nine coffins

Chapter 948 Asking for leave, 1 until after the college entrance examination!

Chapter 948 Asking for leave until after the college entrance examination!
For more than half a year or even longer, the update of Shanhe has not been good, and the number of words in each chapter is not many.There are many factors, Shanhe has nothing to say!Even if there are recommendations, I can't promise to update them every day.

There is still one month left for the college entrance examination.

Recently, many readers have suggested that Shanhe simply stop updating for a month.Otherwise, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days will make you feel troubled.

Shanhe has always felt sorry for everyone!

I struggled for a few days, during which I also discussed with my editor Kangaroo.He also suggested that I do my job well and update the novel when I have time.Such a smooth update would be even better.

I haven't written for two days.I think it's good to stop for a month, I can sort out the plot again, maybe I can save a few chapters, and then resume updating after the college entrance examination.Everything will be smoother.

I hope everyone can understand me.Of course, if you are angry and scold me, I can accept it.This is also a kind of caring, of course please only scold me. (Curse in my heart, better! Haha!)

But, please believe my words "If I don't die, I must finish the book!"

After the college entrance examination, I will definitely come back.Please wait a moment, it is best not to take it off the shelf, just to comfort you.

Not to mention too much, no matter what everyone chooses, I am grateful.

I hope that after one month, there will still be you, and I will be there!

Shanhe thanks everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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