nine coffins

Chapter 942 Demon Fall!All gods and blood!

Chapter 942 Demon Fall!One hundred thousand gods and demons, one hundred thousand blood!
The vast universe is endless, and the chaos is just beginning.

There is a mountain in Tianzhou, named Wuliang.There is a pool on the top of the immeasurable mountain, which is the immeasurable holy mirror.According to legend, there used to be a roulette at the bottom of the holy mirror, which was made of chaos, and many causes and effects can be seen on it.

Karma Roulette, Legend of the Three Realms.But, has anyone actually seen Karma Roulette?No one can tell what the causal roulette looks like.

Tianmu is empty, with thousands of clouds and mists, and the waves of immortality.

The devil fell down and exploded completely.At this moment, his strength is enough to make Eternity fall.For a moment, the divine coffin couldn't even suppress its power.

The endless flames of the divine coffin were instantly shattered.Layers of surges, the devil opened the sky.

That was an eruption of tens of thousands of years!
The twin coffins of humans and demons hover in the sky.The shadow of the roulette, hanging high in the void.

Xiao Luo was dressed in red, full of blood.At the same time, Xiao Luo formed a seal in his hand.In the shadow of the roulette, a mysterious light shot out instantly and went straight to Amu.

That is a force of cause and effect that can break all laws of the Three Realms.

At that moment, the Three Realms shook, and all realms were disturbed.The devil can actually summon the causal roulette.Although it wasn't a karma roulette in the true sense, it was already extremely shocking.

This greatly exceeded many people's expectations.

As soon as Hu Qing moved, he wanted to stand in front of Amu and block the power of cause and effect.However, as soon as Hu Qing's body moved, Longsaliva moved accordingly.

"Qinghu, please watch from the sidelines!" Longxi sneered.This is exactly what Qinghu said to him just now, and now he retaliates to Hu Qing.

"Longxi, you are looking for death!" Hu Qing raised his brows, his voice turned cold, and instantly emitted a green glow, hitting Longxi.

At this time, Longxi was no longer afraid.

The realms of the ancient immortals, Hu Qing and Long Xian, were indistinguishable.Now, although Hu Qing's combat strength is slightly higher than that of Dragon Saliva, they will definitely not be able to tell the winner in a short time.

At the same time, Yuhuo has already rushed towards Amu.

The power of cause and effect is mysterious and unpredictable.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo felt Xiao Luo's terrifying power, and they were all worried about Amu.

The power of karma and reincarnation is indeed extraordinary.There is no doubt about the power of Jiuzhuan Firefox.However, when Yuhuo rushed towards Amu, he was imprisoned for an instant.

Tianhu Nine Turns, comparable to a half statue.Today, in the three realms, unless the real ancient venerable appears, there is absolutely no existence that can imprison the Jade Fire.

However, at that moment, Yuhuo's body was indeed slightly stagnant.

"Confinement by cause and effect?" Yuhuo frowned.She is also completely unfamiliar with that kind of power, so she can only speculate.

"Open!" Yuhuo quickly formed seals with both hands and shouted softly.The endless red light on his body suddenly appeared.The body of nine turns, the power of eternity, suddenly dispersed.


The fire was like the wind, and the sky fox roared.Eternal power, scrolling the void.However, even so, Yuhuo couldn't completely get rid of that causal power.

Yuhuo only took half a step forward before falling into the torrent of power again.The whole world is an endless swamp of fairy power, and it is difficult to move.


The ancient desolate soul beast, with its bloody wings dancing, is also unable to move an inch. .

"Mie!" At this moment, Xiao Luo waved his hand again with a grim face.The magic moved the void, carrying the power of cause and effect, and thousands of powers, and went straight to Amu again.

Flick, instant!Everything just now is just a few moments.

In fact, Amu's calculation just now is absolutely correct.If it wasn't for Wu'er's fall and Xiao Luo's rampage to sacrifice the shadow of the causal roulette, Xiao Luo would have been suppressed by the divine coffin at this moment.

However, the situation changed suddenly and everything reversed.Who would have thought that Xiao Luo could summon the Karma Roulette?
The devil's coffin stays in the air, but the god's coffin doesn't move.

As soon as the causal roulette came out, it seemed to have the power to imprison everything.At this time, even if the human coffin is not pulled by Amu's soul, it will still be in the void.

The sky and the earth roared, everything was in Amu's eyes.

However, the whole world seemed to be under Xiao Luo's control.

When the power of karma struck, Amu couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly.Objectively speaking, Xiao Luo's ability to have such power definitely exceeded Amu's expectation.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo were both entangled.At that moment, Amu could only rely on himself.

The power of cause and effect sweeps the sky.

Amu Tsing Yi Lie Lie was calm and composed.That kind of self-confidence also comes from the soul, from an inexplicable fate.

