nine coffins

Chapter 946: Heaven and Earth One Thought!The blood of Tianzhou, the Shura royal family!

Chapter 946: One Thought of Heaven and Earth!The blood of Tianzhou, the Shura royal family!

There is no sound in the empty valley, and there is immeasurable silence.

Ghost Venerable's aura completely disappeared.There are three thatched huts, a curved pool, and countless golden lotus blooming.Everything on the peak of the boundless mountain seems to have never changed.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he couldn't see through the secret of the immeasurable holy land.

"Here, is there a coffin?" Xing Fei looked at the mountains.

"That's right! On the way here, the coffins of gods and demons resonate in my body! Among the infinite, there must be coffins!" Amu said firmly.

Xing Fei raised his eyebrows and sighed.

"Gods, ghosts, demons, Buddhas and immortals, each of the six coffins has its own owner. The three coffins of heaven, earth and man have never really appeared, and the human coffin can be considered to be under the control of the sea. Then, as the ghost said, there is a coffin here, and it must be either the sky or the coffin. land!"

One thought of heaven and earth!
Xing Fei's inference is very reasonable.Among the nine coffins, heaven, earth and man are respected.In Wuliang Mountain, it is impossible to hide the idea of ​​a human coffin, so there are only two coffins of heaven and earth.

"The coffins in the sky are scattered, and the coffins in the ground are gone. If there is any thought here, it is comparable to a coffin, which is enough to shock the three worlds! However, since the Ghost Venerable promised to protect you, it is expected that it will never fall into the hands of others."

Amu nodded and remained silent.

"There must be an unspeakable hidden secret in the Ghost Venerable! Otherwise, how could he sit there for thousands of years, even begging for death? Shangxie must have other secrets in the name of the Ghost Venerable!" Xing Fei said.

"There is a demon in my heart, and the three worlds are blood-stained! To break all the difficulties, the only way is to unite the nine coffins and reverse the flow of time!" Amu looked at the boundless mountains, and there was a strange look in the depths of his eyes.

What kind of power is it that makes Gui Zun flinch?Mingzun, what kind of ability does he possess?All this is still a mystery,

"For the sake of the people of the Three Realms!" Amu whispered to himself, then turned his head and said, "Xing Fei, where are you going next?"

"I'm going to find the green demon!" Xing Fei said.

"700 years ago, Qing Mo took Li Ruo and left Xianzhuliu Town to find Tianzhou Phoenix. However, I don't know if I found it now!"

"The green devil will definitely find the phoenix, and I will definitely find the blue devil!" Xing Fei looked at Amu and smiled.

"Oh?" Amu couldn't help but smile.The blue demon, Xing Fei, and the blue and white light of the sea can naturally be completely trusted, but they seem to have their own world.

"Phoenix of Tianzhou should be the one who knows the existence of Canghai Xianzun best in the Three Realms." Xing Feidao, "I and Qingmo have some doubts in our hearts, we need to ask Phoenix of Tianzhou. Moreover, the fairy coffin has always been in the hands of Phoenix. The nine coffins are one, so the fairy coffin is naturally indispensable! If everything goes well, the green demon and I may be able to bring the fairy coffin back!"

"I hope you guys can bring Senior Brother Lishui back together!" Amu said with a smile, "Leaving Wuliang, I will go to Tianzhou Ghost's House first, and then rush back to Liu Town. The devil is dead, so I will reply to the teacher's order first." , and then make the next step!"

Xing Fei nodded and said: "Amu, take care! Say hello to Mo Lang for me, and see you in Liu Town, Tianzhou!"

"Xing Fei, take care! See you in Liu Zhen!"

Two people, simply say goodbye.

Green light and white light flashed suddenly.Amu and Xing Fei disappeared on the top of Wuliang Mountain almost at the same time.Then, everything is quiet.On the top of Wuliang Mountain, the shadow of that ghostly figure no longer appeared.


Immeasurable Tiannan, the boundary of Yinshan Mountain.

Above Tianzhou, the main forces in the north of Wuliang Mountain are the Tianmu Spirit Clan and the Tianbei Mu Family.As for the southern region of Tianzhou, the most powerful and prominent families are the Bai family and the Qing family.

The Bai family has a special inheritance, and the eyes of all the Bai family are very special.Appreciating treasures and seeing people are all extraordinary.The Bai family's treasure hunting fleet cruises the sea of ​​stars all year round.

Everything that the Bai family owns is just like the fox clan tens of thousands of years ago, rich in Tianzhou.

The Qing family also has unique techniques.The Qing family is absolutely number one in the puppet art of the Three Realms.In terms of overall combat strength, the Qing family is still above the Tianbei Mu family.

There was a legend that a distant ancestor of the Qing family once slaughtered a whole city of immortals by himself.It's not about its realm, but its puppet with eternal realm.

