nine coffins

Chapter 951 If I am dust, please bury me by the black water!

Chapter 951 If I am dust, please bury me by the black water!

Ghost form!

In Meng Hun's body, the red and black souls erupted were hundreds of feet long.It was an entity, and the form of Menghun disappeared completely.That resembles an extreme transformation.

Only, the guqin is still there.The heavy sound of the piano is like a giant bell echoing in the sky and the earth.

That was definitely comparable to Yuanxian's strength, and the Wild Soul Beast growled and dared not move forward.Amu frowned slightly, watching the ghostly Meng Hun transform.

The breath of ancient Shura?
In the memory fragments that Amu inherited from the God of War, there are some hazy memories.At the same time, probably only such an ancient existence can deter the wild soul beast.

The Tianzhou Ghost House must have hidden secrets.


At this time, the hundred-foot ghost walked straight towards Amu through the black mist.The rolled up mist is like high waves.The tyrannical breath seemed to tear everything apart.

At the same time, everything on the entire Yin Mountain began to spin, and it was getting faster and faster.The black mist of Yinshan Mountain is like a huge whirlpool between heaven and earth.

At that moment, the wild soul beast roared to the sky.Because, it also feels dizzy.If it wasn't for Amu's protection, it might not be able to control itself.

And that ghost-like soul charged straight forward without any hesitation.

Amu's eyes showed a slight brilliance.

Because, at this time, the level of the entire forbidden formation instantly increased.Amu speculates that this array can trap Yuanxian one or two times.This is the current wild soul beast, which cannot be resisted by itself.

Blood Awakening!
Amu could see that Meng Hun's technique was by no means a summoning technique.That evil ghost soul was not summoned by Meng Hun, but a part of Meng Hun.

Such an inheritance is sealed in Meng Hun's blood.Today, Meng Hun is just turned on.

Gu Shura's blood?Amu's heart skipped a beat.The people from the Tianzhou Ghost Family actually have the bloodline of Gu Shura.

"Forbidden!" However, there is no time to think about it for the time being.The ghost shape rushed forward, and Amu raised one hand slightly.

In an instant, there were three forbidden pictures.

One thought is born, and the picture is forbidden.Yuan Xian Jiuzhong, and now Amu, unless he uses the ultimate forbidden picture, he no longer needs to draw with both hands.

When he raised his hand, the three forbidden pictures had already been scattered.Three brilliance, one Dingyin Mountain, two ghost towns.Today's Amu, the technique of forbidden pictures can destroy many powerful enemies.


The rotating Diyin Mountain was forcibly stopped by an inexplicable force, even trembling with a sudden stagnation.The light of the forbidden map, covering everything, imprisoning everything.

A formation of this level cannot bear the power of Amu's forbidden image.At the same time, the other two forbidden pictures hit the ghost-shaped body directly.

"Seal!" Amu shouted softly.Those two lights of the forbidden map covered the ghost-shaped body.


The black and red evil ghost screamed shrilly, and endless rays of light radiated from his body.The trapped beast is still fighting, and thousands of people are unwilling.However, Amu's banned pictures didn't give him any chance.

All struggles are futile.

Amu raised his eyebrows slightly, secretly motivating him, and the light of the forbidden map was even better.

Everything was instantaneous, and it was almost a reversal of the alienation process of Cai Meng's soul just now.The ghost form, which was over a hundred feet tall, quickly converged.The red light dissipated, and the black light receded.

The two lights of the forbidden map sealed everything.

The ghost shape changes from big to small.When it was only two or three feet high, the shape of Meng Hun gradually manifested.A head of long hair has already appeared.The face gradually became clear.

However, Amu's forbidden map can only restore Meng Hun's upper body.Heimey is shirtless, and his lower body still looks like a ghost.Meng Hun turned out to be half human and half ghost.

Looking at everything, a strange look flashed across Amu's eyes.It seems that he underestimated the power of the awakening of Gu Shura's bloodline.

At this time, the strings of that Guqin were ringing chaotically, completely out of rhyme.

At that moment, Meng Hun's face was ferocious, his long hair was flying around, and he seemed to be out of his mind.

"Meng Hun, are you from the blood of the ancient Shura? Are you from the Tianzhou ghost family, from the Shura world?" Amu asked.

"Ah———" Meng Hun didn't answer at all, the red and black in his eyes changed, and he could only scream, "Kill——"

Amu raised his eyebrows again, and at the same time flipped with one hand.Heihua circulated, and the Dragon Whip of Canghai Town was already in hand.

At this time, the Yin Mountain did not turn, but the black mist did not dissipate.If the forbidden array is not broken, it is difficult to enter the ghost's house.Just now, no matter how much the battle was fought, the forbidden formation showed no sign of dissipating.

All because, the eye of the formation is Meng Hun.

Kill Meng Hun!There was a trace of sadness in Amu's eyes.In the dragon whip of Canghai town, the dragon roar can't live.Above the deserted sea, this melancholy and lonely man was once kind to Amu.

"Kill——I—" Meng Hun's consciousness cleared up, but it was fleeting.Immediately, his whole body was in a state of struggling madness.

Half ghost, half human, Meng Hun is like a demon.


The two Guqin strings suddenly broke.

chi chi-

At the same time, the two strings turned into white light, like a flying dragon, and came straight to Amu.

