nine coffins

Chapter 960 Time and Space!Starlight is like a knife, Ling Bai's sword

Chapter 960 Time and Space!Starlight is like a knife, Ling Bai's sword

Fight against the fifth level of Eternal Realm!

Amu was naturally at a disadvantage.However, at this time, Amu felt that the breath in the Danhai was getting stronger and stronger.

At that time, Murong Haiqing followed the instructions of his master Leng Yu and passed on the Canghai Wanxiang Jue to Amu, originally to reconcile the spirit of immortals and demons in Amu's body.

It's just that, later, Amuxiu created the Buddha Lamp of the Sea of ​​Bitterness, which is a body of Buddha and demon.The power in his body is already completely balanced.However, Amu's inheritance is complicated, and the Canghai Vientiane Art has been stabilizing and reconciling everything.

Since cultivating immortality, Amu has encountered fierce battles many times.

However, relying on the continuous improvement of the realm and the treasures around him.Although Amu has been in danger many times, he has never been in today's predicament.

Whether it was the battle of the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, or the Tianmu Grassland to kill the demons, the direct opponents had not yet reached the height of the two eternal realm fifth layers.

Tonight is Amu's first fierce battle!

At this time, in Amu's Pill Sea, there were huge waves raging across the sky.The devil's coffin is outside, but there is only the Buddha lamp in the sea of ​​bitterness in Danhai, and the Buddha's light bursts out, standing still.

It was like a lighthouse in the dark night storm.The real storm seems to be yet to come.

The power of the sea is eternal.

The twin coffins of gods and demons, up and down, intertwined with light, resembles an enchantment, protecting Amu.

At this moment, it turned out to be an instant deadlock.

Two Eternal Realms at the fifth level, firmly suppressed.Amu, there is no power to attack.However, Gui Mo and Ling Bai did not attack rashly.Although their realm is far superior to that of Amu, they dare not be careless.

As long as one is careless and is restrained by any mouthful of the twin coffins of gods and demons, then there will be no return.Just now, it was Ghost Mo who was imprisoned by the Forbidden Map of the Demon Coffin. If it was Ling Bai, it might not be easy to escape.

However, that was only for a moment.

Ghost Mo and Ling Bai share the same mind, and after a glance at each other, they already had a dispute.

The current situation seems to be in their favor.However, nothing should be delayed.The sea is one vein, vertical and horizontal in the three realms.Behind Amu, there might be reinforcements at any time.

The third prince promised that as long as he killed Amu and got the coffin of gods and demons, he would give them eternal freedom.This point is extremely important to Ghost Mo and Ling Bai, and it is even the only meaning of their existence.

Eternal freedom is better than life!No one will understand everything in the dark temple.Ghost Mo and Ling Bai didn't want to lose this opportunity.

"Kill!" Ghost Mo and Ling Bai shouted together, and moved almost simultaneously.

Those are two seals that are completely complementary.In an instant, endless phantoms appeared in the void.Black clothes, white skirts, strobes intertwined, and then completely connected into black and white lights.


The entire star sea seemed to be covered by that black and white light.Even the angry flames of the divine coffin just now were dimmed.The power of eternity fills the entire space.

Only, the enchantment area where the twin coffins of gods and demons are located will not be affected.However, at this moment, Amu couldn't see the actions of Ghost Mo and Ling Bai at all.

In the void, there are only countless lines.Black and white lines criss-cross and cut apart.It was as if, a series of knife lights were splitting the entire space.

The night and the sea of ​​stars seem to be changing.

"Huh?" Amu frowned, and a trace of vigilance suddenly rose in his heart.

The light of black and white can divide the world.The sea of ​​stars suddenly became hazy.The entire void seems to be distorting.But at this moment, the starlight shook and everything collapsed.


The roar is endless.The coffins of gods and demons vibrated at the same time.Amu felt that the endless force came from different directions inexplicably.

The night turned white, and two rounds of day suddenly rose.At that moment, the Yin Mountain was gone, and the sea of ​​stars dispersed.The whole world has changed in another way.

"Space-time magic!" Amu frowned.

Never expected that Ghost Mo and Ling Bai are so powerful.You must know that apart from Amu's forbidden map technique, it is absolutely impossible for ordinary high-level eternal monks to cast time and space magic.

The monk practiced, comprehended the world, absorbed the aura, and tempered the body.Across the world, calling the rain and wind, driving ghosts and gods, but also following the sky.

However, time and space magic is definitely not a simple space teleportation, reverse yin and yang.It is a manipulation of time and space.That kind of change is a challenge to Haoyu's rules.

