nine coffins

Chapter 945 Ghost Venerable True Body!If I come out of the mountain, the three realms will be bloodi

Chapter 945 Ghost Venerable True Body!If I come out of the mountain, the three worlds will be bloodied!
Ding Ding Ding Dang Ding Ding Ding Ding

The purple light shone brightly, and the dream monster summoned its soul.The purple bell, like a purple heart in Amu's palm, jumped gently.Its sound is like a spring, and its tinkling is sweet, echoing in the boundless mountains.

Tens of thousands of years, how many people still remember the original intention?
At that moment, the Buddha shadow on the top of Wuliang Mountain swayed slightly.Endless Buddha's spirit, lingering astigmatism, but it can't stop the call of Wanzai years.

Because, in that bell, there is a soul left by him.

"Amitabha——" On the Wuliang Mountain, the Buddha's name is still there, but the jingle of the bell can't stop.

Once a venerable, once wanted to be free forever.However, that was just a dream.A dream buried in my heart forever, even dead.

"Thousands of years, this bell actually fell into your hands?" the Buddha Shadow sighed.

"This bell is a gift from a friend. The younger generation is also entrusted by him to find an old friend! Heart and soul resonate, seniors should know this bell, and be the one to find it!" Amu held the demon bell in his hand, with a serious look on his face.

In fact, at that moment, Amu already had the answer in his heart.This bell was a gift from Ghost Venerable to Shang Xie, who in turn gave it to Shui Mei.

Shui Mei once said that the dream monster's soul calling bell sealed a ray of real ghost ghost's soul!

Three days ago, Xing Fei had already said that the Buddha shadow on the top of Wuliang Mountain was the eternal ghost.Amu came here, just to confirm.

At this time, within the Meng Yao Soul Summoning Bell, a soul awakened, surrounded by a red light.Then, the person who sat on Wuliang Mountain for thousands of years must be a ghost.

But, why is Ghost Venerable here?

According to legends throughout the ages, Ghost Zun is unruly by nature, free and unrestrained.Even, Shui Mei once said—get rid of it, get rid of it forever!That is the purpose of Guizun, the practice.

Guizun, I don't want to be bound by anything.

Jiangshan beauties, drink and sing!That is the fairy appearance that a ghost should have in the eyes of the Three Realms.However, today's Ghost Venerable is sitting cross-legged on Wuliang Mountain, unmoving forever.

Moreover, practiced the Dharma!

"Is this really Guizun?" Amu was even a little dazed in his heart.

"Meng Yao summons the soul bell! We will be brothers forever! I still dare not forget the old monk's oath!" The Buddha shadow sighed softly, "How about being a descendant of the sea?"

Guizun!Foying's words are the best answer!

At this moment, Amu and Xing Fei couldn't help but look at each other.Although they had already speculated and even believed in their hearts, there was still a look of surprise in the eyes of the two of them.

"Canghai Amu, I have seen Senior Guizun again!" Amu bowed deeply to Guizun again.Xing Fei also bowed.

"Senior Shangxie has reincarnated forever and has awakened. Now, he is cultivating in the old land of the ancient Shura country in the Shura world. There, there is now a mountain named Jiulun! Shuimei, be with him!" Amu said succinctly.

"Shangxie, Ancient Shura Kingdom, Water Charm..." Gui Zun was still a Buddha shadow, but his voice was extremely desolate.It was a familiar name, a familiar dream.

"Senior has been here for thousands of years?" Amu asked.

"That's right! For thousands of years, I have been able to communicate with the Buddha with ghosts! I am boundless, and my heart is like still water, and it seems like a dry well without waves!" The voice of Ghost Venerable gradually calmed down.

"Why?" Amu raised his eyebrows, "It is said in the Three Realms that Senior Gui Zun, who is free and free, is the number one unfettered person in the Three Realms!"

"Give wine and enjoy yourself freely, and you are the first unfettered person in the Three Realms? Hahaha——" Hearing Amu's words, Gui Zun couldn't help laughing up to the sky.

It's just that the laughter is sad and eternal, with endless vicissitudes.Because, only Gui Zun himself knows what kind of day it will be if he sits like this for thousands of years.

It's sad that you can't even want to die!

Fate often goes against ideals!
Happy life, get rid of the shackles.That is indeed the Ghost Venerable, what he once practiced for.However, the trajectory of his life was completely opposite to it.

In the Three Realms, before Xing Fei, no one even knew that on the top of Wuliang Mountain, there was an eternal ghost sitting withered.

Laughter gradually died down!

Gui Zun let out a long sigh: "The descendant of Cang Hai, Eternal Gui Zun, did want to live a happy life. However, for tens of thousands of years, there is actually no place for me to stand in the Three Realms."

"Huh?" Amu raised an eyebrow.Xing Fei also frowned slightly.

The ancient venerables can completely suppress a world.Immortal Venerable, Demon Venerable, Demon Venerable, Underworld Venerable, God King, Buddhist Lady, which one of these people is not in the Three Realms, and they are invincible.