With a flip of Amu's wrist, Canghai Town Dragon Whip has already made a move.

bang -- bang --

The power of the sea, what can be the enemy?The two strings were directly scattered by the mighty black rattan, turning into afterglow.

That guqin is Meng Hun's natal life.Meng Hun's body shook slightly.


A mouthful of blood was sprayed out directly.

Then, the guqin was spinning, and there was a continuous sound of bang bang.For a time, the brilliance overflowed.The remaining five strings broke at the same time.

"The broken string returns to the soul—" Meng Hun looked up to the sky and screamed mournfully.However, the voice had already been distorted.

That is the cry from the soul!
Self-destruction is tantamount to suicide.At this moment, it was already unclear whether it was the last blow of Meng Hun's madness, or a rational choice.

That was, Meng Hun's last technique!After ten thousand years of practice, one will eventually return to one's soul.


The entire body of Guqin turned into a shower of stars and scattered with the wind.

All over Yinshan, many strong ghosts can sense everything.However, Meng Hun is insignificant in the ghost house.Even, he is discriminated against.

The ghost was like the wind, his expression remained the same, as if it was a battle that had nothing to do with him.Although, everything is in his plan.

Ghosts are like smoke, standing with their hands behind their backs, neither sad nor happy.The ghost girl's heart seemed to be like ice.Shen Yan's expression gradually calmed down.In fact, when the magic piano sounded, everything about Meng Hun was frozen.

Shen Yan knew that when facing Meng Hun, Amu might hesitate.However, no one can stop Amu's footsteps!
How happy is life, why bother to die?Meng Hun, should have realized this a long time ago, right?Live for your mother, die for your mother.Today, that's a great irony.

Perhaps Shen Yan understands Meng Hun's suffering.After all, she knew that Meng Hunku had been sitting at the gate of the sea and hell for nearly ten thousand years just for a promise to his mother.

That kind of love is terrifyingly persistent!Even Shen Yan couldn't tell whether today's Meng Hun died in despair, or whether he was willing to die.

However, no matter what, it was the ghost family who forced Meng Hun to death.

"Brother, I will avenge you!" Shen Yan spoke to Meng Hun, but looked at Ghost Ruyan, and paused every word.

Gui Ruyan looked at Shen Yan, but his expression did not change.

However, she seemed to see the shadow of the legendary first soul of Shura.

"The legend of Gu Shura, why did you incarnate as your own daughter?" Gui Ruyan sighed in his heart, but no one heard him.

At this time, the entire world outside the Yin Mountain changed color again.

A single string was once worth a million heavenly soldiers.At this time, the five strings came out together, and instantly turned into an endless sky net.It is densely intertwined, does not leak wind and rain, and does not disperse fairy spirit.

The black mist in the entire Yinshan Forbidden Formation swelled instantly.

"Huh?" Amu couldn't help showing a look of surprise in his eyes.Because, if this continues, the forbidden formation is very likely to explode.

"Meng Hun, why bother?" Amu looked at Meng Hun and sighed, "Kill you today, if you know the cause and effect in the future, I will definitely seek justice for you!"

After all, Amu no longer hesitated.There is no news about the mysterious ghost house, Shen Yan.Amu, I don't want to wait any longer.

One ban, one world, one picture, one universe.


Raising his hand, there was another forbidden picture.

The seven-color mysterious light, like a canopy, covers the void of Yinshan Mountain.At that moment, the entire star sea will also be dejected, thousands of brilliance, like rain falling.

The entire Yinshan Mountain was changed because of Amu's forbidden pictures.

At that moment, a strange color flashed across Gui Rufeng's eyes.That is the successor of the sea, the real power.


The light of the forbidden map breaks through everything, like sharp swords that destroy the world one after another.The net of strings was directly cut off by it.

wow - wow -

Meng Hun's heart and soul were shaken, and he sprayed several streams of blood.The shirtless upper body was cracked in several places, and countless blood spattered.

In the depths of the Yin Mountain, on Shen Yan's face, the face of the supreme ghost reappeared.At the last moment, Shen Yan chose to close her eyes.

Ghostly like smoke, her expression still didn't change, but her black dress didn't move automatically.

The forbidden map broke through, and Amu's body froze slightly due to Meng Hun's miserable appearance.The black cane returned to his hand again.At this time, Meng Hun's body began to curl gradually.

At that moment, Meng Hun looked like a dying old man.The ghostly appearance on the lower body began to recede.

The naked Meng Hun was covered in blood.Originally, the slender fingers were all curled.Those hands can no longer play the piano.What's more, the broken string returns to the soul, and Meng Hun has no piano to play.

Amu stands on the Yin Mountain, looking at everything.The black mist began to dissipate.

"Meng Hun, you have a last wish, and I will make it for you!" Amu said in a deep voice.He knew that Meng Hun was about to lose his wits.Meng Hun had exhausted all of the three techniques just now.

"Thank you!" Meng Hun smiled sadly.At this moment, Meng Hun only had eyes and the radiance of the past.

"If you die in your hands, you can have no regrets!" Meng Hun's body was still curly, like a withered leaf.Amu waved one hand, and a black robe fell on Meng Hun.

Die with dignity!
"Amu, I have nothing else to ask for! If I am dust, please bury me by the bank of the black water!" Meng Hun coughed violently, tears of blood already seeping from the corners of his eyes, "Because, my father is there!"

(End of this chapter)

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