiao Luo let out a long whistle.Just like, a volcano has been suppressed for thousands of years.

The red clothes are like butterflies, and the long hair is flying around.


It was a kind of power beyond imagination, and it exploded in an instant.

The light of black and white forced back the flames of the divine coffin.

In Xiao Luo's hand, there was an unknown formula.

It was a technique embedded in the deepest part of his soul, which only he and Murong knew.

"I am the son of the eternal devil! I have the name of a devil! I use the devil's heart, the devil's mind, and the devil's body to summon you to rebirth! Where the roulette is, I would like to be a dark star for the roulette!"

Xiao Luo didn't even know when he would awaken that spell.That seemed to be the oldest memory, sealed in his mind.


At that moment, the three realms were shaken, and the color of the phoenix changed.

The clouds scattered, and he frowned.Mo Lang was stunned.


On the top of the immeasurable mountain, there is a Buddha's name.

A ray of white light disappeared instantly.Unknowingly, City Lord Ziyou suddenly opened his eyes.

Tianzhou Shura Office.Fox Mountain, there is a moon.

The expression of the beautiful woman in white also changed.

In Shura Realm, on Jiulun Mountain.

Shuimei and Shangxie stand side by side.The red-clothed man was silent, his eyes were clear and bottomless.

"Shui Mei, I'm leaving!" Shang Xie's voice disappeared without a trace.

At this time, within the Three Realms, there is a sense of induction.Do not know how much power, there is action.

Tens of thousands of years, this day is a turning point.

Haihuang, Shura, Tianzhou, and countless monks all felt the changes in the world.

Nether world, black swamp, white isolated island.

The man in black had bulging clothes and his long hair flew up completely.


The desolate laughter resounded throughout the netherworld.The man's mouth curved into a beautiful arc.

For thousands of years, he has waited for too long!

Tianmu void.

Xiao Luo seemed to have completely lost his mind.The red robes were scattered, and there was endless blood in his eyes.And following his seal formula, a shadow of a roulette rose faintly in his head.

Fiction!On it, faintly, there are nine ancient scales.

Hu Qing, Yuhuo, and Longxi all stood there dumbfounded.

Because, that's karma roulette!
 I like Xiao Luo, I like Wu'er!This has been the case since they appeared in the nine coffins.However, Wu'er's destiny is to die!Shanhe, I really hope this is a real feast, not a blood-stained wedding!

  Loved this chapter, loved the many sentences!

  The cause and effect are helpless, the devil is sad!It seems that even Shanhe can't write, that kind of taste in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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