nine coffins

Chapter 965 The sea is ruthless, blue and white are attached

Chapter 965 The sea is ruthless, blue and white are attached

The Eastern Emperor of the Canghai, barefooted and dressed in white, has an endless fairy appearance.

Among the top monks in Tianzhou Boundless Realm, no one knows the existence of Canghai Donghuang.However, no one dared to challenge it for tens of thousands of years.

There are countless mountains, thousands of miles are white.However, there is a green peak beside the Fuchen River, which stands alone and unique.

That is the domain of the Eastern Emperor!
Back then, the Mu family, Mu Qingcheng, rose up in Tianzhou with amazing talents, known as the sword god of a generation.He used to overwhelm all the immortal clans, and even defeated Mo Lang by the sword.

However, he absolutely did not dare to set foot on that green peak.

Canghai Donghuang has been independent of Qingfeng for tens of thousands of years, and has not returned to the sea.On Tianzhou, there are not many people who know the story of Donghuang.

However, this time the Eastern Emperor went down the mountain, but it shook the entire Tianzhou Boundless Realm.

"Many people have forgotten who Cang Hai is!" Donghuang's words echoed in the void, which was an absolute deterrent.As time goes by, everything fades away, and the sea really needs to re-establish Tianwei.

Amu kills the devil and all spirits surrender, and the Eastern Emperor is about to destroy the Shura royal family.

At this time, Donghuang's white clothes were fluttering, and the blue sea was completely beneath his feet.Like a fairy like a god, like an existence that the world should always look up to.

"The lineage of the sea has been rampant for too long!" The third prince's voice came again, "Today, I will cut off your lineage of the sea! Within the three realms, only my Asura royal family is worthy of immortality!"

The voice of the third prince also spread throughout Tiannan.

But that voice, full of endless gloomy and dead air, did not smell like Donghuang at all.At this time, in the dark hall, the third prince had already stood up and stood in the center of the entire hall.

His hands were opened up to the sky, as if praying.

However, his face was still hidden in the darkness.The black robe is bulging, and the white hair is flying.The blood ring instantly emitted thousands of red lights.

In the world of black and white, the murderous aura is like thick clouds.

The entire black dark temple is filled with strange and ominous forces.In the four corners of the hall, the four blood soul guards of the original immortal level seem to be receiving some kind of blessing.


At this moment, a door slowly opened behind the four blood soul guards.


The endless wind made the entire black dark hall instantly look like a gloomy ice cave.Behind those gates was a deep and endless black hole.

The dark wind howled, and thousands of souls wailed.Such Yin Qi seems to have been accumulated for tens of thousands of years.

"Come out! Eternal ghosts of the Shura royal family! After this day, you will eliminate your original sins. If I am king, I will definitely grant you future freedom!" The third prince chanted loudly.

The blood ring in the hands of the third prince was even more glorious.It was a totem of the ancient Shura royal family.

Ha ha ha - jie jie jie -

The four blood soul guards suddenly let out laughter that seemed human but not human, ghosts but not ghosts.The black hole behind them suddenly swept out the eternal wind.

At that moment, the eternal ghost possessed him.

The eyes of the four blood soul guards turned completely black.The red robes on their bodies remained unchanged, but a pair of black wings several feet long grew out of their backs.

In fact, those are not real wings, but the condensation of endless ghost power.Among the wings, there are eerie faces.

At the same time, the ancient beasts on those steps seemed to come alive, with a fierce brilliance emitting from their eyes.Among them, the four most special beasts jumped up directly.

That is the king of ancient beasts!


The door of the dark hall suddenly opened wide.The four blood soul guards, controlling four ancient evil beasts, flew out directly with the black wings of the ghosts on their bodies.

Like ghosts, like demons, like evil spirits who have descended into the world.

In fact, at that moment they should no longer be called Blood Soul Guards.They are just the boarding bodies of ghosts who have been innocent for thousands of years.It's just that the unjust souls of those ghosts made their combat power soar infinitely.

Four evil beasts and four blood soul guards stood firmly on Qinghai.At this time, each of their combat strength is above the fifth level of Yongzhi.

All of this is the accumulation of the third prince for tens of thousands of years.

"Oh?" Canghai Donghuang looked coldly at the four blood soul guards, especially the black wings on the back of those blood soul guards.

Those grimaces were ferocious, painful, and filled with infinite resentment.

The Eastern Emperor couldn't help frowning, and said with a sneer: "Blood marriage, inherited for thousands of years! Third Prince, everything about your ancient Shura royal family is not in accordance with the destiny. It seems that these are all your sinful bodies, right?"

The third prince is not answering.

In the dark hall, there was just a sound - kill!


The four evil beasts raised their hooves and neighed.The black light on the black-eyed blood soul guard exploded, and all the power went straight to Donghuang.But at this moment, Donghuang was not afraid at all, and there was not even the slightest wave in his eyes.

At that moment, it was a green devil smell!

