nine coffins

Chapter 966 White-haired skeleton!Myriad sins are in my body

Chapter 966 White-haired skeleton!Hundreds of thousands of sins are in my body

Four ancient evil beasts and four blood soul guards with eternal combat power, but they couldn't stop the Eastern Emperor's Qinghai roll.Big waves rush, and thousands of wronged souls are scattered.

At this time, the four areas of Yinshan Mountain were completely surrounded by monks from the Qingbai family.Those wandering evil spirits screamed in a thousand ways, but naturally someone dealt with them.

The real target of Canghai Donghuang is the third prince.

Qinghai is turning waves, and the shape of a dragon roars to the sky.

Outside the dark hall, endless waves rolled up again, seemingly trying to destroy it.However, this time the third prince had no strength to fight, but directly sacrificed the black cage.

Shen Yan was trapped in it and could not escape.

"Huh?" Donghuang couldn't help but raised his brows slightly, and at the same time his thoughts moved.The monstrous cyan waves split apart in an instant, but coiled around both sides of the black dark hall, like a city wall thousands of meters high.

The Eastern Emperor knew very well that the technique just now, if it hit the black cage directly, Shen Yan's life might be lost, but the Eastern Emperor still maintained his suppression of the black dark palace.

"Hahaha—haha—" The third prince's icy and wild laughter came from the black dark hall, "Have you cast a trap?"

A cold light flashed across the eyes of Donghuang and Amu at the same time, and Qing Qianyu, Bai Zixiu, etc. also had unfriendly expressions in their eyes.However, it is indeed a problem for Shen Yan to be under the control of the third prince.

With the strength shown by the third prince, Shen Yandao could be wiped out in an instant.

"Third Prince, is Qian Donkey at the end of his skills?" Donghuang sneered calmly, "You want to use a woman as a threat?"

"Hmph!" There was a cold snort in the dark hall.

Look again, the top of the temple is changing into black and white, and gradually condensing and forming.

Dressed in a black robe, with white hair on both shoulders, the third prince was already standing on the top of the palace.As soon as the third prince appeared, all the innocent souls scattered in the Yinshan Mountains all screamed strangely.

However, no one can tell what kind of expression it is.Like joy, like anger.

The black robe was billowing, and the wind was blowing.In front of and behind him, there seemed to be countless innocent souls surrounding him.

Ancient Shura clan, the third prince!

In fact, it was the first time for many of the great powers on Tianzhou who were watching to see the third prince.Even before that, many people didn't even know the real origin of the ghost family and the existence of the third prince.

The third prince belongs to darkness.He has been in the dark hall all year round, except for a few people from the ghost family, no one can approach him at all.

The third prince did not have the slightest sense of immortality.However, there is an aura of evil and death, mixed with a kind of arrogance and nobility of a king.

It was a complex fusion.The aura of the third prince is unique in the Three Realms.

"Using a woman as a threat? That's not an ordinary woman!" The third prince's face was still covered by the black robe, and his voice was strange and gloomy. "Her first soul is the ancient Princess Shura! She should be me. Princess. In the cycle of karma, she will return to me after tens of thousands of years. In the future, I will reproduce the Shura royal family with her forever!
Donghuang looked at the third prince with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Amu raised his brows slightly. At this time, his combat power had recovered seven or eighty-eight, and the power of eternity in the Danhai was gradually gathering like a trickle.

The words of the third prince are both true and false.

Because the entire ghost family was annihilated, if there were no women, according to the inheritance method of the ancient Shura royal family, Shen Yan would really be the best choice for the third prince.

But something like this.Neither Donghuang nor Amu will let it happen.

Donghuang knows his own strength.Amu can die for Shen Yan.

"Idiots talking about dreams!" Donghuang smiled coldly, "Third Prince, don't think that you have a hostage in your hand, so I won't kill you! But, I want you to die peacefully!"

"Die more peacefully?" The third prince couldn't help laughing up to the sky when he heard Donghuang's words, "Canghai Donghuang, don't talk nonsense! I am an immortal body, and death doesn't exist for me at all!"

"Immortal body!" Donghuang looked at the third prince playfully, "What a pity! The whole line of the sea wants to break all immortality! Isn't it just you?"

Before he finished speaking, Goodbye Donghuang suddenly moved.At that moment, almost no one could see Donghuang's movements clearly.

With a flash of white light, Qinghai moved.


The ten thousand zhang green waves standing on both sides of the black dark hall instantly turned into a sky-piercing giant slash, and slashed down towards the black dark hall again.However, those two huge cuts completely avoided Shen Yan.

"Huh?" The third prince was shocked.

Because he didn't expect that Donghuang would dare to choose such a strong attack when he had a hostage in hand.Moreover, Donghuang's speed is too fast, unbelievably fast.

In Donghuang's hand, a white light appeared at some point.The third prince didn't see what it was at all, because Donghuang was too fast.

