nine coffins

Chapter 967 The water of floating dust!In the dark, bloody island

Chapter 967 The water of floating dust!In the dark, bloody island

Hundreds of thousands of original sins, all in one body.

Marriage by the blood of the Shura royal family, although the blood is pure, it will be condemned by heaven and earth.Those who are amazing, have peerless talents, such as Guizun, Shangxie, etc.Those who are sad, possessed by original sin are like the third prince and thousands of innocent souls.

This world is an existence of eternal balance.

In the Shura royal family, some are happy while others are sad.Such blood inheritance is at the price of thousands of wronged souls.Therefore, although Ghost Venerable and Shang Xie have shocking talents, they sympathize with their clansmen and want to break that inheritance.

The strange thing is that the third prince sticks to bad habits in his body of bones and skeletons.

Because, as he said, he is unwilling to be lonely, he wants to see those suffering like him, and he even wants to control the fate of those people.

It was a relief.

People, many times, experience happiness only by looking at the pain of others.This is a sad, ridiculous fact.But many people live like this, such as the third prince.

White bones and skeletons, snow hair flying around.

The third prince, tears scattered in the void, but never thought he was wrong.He hates Ghost Venerable, Shangxie, and all the astonishing people in the ancient Shura clan.Because, he thinks he bears all the original sins.

He hates the Three Realms, because the Three Realms are unfair, why let him be neither human nor ghost.

The third prince has manipulated the hearts of ghosts for thousands of years.In fact, he wants to return to Shura Demon Continent and let those thousands of innocent souls become the masters of this world.

That's the world he likes!Among all the wronged souls, he didn't have to hide under the black robe.

However, all of this will be cut off by the sea.When Donghuang, Amu and everyone looked at the third prince, their hearts were slightly shocked.

For thousands of years, the third prince was in pain.However, this should not be the reason for everything he did.

"Those who are unwilling will never be unwilling!" Donghuang sighed.Under his feet, there were blue waves.

"Third prince, you can certainly feel unwilling to bear the original sins of the ancient Asura royal family. But if you practiced hard back then. Tens of thousands of years have passed, I am afraid that you have already broken out of the cocoon and become a butterfly, and ascended the road of sage. It may be possible to take off the white-haired skeleton body. Unfortunately, you chose the wrong path!"

"Choose the wrong road?" The third prince's white eye sockets showed two traces of gray, and then he shook his head, "In the three realms, there is no right or wrong? Everything is nothing but winner and loser! Today, if I cut across the sea, , can also prove my way!"

"Prove your way? How can the whole vein of the sea prove your evil way?" Donghuang shook his head and narrowed his eyes slightly.He knows that the third prince has been obsessed for thousands of years, who can change it?

That is the motivation and meaning of the third prince's life!

Only when there is obsession in everyone's heart can they live.If it is, then once the obsession is broken, life will be meaningless.Isn't Donghuang himself?If it weren't for Amu's life and death crisis, how could he walk down the Qingfeng?
"Third Prince, you don't have any chance! Everything should be over!" Donghuang's white sackcloth swayed in the wind.His hands have formed a spell in the void.

From his appearance to the present, the Eastern Emperor has almost always stood barefoot on Qinghai.

Almost every technique of the Eastern Emperor will cause great disturbances in Qinghai, which are all transformed by the power of the sea.But this time, Qinghai didn't see the slightest change, instead, it was quiet and peaceful.

It's just that everyone understands that the Eastern Emperor's technique must be a shocking blow.

The third prince is also casting spells.

Although he is a skeleton, the third prince also has his own talents.That is, every time an original sinner is born in the ghost family, there will be an immortal force integrated into the blood ring.

The blood ring was directly held in the third prince's mouth when he was born.It can be said that the blood ring is the life of the third prince, and it has also carried his glory and decline for thousands of generations.

That is even a treasure comparable to the Nine Coffins.

Skeleton body, white light scattering.

Under the starry night, it was actually a scorching sun, and everyone felt the glare was dazzling.The third prince, whose power was almost at the peak of eternity, completely dissipated.

No matter what, the third prince is the most top existence in the Three Realms.There is no doubt about this.In the blood ring, the immortal power of thousands of wronged souls turned into countless blood lights and scattered in the scorching sun.

It was an indiscriminate attack.

At that moment, the ghost of the ghost family who had been completely dispersed by the Eastern Emperor just now hissed once again, even showing traces of blood.They seem to draw some kind of power.

The monks of the Qingbai family instantly felt that the power of the wronged souls they were dealing with had doubled.At this time, Donghuang's technique has also been completed.

All of them are actually happening at the same time.

"The dust is floating for thousands of miles, and the roar is boundless!" Donghuang raised his brows and spoke the truth.

