nine coffins

Chapter 956 9 years, like smoke turning into a dream, I have forgotten my original intention!

Chapter 956 9 years, like smoke turning into a dream, I have forgotten my original intention!

Everything in the sea is exhausted.

That technique is the almost ultimate perception and interpretation of all the phenomena of the vast universe of the Three Realms.Canghai Immortal Venerable, with the power of this technique back then, I don't know how many strong people fell.

Amu, naturally he can't reach the height of Canghai Xianzun.But the power of Vientiane must not be underestimated.

The ghost girl is like smoke, she is an immortal talent of the ghost family.Otherwise, he would not be selected to go to the desert.For tens of thousands of years, Gui Ruyan is the only ghost family who has left Tianzhou.

The technique of the ghost girl is weird and unpredictable.

At this time, all the phases of the Three Realms are like a cage, fully suppressing him.However, Gui Ruyan's cold and glamorous face remained unchanged, and his hands quickly formed seals.

"Ghost art, Tianguang! Break!" Gui Ruyan snorted softly.

The seal formula has been completed, and Xianwei is scattered.The endless white light exploded like a round of violent daylight.

boom - boom -

Dazzling white light surged outward.Above the Milky Way, the sun is shining brightly.Many dharmas have collapsed one after another.In an instant, everything in the ocean seemed to be completely destroyed.

The ghost is like smoke, and the immortal power that is almost eternal is indeed extraordinary.

However, the corner of Amu's mouth rose slightly, and the formula in his hand suddenly changed.


Green air swept across the sky and dispersed.

Look again, those broken dharma images fluctuated slightly, and instantly reorganized and restored.Vientiane has no form and changes with the heart.Unless your realm is definitely too much higher, you will definitely fall into the predicament of Vientiane and cannot get out.

Ghosts are like smoke, no matter how powerful they are, they are hard to resist.


The second time, Xianli duel.This time the turmoil was not as good as just now.It's just because the barrier of white light propped up by ghosts like smoke has already been crushed by the vicissitudes of life.


The ghostly black cloak fluttered like smoke, like a billowing ink wave.

"Hmm!" Gui Ruyan snorted, and quickly backed away, as if splitting through a sea of ​​fog.At the same time, a mouthful of blood spurted out directly.

The ghost is like smoke, and on the cold and beautiful face, there is only a touch of paleness.

Vientiane, invincible power.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Ghost Ruyan, but there was a touch of complexity in his eyes.Because, Gui Ruyan is as famous as Tiannv, so it seems a little weak.

At this time, Gui Ruyan's front was covered with blood, and the cloak behind him had several big holes, making him look really embarrassed.

Ghost Rufeng, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but a look of disdain flashed in his eyes, and he thought to himself: "Ghost girl is like smoke, but it's nothing! 9 years of sea waste, what a waste of time!"

In the depths of the Yin Mountain, Shen Yan was slightly taken aback, and a radiant light flashed under the face of the Supreme Ghost God.Shen Yan, even retreated from the face of the supreme ghost, and slowly stood up.

On the Yin Mountain, Gui Ruyan gently wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hands, and the smile on his face was cold and poignant.

"Heir to the sea, the reputation is well-deserved! The road to the venerable is just around the corner!"

"Ghost Ruyan, anyone who stands in my way! Die!" Amu looked at Ghost Ruyan with cold eyes, "Stay away! For Shen Yan's sake, I won't kill you today!"

"Ashamed to be a wife, and a false mother! If you die sooner or later, what is there to fear?" Gui Ruyan smiled, then stood up straight, looking around the entire Yinshan Mountain, "The land where I was born, the family that raised me. I will do it for you." They will do their best!"

Amu frowned.The ghost is like smoke, and he doesn't retreat?

Look again, Ghost Ruyan formed a seal again.

However, this time, the seal formula seems to be quite complicated.Ghost Ruyan's face was determined, and his movements were extremely fast.Faint green smoke slowly rose from his body.

Xu Yong's power has already been exerted to an extreme by him.

At that moment, the power of Ghost Ruyan was quite terrifying.

"Piaomiao Tianzhou's tearful beauty has turned dreams into seas and wastes for 9 years. Don't ask about ghosts like smoke in the past!" In the green smoke, ghosts like smoke have a smile on their faces, and their voice is erratic and distant.

Amu has seen that poem before.

Back then, the sea was barren and hell, and ice crystals hung coffins.On the black and white cave walls, brilliance flows.The woman in the ice coffin is dressed in fluttering black clothes, her beautiful eyes are looking forward, her eyebrows are slightly frowned, and she seems to be worried.

The ghost is like smoke, stepping on a cloud of white clouds, with a graceful appearance, half holding an ancient book in his hand.

A ghost girl in the sea, she is peerless.That is a true portrayal of ghosts like smoke.

Back then, Amu was only in the spirit realm, and he didn't even know who was in the ice coffin.At that time, those four poems were engraved on the black and white cave walls.

