nine coffins

Chapter 971 Holy Lotus!The only one in this life, never give up!

Chapter 971 Holy Lotus!The only one in this life, never leave!
Who trespassed?shoot to kill!

Following the woman's cold voice, the endless confinement force hit like waves.For Li Ruo, who was at the first level of the Celestial Immortal, that was an irresistible force.

Because, that is the power of Yuanxian Nine Great Consummation.That kind of power can completely kill Li Ruodao.However, Liruo still has Qing Mozi by her side.

In an instant, the green demon had moved, and with a wave of his hand, a green light radiated out without a sound.At the same time, Li Ruo felt that her mind was clear, and the pressure just now was swept away.

"Hmph!" There was a cold snort in the void.

Look again, a girl in yellow clothes, Zhuo Ran, is standing not far away.That young girl is elegant and elegant, with a detached temperament, but her expression is quite indifferent, and her eyebrows and eyes are more contemptuous and arrogant.

"Heir of Xuantian?" Qing Mozi looked at the girl in yellow with a half-smile, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.The girl in yellow was none other than the Phoenix girl who had visited the Demon Continent of Shura to persuade the cultivator in purple to dismiss the Immortal Tomb, and to guide Shenglian.

"Who is here?" Phoenix Girl looked at Qing Mozi without changing her expression.

At the same time, behind her was a seven-color brilliance.Like the wings of a phoenix, it completely blocked the way of Qing Mozi and Li Ruo, and also blocked the entire top of the phoenix.

"Who is here?" Qing Mozi smiled slightly, "little girl, why bother to ask? You are Xuantian's descendant, but you don't even know me, Qingmozi, that is really Xuantian's incompetence."

"Blue devil!" Goddess Phoenix's expression remained unchanged, she just bowed slightly, "I'm sorry, junior!" In fact, of course she knew Green Devil.

"Phoenix Immortal Realm, no trespassing is allowed! Not to mention Senior Green Demon, even Canghai Immortal Venerable must report first when he comes!" Phoenix girl's complexion sank slightly, but her eyes fell on Li Ruo.

"What?" Qing Mozi's faint smile did not change, but there was murderous intent in his eyes, "Didn't Phoenix's lineage not respect Canghai after tens of thousands of years?"

The sea is so bright, the most intolerable thing is to disrespect the sea.Phoenix Girl's words violated the taboo of the whole family.


There is wind in the void.

Li Ruo stood there, not knowing what was going on.I just felt that there was a flash of blue light around me, and a sudden wind blew up in my ears.

"Fenghuang, your successors should be properly disciplined!" While speaking, the green devil had already made a move.The speed of the green devil is absolutely against the sky.

"Huh?" Phoenix Girl was startled.That blue light was too dazzling.Cyan Devil, didn't do his own black and yellow avatar technique at all.

In fact, Xuantian and Xingchen mentioned to Phoenix Girl more than once about the blue light of the sea.Although no one except Canghai knows the origin of the blue light and white light in Canghai, the blue and white light once helped Canghai become invincible.

Therefore, that is an existence that everyone in the Three Realms must take into account.It's just that Phoenix Girl's eyes are higher than the top, and she has always disapproved.See it today, finally believe it.

The light of the green demon, the Phoenix girl couldn't avoid it at all.That was an existence far above her.

"Xuantian?" At this moment, Xingchen on the Phoenix Mountain frowned slightly.

"No problem!" Xuantian smiled slightly, "The green demon must have a sense of proportion. No matter what, he won't kill Xuanyue. Xuanyue has always thought highly of herself, and it is no problem to beat her with the hand of the green demon today." Good! Only in this way can we improve our cultivation. What's more, just now, Xuanyue actually wanted to kill the girl in white, how could it be possible if you don't let the green demon vent his anger?"

"Phoenix Immortal Realm, I can't keep the Immortal Body Saint Lotus! Even if we force it to stay, what's the point? Xuan Yue, I can't think about it!" Xuan Tian sighed softly.

After hearing Xuantian's words, Xingchen was noncommittal, but just frowned, and finally didn't say much.


After all, Phoenix Girl is the descendant of Xuantian, and when the blue light bursts out, the seven-colored mysterious light behind her also suddenly radiates.

A phoenix cry resounded through the fairy mountain.

The phoenix map of the Three Realms is now the natal phoenix girl Xuanyue.It was a treasure comparable to nine coffins.Phoenix blood, immortal.The phoenix map contains endless and strange power.

That is the power of growth, Phoenix Girl once used it to suppress Lust Blood Asura.But facing the green devil, that strength is still far from enough.

There are seven colors of mysterious light, not equal to one green light.


Outside the Phoenix Mountain, the flow of immortality was stirring, and mysterious light was everywhere.That endless power, like clouds and waves, rolled endlessly in the Phoenix Immortal Realm.It was a peerless spectacle.