Wow - woo -

That's when the third prince's technique spread out.Void Qinghai suddenly dispersed.A mighty river rushed directly to the sky.

"Water of Floating Dust—"

"Floating Dust River—"

"Eastern Emperor of the Canghai, actually detained the Holy Water of Floating Dust—"

Fuchen River flows through Wuliang Mountain.The slow flow of all ages does not see the end.Even in Tianzhou, which is known as the eternal holy land, Fuchen River is regarded as a kind of totem.

A piece of immeasurable stone can turn thousands of mountains.A drop of floating dust water can purify the small world.

Within the Three Realms, it seems that no one has heard of anyone who can mobilize the river of floating dust.However, Donghuang's technique did it.That is also the result of tens of thousands of years, standing on the green peak, looking at the floating dust.

Donghuang didn't see the end of the floating dust, but he felt the power of the floating dust.

"As expected of the Eastern Emperor of the Sea!" Xuan Tian exclaimed.

"The sea is magnificent!" Unknowingly, the clouds scattered and the green skirt rolled around.

At this moment, the eyes of the three realms seemed to be focused on the battle between the Eastern Emperor and the third prince.

Boom - huh -

The river of floating dust rushed directly towards the third prince.

It was a showdown of absolute power.Two extreme forces collide here, and everyone has to stay away.The Qingbai family has already retreated to protect themselves.

Amu hugged Shen Yan, and retreated abruptly.

Otherwise, such a force shock is absolutely unbearable.But the Eastern Emperor, dressed in white, remained motionless.The third prince, with the body of a skeleton, did not take half a step back.


In fact, at that moment, in the ears of many people, there was no sound.At that moment, everyone was almost deaf.All they can see is the picture.

That is a scene of the end of the world!
White light, red light, blue mist, clear water, endless vortexes rolled up in the void, tumbling, rising and annihilating, and then rolling into the sky.

All lives are harvested.

In this battle, it wasn't just the Yinshan Wanli that was destroyed, but one-third of the living beings in the mountains and rivers in the entire Tiannan and Eastern Regions.The entire Yinshan Mountain was wiped out from then on, even the ruins were gone.

Thousands of years after this battle, this ten thousand li territory gradually formed a large lake with blue and white waves, named Cang Lake.


The water of floating dust falls on the scorching sun.The third prince roared, endless white smoke rising.The blood light gradually dimmed, as if it was being cooled by the water of floating dust.


However, the third prince was not reconciled, and he made a seal with his hands again.

"In the name of my ancient Shura, destroy!" The blood light bounced back, even better than before.It almost turned into waves of blood, rushing suddenly.

Even the river of floating dust can't stop its momentum.

"Huh?" Donghuang couldn't help raising his eyebrows.The water of floating dust did not completely annihilate him.The power of the third prince really made Donghuang's heart tense.

It seems that killing the third prince is not so easy!Moreover, once the blood wave completely rebounded, the one who would be killed would probably be the Eastern Emperor.

"Amu, let me borrow your magic coffin!" After saying that, Donghuang slightly raised his hand.Amu's thoughts have not yet moved in the future.The magic coffin has been summoned by the Eastern Emperor.

Although the Eastern Emperor Canghai is not a demon body, he possesses a method of manipulating the demon coffin.After all, this magic coffin was left by the Canghai Immortal in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

Boom - huh -

In the hands of the Eastern Emperor, the power of the magic coffin was far superior to that of Amu.The magic coffin covers the sky and emits endless magic light, which is unrivaled.


All the blood flow from the third prince was instantly swallowed up.

The coercion of the ages, the power of the magic coffin, directly crushed everything.At that moment, all those who had never seen the true power of the Nine Coffins were shaken.

Is that the power of the Nine Coffins to suppress the Three Realms?

The Eastern Emperor used the magic coffin, and the third prince was powerless to resist.

The black light flooded his skeleton body and engulfed his snow-like long hair.The third prince, with his hundreds of millions of original sins, completely melted into this world.

There will never be a trace of what is destroyed by the magic coffin.

However, at the last moment.In the void, a boundary gate suddenly opened.


The three kings died, but his last breath was integrated into the blood ring.Inside the gate, an extreme force directly swallowed the blood ring.

"Huh?" Donghuang frowned.It was an instinctive alertness.However, it was too late.He knew that even if he used the magic coffin, he might not be able to break through the gate of that realm.

At this time, the netherworld.

Black Daze, white isolated island.The red glow of the blood ring sank directly into the black lake.


Just at the place where the blood ring sank, a small blood-red island rose slowly from the Black Sea, facing the isolated white island far away.

(End of this chapter)

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