nine coffins

Chapter 947 Do what I have learned in my life!Die like man 1!

Chapter 947 Do all you have learned in your life!Die like a man!
There are thousands of miles of cloudy mountains and cold fog.

At this time, Amu stood in the void, his face slightly cold.Beside him, is the wild soul ancient beast.Tianzhou is vast, and it took Amu nine days to go from Wuliang Mountain to Tiannan Yin Mountain.

In the battle of Tianmu, the devil fell, and all spirits surrendered.This kind of news was passed down from one person to another, and basically spread throughout Tianzhou.As a Tianzhou family, it is impossible for the Gui family not to get news.

And Shen Yan still has a drop of Amu's soul blood on her body, so in theory, Shen Yan should have known that Amu broke out of the cocoon.

According to Shen Yan's temperament, she would probably go directly to find Amu.However, Amu has already reached the boundary of Yinshan Mountain, but there is no trace of Shen Yan.

Shen Yan, it's impossible to be closed.So, everything is a little strange now.

The Yin Mountains are continuous, and the air-conditioning bursts.Amu looked down at everything, and at the same time his consciousness spread out.However, he did not feel the existence of Shen Yan.

However, the black mist in the distance is faint, but endless buildings can be seen.

"Yinshan, ghost house!" Amu frowned.The Yinshan ghost house gave him a rather special feeling, as if he had seen these palaces before.

"Go! Let's go and see!"

Amu patted the wild soul beast, and then stepped forward lightly.The Wild Soul Beast followed closely behind.

As the pavilion approached, the feeling became stronger.Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Amu's mind, and he finally understood the reason for the feeling of deja vu.

The building of the ghost house is somewhat similar to the building of the Shura Palace in Mozhou.It's just that everything in the ghost house looks older and older.

It was a taste of inheritance.There seems to be some rather secret connection between the ghost house and the Asura Palace.

Yuan Xian Jiuzhong!

Today's Amu is also a master in the boundless world of Tianzhou.Within a few steps, you have reached the depths of Yinshan Mountain.

All the way forward, no obstacles.

It's just that Amu understands - how can the Tianzhou ghost family, the immeasurable immortal gate, be completely undefended?But, the time has not come.

Sure enough, Amu and the wild soul beast crossed another mountain.At this time, one person and one beast stood outside the door of the ghost's house, the stretch of palaces was clearly visible in front of them, and the forbidden patterns were all in their eyes.

In the depths of the Yin Mountains, the ghost house in Tianzhou really looks extraordinary.And at this moment, on a hillside, the sound of a guqin suddenly came.


Guqin is melodious, but it seems like a lifetime away.The sound of the piano, Amu is familiar but strange.

"At the gate of hell, Demon Qin and Meng Hun!" Amu frowned, and followed the sound.

Goodbye to the front left, there is a person sitting upright at the waist of a green mountain.The same black sackcloth, the same quaint long piano.With a delicate face and long hair tied with a black headband.

That was Moqin Menghun.

As time goes by, Dakina travels in the three realms.In terms of time in the Three Realms, this is the reunion of two people after thousands of years.However, everything is not what it used to be.

Back then, when Amu and Meng Hun met for the first time outside the Hell Gate of Heishui Netherworld, Amu was just a high-level Dzogchen demon cultivator, while Meng Hun was an unfathomable and invincible tribulation cultivator.

Amu was completely vulnerable in front of Meng Hun.However, Meng Hun was still grateful and let Amu pass the road of fire and enter hell.

Later, after Brahma fought, he fought hell again.Meng Hun, guarding the door of the tomb of ghosts like smoke.

One string, millions of heavenly soldiers.

However, Meng Hun could not stop the footsteps of Xiao Luo and the third young master.In the end, crowds gathered from all walks of life, the sky descended immeasurably, and ghosts burst out of the coffin like smoke, taking Meng Hun away.

Suddenly thousands of years!
Now, Amu has gone through the three realms, holding the coffins of gods and demons in his hands, and all the dharmas are overwhelming him.Yuan Xian Jiuzhong is an absolute power.

The current Meng Hun looks the same as before.However, the man who was once extremely proud, confident and melancholy did not look the same as before.

Live for your mother, die for your mother!That was Meng Hun's life belief.

However, Ghost Ruyan survived death and was reborn.The melancholy in Meng Hun's eyes that was originally caused by missing his mother had long since disappeared.However, Meng Hun's pride and self-confidence disappeared after that.

Not everyone's path of practice is smooth all the way.

The Seventh Layer of Immortals!

If this state is placed in the sea, it will naturally crush everything.Even in Shura, he can be proud of the world.However, in Tianzhou, he is an ordinary person.

In the ghost house, there is definitely no shortage of people at the Seventh Layer of Heavenly Immortals.

