nine coffins

Chapter 950 Shocked and Invincible

Chapter 950
The twilight is all in one, and the two suns have set.

The magic qin and Menghun use the qin to control the array.The black mist billowed endlessly.Amu Huanghun, one man and one beast, stood proudly on the periphery.

Those black mist can't get close, so naturally they can't hurt them.In fact, it is not difficult to just break the forbidden formation, but Amu can't bear to kill Meng Hun because of his old feelings.

The human formation is one, and the body is the eye.If this array is broken, Meng Hun will die.However, that was not what Amu thought.

"Amu, you don't have to miss the old love. I have my home!" Amidst the sound of the piano, Meng Hun said slowly, "Shen Yan, is still waiting for you in the depths of the Yin Mountain! The night is long and dreamy, let's do it!"

Amu slightly raised his eyebrows.

Meng Hun's words are not without reason.If the Yinshan ghost family can let go of Meng Hun, then it is possible to use Shen Yan, otherwise it is impossible for Amu not to feel the existence of Shen Yan.

Shen Yan, that's Amu's reverse scale!

But at this time, Meng Hun had already made another move.Wave your hands and pluck the strings quickly.The original bleak sound of the piano turned steeply and violently, like the sound of knives and guns, the sound of golden drums, and the slaughter of thousands of troops.

One string can produce millions of heavenly soldiers.

Back then, Meng Hun's magic skills in the sea wasteland hell were so unsurpassed that he could even block the footsteps of Xiao Luo and even the third son.However, time has passed and circumstances have changed.

Today's Meng Hun will never regain the prestige of the past.It's just that under the urging of the sound of the piano, there are still several black mist, like giant arrows shooting straight at Amu and the wild soul beast.

Amu still didn't move, while the Wild Soul Beast spread its bloody wings, opened its bloody mouth at the same time, spewed out several purple lightning bolts, and went straight to meet it.


In the void, black mist and purple electricity collided and exploded suddenly.Thousands of black flowers, thousands of purple awns, that is the light of death.On the Yin mountain peak, Meng Hun's eyes were sad and comforted.

Because, if the wild soul beast makes a move, then it is Amu's attitude.

Life has an end, and the last time will come.Meng Hun has already made preparations.

Die like a man!The opponent is Amu, Meng Hun has no regrets.

Meng Hun's heart was agitated, he played the piano with one hand and formed seals with the other.

A head of black hair, scattered in the air.

Meng Hun's eyes began to gradually become pitch black, like a netherworld.Tianxian Qizhong fights Yuanxian Jiuzhong, it is a contest between the earth and the sky, it is a contest between the glimmer of fireflies and the bright moon.

That is not a level of battle at all!

Therefore, there was no need for Meng Hun to leave behind anything, he could only risk his life and fight with all his might.He only hoped that this battle would be able to do what he had learned in his life, and the battle would be hearty and hearty.

Perhaps this is the ultimate meaning of monks.

More than a thousand years in the ghost house were the darkest days of Meng Hun's life.Who can understand the painful state of mind from genius to mediocrity, from surprise to despair?
The ghost house does not belong to Meng Hun.Mother is just a memory of the past.More than a thousand years is torture and torment.So, today is a struggle, but also a relief.

"Shocking change!" Meng Hun's seal formula was completed, and he said the word lightly, with a calm expression on his face.

At this moment, he is willing to forget everything, only fighting.

With the sound of the piano and the seal, the black mist on the Yin Mountain suddenly formed an endless vortex.One after another, round after round.

And in the depths of each vortex, a ferocious grimace appeared.The eyes of the grimace lit up with two pale lights.Immediately, endless white light rose into the sky.

Between black and white, like a pillar of heaven and earth.The entire Yin Mountain is like a cage for trapped immortals.


Ghosts crying and wolves howling, desolate and gloomy.

Under the black mist, there seemed to be thousands of resentful spirits.At the same time, those grimaces gradually protruded.Then, ghost bodies one by one slowly climbed up from the black mist.

Struggling, struggling slowly.Step by step, they walked towards Amu and the wild soul beast.

At that moment, Meng Hun's technique seemed to open the gates of hell.In the vortex, ghosts kept gushing out, continuously.It was so dark that there was no end to it.

It's hell here.Thousands of Yin Qi, if it weren't for the state of Amu and the wild soul beast, I'm afraid they would be torn to pieces immediately.

Roaring, thousands of ghosts surrounded Amu and the wild soul beast.Those yin qi gradually thickened, like black clouds overwhelming the sky.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, then sighed slightly.

Meng Hun's forbidden formation was full of flaws in Amu's view.Those ghosts, although there are wraiths, but in fact, most of them are driven by phantoms.