Everything in the sea is full of illusions.However, in the void, Amu's body was as straight as a mountain.That is the bearing of the sea, inherited.


The power of cause and effect enveloped Amu in an instant.

At that moment, not only the Tianmu Grassland, the Tianzhou Wuliang, but even the great powers from all worlds and beyond all felt tense in their hearts.

The pendants scattered in the clouds suddenly shone brightly.The sword of Xingchen is also in his hand.In fact, Xing Fei was only one step away from reaching Tianmu, and there were forbidden maps looming under Wang Jue's feet.

In fact, if these forces arrive, the fastest ones will be a hair's breadth away.They are not auspicious, and the fastest cannot surpass time.

In theory, Xiao Luo's power is enough to crush the current Amu.Even at that moment, Xiao Luo felt that he heard countless weeping from the Three Realms.

The one who should be robbed?ridiculous!
The hatred of the wilderness, the hatred of thousands of years, will be blooded once.In Xiao Luo's heart, blood ran hot.Unfortunately, Xiao Luo was alone at this time.Surprisingly, there was no one by his side who accompanied him to witness everything.

"Amu! Let's fall!" That was the voice in Xiao Luo's heart.


Void vortex!Amu was engulfed by causal power just like Xiao Luo was engulfed by the flames of the divine coffin.There are so many hearts in the three realms, suddenly a pain.

Tianzhou Ghost House, deep in the Yin Mountains.A woman in purple, who was in retreat, suddenly woke up.Because, at that moment, the drop of soul blood between the eyebrows suddenly jumped.


However, at this moment.

Tianmu Void, a green light rushed directly from the center of Amu's eyebrows.The splendor of brilliance, like a green dragon, soars to the nine heavens!
"What's that?" someone asked.


The mysterious blue dagger——

In an instant, the whole world was in an uproar.

Amu has a dagger, and many people know it.However, when the twin coffins of gods and demons were suspended in the air, and the nine-turn sky fox was trapped, no one would think of the nameless dagger at that moment.

Of course, except Amu!
The mysterious dagger is Amu's trump card!That dagger used to be invincible, cutting off everything in the Three Realms.It never fails.

At this moment, it broke through everything and showed its might again.

The corners of Amu's mouth raised slightly, and he smiled faintly.

"Xiao Luo, goodbye!"

The green light pierced the sky, and as soon as the dagger came out, the power of cause and effect just now was cut off in an instant.At the same time, the dagger did not stagnate at all.

Under the confinement of the causal roulette, the three coffins did not move.However, that dagger is like a bird flying in the air and a fish swimming in the water, flying freely and unhindered like electricity.

What shocked everyone was that the dagger with its green glow went straight to Xiao Luo's Karma Roulette Shadow.

That was the most shocking scene in the Three Realms!
All the spectators were dumbfounded.Even Xuantian, Xingchen, even Wang Jue and Yunsan.That dagger, in this life, was given to Amu by Xuantian, but it was entrusted by Canghai.

Xuan Tian didn't know what that dagger was.

The mysterious dagger piercing the causal roulette is simply unimaginable!
Similarly, at that moment, Xiao Luo was the most shocked.He was no stranger to that dagger, but the power it displayed today far exceeded his imagination.


The sky is scattered!

In this world there are those who belong to the eternal mourners!For example Xiao Luo.

The Eternal Devil, amazing forever.However, he absolutely couldn't stop that dagger, nor could he stop karma and fate.

Under the blue light, in the void, the shadow of the causal roulette instantly scattered.

But the dagger was green and fell suddenly.

At that moment, Xiao Luo didn't even resist, perhaps endless despair filled his heart.Willing to be unwilling, only one death.


A green flower, red clothes scattered.Dao disappears, and the devil falls.In the last Xiao Luo, there was neither roar nor whine.

The body dissipated, and the soul disappeared.

However, at that moment, blood splashed in the void, like thousands of stars falling.Demonic blood, covering the entire sky.

The Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, in the cave of the Sea of ​​Clouds, in the water of the Tianchi Lake.

Mozun Lihen, gently opened his eyes.He stared blankly at the world, then slowly closed it again.Everything seemed to be silent.

However, a drop of tears melted into the Tianchi water.It was silent, without arousing Leng Yu and Murong Haiqing's awareness.

"Devil's blood! One hundred thousand gods and demons, one hundred thousand blood!" At that moment, Tianwai Yunsan suddenly lost his voice.

And at that moment, Longsaliva suddenly retreated outwards, and sacrificed a magic weapon at the same time.No one knows what magic weapon that is.However, Xiao Luo's blood was instantly collected by him.

This is the real purpose of the dragon saliva.

Hu Qing was slightly taken aback.And in an instant, the dragon saliva was sacrificed with a fairy talisman.

The space domain door opened, and the red shadow disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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