nine coffins

Chapter 963 The sea!Prince of Darkness, the pinnacle of eternity?

Chapter 963 The sea!Prince of Darkness, the pinnacle of eternity?

The roulette turned into thunder, and went straight to the town of Amu.

At this time, Amu was covered in blood, and he was seriously injured.Dan Hai is exhausted, the vortex is endless, and the only thing that can move is the mind.Fortunately, he has the coffin of gods and demons, a black light flying out of the fairy bracelet of the celestial fox, and the invincible dagger.


Red flames and black awns, flying hundreds of feet.

The twin coffins of gods and demons, each showing their brilliance, are juxtaposed in the sky.The barrier of gods and demons immediately covered Amu.Unless one possesses sky-defying time and space spells like Ghost Mo and Ling Bai, breaking through the defense of the double coffins will be impossible.


The roulette robbed the thunder, pouring down the sky.But its speed is getting slower and slower, but the coercion and murderous aura are getting heavier and heavier.The entire Yinshan Mountain was shrouded in that round of tribulation and thunder.

When the tribulation thunder falls, it is like falling into the world.

At this time, even the black dark temple that had been quietly floating in the distance couldn't help but move back instantly.At that moment, the third prince also wanted to avoid the sharp edge temporarily.

"Wang Han!" Shen Yan whispered softly.As the black dark hall moved back, Shen Yan was also extremely nervous.That causal roulette is too scary.

Not only Shen Yan was like this, but Donghuang's brows did not relax, and the forbidden map under Wang Jue's feet appeared and disappeared from time to time, but they did not intervene.

Those who overcome the catastrophe need to resist the catastrophe by themselves, this is an eternal law.

Moreover, at this moment, Donghuang's and Wang Jue's eyes didn't seem to stay on the twin coffins of gods and demons, and they didn't even look at the causal roulette, but fixedly stared at the black light rising into the sky.

Because, that is Magic Lang Ling!They had all been its owners.

"Magic Langling! Donghuangling!... Canghailing!" The corner of the white-clothed Donghuang's mouth slightly curved.That token was handed over to Mo Lang by himself back then.

He knew that the power contained in that token contained secrets belonging to the sea.


The soaring black light rushed directly onto the coffins of gods and demons.The swarthy token, although somewhat quaint and vicissitudes, is inconspicuous.

It's just that it's not Amu who is controlling everything at this time.That voice echoed in Amu's heart.

"It's been a long time! For thousands of years, I came here for cause and effect—"

That voice was calm and decisive, strange but warm.That was a voice that Amu had never heard before.

At that moment, Amu suddenly felt relaxed all over, and then fell asleep.It was a feeling that I had never had before, let alone at this time.

At this time, if someone knew about Amu's condition, he would definitely vomit blood.

"Ahem! During the Eternal Thunder Tribulation, I fell asleep at the time, and when I woke up, I was in the Eternal Realm." Such words would make countless monks in the Three Realms want to die.

so handsome!Don't you have no friends?
However, this is indeed the state of Amu.It was an amazing feeling.A kind of erratic, a kind of freedom, even a kind of laziness, a kind of sleepiness.

The thunder of the roulette is even more coercive, falling layer by layer.Its strength is still skyrocketing.

However, with the twin coffins of gods and demons as the root, Mo Lang Ling floated steadily in the air without any movement, and Amu was even more safe, and even slowly closed his eyes.

The tribulation thunder gradually fell, and lightning appeared everywhere in the void.Flickering suddenly, baring its teeth and claws.


Countless electric arcs, endless air waves.The entire void seemed to be involved in this color-changing thunder calamity.At this time, Jie Lei seemed to be slow, but actually accelerated again.


In a trance, Amu seemed to hear a broken drink from the bottom of his heart.Then, everyone who saw this thunder disaster saw a kind of magnificence.

Boom - huh -

The light of the roulette wheel is black and white.

Mo Lang Ling also showed his brilliance, but it was not a black light, but a blue light all over the sky.

It was quite a miraculous scene.The blue light spread like waves in an instant.At that moment, it was like an endless sea hanging in the sky, boundless.

"Canghai!" At this time, no one knew where, a strange look flashed in the eyes of the woman in green clothes holding an ancient umbrella, and whispered to herself, "Thousands of years, you must be unwilling? You are waiting for all the karma ?"

Yun San's eyes are clear and complicated, because she still can't see through everything completely.Are the seas and generations really the layout of the seas?
"Canghai!" On the top of Phoenix Mountain, Xuantian and Xingchen were also surprised.That blue light like the sea is indeed the vision of the sea magic back then.