This level of illusion, Amu can see through it at a glance.

You must know that when A Mudong entered the Paradise back then, whether it was the Qingshan formation or the Six Dao formation, they were far above Meng Hun's forbidden formation.How can the restriction in front of him trap him?

Moreover, Meng Hun seems to have forgotten that Amu can sacrifice the "ghost" character seal.With one talisman, ten thousand ghosts can be brought down.Back then, Amu used this to fight against Meng Hun.

But now, there is no need for Amu to make a move.Because, even the ancient beasts of the wild soul can destroy the endless ghosts.

"Destroy them!" Amu lightly patted the head of the wild soul beast.

The desolate soul beast shook its head, raised its head to the sky and roared, shaking Yinshan Mountain.


Spreading its blood wings, it flew up.

Is the ancient demon's mount normal?It's just that Amu doesn't give the Wild Soul Beast too many chances.This time, Amu couldn't bear to do it, and used the wild soul beast to destroy thousands of ghosts.


Blood Wing shook a hurricane, with thousands of purple lights in his mouth.

The demon's mount caused a life-and-death destruction.In the black mist, the desolate soul is invincible.

Chi Chi - Boom - Hoo -

The howling of the ghost was completely suppressed by the wild soul beast.The black vortex began to reverse.Everything collapsed in front of the powerful wild soul beast.

At the same time, a white bead was sacrificed in the void during the battle between the beasts of the wild soul.

Demon skull bead!

It's just that this time the wild soul beast didn't use it to summon those ancient bone beasts.The magic skull bead directly emitted thousands of white lights, like the scorching sun.

In an instant, in the void, above the black smoke, all souls melted.

The magic skull bead may be useless to Yuanxian's level.However, it is more than enough to deal with angels.

A look of surprise flashed across Meng Hun's eyes, but also a trace of sadness.There is no doubt that Amu is powerful now.However, he never expected that even the Wild Soul Beast could be so powerful.

For more than a thousand years, Tianzhou is like a dream.The existence of Meng Hun seems to have no meaning.Even Meng Hun didn't know if his mother would shed a tear for him after he died.

In fact, in the final analysis, Meng Hun and Amu are no longer on the same level.Amu's current power far exceeds Meng Hun's imagination.

However, once the shock was broken, Meng Hun still regenerated with magic.


Several heavy piano sounds suddenly sounded.It was like a heavy hammer between heaven and earth, and it hit Yinshan Mountain fiercely.

The entire void reverberates.Yin Shan seemed to be trembling.

Goodbye, Meng Hun, who was originally cross-legged, was already standing halfway up the mountain.

His long hair is flying, and his black robe is bulging.The guqin was hanging above Meng Hun's head.Using Qi to control the qin, the sound of the qin is like thunder, and the black light in Meng Hun's eyes is even stronger.

"Ghost shape!" Two more words, Meng Hun formed a seal again, and his body changed suddenly.

A burst of black air exploded in an instant.Meng Hun's black robe shattered like a butterfly.


Meng Hun raised his head to the sky and howled, hoarse and exhausted.

Between his eyebrows, a red glow suddenly lit up.It was a bloody grimace, exactly the same as the grimace on the blood jade ring on the hand of the third prince of the Black Dark Palace.

However, Meng Hun's was too vague.That was the imprint of a family, and for the ghost family, Meng Hun's blood was not pure.

Amu frowned, because he felt a violent force bursting out of Meng Hun's body.That shouldn't be Meng Hun, the power he should have.

That seems to be a rather ancient inheritance.

In the depths of the Yin Mountain, a trace of sadness flashed across Gui Ruyan's cold face.But, it's fleeting.Shen Yan, with murderous intent in his eyes, remained silent.

On the other side, outside the black dark hall.

The white-robed ghost stood under a skeleton tree like the wind, the corners of his mouth slightly curved, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"The desolation of the sea, do you still want to borrow the power of my Shura royal family? Or, you want to give a warning to the descendants of the sea!" Gui Rufeng said to himself, his robes slightly fluttering, "Warning with death? Meng Hun, Everything is in vain!"

But at this time, Meng Hun's body was torn apart from the middle.

A dark and blood-colored fuzzy soul emerged proudly.Meng Hun seemed to be abandoning his physical body.


That fuzzy soul looked up to the sky and howled, as if unwilling to do so through the ages.


As soon as the soul came out, the wild soul beast roared, but its body couldn't help but backed away.The entire desolate beast is in a state of extreme alert.

For that kind of ancient power, the wild soul beast is more sensitive than Amu.It was an instinctive fear from the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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