nine coffins

Chapter 944 There is a coffin here!Excuse me, master, who is the real body?

Chapter 944 There is a coffin here!Excuse me, master, who is the real body?

Two rounds of daylight, the blue sky is like washing.

At the foot of Wuliang Mountain, Tianmu Grassland.The wind is light, the grass is green, and the fragrance is strong.In the south of Tianmu, there was no trace of murderous intent and death in the battle of Tianmu three days ago.

This is the junction of the Wuliang Mountains and the Tianmu Grassland. According to the geographical division, it should belong to the Tianzhou Yu Clan's sphere of influence.

At this time, the brilliance spread out in the void, a light of the domain door.Amu stepped out in Tsing Yi, followed by Xing Fei with silver hair.

In the first battle of Tianmu, Amu became famous in the world.Because of Hu Qing and Yuhuo's relationship, Amu stayed in Tianmu Grassland for three days.Tianhu has returned for the first time, and many matters in Tianmu Grassland have to be arranged.

Moreover, Hu Qing and Yuhuo have to gather the essence of the five clans, extract the water of floating dust, and then restore Yuhuo's face.Therefore, Hu Qing and Yuhuo will linger in Tianmu Grassland for some time.

Several people meet and talk about it in the future.At Shura of Tianzhou, looking for Xue Ying, the Yaozun, is probably the day when they gather.

Amu and Xing Fei wanted to go to the depths of Wuliang Mountain first.

There is no other place here, Amu is just to visit the eternal man on the infinite mountain.

The domain door dissipated, and the two of them had no way to resist the wind.However, just stepping out lightly, it is already the boundary of the boundless mountain range.

Eternal and immeasurable, so quiet.The gray and white mountains stretch for thousands of miles, like snow and fog.

Amu, it can be said that he has traveled the three worlds and seen endless holy mountains and wonderlands.The Holy Mountain of the Three Realms in the ancient rivers of the sea is even more the Holy Land of the Three Realms.However, if compared with this Wuliang Mountain, it seems to be slightly inferior.

Moreover, as soon as Amu entered the Wuliang Mountain, he instantly felt the endless breath of the ages.It is a kind of precipitation of time, a kind of unparalleled accumulation.

Every plant, every tree, every dust and every stone in Wuliang Mountain carries inexplicable power.

Ordinary monks will be imprisoned as mortals in an instant in Wuliang Mountain.All the power in your body will be ruthlessly suppressed.

"The immeasurable holy mountain, the eternal holy land, really deserves its reputation!" Amu sighed, "The black and white are impermanent, ignorant and fearless. However, it is a blessing to be buried here in the end!"

"That's true!" Xing Fei smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's a pity that they have betrayed the ghosts for thousands of years! The one who could have proved the Tao, but it has become empty forever!"

"Ming Zun! Still, the game is better!" Amu sneered.

Ghost Venerable, the most shameless Venerable in the Three Realms!At the same time, Amu remembered what Shui Mei in Shura Realm had said about Ghost Venerable, and couldn't help sighing again.

For tens of thousands of years, time has passed, and cause and effect have changed.Many things are like mysteries and mist, even the Venerable has already seen through.

Go evil, pretend to be a ghost, and bear endless difficulties.However, is the real Ghost Venerable really a free-spirited, drunken beauty?Perhaps, what the Ghost Venerable has endured is even better than Shangxie.

This time, during the boundless trip, Amunai wanted to prove one thing.

"That person is in the deepest part of the immeasurable!" Xing Fei looked far into the depths of the immeasurable.But even he can't see everything now.

"Xing Fei, lead the way, and I will follow you!" Amu said simply.

"Okay!" Xing Fei nodded, but still did not forget to say, "Be careful every step of the way!"

Amu nodded.

Xing Fei stopped talking and rushed forward.

At this time, the two of them were still on the periphery of Wuliang, and Xing Fei's steps were a little faster, which seemed to be a light step, but it was already a leaping forward.

One step is hundreds of miles away.

There are boundless miles and endless mountains.Xing Fei's white clothes fluttered, his silver hair fluttered, and his fairy posture was unmatched.Gradually, Xing Fei's speed decreased slightly, and white light appeared on his body.

