nine coffins

Chapter 949 The Dark Hall of Darkness!Children of ghosts!

Chapter 949 The Dark Hall of Darkness!Children of ghosts!

The black mist is like a sea, and the green peak is independent.

On the half peak, Meng Hun and Qinge of the magic piano were sad and cold-hearted.The entire forbidden formation, with Meng Hun as the eye of the formation, can move the whole body with one pull.All the buildings of the ghost house completely disappeared in the thick fog.

Forbidden Illusion!The formation is one.If you want to break this formation, you must kill Meng Hun first, otherwise the formation will not be destroyed.Amu frowned slightly, looking at everything in front of him calmly.

"Meng Hun!" Amu said slowly, "The ghost family no longer cares about your life or death. And you, you want to die! Why on earth?"

Meng Hun was silent, playing the piano continuously.The sound of the piano is still there, but Yinshan seems to be silent.Meng Hun could naturally hear Amu's question.However, he didn't want to answer anymore.


Guqin has clear rhyme, and the sound waves are like waves.The black mist undulates with the sound of the piano, like a dragon or a snake.Trails of black mist came crawling, trying to cover Amu and the wild soul beast in it.

However, Amu Wen didn't move at all, and the wild soul beast only flapped its blood wings lightly.

Meng Hun's realm is now only at the seventh level of the Celestial Immortal.At present, the power of this forbidden formation is quite limited.Amu's original immortal power spread slightly, and the black mist couldn't get close to Amu's body at all.

All the black mist is tens of feet away from Amu and the wild soul beast.They rise and fall with the sound of Meng Hun's piano, struggling to spit out letters like snakes.

Meng Hun's song spread throughout the Yin Mountains, desolate and desperate.


Yinshan, deep.

A black palace, quite magnificent, but a little scary and gloomy.

In the main hall, nine white jade steps radiate white light, leading directly to the high platform.There are big black and white chairs on the stage, which are heavy and simple.On it sat a man in a black robe.

The light in the hall was special, and the face of the man in black was almost perfectly hidden in the shadows, making it hard to see clearly.

However, you can see its long snow-white hair scattered on his shoulders.And on top of his head was an extremely delicate white crown.

That crown is very special, as bone as jade.

Black clothes and white crowns exude a faint brilliance.

The man's hands were naturally placed on the armrests of the generous chair.Those hands were slender and pale, like bones, extremely cold.

On the middle finger of his left hand, he wore a rather ancient red jade ring.On the jade ring, there was a faint imprint, which looked like an ancient grimace, scattered red blood.

That grimace did look a bit like the face of a supreme ghost, but it wasn't exactly the same.It seemed to be a family crest.

There was a different kind of power and aura about that man.

Spooky, mysterious and eerie!
The layout of the entire black palace is also quite peculiar.Mainly black and white, light and dark uncertain.On the stone pillars on the wall, various portraits and totems are quite strange.

Those are extremely ancient existences, and most of them have disappeared in the Three Realms now.

Among them, the most special ones are the dozen or so strange ancient beasts scattered on both sides of the steps.Some have blue faces and fangs, some have wings, some have three heads and four tails, and some have two horns and one eye.

They come in all shapes and sizes.However, they all have an ancient and mysterious atmosphere.

If Amu was here at this time, he would definitely be no stranger to these strange beasts.Because in hell, the ancient beasts around the ghostly ten-thousand-year crystal coffin were very similar to the ancient beasts in this palace.

That's the same blood.

Those ancient beasts once formed a formation to protect Ghost Ruyan.However, presumably the ancient beasts in hell and the ancient beasts here are definitely not the same.

And if a monk from Tianzhou came here, he would definitely be surprised.Because, in this palace, there is almost no peaceful atmosphere of the holy land of Tianzhou.

Compared with Tianzhou, this palace seems to come from another world.

But in fact, in the entire palace, the most concealed and most eye-catching thing is the four corners of the palace, where there is actually a man in red robe standing in each of the four corners of the palace.

The red robe is like blood, and the momentum is like a demon.The faces of the four red-robed men are no different from ordinary people, except that their eyes are gray and lifeless.