The handwriting is delicate and elegant, flowing like clouds and flowing water.Amu feels that the person who carved the lettering has reached the state where everything is legal.

However, for many years, neither Amu nor other people who have seen the portrait have probably never understood those four lines of poetry.

Only at this time, Amu's heart was shocked.Because, he just understood.However, it seems that it is too late.

Ghosts are like smoke, the technique has been completed, like smoke like a dream.At this moment, Ghost Ruyan is the master.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust! 9 years, like smoke turning into a dream, I have forgotten my original intention!" In the green smoke, ghosts are as beautiful as smoke and dust, which is indescribable.

That is a strange woman in the Three Realms who is also known as a heavenly woman.

The endless power of Xu Yong turned into thousands of powers and rushed straight to the sea of ​​stars.The entire Yinshan Mountain is brightened because of her.

At this time, the ghost was like the wind, and his expression suddenly changed.

Because, the ghostly power did not go straight to Amu.Instead, it rolled directly towards himself and the black and white fog behind him.

Fight back!
"Ah—" Ghost Rufeng exclaimed.In an instant, the white robe fluttered, and he wanted to make a final struggle.However, everything was too sudden, even without warning.

Meng Hun died and was trapped in smoke.This confuses everyone.Ghost Rufeng, there is no doubt about Ghost Ruyan.The death of Meng Hun made him completely believe in Ghost Ruyan.

This is the moment ghosts have been waiting for.Amu is very strong, she can rest assured, but she has to do the last thing for Amu and Shen Yan.


Green smoke billows and swallows directly.The ghost is like the wind, all he has to do is change his mind—everything about the ghost is like smoke, it's all a lie.

"Don't ask about ghosts like smoke in the past! For 9 years, smoke has turned into a dream, and I have forgotten my original intention!" Then, ghosts like smoke are no longer ghosts like smoke.Haihuang's 9-year experience has already made her forget her mission and original intention.

Ghost Ruyan, deep down, is no longer a ghost family.

Tianzhou Yinshan endured endless misery, even watched Meng Hun die, just for this last moment?The ghost is like smoke, deceiving everyone.

Ghosts are like smoke, and they want to destroy ghost homes.Above the deserted sea, there is human relations and love, while ghosts only have life and death and illusory beliefs.

Sea Desolation changed Ghost Ruyan.She prefers Heishui Gaoshan.Otherwise, how could she seal herself and sleep in hell for 9000 years, unwilling to wake up?
She is avoiding, she is struggling!
Women are independent because they have never been subordinate to any man.However, Gui Ruyan belongs to Gui Sheng, even though Gui Sheng may never really understand her.

However, that is not important.It doesn't matter that Meng Hun is dead.Because, Gui Ruyan will follow them soon.There is no doubt about the power of the ghost family.

Gui Ruyan understood that after she died, Meng Hun would not live alone.

Therefore, Gui Ruyan could only endure and choose to keep Shen Yan.Because, Amu will take her away.The life and death of Ghost Ruyan is no longer in her consideration.

At this time, the wind is raging, and Gui Rufeng will no longer know the real answer.

"The three souls return to the ruins, and they will be silent forever!" The ghostly voice broke through everything.


All of them rushed directly towards the black and white fog.

That is the mist of black and white, which is the essence of countless monks of the ghost family.The earth shook and the mountains shook, and the Yin Mountains collapsed.In the whole ghost family, there are only three eternal realms, whose cultivation base is higher than that of ghosts like smoke.

Who would dare to take the lead in that ghost girl's last technique?She wants to use her three souls to destroy all the three souls of the ghost family.


The whole Tiannan seemed to be shaking.There are endless shadowy mountains, and all peaks fall together.At that moment, I don't know how many eyes narrowed, and I don't know how many voices sighed.

The death of the ghost girl took away countless souls from the ghost family.

The heavenly girl disappeared, and the ghost girl fell.

The causal roulette rotates freely in the dark.This era, which has been inherited for tens of thousands of years and inspired countless generations, is heading towards its peak step by step.

Thousands of feet of smoke and dust seem to bury the Yin Mountain.

In the dark hall, two black and white lights suddenly lit up.The Yin Mountain was shaken, but the Dark Palace remained motionless.The blood soul guards in the four corners were glowing with blood red light.

The third prince slowly stood up.The dazzling crown, the black robe that drags the floor, and the endless wind of the king.However, the face of the third prince has always been hidden in the shadows.

At this time, two monks, one black and one white, a man and a woman, knelt down in front of the third prince.

"Ghost ink, Ling Bai! Kill Amu and get the coffin of gods and demons. I will give you eternal freedom! And I will still return to Shura Demon Continent!"

A man and a woman looked at each other.

"Third Prince, are you serious?" the man asked.

"I swear by the blood ring!" The third prince lightly stroked the blood ring on his finger.

"Thank you, Third Prince!" The men and women said in unison.

Then, with a flash of black and white light, the two disappeared immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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