However, how could this magic technique be displayed suddenly?Amu, he didn't move at all.

On the No.90 Yachong peak at the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, Qing Mozi always smiled lightly, while Li Ruo looked blank.At the same time, a ray of white light was rapidly climbing the Phoenix Mountains, as if there was no time for anything.

The power of the ocean can break cause and effect!
At the same time that Qinghai covered the sky, the twin coffins of gods and demons scattered their brilliance.Suddenly, a coffin shadow was separated from each other, and they went straight to the causal roulette.

Qinghai floats in the sky, double coffins and broken wheels.

The nine ancient scales in the shape of a roulette were flickering with brilliance at that moment.That seems to be a kind of resonance and induction.

But at this moment, that mysterious dagger suddenly flew out of Qinghai, like a herring with wings.A leap in one line, a splash in a thousand feet.

The dagger broke the roulette!
This moment is very similar to the moment when Amu slays the devil.The green light of the dagger flashed across the roulette robbery in an instant.

However, this time the power is far better than before.

Without words, it is possible to tell what kind of collision it was, and almost no one can see it clearly.Because, everything was rolled up by Qinghai.


The sound of impact and cracking shook Tiannan.In the void, the clouds spread out like waves.The causal thunder tribulation exploded between heaven and earth.

Countless streamers, countless fragments.There seemed to be a phantom on the Mo Lang Ling, but it disappeared in a blink of an eye.

For a moment, Amu suddenly felt the vortex regenerate in Danhai.In the vortex, the power of eternity spurted out, and instantly poured into Amu's limbs and bones.


The sea of ​​pills expands again, boundless.At this moment, Amu's injuries began to recover strongly.The voice in my heart disappeared completely, as if it never appeared.

"Huh?" Amu suddenly opened his eyes.Two rays of light shot straight into the sky.

Forever!The real forever!

However, Amu still needs a recovery time.This was also the weakest moment after Amu Du's robbery.Theoretically, there should be someone to protect the law during the eternal catastrophe.

However, Amu's eternal calamity came too suddenly.

If it wasn't for the chaos of time and space, if it wasn't for the remaining power of ghost ink Lingbai, if it wasn't for the body protection of all the treasures and the magic of the sea when he finally crossed the catastrophe, then it would be impossible for Amu to survive the catastrophe forever.

And at this moment, the black dark palace suddenly moved.

In fact, the third prince has been waiting for this moment.Suddenly, a black light rose from the top of the dark hall, and went straight to Amu like a giant slash that split the sky.

At the same time, there seemed to be thousands of black tentacles flying out of the dark temple.Gloomy, howling ghosts and howling wolves.That was thousands of wronged souls.

At that moment, everyone was shocked.No one knew that there was such an existence in the dark hall.If Gui Rufeng was alive, he would probably be dumbfounded.

Because, they are all the souls of the ghost family, but many of them have never appeared in Yinshan.

A wave of waves has risen again.

At this time, Amu, just after one catastrophe, another catastrophe will come again.Moreover, the power emanating from the black dark temple is even better than the calamity of karma.

That turned out to be close to the power of the Venerable.


The twin coffins of gods and demons unexpectedly shook involuntarily.That is a manifestation of resistance to the power of confinement.

Amu couldn't help but startled.

Because, that is a situation that has never been used before. You must know that the twin coffins of gods and demons have always imprisoned others.

The devil's coffin was once ineffective against devils.However, this time, the power emanating from the black dark temple is actually going to imprison the twin coffins of gods and demons?

The peak of eternity?Amu was shocked.

Shui Mei, Shang Xie, Long Saliva, even Hu Qing and Yu Huo, these people are all ancient monks.In the past, they all had cultivation levels that were close to the peak of eternity.

However, due to various reasons, some of them can no longer return to the peak, and some have not yet returned to the peak.

Longxi, once fought against Amu, but that was by no means the real combat power of Longxi.On the Tianmu grassland, Hu Qing and Yuhuo did not give up everything.

Therefore, Amu is still completely unfamiliar with the concept of Eternal Peak.

The third prince, the Shura royal family, also came from Eternity.Moreover, he is almost an invisible existence in the Three Realms, and neither Guizun nor Shangxie will mention him.

After tens of thousands of years of practice, the third prince is absolutely a non-destructive existence!
At this time, Amu, even if he is promoted to Yongjing holding the double coffins, he will not be the opponent of the third prince.This is completely a battle without any chances and suspense.

However, within the Three Realms, the sea is invincible!

(End of this chapter)

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