nine coffins

Chapter 961 Live and die together!That green light broke the line of black and white

Chapter 961 Live and die together!That green light broke the line of black and white

Mysterious light is everywhere, endless forbidden pictures.

Inside the twin coffins of gods and demons, it seems that they want to regenerate the world.The art of banning pictures is the best in the Three Realms.It's just that Amu's chance is different, and he may be better than Wang Jue in some techniques of banning pictures.

For example, the ban of time and space!
Endless splendor rises from Amu's feet, and the gorgeous colors are like the manifestation of a god.Once, Amu believed that within the Three Realms, there was nothing that would not be crushed by time.

However, later he realized the moment and eternity, it seems that it can never change in time.

If so, counting the 5000 years under the Wangchuan River, the years of Amu's practice are not short.

Experience life and death, feel love and hate.However, Amu still can't understand what can break the moment and eternity.If so, Amu's space-time forbidden technique is by no means ordinary.

Moreover, with the advancement of cultivation, Amu's time and space restrictions are naturally far better than before.

Ghost ink and Ling Bai are very talented, and they can open time and space for a short time.Amu can too.And this is something that Ghost Mo and Ling Bai never thought about.

Victory is also the same technique, and defeat is also the same technique.Amu wants to fight back, using the opponent's time and space spells to strike back.The moment of life and death depends on good fortune.

Within three breaths, Gui Mo and Ling Bai made another attack.This will be their most powerful attack.Thousands of ghosts and ink, one eye is white, this time they did not attack separately.

Black and white blend together, and the two people's spells alternate, almost completely blending into one.

Regardless of previous life or this life, you and I will live and die together, and we will never abandon each other!
Who dares to say that a ghost family married by blood cannot have love?Life and death are shared, that is the oath of Ghost Mo and Ling Bai when they created this technique.

Once, they used this technique to behead a sixth-layer monk in the eternal realm of Tianzhou.Back then, they were only in the fourth level of Eternal Realm.

Ghost ink, Ling Bai, the legendary Ghost Killer.However, only the top monks in Tianzhou knew about their reputation.

In fact, they are a pair of twin siblings.

It's just that one was born before dawn and the other after dawn.Ling Bai was born with one eye, which is very rare in the blood of ghosts.

Marriage by blood, but ghost family talents come out in large numbers.Therefore, no one knows why Ling Bai only has one eye.

Their birth once alarmed the third prince.The third prince said that one of them represents the night and the other represents the day.On the day they were born, they were directly carried into the black dark palace by the third prince who was always wrapped in black robes.

"There is original sin in them!" That day, the third prince sighed coldly.

That sigh meant a lot.However, all the ghost family members did not understand the words of the third prince, as if they had never seen through everything about the third prince.

Since then, the ghost family has rarely seen ghost ink and Ling Bai.However, from birth to now, Ghost Mo and Ling Bai have never been separated, not even for a second.

They should have been a whole.

Eternal fivefold!The top of the three realms.

However, the ghost family does not know.I probably know it, and I don’t understand it.What Ghost Mo and Ling Bai most want to get out of is the dark palace, and what they most want to have is eternal freedom.

The third prince cultivated them into sharp weapons for killing people, but their love has never been wiped out.

No one wants to wander the world with the one they love the most.Who wants to, there is a dark sky above his head that can't see the light.

However, the third prince is the sky of the whole ghost family.Everything about the ghost family is under the control of the third prince.their lives, even their thoughts.

Ghost ink and Ling Bai are different types of ghosts.

However, they are not ghost masters, evil spirits, or even ghosts like smoke.What they lack is not only realm, but also decisive courage.

They grew up in the darkness, inside the dark hall, they saw many ghost families outside, everything they couldn't see.That is the real Shura royal family.

They don't care about life and death, but they can't lose each other.

Eternal freedom!Ghost ink and Ling Bai need the gift of the third prince.So, they are fighting for themselves.The third prince, although gloomy and even cruel and ruthless, is as good as he promises.

The third prince will not deceive them.It's just whether they can win that opportunity.

Black and white combined, yin and yang sword!
At that moment, there was no ghost ink, no Ling Bai, only a black and white flickering light breaking through all obstacles.The entire space-time is distorted again.