Look again, the clear wave under Donghuang's feet instantly swayed away.The wave was slow at first, and then increased rapidly.In an instant, it was like a hurricane whistling and rolling up huge waves of tens of thousands of feet, like the sea roaring in the sky and the earth.

Each of the four black lights has power above the fifth level of Eternal Realm.This attack is even better than Ghost Mo and Ling Bai.

However, Donghuang is not Amu.

These forces are completely vulnerable to the Eastern Emperor.Donghuang's body didn't even move, his white linen clothes swayed slightly.


However, the monstrous cyan waves drowned the four black lights.It was like the sea sank several sailboats.Countless black lights struggled and collapsed in Qinghai.

The sea is affectionate, but ruthless.

At this time, the two domain gates outside the Yin Mountain opened wide.The Qing family, Qing Qianyu, took the Qing family and arrived first.The Bai family, Bai Zixiu and his cronies were only one step behind.

"Surround the entire Yinshan area, no matter whether ghosts or family members are scattered, no one will be left! Cut the grass and roots, kill!" Qing Qianyu's attitude was quite decisive.Because, that was Chizo's order!
There were hundreds of monks from the Qing family behind him, and they responded with a crash.Don't underestimate the hundreds of monks of the Qing family, because the Qing family has always had a tradition of killing a city by one person.


When those Qing family monks dispersed, several figures, even dozens of figures, had already been separated.That is not a clone, an incarnation, but a puppet of oneself.

The puppet technique of the Qing family is the best in the Three Realms, and the monks of the Qing family are the most powerful. They can defeat ten thousand with one.

"Cooperate with the Qing family's actions, and kill everything in the ghost family!" Bai Zixiu dared to shout too.However, the number of people he brings is limited.Bai Zizhou hasn't arrived yet.The momentum of the Bai family is much weaker.

However, sometimes it doesn't matter whether you kill the enemy or not, what matters is your attitude.

The ghost family wanted to be destroyed, so the Qing family and the Bai family attacked at the same time.This is not adding insult to injury, this is conforming to the general trend.Such an attitude is enough for Cang Hai to control the entire Tiannan.

Bai Zixiu even flew straight to Amu's side.

"Brother Wang, I'm late!" Bai Zixiu's tone was quite sincere.In fact, even if he came early, he couldn't help much with his cultivation.

However, he was sincerely on Amu's side.

At this time, Amu's pill sea has gradually calmed down, and the power of eternity began to pour into everything.The appearance of Donghuang brought Amu through the most critical moment.

Amu can already stand in the void, and is still trying his best to recover his combat power.

"Brother Bai, you are very polite, and you have rushed to help me. I am very grateful!" Amu smiled.

"Qing family Qianyu, pay homage to Canghai's successor. Brother Qianzang, let me send my greetings to you!" At this time, Qing Qianyu knelt down in front of Amu directly in the void.

Such an action was even somewhat beyond Amu's expectations.

This made Bai Zixiu feel slightly embarrassed and even shocked for a while.You know, when walking in Tianzhou, Qing Qianyu represents the entire Qing family.Qing Qianyu's attitude is naturally that of the Qing family.

Moreover, Qing Qianyu is Qing Jiuer's uncle, but Bai Zixiu has already proposed marriage to Jiuer.At this time, the Qing family respected Amu so much, and they seemed a little overbearing.

However, if he is bowing down to Amu now, it would be even more hypocritical.Fortunately, he turned around, pretending to care about the situation of the battle, watching the Eastern Emperor destroy everything in the distance.

However, at this time, apart from Bai Zixiu himself, no one would care to think about it.

"Qianzang?" Amu stared at Qing Qianyu for a moment.The name Qianzang definitely has a special meaning to Amu.

"My brother, Qing Qianzang, has a unique technique of cultivation, and the three souls roam the three worlds together! Immortal ghost sect, Li Qianzang is the third soul of Qianzang!" Qing Qianyu said.

"Oh?" Amu suddenly realized that many questions had some answers, and at the same time hurriedly supported Qing Qianyu, "Friend Qianyu, don't be too polite!"

Qianyu and Qianzang are brothers.At this time, although Amu was promoted to Yongjing, he was quite polite to Qing Qianyu.

But at this time, in the void, with a wave of Donghuang's long sleeves, the four blood soul guards were instantly wiped out.

Endless ghosts and ghosts are flying in the void.The Eastern Emperor sneered, and countless dragon shapes suddenly rolled up above Qinghai, heading straight for the dark dark hall.

In the dark hall, the third prince, with white hair like snow, remained motionless.

At this time, a seal was formed in his hand.Look again, His Royal Highness Wumang rolled, Shen Yan was sent straight to the void.

 A hasty update!Feel sorry!Friends who wish to read books, have a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!Thanks to Angel Kiss for giving away many chapters, thank you very much!Thanks also to other friends for their rewards!In addition, the light of the Great God can be claimed, as long as it is fully subscribed, it can be claimed for free.Tomorrow is Father's Day. Shanhe wishes all fathers in the world happy and safe.Because, father's love is like a mountain!Shanhe knows it well!
(End of this chapter)

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