The four red-robed men exuded endless blood.

Blood Soul Guard?Four original immortal blood soul guards?

If Amu was there, he would be shocked again.Because, this is the existence that even the Demon Continent Shura Palace cannot match.The level of these blood soul guards is even higher than Gui Zun's guards back then.

The mysterious ghost house has a very rich background.

At this moment, the figure of a man in white robe gradually manifested.The man looked good, but his face was slightly pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun for many years.

"Ghost is like the wind, see the third prince!" The white-robed man lifted his clothes and knelt on one knee, his posture was quite elegant, with an inexplicable sense of beauty.

"Rufeng, don't be too polite!" The man on the high platform had a calm voice, but it was far from gentle.That kind of coldness didn't seem to be intentional, but came from the coldness of the soul.

The white-robed man smiled faintly and stood up slowly.

"Third Prince, the descendants of Canghai have arrived! Meng Hun's magic zither sounds, and the formation of forbidden ghosts has already started!"

"Yeah!" The third prince on the high platform nodded slightly, and then asked again, "However, Meng Hun's qualifications are mediocre, and he will definitely not be able to stop the descendants of the sea!"

"Of course I can't stop it!" The white-robed ghost smiled softly, "A seventh-level celestial being is not worth mentioning in front of the descendant of Canghai! However, with the formation of forbidden ghosts, it may also block that Canghai The footsteps of a successor."

"The key point is that Canghai's descendants are old with Meng Hun, so they may not kill Meng Hun. In that case, we may come forward directly and talk about the ghost coffin. Taking a step back, even if Meng Hun dies, we can let Canghai's descendants know that Yinshan is not A place where you can come and go freely.”

"A villain from the sea, although he has the blood of three souls, his talent is not worth mentioning at all! Whether he dies or not is irrelevant. Both bait and abandoned son can be used as bait." The third prince paused, "It's just that you arranged it like this, Rufeng , I'm afraid it's still for the ghost girl!"

"Third prince, you really know everything!" Gui Rufeng said with a smile, "traveling through two realms, leaving home for thousands of years, looking for ghost coffins. Talent is abundant, but such a character, Rufeng really dare not trust completely. The inheritance of our Shura royal family must not be damaged."

"700 years ago, when Shen Yan returned, I had to guard against it! You know, Shen Yan's first soul is..."

Gui Rufeng raised his eyebrows, but did not continue.Some words, just click on it.

The third prince could naturally understand Gui Rufeng's words, but he didn't continue, but asked another question lightly.

"So, this time you arranged Meng Hun as the first team, to test Gui Ruyan's determination?"

"That's right! Ghost Ruyan keeps saying that for the ghost coffin, for the royal family, she can do anything at all. Today, I want to see if she can really abandon that sea desolate scoundrel. If Ghost Ruyan can give up, it means that she It’s really a ghost family. If we can’t abandon Meng Hun, then I’m afraid it’s not true to trap Shen Yan! We have to be fully prepared to deal with Cang Hai’s descendants.”

"Ghosts are like smoke, you still have to make good use of them!" The third prince's slender and pale fingers lightly stroked the ruby ​​blood ring on his left hand, and then his voice sank, "Heirs from the sea, you should not be underestimated. A Shen Yan , may not be able to control it. However, while its wings are still fledgling, we can only give it a go for the ghost coffin."

"Rufeng understands!" The white-robed ghost Rufeng looked solemn and bowed slightly.

"Ghost coffin! It can open the road to return, and restore the glory of the Asura royal family!" The third prince's voice was cold, but there was a trace of enthusiasm, "Our existence is for everything that was once! The Asura royal family, we still have to stand The top of the Three Realms!"

The words of the third prince seemed to be chanting piously.

The ghostly white robe was slightly rippling.

At this time, the entire palace was quite gloomy and cold.The four blood soul guards are full of blood.


In the depths of the Yin Mountains, there is a dark valley with blue stones.

The purple clothes were heavy with smoke, and his brows were slightly frowned.Because, the drop of soul blood between her eyebrows was throbbing and hot.In Yinshan Mountain, Amu cannot perceive Shen Yan, but Shen Yan can perceive Amu.