In fact, it was the ultimate technique that the Eastern Emperor had realized during his 10 years in Qingfeng—the Light of Floating Dust.However, the third prince is by no means a vulgar person.The blood ring in his hand suddenly emitted blood.

The white light is like a spear, and the blood glow turns into a shield.It was an eternal duel!


The white light in Donghuang's hand actually directly pierced the third prince's blood ring defense.At the same time, the two swiftly falling green waves cut open the black dark hall.

That's something no one, probably, thought of.

The Eastern Emperor of the Great Sea is so powerful!Even Amu was slightly taken aback.

Immortals are buried in the snow-capped mountains, the Wang family in Liuzhen.

"East Emperor is even better than before!" Wang Jue also had a look of surprise in his eyes, and then smiled lightly, "Then you will work hard on yourself!"

The forbidden map under Wang Jue's feet gradually dissipated.

One person in the sea can be defeated by tens of thousands.If Donghuang makes a move, then Wang Jue is not needed at all.

"Xingchen, how do you say the descendants of Canghai practice?" Xuantian on the top of Phoenix Mountain also smiled wryly.

"The people in the sea are all monsters!" Xing Chen replied.

The dark temple collapsed instantly.

"Amu, save me!" Donghuang shouted softly.In fact, Amu had already moved without Donghuang's orders.As soon as the dark hall collapsed, the black mist cage collapsed in an instant.

However, the aura of the fierce battle between the Eastern Emperor and the third prince was enough to seriously injure Shen Yan.Therefore, in the first time, Amu directly sacrificed the divine coffin.

It wasn't the flames of the divine coffin that opened the way, but the endless colorful rays of light.

"Shen Yan!" Amu swept away, and followed closely behind the coffin.But at this time, the blue waves cut through everything, and Shen Yan was directly blown away by the endless shock waves.

The colorful rays of light block everything.

In the void, Amu gently stretched his ape arms and directly embraced Shen Yan into his arms.At that moment, two hearts finally fell to the ground.

"Wang Han!" However, Shen Yan just said a word, then passed out.

Under the protection of the twin coffins of gods and demons, Amu retreated sharply to avoid the impacting vortex.

Boom - huh -

The dark hall was shattered, and the peak of eternity collided.Everything is still spreading!Canghai Donghuang went down the mountain, this battle was enough to make the Three Realms look sideways.

How wise are the people of Tianzhou never to challenge the Eastern Emperor?
The third prince never imagined that Canghai Donghuang would be so powerful.The same Eternal Peak, why is there so much difference?He will never understand that Canghai monks will always fight by leapfrogging.

A battle at the same level is a kind of crushing!

At this time, the third prince retreated sharply.The moment the dark temple was shattered, the endless power of ghosts rushed straight into the sky.Under the sea of ​​stars, endless black clouds rolled into the sky.

"Huh?" At this time, several surprises sounded in the Three Realms.Because, at that moment, the third prince's robes were completely torn, turning into a white light and receding.

And at that moment, everyone was shocked.

Because, under the black robe, that body cannot be regarded as a real person at all.

It was almost a skeleton wrapped in white human skin, with long hair as pale as snow.The third prince's face was even paler, without any trace of blood, even the pair of eyes.

The eye sockets are deep-set, and the eyes protrude, like a zombie.That's not the face of a normal person at all.At that moment, Canghai Donghuang was also slightly startled, and couldn't help standing in the void.

"Jie Jie Jie—hahaha——"

The third prince showed his real body, but suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed.

"Didn't expect that! Haha! In the ancient Shura royal family, the blood was married, and there were many talents. But, my majestic third prince looks like this!"

The third prince's voice was full of endless resentment.

"Blood marriage is not tolerated in the Three Realms!" At that moment, Amu seemed to understand something.

"Shocked! Haha, Gui Zun and Shang Xie's biological younger brother actually looks like this! Let me tell you why." The third prince seemed a little crazy, "The blood of the ancient Shura royal family is inherited, but it is against the sky. Therefore, every Every generation has people born with original sin!"

"They have various congenital deficiencies, and they rarely live beyond a hundred days. Ghost ink and Ling Bai are different types. However, their souls are all imprisoned by the blood ring, and they have no freedom. In the dark temple, countless unjust souls are all The original sinners of Shura for tens of thousands of years. I kept them in captivity—"

"Because I'm unwilling, I'm lonely! Because I'm a white-haired skeleton. Why? The original sins of the Shura royal family are all in one body. The three realms, I am ashamed, I am ashamed!"

poor guy!At that moment, white tears scattered in the wind in the third prince's pale eyes.

 Thank you, my heart is not a stone, I will give away 1000 chapters, everyone go and get it, don't waste it.hehe.thanks for writing
  Tiantian's tip is hard to collect. Frozen zongzi!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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