nine coffins

Chapter 975 Immortal!It can overturn the world and illuminate the three worlds.

Chapter 975 Immortal!It can cover the world and illuminate the three realms.

Seven levels and seven illusions, it is impossible to escape Feng Yu's sword!
The sword of Xingchen, like a tarsal maggot, follows everywhere, and the green devil seems to be doomed.But at this moment, a white light from outside the sky went straight to Feng Yu's blue sword.

Chuanyun, Fengyu, and Yijian Qingliu are the three great immortal swords of Haoyu.At this time, in the white light, a cyan stream can be seen.


Qingliu and Lanyu's sword energy collided.The two fairy swords rolled back at the same time, carrying countless auras.Shock waves spread like the sea.

At that moment, Xingchen slightly raised his eyebrows.The phoenix and feather swords, each transformed into its original form, flew back directly behind the stars.Not far away, there was a monk in white with flying silver hair.

A sword is clear, and it is in his hand.That was the punishment of heaven.

"The sea is white, and the sword is clear!" Xing Chen said slowly.Xuan Tian couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the two lights of blue and white once helped the sea to be invincible.Now that these two people appear at the same time, I am afraid that things will not be good today.

The silver-haired punishment flies, and the immortal posture is endless.He looked at Xuantian and Xingchen and smiled slightly: "You two Phoenix Venerables, we haven't seen each other for a long time!"

But at this time, Qing Mozi floated down and stood beside Xing Fei.The Tsing Yi was as old as before, and there was no mess in the slightest.

"Xing Fei, thank you! You came at the right time!" Qing Mozi looked at Xing Fei and smiled faintly.

The silver hair fluttered lightly, and the sword light flowed.

Xing Fei turned his head and glanced at Qingmozi, but smiled helplessly: "Qingmo, you deliberately showed weakness and put yourself in a dangerous situation, didn't you just want me to draw the sword earlier? My sword is out, why are you pretending to be polite? "

"Oh? Hehe!" The corner of the Green Demon's mouth curled up, noncommittal.

Deliberately showing weakness, in a critical situation.Everyone could hear Xing Fei's words clearly.

Blue Devil, haven't you tried your best?Li Shui and Li Ruo had been stunned for a long time, Xing Chen's expression changed slightly, but Xuan Tian's expression remained unchanged.

The method of escaping from heaven, the seven levels and seven phantom bodies, and those distant secret techniques have already made Xuantian understand something.

"The sea is white, it's been a long time!" At this moment, Xuan Tian took a step forward and stood in front of Xing Chen.

Just now, the battle between Xing Chen and the green devil has been going on, Xuan Tian almost watched from the sidelines, but now the situation has changed.

At this time, in Xuantian's view, if the Canghai Qingbaizhiguang joins forces, Xingchen is definitely not an opponent.The origin of the blue and white light is too special.

The combination of the two, even without Cang Hai, is enough to kill the Venerable!
"Xing Fei, you also came for the fairy coffin?" Xuan Tian smiled.

"No!" Xing Fei shook his head lightly, and then said with a smile, "I'm here for the sea!"

"That doesn't seem to be any different." Xuan Tian said, "Do you also want to ask us about the death of Cang Hai?"

"That's right! In the Three Realms, many people want to know why Canghai Xianzun died." Xing Fei nodded, "Many people also think that Tianzhou Phoenix should know the truth!"

"The truth?" Xuantian smiled wryly, "But, we also really want to know the truth about tens of thousands of years ago. It's just that everything is still a mystery!"

"Canghai Immortal, will not die for no reason!" Xing Fei looked at Xuantian and said.

"You and the green demon both suspect that our Phoenix did it?" Xuan Tian frowned.

"Hehe!" Xing Fei laughed, "The death of Canghai Immortal Venerable is too weird. As far as combat power is concerned, Immortal Venerable is invincible in the three realms. If you want to kill him, you can only use special means and it must be someone close to you. The Green Demon and I are also invincible. They were suspicious of each other. Looking at the Three Realms, the two venerables are indeed suspicious!"

