nine coffins

Chapter 957 Canghai 1 kill?Wanxin ghost ink is not as good as 1 eye Lingbai!

Chapter 957 One kill in the sea?It's better to have a blind eye than a thousand hearts and ghosts!
Thousands of souls die, Yinshan ruins.

Outside of the Yin Mountain, if it wasn't for Amu's four spirits banning the four directions in the southeast and northwest, then it is unknown how many lives would be lost this night.

The ghost girl is like smoke, and the last magic trick seems to want to destroy the ghost family.The ghost is like smoke, and he resolutely goes to death, planning for a long time.The timing and strength were just right, and it was a fatal blow to the ghost family.

Under the eternal situation, there are very few survivors.The entire Yinshan mountain range has long since changed beyond recognition.It's just that in the distance, there are several black mountains and a dark palace.

"Don't ask about the ghosts in the past—" Amu stood in the void, muttering to himself.At this moment, the real ghost like smoke can be fully presented.

Only then can the trajectory of her entire life be clarified.

Stunning and stunning, endless forbearance.

For tens of thousands of years, Amu didn't know how much unbearable pain Gui Ruyan had endured.From Tianzhou to Haihuang, from Haihuang to Tianzhou.

With her heart and beliefs, the ghost girl must have struggled countless times.

Sea Desolation Shenzhou has been ups and downs for 9 years, and Ghost Ruyan may wish that he is a pure sea desolation person.

Facing fate!

Like Guizun and Shangxie, she is not reconciled, but is trying her best to break it.However, her way seems to be more tragic than Guizun and Shangxie.

Of course, for the weak and weak, if they want to fight against fate, they can only fight with fate, only with tragedy!This is, the sorrow of life!

Amu sighed, then waved one hand, and also grabbed a handful of Void Qingchen, just like Cai Menghun.

"Senior ghost girl, you are worthy of your wife and mother! Amu, I will also bury you beside the black water, so that your souls will be at peace forever."

Suddenly, a ray of purple light soared into the sky, deep in the remote Yin Mountain.That was a ghostly technique just now, and it didn't affect the area at all.

"Shen Yan!" Amu's complexion changed, and at the same time, he moved his body and stepped out.

In fact, everything is in the blink of an eye.When Gui Ruyan was defeated by Amu's Vientiane Art, Amu and Shen Yan felt something strange.

"Mother!" When Gui Ruyan performed the last spell, Shen Yan completely understood everything.At the same time, her seal was unknowingly released.

She knew that this was what her mother did in the end.At that moment, Shen Yan felt extremely painful in her heart.Because she finally understood that her mother had endured a lot of suffering alone.

The moment the seal was released, the black awn above Shen Yan's head dissipated instantly.

Zimang soared into the sky, and Shen Yan flew directly into the sky.Returning to the ghost's house, the bloodline awakens. For more than 700 years, Gui Ruyan has never missed Shen Yan's practice.Today's Shen Yan is also Yuan Xian Jiuzhong.

The distance between Shen Yan and Amu is only one step away.

However, it is so close.

That is, the moment when Amu took a step.

Black and white light suddenly appeared.Those are two eternal forces, like the sky falling, directly blocking Amu's way out.At the same time, the black dark palace finally moved.

The black dark temple rises from the ground, with endless black lights.

"Town!" The third prince in the palace snorted coldly.However, the people outside the hall could not hear his voice at all.


The black dark hall suddenly fell, directly suppressing the rising smoke.


Shen Yan's supreme ghostly face displayed its brilliance, and at the same time flipped it with one hand.Shura's spear turned into a hundred feet and pierced through the sky.

"Overestimate your own strength!" The third prince's voice was low and cold, and he had no intention of walking out of the dark dark hall at all, "Ghost girl, do you really think that breaking the seal will allow you to be released? Ridiculous!"


The black dark temple is like the sky falling.

The supreme ghosts and gods contain the power of the venerable.Asura Spear, Venerable Divine Weapon.

However, it couldn't stop the black dark palace at all.The black awns intersected, sparking thousands of black sparks.Shen Yan's realm is completely irresistible.


With a bloody grimace, Shen Yan fell straight down.

And the downward force of the black dark hall rolled up endless air waves, directly crushing the remaining few peaks in an instant.However, at the same time, thousands of black awns fell directly from the black dark palace, trapping Shen Yan in it.

The dark hall is on the top, and the black light is the prison.

Although the seal was released, Shen Yan was still under the control of the third prince.

"Ghost is like smoke, do you think the ghost family will be seriously injured? Want to help Amu? Hehe—" The third prince sat on the big chair again, with a cold and gloomy laugh, "The dark palace is still there, and I will not die. Then, no one can get out of Yinshan Mountain!"

"Shen Yan!" Seeing everything, Amu raised his eyebrows with hatred in his heart.

However, the two eternal powers blocked the way, and the entire space was distorted.Even if he stepped on the magic coffin, Amu had to retreat.


Amu retreated, not far away, the black and white light turned into two monks.