It can be said that jumping out of the three realms is not trapped in the five elements.

It was a real detachment, a real freedom.Amu had a lot of chances. Between life and death, he experienced eight hardships and tribulations, and only then did he realize the prohibition of time—moment and eternity, but that was only a glimmer of light.

Amu is also far away from truly changing time and space.Otherwise, the river of forgetfulness would have flowed back, and Ji Guang could go back to the past.

Completely manipulate time and space, and naturally change the world.But for this point, I am afraid that even many venerables will also sigh.Otherwise, everything would not be what it is today.

Ghost ink and Ling Bai are definitely a heterogeneous pair.Although, of course, they cannot manipulate time and space, but as long as there is a little light, everything is enough.

The fifth level of eternity, a glimpse of that little light can change a lot.

The starlight is like a knife, not only slaughtering the years, but also slaughtering the world.


There seemed to be a chirping sound in Amu's ear, which was like the sound of sawing wood in the old Wang's house in Liuzhen in the distant past.

The lines of black and white just now have completely split the entire time and space.

Time and space are changing, albeit instantaneously.

However, in it, a moment is 1 years.In a daze, Amu was also at a loss.The inexplicable time and space seem to have no limit.

Those two rounds of daylight were so pale.


Suddenly, a white light flew from between the two suns.

"Yeah!" Amu's heart was shocked.

White light wins electricity, flying immortals outside the sky.what is that?
Moments of moments!

And when the white light broke through all obstacles and seemed to hit Amu's Tsing Yi, Amu realized that it was a sword.

Ling Bai's sword!

Reverse time and space.Ling Bai's sword actually pierced through the defense of the double coffins by means of time and space magic.Because that sword came from another time and space.

This is the moment when Amu is closest to death.

Thoughts, there is no time to turn, only instinct.


Tianhu fairy step, one step out.That was at this moment, Amu's last resort.One step, you can step on the node of time and space.That sword, coming from outside time and space, will also be hidden in another time and space.

However, Amu is not Xueying.Of course, if it was a snow shadow, how could Ling Bai have a chance to use his sword?

The celestial fox walks like a fairy, walking alone in the three realms.

However, Amu's step was still a bit slow.


Ling Bai's sword was a ray of white light that directly pierced Amu's chest.

In an instant, blood stained the Tsing Yi.

"Well——" the power of eternity attached to the fairy sword made Amu's face turn pale instantly.The entire Danhai set off huge waves, and Amu's body was trembling.

"Pfft—" A mouthful of blood spurted out at the same time.If it wasn't for the thrilling step at the last moment, that sword would surely break Amu's fairy heart.

If so, Amu will surely die.


Guimo's claws came straight to Amu's fairy heart.

With Yu Yong remaining his strength, Amu twisted his body again.In fact, all of these happened almost at the same time, and it was impossible to tell the sequence.Ling Bai and Gui Mo each made a move.Amu, take two steps in a row.


Amu escaped Ghost Mo's fatal blow, but his entire left shoulder was bloody.The body of the fairy bone and the devil, but it couldn't bear the ghost's grasp at all.

Realm, above fairyland.As long as the fairy heart does not die, the physical body can be reborn instantly.However, at this moment, Amu doesn't even have the chance to be reborn physically.

Everything is incredibly fast.

The opening of time and space is just a slight moment.Relying on the Heavenly Fox Immortal Step, Amu was severely injured, but there was no way to wipe out his soul.The twin coffins of gods and demons instantly bridged the gap in time and space.

The figures of Ghost Mo and Ling Bai disappeared suddenly.Amu, I can't see their existence at all.Amu has never encountered such a battle.

At any time, you may be fatally killed!

But at this moment, Gui Mo and Ling Bai are actually feeling very depressed.With the technique of time and space, they couldn't last three breaths.Under the technique of time and space, they each have a chance to make a move.

There can be no mistakes, because what they want is not to be undefeated, but to be killed!Otherwise, there is no point.

Time and space!

Amu's thoughts turned sharply, with the strongest killing intent in his eyes.

Canghai Amu, of course, can't sit still.The best defense is offense.Having just been hit hard, Amudan Sea is unstable and seems to explode at any moment!
However, at this time, Amu couldn't care less.

Even if he is insane, Amu must kill Ghost Mo and Ling Bai under his horse!Otherwise, what should Shen Yan do?
A tooth for a tooth!

There was a cold smile on the corner of Amu's mouth.In an instant, various colors of mysterious light rose from his hands, spreading out in the void.

(End of this chapter)

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