"Wang Han!" Shen Yan's heart skipped a beat.Under the face of the supreme ghost and god, there was a warm smile on that alluring face.

Someday, my love, will take me home!That feeling is indeed wonderful.Shen Yan knew a long time ago that Amu would definitely come.

But at this moment, a black shadow appeared out of illusion, it was the ghost girl Ghost Ruyan.

"The heir to the sea is here!" Ghost Ruyan's tone was calm.

"I know!" Shen Yan's tone was filled with inexplicable arrogance, "He came to take me home!"

"Going home? This is the ghost's home. And this is a Yin mountain, how can you come and go freely?" Gui Ruyan turned around and looked at Shen Yan.

The face of the ghost girl is peerless, and will never change for eternity.There is a soul-stirring beauty in Ghost Ruyan's body.Shen Yan's appearance was inherited from her mother.

However, that kind of beauty is very cold.That is not simple nobility and reserve, but the indifference of the soul.The ghost is like smoke, she is really a beauty with a heart like ice.

"Now, the ghost's house is no longer my home." Shen Yan said lightly.

"And Wang Han, what's the point of coming and going to Yinshan Mountain? Maybe one day, he can even level Phoenix Mountain!" Shen Yan's tone was not arrogant, in her opinion, she was just stating a fact.

The corner of the ghost's mouth is bent like a cigarette, and the smile is cold and intoxicating.

"Yan'er, the ghost family is the Shura royal family, and its true background is far superior to the Mu, Bai, and Qing families of Tianzhou. Although Amu killed the devil, he may not be able to leave the ghost family. There is more than one person in the eternal state of the Shura royal family. Besides—"

Ghost Ruyan looked at Shen Yan, his meaning was self-evident.

"What's more, I'm in your hands?" Shen Yan sneered, "Mother, if you want to use me to force Amu, do it!"

"Yan'er, the blood of the Shura royal family flows through your body. You are a ghost family. How can you use it? Help the ghost family get the ghost coffin, open the way back, and restore my glory. This is your duty." Ghosts are like flues.

"Ghost family?" Shen Yan sneered, "Right now, I prefer to be just the daughter of the Sea Desolate Ghost Sage, not the blood of Tianzhou, not the royal family of Asura."

"Fate can't be changed! How can the blood be cut off?" Gui Ruyan looked up, and the sky above his head was only a faint black mist.

That sentence, said to Shen Yan, also seemed to be said to Gui Ruyan herself.

The faint sound of the piano came through the clouds.

"Meng Hun's piano sound?" Shen Yan was slightly surprised.

"That's right!" Gui Ruyan said calmly, "Amu is here, and Meng Hun is blocking it!"

"What?" Shen Yan's voice was slightly cold, "Is that what Mother meant?"

"Ghost's meaning!" Gui Ruyan's voice remained the same, "However, it's also my meaning!"

"Meng Hun, there is a demon in his heart, and it is difficult to enter the realm. Seventh level of immortality, he is not a match for Amu at all!" Shen Yan frowned, "That's a moth to the flame!"

"If Amu misses his old love, he may not kill him!" Ghost Ruyan said.

"But, if Meng Hun dies, you can accept it too! Isn't it?" The ghostly face of the supreme ghost suddenly faded away, and a pair of beautiful eyes stared at his mother coldly.

Ghost Ruyan and Shen Yan are both peerless women.

"Yes!" Gui Ruyan did not avoid Shen Yan's gaze, "Everyone can die for the ghost coffin, including myself!"

Shen Yan looked at Ghost Ruyan with a complicated expression.

Live for your mother, die for your mother!Shen Yan, naturally knows what happened to Meng Hun at the gate of Haihuang Hell.But is it really worth it?
After a long while, Shen Yan's eyes finally returned to indifference, and then she said slowly: "Mother, from today onwards, Meng Hun and I are only the children of Haihuang Guisheng! Because, back then, father was right!"

 Shanhe is back, thank you for waiting!Let's warm up today.It's been a month, and I'm still a little uncomfortable.Hehe, 2 more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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