nine coffins

Chapter 943 Nether Transformation!The gods and demons are in hand, and the coffin is returning!

Chapter 943 Nether Transformation!The gods and demons are in hand, and the coffin is returning!
The dagger broke the roulette!
On the Tianmu Grassland, the battle of Canghai and Amu shocked the sky.The devil fell, and there was a lot of blood.At that moment, I don't know how many great powers from the Three Realms took a deep breath of air-conditioning.

Yun San let out a long sigh; Xing Chen withdrew his two swords; Wang Jue, the forbidden map under his feet gradually dissipated, although there was still a hint of worry in his eyes, but there was a rare smile on his face.

Tianmu void, a white light.The silver-haired punishment flies, standing outstandingly.

"The line of the sea is indeed invincible—" Xuan Tian let out a long sigh on the top of Phoenix Mountain.If Cang Hai could see that scene, he must be extremely gratified!
"Xuantian, what exactly is that dagger?" Xingchen asked.

Xuan Tian frowned and pondered slightly, but finally shook his head slowly.In fact, for tens of thousands of years, that dagger has come and gone in Xuantian's hands countless times.

However, he never penetrated it.The green light is like water, the divine light is restrained, ordinary and mysterious.That dagger, in various ways, has run through Amu's countless reincarnations.

As far as Xuantian and Xingchen know, tens of thousands of years ago, there was no such dagger in the Three Realms.The mysterious dagger originally came from the Hand of the Sea.

That was also the last time Xuantian and Xingchen saw Canghai.

What kind of dagger is that?Through the worlds, across thousands of years.Invincible vertically and horizontally, unexpectedly above the nine coffins, can break the shadow of the causal roulette.

In fact, in the end, we still have to ask Cang Hai about everything.However, the sea has fallen!
"One hundred thousand gods and one hundred thousand blood!" Xuan Tian whispered to himself.

"When the devil falls, the magic will never die!" Xing Chen sighed, "The real roulette of karma is not in Xiao Luo's body!"

"Everything that happened tens of thousands of years ago seems to be repeating itself!" Xuan Tian said.

Phoenix Mountain coexists with the Three Realms.Blue and red flames are burning.Xuantian and Xingchen stood on the top of Phoenix Mountain, their thoughts were misty and their expressions were dazed.


Tianmu Grassland is bleak and windy.

Two rounds of red sun, east and west sink.That was the background when Amu was dressed in Tsing Yi, independent of the world.The time in the Three Realms is endless, but there must be a light that will freeze at this moment.

Tsing Yi swayed slightly, as condensed as a mountain.Looking down on the world, I am the only one.Tens of thousands of years ago, Xianzun Canghai once stood proudly at the top of the Three Realms.

The Qingmang dagger drew a final arc in the void, and then flew directly back into Amu's hand without any abnormality.

Immediately, the twin coffins of gods and demons buzzed.The magic coffin enters the pill sea, and the god coffin returns to the eyebrows.

"Introduction!" Finally, Amu pinched the Yin Jue with his hand, looked at the coffin in the void, and shouted softly.


The black and white light on the human coffin instantly dimmed.Then, the entire coffin directly turned into a streamer.The souls of the nine hundred and ninety seas and wildernesses merged into it, and Amu took back the Celestial Fox Bracelet in the end.

That's not a real human coffin.

With the gods and demons in hand, the human coffin returns for the first time.

At that moment, a feeling of emptiness rose in Amu's heart.The combination of nine coffins seems to be waiting.

If a king wants to reach the top, someone must fall.

The eternal devil is the foil of Amu.Collecting souls from the three realms, the shape of an adult coffin, it seems that in the end it was only a wedding dress for Amu.

One hundred thousand gods and demons, one hundred thousand blood!

That was Xiao Luo's last technique!However, that was only replaced by Yun San's exclamation and Phoenix's sigh of relief.Others didn't seem to pay attention to the scattered blood.

Longxiu fled away so quickly that many people didn't even see the process clearly.Moreover, under the circumstances at that time, Long Saliva escape was the wisest choice.

Without causal imprisonment, Hu Qing and Yuhuo can destroy the dragon saliva.

The sky is full of red light, and it disappears in a flash.Where can you see clearly, which is blood and which is dragon saliva!At that moment, everyone's thoughts fell on Amu.

In this world, most people are crying out for becoming kings, but how many people are willing to cry out for losers?
Amu's brilliance covered up many glooms.

The wind blows through the setting sun, and the heaven and earth chill.The Tianmu Grassland has become thousands of miles of ravines, and it is no longer what it used to be.The entire domain of the Mu clan was even more blood-stained.

For tens of thousands of years, this is the first such battle in the Tianzhou Boundless Realm.

