nine coffins

Chapter 968 The sea is like a god! 9 rounds, nothing left!

Chapter 968 The sea is like a myth!Nine rounds, nothing left!
The sea of ​​stars disappears, and the morning light rises.

At this point, all the smoke cleared.As far as the eye can see, there is a vast expanse of ruins for thousands of miles.In the battle of Yinshan, the Canghai branch absolutely won.

Donghuang and Amu stood in the air with calm expressions.And Shen Yan has already been awakened by Amu.Dressed in purple, the skirt moved slightly.

At this moment, no one could see the sadness on Shen Yan's face.The ghost house was destroyed without a trace.The Shura clan, the oldest kind of inheritance, has been truly extinct since then.

No matter what, it was impossible for Shen Yan to remain calm.Ghost house has become a historical term.Ghosts are like smoke, they really disperse like smoke.

Everything in the ghost house has been completely destroyed.Above Tianzhou, there are no more Yinshan Mountains.This battle directly affected the Wuliang structure of Tianzhou, and even the general trend of the Three Realms.

Qing Qianzang, Bai Zixiu and others were scattered around, but when Bai Zizhou arrived, he only saw a tail.

"The Qing family of Tianzhou is willing to take the lineage of Canghai as the master!" At this time, Qing Qianyu suddenly threw up his clothes and knelt down in front of Donghuang and Amu, and all the monks of the Qing family behind him were naturally without exception.

Qing Qianyu didn't hesitate at all.Because, Qianzang told him that the Qing family was originally considered to be a branch of the sea.This worship is more for Tianzhou to see.

"The Bai family in Tianzhou is also willing to serve the Canghai lineage as the master!" As soon as the Qing family knelt down, Bai Zixiu knelt down immediately without hesitation.Naturally, Bai Zizhou didn't react too slowly, he followed closely and knelt down.

If the surrender of the Tianzhou Spirit Clan is the first appearance of the Canghai lineage after tens of thousands of years, then the extermination of the ghost family today is a strong return of the Canghai lineage.

Both the Qingbai family understand this truth.

Therefore, it is a good time to express their position today, at least they are ahead of Tianbei Mu's family.

And this kneeling ceremony of the Qingbai family is of extraordinary significance.

Now that the ghost family is destroyed, the Qingbai family can be said to represent the power of the entire southern region of Tianzhou.A few days ago, the Tianzhou Spirit Race joined Amu, and today is almost a repeat of that day.

The attachment of Tiannan is half of Tianzhou Continent.

The Eastern Emperor looked at everything, couldn't help but shook his head slightly, and then said with a smile: "Amu, people's hearts will follow the general trend. In the future, you will be the master of the sea, and everything will be decided by you! And I don't care about this matter, I have to go!"

"Huh?" Amu was taken aback for a moment, "Grand Master——"

"Hehe!" Donghuang looked at Amu and smiled, "Although the seniority is good, but Grand Master is too old to call me! Mo Lang, just call me Donghuang!"

"Uh!" Although Donghuang said so, Amu still respected him very much, "Where are you going?"

"Ten tens of thousands of years, I haven't descended to Qingfeng! Tianzhou is good, but it's not my home." Donghuang sighed, "Since I went down the mountain today, it can be regarded as letting go of the obsession in my heart and having an epiphany. Then I Then I went back to the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms in Haihuang to have a look. I am afraid that the catastrophe of the Three Realms is not far away, and I should do my duty!"

"The Holy Mountain of the Three Realms is indeed a good place to return!" Amu smiled, "If Grand Master returns home, Senior Uncle Leng Yu and Junior Sister Murong will definitely be very pleasantly surprised!"

"Unfortunately, Magu is no longer here!" A look of sadness flashed across Donghuang's eyes.The men in the sea seem to be ashamed of the women in the sea forever.

"Amu, you are a person who has survived for thousands of years!" Having said this, Donghuang glanced at the direction of the floating dust, "I look forward to you, the nine coffins will be one, and the time will flow backwards! In that way, everything about me, It will be complete!"

"Don't worry, grand master!" Amu looked solemn, and gave Donghuang a deep bow, "Amu, you will definitely live up to the heart of the sea!"

"Very good! We'll wait for you and reverse everything!" After that, Donghuang didn't say anything, stepped out in white clothes, and disappeared without a trace.

As soon as Donghuang left, everyone except Amu and Shen Yan seemed to let out a long breath secretly.

The emperor of the sea, overwhelms Tianzhou!Although the Eastern Emperor was full of immortality and would never kill innocent people indiscriminately, that kind of coercion really made it difficult for many people to breathe.

The world-shattering battle that night added even more prestige to the sea.

"Everyone, get up!" Amu glanced at the Qingbai family, his expression very calm.Amu understands that if he wants to climb to the top of the Three Realms, such attachment is probably the norm.