Because, the deeper you go to the infinite depth, the stronger the power of various restrictions.

The white light on Xing Fei's body is extremely special.At that moment, the two rounds of daylight in the void were instantly dimmed.In Wuliang Mountain, it's like changing the world.

The sea is white, mysterious and abnormal.

As long as there is light in the sky, Xing Fei will be unstoppable.The restriction in the immeasurable depths is abnormal, and the restriction here is not weaker than the restriction of the sea in the Yunhai Cave Mansion on the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

However, Xing Fei was able to walk on the ground.

Xing Fei came from a strange background, so it is actually not surprising.However, Amu followed behind Xing Fei without any delay.The blue shadow is like light, and it travels like a shadow.

In terms of realm, today's Amu is naturally not as good as Xing Fei.However, Amu's footwork is extremely special.

The prohibition in Wuliang Mountain is useless to Xing Fei.Because Xing Fei will penetrate all the restrictions silently and without any harm.

However, Amu is different.Every step he takes is on the node of time and space. It's not that those restrictions can't imprison Amu, but that they won't be touched at all.

Tianhu's technique is unmatched in the Three Realms.

One white and one blue, two figures, each showing their supernatural powers, went straight to the depths of the boundless mountains.

The mountains are approaching.

There is already a deeper feeling in Amu's body.

Inside Danhai, the devil's coffin rotated slightly, and the devil's energy rose.Between the eyebrows, the divine coffin buzzed and moved, and the divine light scattered slightly.Even the coffin hidden in the Tianhu Fairy Bracelet, which is not considered a human coffin, has changed.

"Huh?" Amu couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Nine coffins resonate! Is there a coffin here?" However, this point was definitely not in Amu's expectation.This time, he came for people, not for coffins.

In Wuliang Mountain, there are nine coffins?

However, that feeling was only for a moment, and it seemed to be suppressed by a strange force.Amu, I can only let go of my search for the time being.

At this time, the two days are one.

Xing Fei and A Mu actually walked in Wuliang Mountain for half a day.

Take three more steps, and suddenly the world changes.

"It's here!" Xing Fei suddenly stopped his figure.

Amu, look around.

In the distance, a mountain peak towers into the clouds, covered with a faint white mist like snow.That peak exudes the aura of a milky white immortal Buddha, leading all peaks.

On the peak, there are three huts and a pool.On the pool, there seem to be countless golden lotuses blooming brilliantly.

Immeasurable first peak!
In fact, Amu is no stranger to such a scene.Back then, outside the Brahma Temple, the Tianhu Town of the Seven Buddhas, the Wuliang Linglong Pagoda once sacrificed this mirror image.

However, looking at everything in front of him, Amu felt an inexplicable feeling deep in his soul.

Deja vu, but has been forgotten!
"Amitabha——" On the top of Wuliang Mountain, the figure is faint, as if nothingness.It's just that there were too many sighs and helplessness in that Buddha's name.

"Xing Fei, pay homage to the master!" Xing Fei bowed to the figure.

"Junior Amu, I have met... Master!" Amu paused slightly, and then gave a deep bow.

"Old man, the world is broken! You two, why come again?" The figure sighed slightly, "There are immeasurable deep mountains, eternal peace. The white light of the sea, and the walking of the fox in the sky, it is hard for the ancient prohibition here, but it can't stop you in the slightest!"

"However, benefactor of the punishment, the old monk has already said, don't tell anyone that you have seen me!" the figure said, "How can you keep your word?"

"Huh?" Xing Fei was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Don't blame the master!" Amu hurriedly said, "Junior, I just came to the master to verify a few things. Then I left. I will never disturb the master's Qingxiu, and no one will disturb it again. However, I wonder if the master can answer the questions in the junior's mind? "

"Hey! Since it's here, please let it go! Just ask!" The figure did not refuse.

"Thank you, master!" Amu smiled, and then saw him turn over with one hand.

In an instant, a quaint purple bell appeared in Amu's hand.

Ding Ding Ding Dang Ding Ding Ding Ding

That ringtone is pleasing to the ear, just like back then!

"Excuse me, master, who is the real body?" Participate! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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