And that light, through time and space, went straight to Amu.

That sword may have turned thousands of times in time and space, but it came from Amu's back.That was definitely a fatal blow, even Ghost Mo and Ling Bai already hoped for future freedom.

However, everything is impossible.Amu's forbidden pictures suddenly dispersed.

"Moment is eternal, reverse time and space!"

Once, under the River of Forgetfulness, Amu recreated the world within the world, and regenerated the time within the time.At that time, he made the entire time stand still and opened a space-time rift.

However, that is an extremely short period of time.

Because, within the Three Realms, no one can surpass Ji Guang in terms of speed alone.However, apart from Ji Guang, there is no one who can do anything in such a short time.

However, on this day, there was no lucky light, only Amu himself.

The original nine levels of immortality, the realm is not what it used to be, but if you want to cut down the fifth level of eternity, it is basically a fool's dream.It's a pity that Ghost Mo and Ling Bai also use space-time magic.

This gave Amu a chance.

The time and space at this time were originally cut and disrupted by Ghost Mo and Ling Bai.Therefore, Amu's technique just took another step forward.It is like sailing smoothly, plus a wind.

Time and space are completely disordered, and Ghost Mo and Ling Bai's swords do not know where they are piercing.The world in their eyes also changed suddenly.

In front of him, there was no Amu at all.What they saw was not two rounds of daylight, but a vast sea with endless eddies.

"En!" Ghost Mo and Ling Bai felt a chill in their hearts.In an instant, it felt like everything was over.

Because, at that moment, they can clearly feel it.Below is the prohibition of the devil's coffin, and above is the pressure of the god's coffin.The two pressures instantly sealed time and space, and began to imprison himself.

They know they're in it.

In fact, at that moment, Ghost Mo could get away completely.Because, he has thousands of incarnations, and it is enough to escape the fairy heart.However, Ling Bai must die like that.

In fact, at that moment, Ling Bai could also choose to withdraw his sword.Her realm is actually higher than Ghost Mo, so Ghost Mo might die, but she has a chance to escape.

However, neither of them would choose that way.No one would leave the chance of life to themselves and let the other party die.They have merged into one, the light of black and white, and no one will abandon each other.

The oath, only in the face of life and death, will it be verified and interpreted!
At this moment, Gui Mo and Ling Bai are willing to die for each other.Eternal freedom is unattainable.Then, dying together may be a choice, a relief.

Big waves are rolling!In front of him, there was no Amu.In fact, what they saw was the sea.

At this time, Amu stepped on the steps of the celestial fox, breaking through time and space.The moment time and space reversed, he was already standing behind Gui Mo and Ling Bai.

However, Amu still couldn't see Ghost Mo and Ling Bai clearly.

In his eyes, there was still a black and white flickering line.He didn't know if it was Ghost Mo, Ling Bai, or their spells.Amu doesn't know about Ghost Mo and Ling Bai's past.

Of course, even if he knew, Amu would not show mercy.

Enemies, often live in two worlds, they don't cross each other at all.They don't need to understand, they don't need to care.If you live in a world and take care of each other, then you are friends.

Only the cold-eyed bystanders who don't take a stand can see the struggle and sorrow of both of them.

Of course, in this world, there can only be one true winner.They are called kings, and the rest are bandits.Amu, of course, belongs to the former.

If he doesn't kill people, people will kill him!

In Amu's hand, a green light flashed, drawing an arc.

Amu knew that he had to cut off the black and white thread.Similarly, Amu wanted to attack with all his strength, and he also knew that he couldn't give Gui Mo and Ling Bai any chance.

The fifth level of eternity, if you don't die.Then, Amu might be in a desperate situation.


A mysterious dagger, invincible in the Three Realms.Piercing through the void, like a green dragon, cutting straight into black and white light.

The dagger appeared, and nothing continued.Since Amu got this dagger, he has never missed it.This time, the ending is the same.

chi chi-

With the sound of breaking through the sky, the cyan dagger directly slashed at the black and white light.


The endless celestial power collapsed, and the entire time and space were in chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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