nine coffins

Chapter 970 Liu Zhen Disappeared!Phoenix Immortal Realm, kill it!

Chapter 970 Liu Zhen Disappeared!Phoenix Immortal Realm, kill it!

Early morning, mist.

Tsing Yi Zi Shan, A Mu and Shen Yan stood quietly beside the stone tablet outside Liu Town.Half a month has passed, and Wang Jue has not come to see the two of them off.

"Master, take care! After 300 years, the apprentice will definitely return!" Amu bowed deeply outside Liu Town, and Shen Yan did the same.Then, Amu looked at the depths of the Immortal Burial Snow Mountain in the distance.

There, there is an afterimage of the sky coffin, and a remnant soul of Huanhua.Mo Lang used the shadow of the coffin to imprison everything.

Mo Lang Zeng said: Nine coffins unite into one, and time goes against the flow.Then, Huanhua will wake up.

Therefore, Amu understands that there are too many burdens on his body.Within the Three Realms, there are countless people looking forward to breaking the fate of being imprisoned.

Finally, Amu sighed softly, and took Shen Yan's hand.Outside Liu Town, there is clear snow on the road.The two turned and left, leaving behind two strings of fairly clear footprints.

Outside Liu Town, there is also a sea of ​​fog.However, following Amu's footsteps, the sea of ​​fog dispersed automatically.On the road to the sky, Amu and Shen Yan joined hands stepping up the sky step by step, and gradually disappeared.

At that time, Wang Jue had a serious expression on his face, and he crossed his knees in the backyard of the ancient house and made seals with both hands.Nine remnant coffins emitted a strange brilliance.Inside the purple pool, human coffins floated up and down.

The endless forbidden pictures gradually spread out from under Wang Jue.From the backyard of the ancient house, to the ancient long street, to the entire Liu Town.Wang Jue's prohibition covers everything.

At that moment, the whole town of Liu changed.All the houses began to be hazy.All the townspeople slowed down their pace.

If one looks from the void, one can see that the quaint Liu Town has finally gradually disappeared.

300 years, just waiting for the human coffin to be completed.That is, the significance of the existence of Liu Town in the Three Realms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Tianmu grassland is green for thousands of miles.The eastern aquarium lives near the Fuchen River.Here, it is the lineage that Shui Mei belonged to back then.

Qinghu and Firefox stood in mid-air at this moment, watching the floating dust and static flow.Hu Qing, the Tsing Yi is still the same, and the heroic spirit remains unchanged.Yuhuo, wearing a red dress and a red gauze mask, only revealing a pair of beautiful eyes.

"I want to gather the essence of the five races, take the water of the floating dust, and restore your peerless beauty!" This is what Hu Qing said when he walked out of Wuliang Mountain.

A month ago, in Guteng City, the Gumu Immortal Vine was obtained.In a fit of anger, Hu Qing wiped out the entire Mu Clan, killing one as an example to others.Sky Fox returns, unstoppable.

The three clans of Yu, Wu, and Shui naturally didn't dare to resist at all, and they completely surrendered.

Now, the essence of the four races is ready, and the water of the floating dust has been taken.To restore Yuhuo's appearance, the only thing missing is the spirit of the fox clan--Tianhu Xinyu.

And that jade was hanging on Xueying's neck.That is the ultimate inheritance of the Tianhu lineage, and the eyebrow jade contains the power left by the Tianhu of the past.

Therefore, Hu Qing and Yuhuo have to find Xueying whether it is for Tianhu Xinyu or to obtain the demon coffin.And their greatest reliance is the possession of the Eye of Myriad Demons.

The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters can chase all kinds of monsters, including Snow Shadow.

At this time, brilliance flashed in the void.Blue shadow and purple clothes, Amu Shenyan showed his figure.

"Brother Hu, Mrs. Sister-in-law, you two have been waiting for a long time!" Amu clasped his fists and laughed.Although Tianhu regards Amu as his master, Amu respects him very much.

"Yongjing!" Hu Qing and Yu Huo couldn't help but a strange color flashed across their eyes.Because they were only about a month apart from Amu.

The Tiannan Yin Mountain is thousands of miles away from the Tianmu Grassland.

During the Battle of Yinshan, Hu Qing and Yuhuo were collecting the essence of the four clans to take care of everything in the Tianmu Grassland.

They didn't use magic to wait and see everything, only recently heard that the ghost family was destroyed, and they don't know the details yet.Unexpectedly, Amu was directly promoted to Yongjing from the original Immortal Jiuzhong.

"The ghost family is destroyed, it's a gift from fate!" Amu smiled faintly.

"Haha!" Hu Qing laughed out loud, "What a gift from fate, I only hope that if we find Xueying this time, everything will be perfect!"

"Of course, everything will be perfect!" Amu smiled, "Brother Hu, but everything is ready, only Tianhu Xinyu is missing?"

"Yeah!" Hu Qing nodded, "That's right. We can leave anytime!"

"Okay!" Amu replied without any extra words.

Hu Qing nodded, and then stretched out one hand.

