nine coffins

Chapter 958 White Clouds and Green Water, Hiding 1 Soul

Chapter 958: White Clouds and Green Water, One Thousand Possessions and One Soul

South of the sky, Baiyun Tower.

The white-clothed patriarch, in the fourth level of eternity, was sitting upstairs cross-legged.And standing in front of him was Bai Zizhou who had just been summoned by him.

"A few days ago, the descendants of the sea killed the devil, and all the spirits surrendered. Tonight, the coffin of the gods covered the sky, and the Yinshan Mountain fought. Zizhou, what do you think of everything now, where is my Bai family going?" The ancestor in white said slowly.

Bai Zizhou pondered for a while, he understood that this was not an inquiry, but an investigation.The overall situation of the Bai family is naturally in the heart of the ancestor.

"Back to the ancestors, the descendants of the sea are unstoppable!" Bai Zizhou frowned, "My Bai family must follow the time and not go against the sky. The sea is one lineage, powerful in the three realms, and there must be something to come back. However, the sea is not Injury to the innocent. My Bai family is safe and secure, and I will not lose my duty, so I can protect you without any worries!"

"Oh!" The patriarch in white looked at Bai Zizhou and smiled faintly, "What Zizhou said is to keep it!"

"The chaos in the Three Realms, the cause and effect are uncertain, and there is no fault in keeping it!" Bai Zizhou lowered his head.

"Yeah!" The patriarch in white nodded, but a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes.Because, for the same question, Bai Zixiu's answer was even better.

Conservation is indeed without fault, but it can make the Bai family lose all its sharpness.

The old ancestor in white paused and said again, "Zizhou, the Qing family asked someone to bring a message a few days ago. I have already sent someone to repair it for your seventh disciple, and proposed marriage to Jiu'er of the Qing family!"

"Oh?" Bai Zizhou raised his head slightly, looked at the Patriarch of the Bai family, his eyes flashed with surprise, but he immediately smiled, "Seventh brother has admired Miss Ninth for many years. If the two finally get married, congratulations!"

"Zizhou!" The ancestor of the Bai family softened his tone, "You are outstandingly talented, and you can cross the stars. Our Bai family has been passed down through the ages, and brotherly rivalry is inevitable. However, Zixiu made a good move. Now, the Three Realms are in turmoil. There is no harm in the marriage between the Qing and Bai families! Do you understand?"

Bai Zizhou hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Patriarch. Zizhou is sincere and sincere, bless the seventh brother! As long as it is beneficial to my Bai family, everything is fine. Zixiu, I have no complaints."

"That's great!" The patriarch of the Bai family nodded slightly, seeming to be quite satisfied with Bai Zizhou's answer, and then said to the void, "Tell me what I said, let Zixiu come to see me!"

"Yes!" Void still answered, but no one was there.

"Your realm is far above Zixiu's. However, brothers still need to get closer to each other when they are away all year round!" The patriarch in white looked at Bai Zizhou and said earnestly.

"Don't worry, Patriarch!" Bai Zizhou replied.

"Report to Patriarch!" The voice just now came from the void, "Seventh Young Master, you are not on Baiyun Mountain!"

"Oh?" The patriarch of the Bai family was slightly taken aback, and said displeasedly, "Didn't I say that no one is allowed to go down the mountain privately during this time? What did he do?"

"Back to the ancestor, the Seventh Young Master left a message. The matter is urgent and the ghost family should be destroyed, so he went to help the descendants of Canghai. He also said, please make a quick decision and help Yinshan!"

"Huh?" The patriarch of the Bai family was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head and smiled wryly, "Go ahead and show your loyalty. We're all left behind."

Bai Zizhou's expression was slightly embarrassed.Because, obviously, everything about Bai Zixiu was ahead of him.

"I'm getting old!" The ancestor of the Bai family laughed dryly, "Zizhou, your seventh younger brother had some contacts with the descendants of Canghai! This time, he forced us to wave the flag!"

"Patriarch, rest assured!" Bai Zizhou's thoughts changed sharply, and he knelt down on one knee, "Zizhou, now I am willing to lead the elite of the Bai family to the ghost's house, to show my heart to the Bai family, and to help the seventh brother at the same time!"

"Oh?" The patriarch of the Bai family looked at Bai Zizhou and hesitated, "Zizhou—"

"Don't worry, old ancestor, although Zizhou is a rascal, he still understands the meaning of filial piety. I would like to assist Zixiu to become the head of the Bai family in the future, and jointly inherit the eternal foundation of the Bai family!" Bai Zizhou said.

"Oh!" The ancestor of the Bai family finally showed a gratified smile, "Zizhou, if you think so, it is really a blessing for the Bai family. Then go!"

The patriarch of the Bai family waved one hand.

"Respect the patriarch's decree! Zixiu will definitely fulfill his mission!" Saying that, Bai Zixiu turned into a phantom and disappeared.

The smile on the Bai family patriarch's face gradually disappeared.

