nine coffins

Chapter 964 Many people forget who Cang Hai is!

Chapter 964 Many people forget who Cang Hai is!

The double coffin vibrated, smashing through the sky.

Thousands of innocent souls roared and crawled to fill the void.At this moment, the Black Temple is the master of everything.The third prince hadn't left the palace yet, and he was already in control of the overall situation.

Such power is absolutely repressive and terrifying.


The mysterious dagger turned into blue light again, and directly met the sky-shattering long slash.


The result remained the same, Qingmang scattered the black light with one blow.

However, the black dark temple moved forward in an instant and came straight to Amu.That scene was like an ancient dark chariot flying in the void.

It was dark and dark.Its background is an endless galaxy.


Ghosts howled, black souls surrounded.

Those thousands of tentacles struggled as if they wanted to tear Amu apart.However, although the twin coffins of gods and demons were slightly imprisoned, the residual power was still there, and ordinary souls would never want to get close to Amu's body.

But in an instant, a white arm suddenly stretched out in the dark hall.The arm was as dry as a white bone, as if it was thousands of feet long, glowing pale, and grabbed Amu directly.

The green dagger turned again.

However, this time, another red light radiated from the dark hall, filled with endless bloody aura, forming a round circle.The dagger slashed, but it didn't pay attention, and then it fell into it instantly, spinning endlessly.

Except for Shura Yongye who used a similar technique to trap the dagger in the battle against the Demon Lord, this is the first time someone has been able to fight against the mysterious dagger in this way.

Bai Sensen's arm was grabbed directly with endless coercion, the strength penetrated through the muscles and bones.But at this moment, Amu was lying and floating in the void, completely powerless to fight back.

"Summoning—" Amu raised his brows and shouted softly.

Summoning the servant, this is one of his trump cards.Because there are still many great powers in Mo Lang Ling, as well as that blue light, and unknown mysterious images.

In fact, Amu Miegui's family does have such confidence.However, Amu still underestimated the background of the ghost family and the power of the third prince.

Otherwise, he should gather his men and horses, gather strength, and then take the green devil and others to directly level the Yin Mountain.However, the real strong always seem to prefer to go it alone and pick everything up.

How magnificent it is for one person to kill ten thousand people!Naturally, it is far better than the opponent alone, let's fight in groups.

At this time, Mo Lang made the black light spin, and a small water vortex formed instantly.Demon servants are scattered in the three realms, everywhere.This water vortex is a boundary gate.


On the water vortex, immortal energy rises.In fact, at that moment, the demon servants of the three realms felt a shock in their hearts.However, that feeling was instantly cut off.

"Hmph!" A cold snort suddenly came from the dark hall.

That cold snort was extremely cold.Moreover, just because of that cold snort, the vortex of the realm gate that had just opened was instantly chaotic.

An inexplicable force instantly threw the gate into chaos.The entire call, naturally, was completely cut off.

"Huh?" Amu was startled.The third prince of Shura is so powerful?
"Successors of the sea! Go to hell—"

In the dark hall, the voice of the third prince came out again.At the same time, an incomparably majestic force suddenly rose infinitely.Then it turned into black light in an instant, and all the bones and withered hands pressed directly on Amu.

If this is implemented, Amu will definitely die.

The whole Tiannan can feel that force.Even Qing Yu, Bai Zixiu and others, who were about to step out of the domain gate and arrived in the Yinshan area, felt a slight stagnation in the space tunnel.

Infinite peak, in front of three thatched huts.

"Amitabha—" The phantom ghost sighed endlessly.The Shura royal family can't bear to look back.However, there is a cause and an effect, and this day has finally arrived.

That is a power that has never appeared in Tianzhou for thousands of years.

Forever peak!It can crush all existences below the Venerable.In the post-Honor era, that can be considered invincible.

All treasures are useless, and everything is desolate.Amu has never been so close to death.He was almost completely imprisoned and could not move at all.

"Wang Han—" This time, Shen Yan yelled heart-piercingly.She looked at everything weakly, and she felt that the soul blood in the center of her eyebrows seemed to be faintly scattered.

Amu, will he die?That was the smell of death.

However, no one has ever died in the hands of others in the sea.The hundredth generation of Amu Canghai came here to break the fate of cause and effect.

How could a person who should be robbed for thousands of years be killed by the third prince?
Good fortune!

Suddenly, a ray of light came from outside the sky!That speed is unmatched.Later, Amu once thought that at that moment he even thought it was Ji Guang, the prince of the Protoss.

Because, in his opinion, only Jiguang can be so fast.Come, Amu didn't see who it was at all.