Although the Phoenix Girl and the Green Devil are not in a life-and-death battle, at this level, every move can turn the world upside down.Fortunately, this is the Phoenix Immortal Realm, on top of the 99 mountains in Tianzhou, otherwise it would definitely affect Tianzhou.

However, this is not an evenly matched battle.

There was a thunderstorm, and the fairy lights dispersed.

Green Devil, the description remains the same.Behind him stood Li Ruo in white, everything was just as before.But looking at the Phoenix girl opposite, her face was pale, with a trace of blood hanging from the corner of her mouth, and the seven-colored mysterious light behind her was about to disperse.

Obviously, after just one move, Phoenix Girl has already been severely injured.

All of this is due to the mercy of the Green Devil.In fact, if it wasn't for Phoenix Girl's intention to kill Liruo just now, Qing Mozi would not have made such a heavy hand.

Fenghuang Xuanyue is the only successor of Xuantian Ancient Stream.

The three ancient streams of Canghai, Xuantian, and Paradise are all passed down through the ages.The successors of any line are all amazing generations of the Three Realms.Among them, Xuantian Guliu is a descendant of Phoenix, possessing immortality.

They all have something to be proud of.

Xuan Yue, when did she suffer such a serious injury today?For a moment, murderous intent suddenly appeared in his eyes, and the phoenix figure behind him surged again.It was like a pair of wings, fully opened.

Fengming rises again, Xuanyue's eyes change color, trying to change her true form.Qing Mozi couldn't help but slightly restrain the smile on his face.

"Xuanyue, stop!" At this moment, a man at the foot of Phoenix Mountain shouted coldly.

However, at this time, Phoenix Girl seemed to have not heard the sound of drinking, and insisted on taking a blow.


After a scroll of Phoenix Picture, he went straight to Li Ruo.

"Huh?" Green Demon raised his eyebrows.However, this time, the green demon was not used.At the foot of Fenghuang Mountain, a white shadow flashed, directly blocking Qing Mo and Li Ruo.

At the same time, a streak of purple electricity soared into the sky, it was definitely a beam of eternal power, and it directly slashed towards the Phoenix Figure.


This time the duel is like just now.That purple lightning directly broke through the light of the phoenix and melted away all the power.The entire Phoenix Mountain trembled slightly.

"From the water—"

Before the gunpowder smoke cleared, Li Ruo called out, and then rushed forward.That white shadow was none other than Shenglian Lishui.In his hand is the Purple Sword of Fantasy Flower.

"Li Ruo!" Li Shui smiled warmly, and directly embraced Li Ruo.That smile, as it was back then, has not changed in the slightest.Liruo, but the pear blossoms are raining, weeping with joy.

For nearly a thousand years, the two have not seen each other.

"Li Shui——" Li Ruo leaned on Li Shui's shoulder, hugged Li Shui tightly, and seemed to fly away when he opened his hands, "I finally saw you——"

"En!" Li Shui nodded with a smile, stroking Li Ruo's long hair, "We will never be separated again!"

Goodbye lover, finally relieve the pain of lovesickness.

Qing Mozi stood not far away, smiling slightly.Xuantian and Xingchen sighed deeply.Only, Phoenix Girl Xuanyue's face was like frost.

"Li Shui!" Phoenix Girl's voice was icy cold, "If you don't cut your feelings, it will be difficult for you to become a sage in the future!"

"Xuanyue!" Li Shui looked at Phoenix Girl calmly, and then smiled lightly, "If you want to cut your feelings, you can climb the path of the venerable. The path of the venerable, it doesn't matter if you don't climb it!"

Li Shui's words were natural and calm, without any hesitation.And Phoenix Girl looked at Li Shui with a complicated expression.

"She is my woman!" Li Shui gently put his arms around Li Ruo, and said slowly, "The only one in this life, I will never leave her."

"Xuanyue! On Phoenix Mountain, I don't know the years, but Li Shui will remember your kindness in my heart! I will repay you in the future, no more thanks!" Li Shui spoke sincerely, and bowed to Fenghuang Xuanyue after speaking.

Back then, Xuanyue took her away from the water and up the mountain.In practice, it is even more helpful.What Li Shui said was indeed sincere.Li Shui naturally understood Xuanyue's heart, but everything was absolutely impossible.

Fenghuang Xuanyue looked at Li Shui, bit the corner of her mouth and wanted to cry, her body trembled slightly, but she finally controlled her emotions.

The lineage of Phoenix is ​​as proud as the sea.

"Holy Lotus! A little bit of benefit can be scattered with the wind. There is no need to remember it. How can I repay it? Everything, just do it for yourself!" The Phoenix girl didn't speak again, and she didn't even look at Li Shui again.Its body directly turned into seven-color mysterious light and disappeared instantly.

"Alas—" Xuantian and Xingchen sighed.

In fact, they already knew the ending, but how could the phoenix be nirvana without going through the fire of purgatory?

(End of this chapter)

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