"Old Ancestor—" A voice sounded in the void, "Second Young Master, will you—"

The patriarch of the Bai family shook his head and sighed: "Zi Zhou, his talent has been exposed for a long time. The entire Xinghai Fleet is under his control. Inside the Bai family, there are many loyalists. Zi Xiu seems to be a loafer. Unruly, but in fact the city is extremely deep. Now, with the help of the power of the sea, marrying the Qing family, and coming from behind, it is in line with the general trend of the Three Realms. When two sons fight, one must be injured!"

"Tonight, in the battle of Yinshan, Zixiu took another step ahead. Zizhou is going forward, are you afraid that he will take the opportunity to kill Zixiu?"

"Old slave, I'm really worried!" said the voice in the void.

"Hehe!" The patriarch of the Bai family sneered, "Zi Zhou, if he judged the situation, he would not take action but sincerely help his seventh younger brother. Zixiu, if he had the heart, he would naturally guard against Zi Zhou's thunderous methods and win over his second brother. , and hand over the entire Xinghai to Zizhou in the future."

"The two sons work together to ensure the peace of my Bai family and pass it on to the world! If there are two people and one of them makes a mistake in judgment, the whole game will be lost." The ancestor of the Bai family sighed.

"The old slave, do you want to follow?" Void's voice asked.

"No need!" The Patriarch of the Bai family shook his head, "If that's the case, then the strength of the Bai family is exhausted. Apart from these two sons, there is no one in the Bai family to support the overall situation."

"Let's resign ourselves to fate, let's go with the sky!"

There is no more sound in Baiyun Tower.


Qingjia Qingshuishan.

Granny in Tsing Yi sat peacefully on the rattan chair in the bamboo building.Behind her, a pretty girl is holding that green bamboo walking stick.On the opposite side of the Tsing Yi granny, a middle-aged figure who looked like a scholar was sitting cross-legged, with an ancient book stuck in his waist.

That scholar's temperament is extremely special.There is a faint green light on his body, which seems to be born with him.

At this time, if Amu was there, he would be shocked.Because, Amu had seen the appearance of that middle-aged scholar in the mirror image of the Dark Demon Valley in Shura Demon Island.


At this time, another maid came in, holding a tray with a tea set on it.A pot of fragrant tea, refreshing and refreshing.The maid set up the tea set, filled two cups, and quietly withdrew.

"The tea from the Three Realms is not as good as Qingshui fragrant leaves!" The middle-aged scholar picked up the teacup, swiped it three times, and sipped a sip.

"Hmph!" The green-clothed mother-in-law took a sip casually, then looked at the middle-aged scholar and said with feigned anger, "You still know the smell of green water scented leaves. You have been away from home for tens of thousands of years, and your realm is high. My heart is also wild. If I don't call you, you won't come back, will you?"

"Hehe!" The middle-aged scholar smiled, "What's the point! Even if the ancestor doesn't call Qianzang, Qianzang is planning to come back in a few days."

"That sounds good!" Granny Tsing Yi snorted coldly, "Qing Qianzang, a genius of all ages. He can transform three souls into one body. He can travel through the three worlds and experience countless experiences. This Qingshui Mountain is nothing you should worry about. Come back and do it." What?"

"Old Ancestor, don't be angry! I am, I miss my Ancestor day and night." Qing Qianzang took another sip of tea, smiled and said, "The Ancestor summoned Qian Zang back, I am afraid it was not to blame Qian Zang Is it that easy to hide?"

"Ah!" Tsing Yi Granny sighed, and no longer intentionally quarreled with Qing Qianzang, "Qian Zang, I'm afraid you know the situation in Tianzhou, right?"

Qingqianzang smiled faintly: "It's all in my eyes."

"The day before yesterday, the Bai family came to propose marriage to our ninth son for their seventh son!" Tsing Yi Granny said, "The dowry is quite generous!"

"Happy event! Hehe!" Qing Qianzang laughed, "As long as Jiu'er likes it, I heard that the boy from the Bai family is pretty good!"

"Not bad, not bad!" Tsing Yi Granny sighed again, "But, I am also reluctant. Jiu girl, but my heart! But—"

Qingqianzang looked at the old ancestor and said with a smile: "Ancestor, I don't want to part with it. How about we let the boy from the Bai family marry?"

"Nonsense!" Granny Tsing Yi glared at Qing Qianzang, "The Qing and Bai families are both big clans in the Tianzhou, their population is prosperous, and they are well-matched, so why should they join? Then, wouldn't the Qing and Bai families become the laughing stock of Tianzhou?"

How could Qingqianzang not know the thoughts of his ancestors?
"Old ancestor!" Qing Qianzang put down the tea bowl and said with a smile, "Qianzang understands your thoughts. Jiuer, if you don't want to, marry if you want, and don't marry if you don't want to. Most of the people who benefit from the marriage between Qing and Bai are The Bai family! Our Qing family doesn't need the help of the Bai family at all."

"The situation in Tianzhou is at stake. If the lineage from the sea comes back strong, if the ghost family is destroyed tonight, our Qing family may not be safe in the future! A marriage between Qing and Bai is too safe!" Tsing Yi Granny sighed.

"Hehe!" Qing Qianzang shook his head, "Old Ancestor, don't worry at all! Don't talk about the whole lineage of the sea, it may not have the heart to destroy all the clans. It can protect the Qing family forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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