nine coffins

Chapter 969 The Mystery of the Underworld Demon!Find the road to snow!

Chapter 969 The Mystery of the Underworld Demon!Find the road to snow!
The immortal burial in the snow-capped mountains has never changed.

On Liuzhen Long Street, people come and go, but it is still peaceful and peaceful.However, if you probe carefully, you will find that the atmosphere of Liu Town seems to be slightly different.

It seems that a person is more mature.The entire Willow Town of Tianzhou is heading towards a consummation of reincarnation.

At dusk, the two suns are about to set.In the void, two beams of brilliance suddenly emitted.The domain door opened wide, and two figures appeared, one blue and one purple, it was Amu and Shen Yan.

At this time, the old man Wang Jue on Liuzhen Chang Street was walking slowly back to the old Wang family house with his hands behind his back.

"Master!" Outside the gate of Wang's house, Amu descended with heavy smoke, and then bowed slightly, "The devil will be cut down, and the apprentice will come back and return!"

"En!" Wang Jue nodded with a calm expression.Because, he knew all that in the water mirror.Then, as soon as he pushed the door and entered the old house, Amu Chenyan naturally followed behind.

"Amu, Shen Yan, follow me to the backyard first!" Wang Jue said.

"Eh?" Amu's mouth twitched slightly when he heard that he was going to the backyard.The backyard of the Wang family's ancient house is definitely a place with a shadow in Amu's heart.

"Hehe! Don't worry! You have been promoted to Eternal Realm, I won't beat you again, I just have something to say to you!" Old man Wang Jue naturally guessed what Amu was thinking.

"Ahem!" Amu coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment, and the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground. At the same time, he quietly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and then followed Wang Jue to the backyard with Shen Yan.

Nine remnant coffins, one Wang Zitan.Nothing in the backyard of the ancient house has changed.Wang Jue stood in front of Wang Zitan with his hands behind his back, thoughtful.

"Master!" Amu called out in a low voice.

Wang Jue nodded, and then slowly said: "Amu, the fall of the devil can be regarded as a moment of peace. The most important thing is that the human coffin will be completed. Now, you can control half of the nine coffins in the three realms."

The twin coffins of gods and demons are on Amu's body.Xiao Luo's black and white coffin has been taken away by A Mu's coffin. Although it is incomplete, the completion of the human coffin is just around the corner.

The ghost coffin is in the water charm, and the Buddha coffin is in Yun San's hands.These two coffins can be brought as long as Amu needs them.Therefore, what Wang Jue said was not an exaggeration.

"One of the nine coffins can control the Three Realms! However, if you want to change everything and turn the cause and effect, the only way is to combine the nine coffins into one!" Wang Jue raised his head and looked up at the endless sea of ​​stars, "However, that day is getting closer! "

Wang Jue's gaze was deep and distant.

At that moment, Amu was in a daze, and time seemed to go back thousands of years ago, the night when the magic coffin fell into the sea.

"Amu, give me that incomplete human coffin!" Wang Jue said.

Amu didn't dare to hesitate, and just waved with one hand.

The black and white light on the Tianhu fairy bracelet was displayed, and the human coffin floated in the air.At that moment, the entire Liu Town was enveloped by an inexplicable aura.

The light of the human coffin seemed to spread throughout the town.Everyone in Liu Town seemed to be covered with a layer of brilliance.

"The human coffin needs the last reincarnation soul of Tianzhou." Wang Jue waved one hand, and the black and white human coffin fell directly into the purple pool among the nine broken coffins.

"Probably, it will take another 300 years! Everything in Liu Town will be complete! The human coffin will be complete." Wang Jue said, "But Amu, we don't have much time!"

"Oh?" Amu frowned, not understanding Wang Jue's words.

"The devil fell, but his blood will not be shed in vain!" Wang Jue raised his eyebrows, "At the last moment of the devil's fall, he cast a spell, which should be the legendary blood of one hundred thousand gods and demons!"

"One hundred thousand blood of gods and demons?" Amu didn't know what he meant.

"One hundred thousand blood of a hundred thousand gods and demons is the highest level of magic of the demon clan!" Wang Jue said, "It is said in the Three Realms that a drop of demon blood can open the door of the demon world, and one hundred thousand demon blood is enough to awaken everything in the demon world."

"The devil world? What kind of existence is that?" Amu asked.

Wang Jue shook his head and said, "I don't know as a teacher. It's an ancient legend. However, there are many small worlds within the Three Realms. The Demon Realm may be an independent space, or it may refer to something else. But, no matter what, that Everything will fall on the Demon Lord."

"Lihen?" Amu frowned, "But, he was sealed in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, where there are uncles and holy dragons, isn't he safe and sound?"

"So far, it looks like it's safe and sound!" Wang Jue took a deep breath, "It's just that the one hundred thousand blood of gods and demons definitely wasn't a technique performed by Xiao Luo in vain! Perhaps its influence has not yet manifested."

"Maybe there will be changes in the holy mountain of the Three Realms in the future?" Amu looked at Master.