Guizun, how could there be no place to stand?If you are evil, you can hold a gun and ride a horse, and Megatron Shura.

This is totally unreasonable!
"Within the Three Realms, the Venerable is invincible. Senior Ghost Venerable, where do you say that?" Amu asked.

"The Venerable is invincible? Hehe!" The figure of the Ghost Venerable gradually manifested.Dressed in a red robe, with a pale face, hands clasped together, cross-legged upright.

That was indeed the face of the ghost in red that Amu had seen before.However, at this time, the Ghost Venerable was emitting endless Buddha light.The Ghost Venerable has not lost his hair, nor has he received precepts.

However, the Buddha's light on Gui Zun's body was extremely pure.Amu, I have only seen such a pure Buddha light on Yun San.

If it wasn't for the self-manifestation of the Ghost Venerable and Amu's possession of the Mengyao Soul Calling Bell, then even the Venerable would not be able to see through his real body.

Above the Venerable, all dharmas are accessible!That seems to be another realm.

"Heirs of the Canghai, there is no invincible person in the Three Realms!" Gui Zun smiled faintly, "The Immortal Canghai, whose skills overwhelm the Three Realms, can't reverse everything. Everyone says that the Buddha's Dharma is boundless, but the Buddha can't save all sentient beings!"

"Senior, could it be that you really can't get out of Wuliang Mountain?" Amu said.

"No!" Gui Zun nodded.

"In the Wuliang Mountains, although there are countless restrictions, both Xing Fei and I can enter. It is expected that seniors can walk out in one step. But they can't, presumably because they don't want to, can't they?" Amu said.

After hearing Amu's words, Gui Zun gave a wry smile.

"Heir of the Canghai, you are wrong! It's not that I don't want to, but I really can't! I am here, and the Three Realms are safe! If I come out of the mountain, the Three Realms will be bloodied and the lives will be burnt!"

"Senior, I want to take refuge. How can the Buddha kill people when he recites mercy?" Amu asked puzzled.

"There is a demon in my heart!" Ghost Venerable's eyes flashed endless sorrow, "No one can resist fate! In Wuliang Mountain, the eternal Buddha's will can calm my heart! If I come out of the mountain, it is not me! Everything is not under my control !"

"The devil fell, and the predicament in the Three Realms was even deeper! If I came out of the mountain, I might fall into someone's heart. The Three Realms are in chaos, and I don't know where to turn because of the cause and effect?"

"Whose heart?"

"It should be Mingzun!"

"Senior's cultivation is not as good as Mingzun's!"

"Not as good!" Ghost Venerable sighed, then shook his head.Amu couldn't help but a look of surprise flashed across his eyes, the venerables of the three realms each have their own way.

Canghai Immortal Venerable, overwhelming all others, is already recognized!The rest are unknown, who will definitely win.

Eternal Ghost Venerable, who uses ghosts to understand Buddha, but is not as good as Mingzun?
"Senior, do you know what Mingzun is like?" Amu said.

"In the Three Realms, apart from Cang Hai, I am afraid that no one knows the true nature of Mingzun!" Ghost Venerable shook his head again, "Mingzun is the most mysterious venerable in the Three Realms!"

After hearing Guizun's words, Amu frowned.

"How about it, can you solve the predicament of the seniors? How, can you break the situation of the Three Realms!" Amu asked, which was almost the same as Xing Fei asked that day.

"The nine coffins merge into one, and time flows against the current!" Gui Zun's answer remains the same, "Heir of Canghai, you should exist to gather the nine coffins!"

"In the Three Realms, who is playing chess?" Amu asked slowly.

"Who is playing chess?" Hearing Amu's words, Gui Zun paused slightly, and then smiled faintly, "The three worlds are the chessboard, and all living beings are the chess pieces. If you ask me, who is the chess player? I can say, you and I both Yes! If you ask me, who is fighting? I can only tell you, pros and cons!"

You and me, positive and negative!Ghost Venerable's words are profound and difficult to understand.

But, having said all that, the real body of Gui Zun has already begun to gradually fade away.

"Senior Guizun, please speak endlessly!" Amu said urgently.

"Successor of Canghai, you are indeed a person who will be robbed for thousands of years. The three worlds are tied to you! However, everything for you is not yet complete. You came too early! Gathering nine coffins can determine cause and effect! That is Remember all the methods!"

Gui Zun's voice had already begun to fade away.The Buddha shadow on the top of Wuliang Mountain also started to disappear.

"Don't ask Mingzun, save Lihen!" Guizun said suddenly.

"Senior, is there a coffin here?" Amu finally said.

"If you have a coffin, I will protect it for you!" Those were Gui Zun's last words.

"What coffin?" Amu asked loudly.

However, the empty valley reverberated and was silent.Everything about Gui Zun disappeared completely.Amu was speechless, and Xing Fei couldn't help but let out a long sigh. (It’s a great event to drop pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/Chinese website official account (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), and participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to qdread WeChat official account!)

(End of this chapter)

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