A man and a woman, the man wears a black robe and the woman wears a white skirt.

A man with a handsome appearance.However, a long scar over his left eye ran across half of his cheek, making him a bit more sharp.

That woman has an average face, not very stunning.The most special thing is that the woman has only one right eye, which is clear and bright.

As for the left eye, it is empty, with no eye socket, as if it was born like this.

That female cultivator, in a white dress, is as white as snow, not stained with dust.On him, there is an aura that is completely different from ordinary ghost family members.

"Five levels of Eternal Realm!" Amu raised his eyebrows.This is already the limit of the realm that Amu can see now.

The background of the Tianzhou ghost family is really extraordinary.

You know, each of the major spirit clans on the Tianmu Grassland probably only has one or two Eternal Realms.However, the highest level of cultivation is the third level of eternity.

The sword god of the Mu family is proud of the entire Tianzhou, but Mu Qingcheng is only in the seventh level of eternity.

As for the ghost family, after being severely injured by Gui Ruyan's life-and-death art, two statues of the fifth level of eternal realm actually stood up.From the looks of it, those who died were all ghosts.

Moreover, the third prince who was in the same era as Gui Zun and Shang Xie hadn't appeared at all.Two Eternal Realm Fifth Level, I am afraid that they are definitely not the last strength of the ghost family.

Amu narrowed his eyes and glanced at the black dark temple in the distance.Amu didn't know what was inside that gloomy black palace.

However, Amu could see Shen Yan trapped by the falling black light.On the face of the supreme ghost and god, blood dripped.The murderous aura of death on Amu's body became stronger and stronger.

"Heir of Canghai, you can't go any further!" The black-robed man's voice was calm, showing no emotion.The woman in white even had a smile on her face.

"Ghost home forever!" Amu smiled coldly.At the same time, red flames rose between Amu's eyebrows.


Thousands of red lights are like a phoenix born from the ashes.The fiery coffin hangs directly above Amu's head.The two male and female monks, one black and one white, had a look of surprise in their eyes.

One of the nine coffins can control the Three Realms.

For tens of thousands of years, even among the many venerables back then, it seems that no one can wear double coffins.The person who owns a coffin is the ruler of the world.

A few days ago, Canghai's descendant killed the devil, and it has already spread all over Tianzhou.

However, being famous is not as good as meeting.

Controlling the Nine Coffins requires a special physique.Stepping on the devil's coffin, hanging on the head of the god's coffin.At this moment, even the power of the fifth level of Yongzhi couldn't help but sucked in a breath of air.

You know, Amu is just Yuan Xian Jiuzhong.One day, as long as Amu sets foot on the Eternal Realm.Wearing double coffins, any one of them might not be able to block Amu.

Fortunately, they have an absolute chance of winning this battle.

"Who is coming? Sign up for a battle!" Amu held his ground.

"Ghost ink!"

"Ling Bai!" The two answered calmly and simply.

On the banks of the Fuchen River and above the green hills, there are always people watching everything.At this time, seeing the two people appear, Canghai Donghuang couldn't help but sneer.

"Thousands of ghosts and ink, it's better to have a clear eye! Ghosts kill gods, it seems that it is not a legend. Hehe, Amu, you have to be careful! However, I want to see how many eternal realms the ghosts have? Is it enough? Cang Hai One kill!"

Bare feet turn slightly, sackcloth swings lightly.The emperor of the sea, facing Yinshan.

However, Amu has never heard of the names of Ghost Mo and Ling Bai.

"You are not our opponent! Leave the coffins of God and Demon, and we will keep reincarnating you. I hate trouble!" Gui Mo said calmly.

Eternal fivefold!He's not talking big.On Tianzhou, I don't know how many monks have died under their swords.

"Hehe! People in the ghost family are very special! There's too much nonsense!" Amu sneered, and then his complexion changed suddenly, and the seal in his hand was completed in an instant.

God King Art!


The seven-color brilliance immediately dispersed.The divine coffin sensed, and the flames were red.The power of the divine coffin can burn a world.In terms of combat power, the divine coffin is the strongest under heaven and earth.

That is Haoyu of the Three Realms, the original flame!


Amu stopped drinking, and endless flames were reflected in his eyes.

The Dark Palace is suppressing, Shen Yan is trapped, right now.How could Amu endure this scene?In Danhai, the power of the sea is circulating, and the qi of demons, immortals, gods, and Buddhas are united.

All of this is making Amu's combat power reach its peak.

Tsing Yi Qingmang, the true color of the sea.

The divine coffin flew out, covering the sky and sea of ​​flames, and in an instant, candles illuminated the entire Tiannan.The empty star sea seems to be melted by it.

This night, in the whole Tiannan, no one slept peacefully.

The Bai and Qing families are even more brightly lit.

The faces of the helmsmen of the two companies changed slightly.The spirit clan surrenders, and then destroys the ghost family.One branch of the sea, returning strong, this is to unify Tianzhou!
(End of this chapter)

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