In addition to these two families, another force in the southern region of Tianzhou is the rather mysterious ghost family.

The ghost family takes ghost as its surname.It was the only Tianzhou surname among the several major families in Tianzhou that did not originate tens of thousands of years ago.There are no ghost surnames in Tianzhou, and everyone knows this.

However, the ghost family's original surname may not even be clear to the ghost family now.

Some people even doubted whether the ghost family was the real Tianzhou blood.It's just that Guijia has three souls like all Tianzhou people, and there is no reincarnation.

Yinshan is the practice place of ghosts, it is located in the eastern part of the southern region of Tianzhou.

In terms of geographical location, the three families of Bai, Qing and Gui are in a tripartite rivalry.The Bai family and the Qing family are divided into west and south.The ghost family has always been weird and low-key, and rarely travels to Tianzhou.

But the Bai family and the ghost family seem to have been at odds, and the specific reason is unknown.

The Yin Mountains are continuous, and there are also thousands of miles.

In the depths, there are countless palaces and pavilions.The entire ghost family seems to be isolated from the world, and rarely communicates with all walks of life in Tianzhou.For example, in the demon wedding ceremony in the Grassland that day, all ethnic groups sent representatives, but the ghost family would never participate in such a thing.

The entire Yinshan Mountain was slightly foggy.

It's just that this kind of fog is not a hazy fairy fog, but slightly yin, which makes people feel quite depressing.

At this time, in the depths of a dark valley.This dark valley is quite special.There seem to be countless restrictions, arranged in the void.A woman in purple, with the face of a supreme ghost, is cross-legged on a bluestone.

That was Shen Yan.

Three days ago, Tianmu fought.Shen Yan, the soul blood between the eyebrows moved.However, at this time, Shen Yan was so safe?

But at this moment, in the deep valley, there was a slight shock and fluctuation.

A woman in a black dress and a black skirt gradually revealed her figure.That woman's skin is better than snow, and her face is beautiful.The temperament is refined and can be described as peerless.

The heavenly girl and the ghost girl were once equally famous.

This woman is none other than Ghost Ruyan.However, the ghost came like smoke, but Shen Yan didn't move at all, as if he didn't see it.

"Yan'er!" The ghost looked at Shen Yan with swaying eyes like smoke, "Devil, you have fallen! The green dagger breaks the shadow of the karma wheel. Amu is fine!"

"I know!" Shen Yan said lightly.Because the soul blood between her eyebrows is at peace, Amu is naturally safe.If Amu falls, the drop of soul blood will be dispersed early.

"Oh?" Gui Ruyan couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and then smiled, "Yan'er, you don't leave Yinshan Mountain, so you know whether Amu will win or lose in Tianmu?"

"Mother!" Shen Yan sneered, "The person who will be robbed for thousands of years will naturally defeat the devil! I am connected with Amu, how can this restriction stop it?"

"Hey!" Gui Ruyan sighed slightly, "Yan'er, you can't stop it, you can't leave Yinshan now. You have made a breakthrough in the past 700 years. Continue to meditate and practice, it will be beneficial to you!"

"Continue to practice?" Shen Yan shook her head, "Amu, I have broken out of the cocoon, so I will return to him! You trapped me here, Amu is here, how do you explain?"

"How to explain?" Gui Ruyan smiled wryly, "Yan'er, you seem to have forgotten that you are from the Gui family, not from the Wang family!"

"Ghost family?" Shen Yan said sarcastically, "Mother, don't the ghost family have other means besides using the women of the ghost family to find ghost coffins?"

"The ghost coffin is the root of the ghost family!" Gui Ruyan raised her eyebrows slightly, "My destiny is to get the ghost coffin for the ghost family!"

"Mother, I'm not you!" Shen Yan said calmly, "I won't be the bargaining chip you exchange for the ghost coffin!"

"But, you are a ghost family! You know, our ghost family is not just Tianzhou people, we are the last Shura royal family! We have the blood of Tianzhou and Shura worlds in us. Ghost coffin, we must return Go to the ghost's house! You are responsible!" Gui Ruyan was extremely firm.

"The ghost coffin belongs to Ghost Venerable! The ghost coffin belongs to Amu!" Shen Yan said.

"Gui Zun is also a ghost family!" Gui Ruyan smiled faintly, "Prince Shura is just a member of the Shura royal family!"

"The karma has changed, and Amu will end everything. Everything will be surrendered in front of Amu!" Shen Yan raised her head, looked at her mother through the face of the supreme ghost, and then sighed, "Mother, if Amu is here, who are you? It can't trap me either! If you are obsessed with obsession, you will only ruin the ghost family! You know, Amu has endless demonic nature!"

Ghost Ruyan shook his head and paused every word.

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(End of this chapter)

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