In the void, white linen clothes, bare feet and long hair.

"Broken!" The person who came raised his hand, and the power of the endless sea was rolled up.


The hand of bones dissipated, leaving no trace of the black light.

In an instant, the whole world was shaken, and countless lives were devastated.The dusty river water, the big waves are monstrous.In the immeasurable mountains, humming reverberates.Above the sky, the stars shake down.

That duel was almost comparable to tens of thousands of years ago.

Canghai No.90, the eighth generation of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi, has not been half a step away from Qingfeng for at least tens of thousands of years.This time, he went down the mountain for Amu, carrying the power of the endless sea.

Again, that's cyan waves.Once again, the sea hangs over the sky, obscuring all.

"Everything in the ocean!"

Same technique, different result.

Whether it is Amu's vicissitudes, Leng Yu's vicissitudes, or even Magu's vicissitudes of the sea, they are completely incomparable with Donghuang's.

That's not a grade, a level.

Donghuang's technique spreads across Qinghai, and it can swallow the heavens and the earth.That's just a little bit of the taste of Canghai Xianzun back then.Just now the third prince's restriction controls everything.

However, Donghuang broke everything in an instant.

Above Qinghai, white clothes are better than immortals.The black dark temple is like an isolated island.All the power was scattered by the Eastern Emperor.That isolated island will eventually be overturned by Qinghai.

On Phoenix Mountain.Xuantian and Xingchen naturally looked at everything.

"The Eastern Emperor has made a move!" Xing Chen said, "The lineage of the ancient Shura is really suicidal!"

"The Eastern Emperor of the Canghai, has been standing on Qingfeng for more than [-] years, and has been waiting for that person! The whole lineage of the Canghai is an extremely persistent generation. The Eastern Emperor will not go down the mountain easily. This time, the Eastern Emperor moved for Amu and will definitely kill all of them." It belongs to the ghost family. Otherwise, I am ashamed of waiting for more than [-] years!" Xuantian smiled wryly.

Outside of the sea, Xuantian and Xingchen know the sea of ​​the sea best.

indeed so!The woman in the sea looks cold, but her heart is full of tenderness.The man in the sea is peaceful and indifferent, but which one does not have endless murderous intentions?
The third prince actually wanted to put Cang Hai's descendants to death, which violated the taboo of Cang Hai's lineage.

If the Eastern Emperor does not move, he will die, and if he moves, he will be killed.There is no endless killing, only enough killing!

The smoke cleared.

In blue light and white clothes, only those who are in the sea are independent.

Murderous, with long hair facing the wind.

Donghuang didn't have a sword in his hand, but his whole body was a sword soaring to the sky.He doesn't have a cloud piercer in his hand, but it is better than a cloud piercer in his hand.There is no magic coffin in his hand, but it is better than magic.

At that moment, he stood in front of Amu with endless charm.

At that moment, he was the defender of No.90 Eight Generations.It's just that Amu doesn't know who he is at this time, but he can be sure that he belongs to Cang Hai.

"Eastern Emperor of the Sea!" The third prince's voice slowly came out from the dark hall, low and cold.

Actually, how could the third prince not know the person on Fuchen Qingfeng?Tianzhou Wuliangjie wants to kill Amu, and the East Emperor of Canghai must be in his consideration.

This is also the reason why the third prince has not acted for a long time.He even hoped that Guimo and Ling Bai could kill Amu, and he would contain Donghuang himself.

However, Gui Mo and Ling Bai failed to succeed, and were killed by Amu instead, which became a stepping stone for Amu to advance to the eternal realm.

Everything is not going according to the third prince's plan.

Amu is safe and has entered the Eternal Realm.The Eastern Emperor Taiyi stands outstandingly.But now, the third prince has no way out.There is only one battle.

However, Shen Yan was still in his hands.He didn't believe that Amu could ignore Shen Yan's life and death at the last moment.

"The ancient Shura royal family!" The Eastern Emperor looked at the black dark hall with a cold smile, and then said in a deep voice, "For thousands of years, I have rarely drawn my sword in the ancient sea. But now, it seems that many people in the Three Realms have forgotten that the sea is who!"

Many people have forgotten who Cang Hai is!This sentence made many people tremble slightly.Because, the Eastern Emperor not only told the third prince Shura, but also told many people who were about to make a move.

The sea is one line, no challenge!

"It doesn't matter whether it's the ghost family or the Asura royal family! Today, the whole line of the sea wants you to be expelled from Tianzhou and have no roots in the three realms!" Donghuang's tone was calm.

That's not wild talk, Cang Hai Donghuang will immediately make it a reality.

(End of this chapter)

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