Thrilling!The devil is vertical and horizontal, and the cause and effect are suspended in the air.At that moment, many people thought that the devil would win.However, all these delusions were cut into the void by the descendants of Canghai.

The smoke cleared and there was silence.

In the entire Tianmu grassland, except for the sound of the wind, there was no lingering sound.

"Jiuzhuan Tianhu, pay homage to my lord!" Suddenly, Hu Qing's clear voice broke the silence and spread throughout Tianmu.


The whole Tianmu was in an uproar.

The sky fox turned nine times, and Hu Qingyuhuo was almost half a statue.However, at this moment, Qinghu and Firefox knelt on one knee facing Amu and bowed their heads.

The Tianhu family is number one in the Three Realms.

In terms of talent, the Tianhu clan overwhelms the Three Realms, even above the human race.Back then, Xue Ying, the demon king, was the most beautiful in the Three Realms, and her skills were invincible.

Qinghu and Firefox, as the powers of the fox clan, are also legends of Tianzhou.

Below the demon venerable, all spirits submit, no one can match.But now, a pair of sky foxes actually bowed down to Amu.This scene was almost as shocking as everything just now.

For a moment, all the cultivators in Tianzhou were stunned.

"Thousands of years have passed. A new era has begun!" At this time, I don't know if it was the great master of Tianzhou who said this meaningful sentence.

Then, in an instant, Tianmu fell to his knees.

Tianhu bows down, so who in the entire Tianzhou spirit clan dare not kneel?Don't forget, just now, the Tianzhou Mu clan was wiped out by Hu Qing in a fit of anger.When Tianhu returns, he is the undisputed King of All Souls.

"Honor to my lord—" the voice was powerful, spreading throughout Tianmu.

The entire Tianzhou spirit clan is willing to worship Amu as the master.On this day, the balance of power in Tianzhou will be completely changed.The characters of the three great families Mu, Bai, and Qing have different expressions.

Among them, Bai Zixiu was smiling.Because he made friends with the most worthy people.From then on, his position in the Bai family may be unmatched by anyone.

As for Mu Tingfeng, his expression was gloomy.Because the Mu family pressed the wrong treasure, the only fortunate thing is that in Beichen City, the Mu family left a way out for themselves.

In the future, as long as he keeps a low profile, Amu may not be able to do anything about it.

Amu looked calm.

However, Tianzhou changed on this day, and the Three Realms changed.


Netherworld.Black Daze, white isolated island.

Suddenly, a void waved, and the gate of the realm opened wide.The red shadow transforms into an illusion, and the dragon saliva appears.The man in black still sat on the isolated island with his back to everything.

However, the moment he returned to the Netherworld, Longxi felt that the breath here was completely different from when he left.

In this world, there is one less bondage and confinement.Longxi raised her eyebrows.

"Dragon Saliva, you have worked hard!" The voice of the man in black was the same as before.However, in Long Saliva's ears, there seemed to be an inexplicable difference, "Did you bring back the devil's blood?"

"Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life!" Longxi nodded without the slightest hesitation.With a shake of his hand, Longxi directly sacrificed a blood-colored jade bottle.

The man in black slightly raised his hand.

The jade bottle was directly fixed in the void by it.The bloody jade bottle, the brilliance flows.In this dark world, it is like a red sun, shining brightly.

"Devil, you will not fall in vain!" The man in black smiled faintly.Immediately, I saw his hands forming seals, which is an ancient seal formula.

In the entire Three Realms, there are only a handful of people who can understand his formulas.

A ray of light was extremely pale, but within the white light was a drop of soul blood.It was the quintessential nether light, containing a drop of the blood of Hades.

That ray of light originated from the magic formula of the man in black, and then wrapped around the bloody jade bottle in an instant.


In an instant, the blood bottle trembled slightly and hummed endlessly.

"Blood Soul Resonance!" Long Sali's heart moved, and he couldn't help frowning slightly.


Goodbye, the entire netherworld suddenly blows up.

The black wind is raging, and the waves of Wangchuan are rolling.

The man in black clothes fluttered, and his long hair flew like a dragon.

"The karma has been broken, the devil's blood has returned! Seal, open!" The man in black shouted violently.


The blood bottle exploded suddenly.One hundred thousand demonic blood, shining like stars, hung in the void.In an instant, the two bloodlines merged.Nether void, filled with blood.

Black Daze, mist rises.The white island seems to be turning.

The entire nether world is spinning.

At that moment, Long Xin forced himself to be calm, but the look in his eyes changed.Endless power floods the nether world.Everything around is changing.

Above the dragon saliva is the Venerable.However, at that moment, Longxi felt that he was imprisoned.

The white island turned, and the man in black finally faced everything.


Under the black and white light, Longxi couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"Xiao Luo—"

(End of this chapter)

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