The brilliance scattered in all directions, and the sacred artifact of the Demon Lord, the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons, floated in Hu Qing's hands.At that moment, Hu Qing spoke the truth.Thousands of halos appeared in the eyes of the myriad monsters, like countless monsters revolving around.

I don't know how many images of the monster clan flashed across like lightning, like a torrent.

The ancient clan, thousands of races, are all in it.The eyes of the myriad monsters witness everything.Finally, it locked onto a hazy image.

Dressed in white clothes, long hair like a waterfall.

"Yao Zun!" Amu's heart moved.

"Snow Shadow!" Hu Qing and Yu Huo whispered almost simultaneously.Then, look inside the Eye of Myriad Monsters, starlight dots, countless lines, outlined into a picture.

It's just that those lines are extremely complicated with twists and turns.That is Star Road.

"Tianzhou Shura!" Hu Qing raised his eyebrows slightly, "It seems that there is a small world there. However, with our realm and the eye of the myriad monsters as a guide, it is enough to reach it!"

"That's good!" Amu nodded, "Brother Hu, let's go!"

Hu Qing nodded, and then spat out the green light on his hand.In an instant, a gate of the world opened under the Eye of Wan Yao, and the four of them stepped in.The gate of the realm is closed, and everything is gone.

In Tianzhou Shura, everything is unknown.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The top of Tianzhou, Phoenix Fairy Mountain.

In the void, there are nine peaks No.90, above which is the Phoenix Peak.Halfway up the mountain, clouds and mist are belts.Qing Mozi stood with his hands behind his back and looked down at Tianzhou, a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Master, why don't we leave?" Li Ruo was dressed in a white dress, like a pear flower. For more than 700 years, Li Ruo followed the green demon, searched for Phoenix Mountain, and climbed the 99-level void peaks.

Now, as long as you climb this last peak, you can see the top of the Phoenix.The holy lotus should be on the mountain when it leaves the water.However, at this moment, Qing Mozi suddenly stopped in his tracks, and Li Ruo was slightly puzzled.

But at this time, everything was reflected in the eyes of the green devil.He could see that Liu Town outside the Immortal Burial Snow Mountain was gradually disappearing.He could see that white light was flying.

"Mo Lang, is the human coffin going to be consummated?" Qing Mozi whispered to himself, then turned his head and smiled at Li Ruo, "Li Ruo, don't worry. Let's stop and rest for a few days! You may have Enlightened!"

"Yes!" Although Li Ruo didn't understand, she didn't ask again after the master said it.

For 700 years, they stopped and walked, sometimes even stopping for several years in order to let Liruo practice.It's just that Liruo didn't expect to stop halfway up the 99 peaks.

At the moment, Li Ruo crossed her knees and closed her eyes to concentrate, and quickly fell into a samadhi.Qing Mozi looked at Li Ruo, and couldn't help nodding and smiling.

In 700 years, the Green Devil taught him with all his heart, and at the same time borrowed the aura of the Phoenix Realm, but Li Ruo had only just been promoted to the first level of the Celestial Immortal Realm.

In fact, such opportunities and speed are already extraordinary.However, it depends on who you compare with.

Li Ruo and Han Bingyi both belong to the same aptitude, and they can only be regarded as extremely mediocre in the Three Realms.However, they all have a persistent heart, and they have practiced hard for thousands of years, just to stand by their lover.

Han Bingyi chose Amu, and she remained infatuated, but it seemed out of reach.

If pears, choose Lishui.The two are happy, and everything seems to be expected.As long as you climb this peak, you will see people who think about it day and night, and at this time, Li Ruo can still settle down safely.

This kind of heart is invaluable.

Of course, the Green Devil would not stop casually.He has to choose the best time to climb to the top of Phoenix.He had to prepare for the worst, because it might be a big fight.

The death of Cang Hai has always been a knot in Qing Mo's heart.

But at this time, I don't know how many mountains have fallen.That white light was rushing straight up at an incredible speed.The green devil smiled slightly.Then, Yun Danfeng stood with his hands behind his back, with neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, it was nine days.For monks who have practiced for thousands of years, that is an instant.However, Green Devil felt that the time was enough.

The corner of Qing Mozi's mouth curled up, and then he said, "Li Ruo, let's go!"

Nine days of breathing adjustment, Liruo is in excellent spirits.The master called and got up instantly.

Green devil, with one wave of his hand, a green light opens the way.However, Li Ruo could feel that the green glow this time was slightly different from the previous ones.

"Open!" The green devil shouted in a low voice.

The two masters and apprentices stepped out at the same time.

The green light covered the eyes, and the clouds and mist dispersed.Li Ruo only felt a trance in front of her eyes.It's a feeling I've never had before.That seems to be an extreme space jump.


The scenery changes, and there seems to be a peak in front of you, like a flame.Red and blue light, brilliance flickering.

The top of the Phoenix?

Li Ruo didn't expect that Master Qing Mo would actually cast a magic spell and reach him in one step.

"Phoenix Immortal Realm, Xuantian Guliu. Whoever trespasses will be killed!" At this time, a woman's cold voice broke through, and at the same time, the endless restraint force went straight to Qing Mo and Li Ruo.

(End of this chapter)

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