"On the way to Huangquan, the flowers on the other side bloom, and I will never see you again, and I will never forget it forever. But there is a bridge, on the Sansheng Stone, and the river of forgetfulness is flowing, how can it not stop?"

Meng Hun's song sounded again.Amu, listen carefully.However, that song is no longer the taste of the year.The sadness is still the same, but Meng Hun's song back then was still reliable, but now it's heartbreakingly cold.

The black clothes are like yesterday, and the long hair is slightly swaying.

In Meng Hun's eyes, there was no noble melancholy, but more desolation.

Tianzhou years, will not be satisfactory.

After a song, the sound of the piano gradually stops.

Meng Hun raised his head, looked at Amu, and smiled slightly.

"It's been a long time, Wang Han! Yinshan knows no age, congratulations on your cultivation and becoming a saint!"

"Brother Meng, you are safe and sound!" Amu smiled faintly.Although Amu's cultivation base can completely crush Meng Hun now, but Amu always remembers the love back then.

"Above Tianmu, kill the demons! The name of the people in the sea will spread far and wide in Tianzhou!" Meng Hun sighed.Amu can be regarded as an old friend from the sea, and seeing each other today, Meng Hun has a special feeling in his heart.

"Wang Han, why did you come to Yinshan this time?" Meng Hun asked.

"Shen Yan, are you at the ghost's house?" Amu didn't beat around the bush, but went straight to the point.

"Yes!" Meng Hun's mouth curled up and he gave a wry smile.In fact, Amu's question had already been expected by him.

"Since she is here, I will pick her up!"

Amu looked at Meng Hun, and at the same time scanned the entire ghost house.Shen Yan is in the ghost's house, but Amu cannot perceive the existence of Shen Yan, so there is only one possibility, that is, Shen Yan is imprisoned.

"At the moment, I'm afraid it won't work!" Meng Hun looked at Amu and said calmly.

"Oh?" Amu sneered, "Why?"

Meng Hun shook his head and said: "There are many things, I don't know why. It's just that Shen Yan is a child of the ghost family. It is reasonable for the ghost family to want to keep her."

"Children of the ghost family, is it reasonable to want to keep her?" Amu shook his head and said slowly, "But, he is my Amu's woman. If you want to keep her, you have to ask me whether I agree or not!"

After hearing Amu's words, Meng Hun didn't say much, but looked slightly sad.

"Wang Han, go back! The ghost family will not do anything to Shen Yan. When it's time to go back, they will naturally let her go."

"Oh?" Amu's eyes turned cold, "Meng Hun, it seems that this should not be your words. Just now, who said it?"

"Everyone says the same thing!" Meng Hun shook his head, gently stroked the guqin in his arms, his eyes were infinitely lonely.

"Shen Yan, where are you imprisoned?" Amu asked.

"In the depths of the Yin Mountain, I don't know either!" Meng Hun said.

"Meng Hun, let the ancestor of the ghost family come out to see me!" Amu's tone was quite cold.The Wild Soul Beast beside him growled.

"Wang Han, either you leave, or you want to see Shen Yan or Gui's family, you must pass my test first! Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible." Meng Hun looked at Amu calmly.

At that moment, Amu didn't know what Meng Hun was thinking.

"Huh?" Amu raised his eyebrows slightly, "Meng Hun, you should know. Back then, you were guarding the gate of hell, and our realms were vastly different. I still won't retreat, let alone today? Today, you are no match for me at all! "

"Hehe!" Meng Hun smiled wryly, "Of course I know! However, although I am not as good as you, I still want to block you! Today, if I die by your hands, it is my wish!"

"Why?" Amu frowned.

"Fate! You and I may still have a fight!" Meng Hun smiled wryly.

"Meng Hun, have you been controlled by the ghost family?" Amu said, "Or, your mother was controlled by the ghost family?"

"No! I am free! Mother, I am more free!" At this point, Meng Hun could not erase the sadness in his eyes, "Wang Han, I only want to fight with you! In this battle, I will do everything I have learned in my life. , you must not show mercy! I want to die like a man!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Amu to say anything else, Meng Hun waved his hand, and a black awn rolled up.


In an instant, the scene in front of Amu's eyes changed suddenly.The continuous mountains disappeared in an instant, and the black mist was like a black ocean.The entire Yinshan Mountain and Ghost House are completely hidden in the black mist.

There is only one green peak standing, the magic piano and Menghun, sitting alone on the top of the green mountain.

"Forbidden array?" Amu frowned slightly.

And Meng Hun turned out to be the eye of the array!


Guqin sounded.

"Do you ever remember, the ten thousand year dream? Tears are broken, who will listen? I was at a loss for a lifetime. It's ridiculous, the infatuated soul is three lives! I don't know how many things, I put it in my eyes! Chihiro, this hatred is gone!"

(End of this chapter)

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