That venerable, didn't make all kinds of people surrender?
"Peace in the Three Realms is my wish! As long as I live for the common people in the Three Realms, I will be safe! Otherwise, the Tianzhou Ghost House will be a lesson from the past! Everyone, please remember!" Amu's tone was indifferent, but firm.

The Qingbai family naturally heard it, and Amu's words would spread throughout Tianzhou.This is the attitude of Canghai!Tens of thousands of years later, the Three Realms are being brought under the sea step by step.

After finishing speaking, Amu didn't say anything more, but took Shen Yan's hand, and a seven-color forbidden picture suddenly rose under his feet.In Huaguang, the two gradually disappeared.

At that moment, the sea seemed like a myth.Then, everything in Tianzhou subsided temporarily!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Black Daze, white isolated island.

However, the atmosphere here is quite different.The entire netherworld is gray and filled with a mysterious and inexplicable smell.

The white island is empty.

There, the man in black who turned his back on everything had long since disappeared.But it turned out that the place where the man in black sat cross-legged was emitting six brilliance.

That was actually a pool of six paths of reincarnation light!

The brilliance of the wheels spread like water ripples, but it was only a radius of one zhang.Looking at the white island, it looks like a spring of six paths.

Outside the white isolated island is the black Daze.In fact, if someone can look down from a high altitude in the nether world, then they will clearly see that the black and white color wheel is round.

It was a rather special look.

At this moment, the entire Netherworld was dead silent.There was no sound, including Fengdu City in the distance, and even Huangquan Road farther away.

This world is very quiet, as if it has been like this for thousands of years.

To the northeast of the isolated white island, a hundred miles away, the blood-red island that just popped up not long ago exudes brilliance, and the face of an ancient family appears and disappears from time to time.

That's where the third prince's blood ring sank.Red light, rippling in the black swamp.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Within the Asura realm, Jiulun Mountain.

On that day, Amu fought against the devil.The moment the causal roulette appeared, Shui Mei and Shang Xie once stood side by side.Behind them stood Shen Ming with clear eyes.

Jiulun Mountain was once the birthplace of the ancient Shura clan.Here, there are the first memories of Shangxie.

Shui Mei once said that she can keep the evil spirit for 900 years.She hoped that Amu could return with Gui Zun, so that Shang Xie would never fight again.

However, Shui Mei still underestimated Shang Xie's recovery speed.On Jiulun Mountain, sunrise and sunset.Inside the quaint stone house, Shang Xie has been practicing meditation, with Shui Mei as his daily companion.

Shui Mei, the most charming woman in the Three Realms.However, in those days, Shui Mei was the most gentle woman.

Shangxie is a reincarnation, he doesn't need 900 years at all.

In fact, Shang Xie has long seen that everything on Jiulun Mountain is actually covered by Shui Mei's spells.He has already recovered all his memories.He knew that he was evil.He knew everything about his past with Gui Zun.

However, he couldn't bear to reveal everything.Because, he knows Shui Mei's heart better.Back then, Shangxie felt ashamed of facing Shuimei.

Jiulun Mountain, Sixie Peak.The little things here show the heart of water charm, which is the meaning of endless lovesickness for thousands of years.

In the battle between Amu and Mozi Tianzhou, the shadow of karma roulette appeared.On that day, Shangxie had a feeling in his heart.The Three Realms will change, and he can no longer stay in Nine Wheels.

So Shangxie wanted to leave.It's just that Shangxie failed to get out of Jiulun Mountain that day as he wished.Because, a red-haired man in black was already standing outside Jiulun Mountain.

Long red hair, like a dragon like a cloud, is imposing.

Dragon saliva, the dragon saliva of the eternal peak!He came from the nether world after Hades turned around.At that time, the dragon saliva had completely recovered its previous cultivation.

That battle happened almost at the same time as the battle between Amu and Mozi.However, it escaped the eyes of everyone in the Three Realms.Even Tianzhou Phoenix didn't discover all of that.

No one knows the specifics of that battle.

Because, at that moment, the entire Jiulun Mountain seemed to be sealed by an inexplicable force.

It's just that afterward, Jiulun Mountain was completely in ruins, just like Tianzhou Yinshan Mountain.Shang Xie, Shui Mei, and Shen Ming have since disappeared.

A few days later, the entire Shura world was completely shaken.Whether it was the Blood Moon Continent or the Seven Star Regions, the news spread and people were uneasy.The Demon Continent Shura Realm is about to be shrouded in black and white light.

And all this is just the beginning!
 After sorting out some things after the college entrance examination results, I hurried to another place for two days, and I just returned last night!There is no need to explain the update of Shanhe, and everyone is annoying.Everyone wants to scold me, but I humbly accept it.This is indeed my problem, just scold me!Just one thing, this book is not too superficial, not unfinished!This year, it should be finished.However, thank you all for your rewards and monthly tickets!This kind of update, everyone is still like this.Moved and ashamed!

(End of this chapter)

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