"Yeah!" Wang Jue nodded, but then smiled lightly, "So, the Eastern Emperor is back!"

Amu was taken aback for a moment, and only then did he understand why the Eastern Emperor wanted to return to the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.Canghai Donghuang seems to be able to suppress everything.

"Master, if the Demon Lord comes out, how powerful is it?" Amu asked.

"Demon Venerable?" Wang Jue pondered for a moment, "If Demon Venerable breaks the seal, even if he is not at the peak, if Donghuang and I can tie with him, it will be good!"

When Amu heard this, his complexion changed slightly.Shen Yan wore the face of a supreme ghost, but her body was also slightly shaken.

Amu and Shen Yan have seen the power of the Eastern Emperor with their own eyes.The third prince of Shura, the peak of eternity, was easily beheaded.Compared with Donghuang, Mo Langwang is probably even worse than him.

However, the two generations of descendants of Canghai Guliu could only draw in a tie against the Demon Lord.

"My lord, that's another realm, another world!" Wang Jue smiled faintly, "However, Amu, our biggest opponent is probably not Demon Lord, but—"

"Ming Zun!" Amu gave the answer.

"That's right!" Wang Jue nodded, "At least for now, we still don't know everything about Hades! In the three realms, as a teacher, you can go without hesitation, but you dare not step into the underworld. Because the possession of the underworld is extremely Special power."

"In the Three Realms, including Tianzhou Phoenix, I should have never seen Mingzun. According to legend, only Canghai Immortal has seen the true face of Mingzun. Mingzun is a mysterious existence in the Three Realms."

"Ming Zun, what exactly is he going to do?" Amu asked.

Wang Jue shook his head and sighed: "No one knows what Mingzun is going to do. Maybe he wants to control the Three Realms and rule all living beings!"
"Thousands of years ago, the death of Canghai Immortal may have something to do with Mingzun!" Wang Jue added.

"The death of Canghai Immortal?" Amu was startled.

"That's right! In fact, the death of the Canghai Immortal has always been a mystery of the Three Realms." Wang Jue raised his eyebrows and said, "The Canghai Immortal shocked the Three Realms and overwhelmed all the others. It is said that after the Demon Lord was sealed, it didn't take long He fell suddenly. However, you must know that no one in the Three Realms has the power to truly kill Canghai Immortal Venerable!"

"Don't forget, Canghai Xianzun is the one with the three souls of Tianzhou!" Wang Jue said in a deep voice.

"Mingzun killed Canghai Immortal?" Amu asked.

"Theoretically, Mingzun shouldn't have that kind of power." Wang Jue frowned slightly, "But, he should indeed be the strongest in the Three Realms beyond the sea."

"If Mingzun comes out, the Three Realms will be ruined!" Wang Jue took a deep breath.

Amu frowned and said nothing, while Shen Yan listened quietly.

Lihen, Mingzun?At this time, Amu remembered Gui Zun's words - don't want Ming Zun, save Lihen!It seems that everything in the Three Realms will fall on the two of them.

"Amu, I have a hunch. The fall of the devil should be a beginning. The catastrophe of the Three Realms is not far away!" At this time, Wang Jue turned his head to look at Amu, with a slight smile on his face.

"Master, what kind of battle did the Three Realms go through thousands of years ago?" Amu asked.

"I don't know about that either!" Wang Jue shook his head. "To know all about that, the only way to know is to ask those venerables from back then, or people who have survived the ancient times."

Amu nodded, already thinking about it.

"With the nine coffins in hand, everything can be reversed! Now there are four coffins of heaven, earth, immortals, and demons, which need to be controlled by you!" Wang Jue continued.

"Master, don't worry! Disciple, I will definitely do my best. The nine coffins will be one, and time will flow backwards!" Amu said solemnly.

"Very good!" Wang Jue nodded with great satisfaction, "The body of ten thousand venerables is a person who will be robbed for thousands of years. Within the Three Realms, only you can control the nine coffins."

"What's your plan next?" Wang Jue looked at Amu with a faint smile.

"Disciple, go to Tianzhou Shura!" Amu replied.

"Oh?" Wang Jue smiled faintly, "Are you looking for Yaozun Xueying?"

"That's right!" Amu nodded, "Finding the Yaozun, there should be answers to many things. Ya'er is still with the Yaozun. At the same time, the whereabouts of the Yaozun may be known. Moreover, Brother Hu and his wife also want to find the Yaozun. Zun Xueying, we have already made an appointment to go together!"

"Unfortunately, I don't know where the so-called Shura place in Tianzhou is. The pair of sky foxes are from ancient times, and they hold the eyes of ten thousand demons in their hands. I should have some confidence." Wang Jue said, "When are you going?"

"Half a month later!" Amu said.

"Okay!" Wang Jue nodded, "In the past half a month, I happen to have something else to explain to you. After half a month, I will close the entire Liu Town. After 300 years, you can come back, and the human coffin will definitely be complete. !"

(End of this chapter)

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