"We once lived and died with Cang Hai, and sealed the Demon Lord, how could we kill Cang Hai?" Xing Chen said coldly and slightly angrily.

"Don't be angry with the stars!" Xing Fei said calmly, "Everything is a mystery, we are just ruling out any possibility. The phoenix of Tianzhou, who has been watching the Three Realms for thousands of years and guarding the demon soul, is especially respectable!"

"Cang Hai's death has nothing to do with us!" Xuantian said, "If one day, the truth will be revealed. No matter who it is, our husband and wife will seek justice for Cang Hai, even if—"

"There is no redemption—"

Xuan Tian frowned, those four words echoed throughout the Phoenix Immortal Realm.

Qing Mozi and Xing Fei couldn't help but glance at each other.Because, this is almost equivalent to an oath.Tianzhou Phoenix, as a noble person, will never lie.

The death of Cang Hai should have nothing to do with Fenghuang.

"Xuantian, Xingchen, let's put aside the death of the immortal for now!" Qing Mozi said slowly, "Please hand over the immortal coffin to us!"

Xuantian looked at Qingmozi and said: "Qingmo, the fairy coffin is a thing of the sea, and it will belong to the sea in the end. Xingchen and I will never take it for ourselves. But it is definitely not now."

"Why?" Xing Fei asked.

"I have already said that the fairy coffin is in our hands and can suppress the Three Realms. Without the fairy coffin, we cannot keep the Three Realms safe!" Xuan Tian paused, "And besides me and Xingchen, no one in the Three Realms can Control the fairy coffin! Amu, you can't either."

"The body of ten thousand venerables, with the coffins of gods and demons, why can't you control the coffin of immortals?" Qing Mozi said.

"The nine coffins are mysterious and different, and the fairy coffins are even more bizarre. You have never seen the real face!" Xuantian smiled faintly, "Amu's body of ten thousand venerables has not yet been completed. In the realm of eternity, the third coffin can be controlled. It is the limit. Only by raising the realm can Amu be able to unite the nine coffins!"

Qing Mo and Xing Fei were slightly silent.

"Blue light, white light!" Xuantian sighed and said again, "Let's take a step back, even if I give you the fairy coffin, do you dare to call it crushing the Three Realms?"

"Crush the Three Realms?" Green Devil smiled faintly, "It might not be impossible!"

Xuantian frowned, and said: "Qingmo, why are you stubborn? You are not Canghai!"

"Phoenix, it's not the same as the sea!" the green devil said.

Deadlock, silence.

The entire Phoenix Immortal Realm was so quiet that there seemed to be the sound of Yun Juan Yun Shu.Standing far away from Lishui and Liruo, any one of the four people in front of them is enough to shake the Three Realms.

"Forget it!" Finally, Xuan Tian broke the silence, his blue shirt was tumbling.

"Today, we will fight to determine the outcome! As long as you can defeat me alone, you can take away the fairy coffin! If you can't, then don't come here to beg for the fairy coffin again!"

Xuantian's voice was quite low.The blue flame behind him blazed, Xing Chen looked at Xuan Tian, ​​hesitant to speak.

Phoenix Xuantian, it has been tens of thousands of years, and he has not done anything.One must know that Xuantian's combat power back then was almost equal to that of the Venerable.

Although Xuantian and Xingchen are both in the realm of venerables, Xuantian surpasses Xingchen too much.Xuantian may not be comparable to Canghai, but he has definitely reached the height of the other gods back then.

"It's a deal!" Green Devil said slowly.

"It's a deal!" Xuantian nodded, "Qing Mo, I hope you can show your real body in this battle! There are seven layers and seven illusions, and there is indeed no real body!"

Seven stages and seven illusions, none of which is real!

With these few words, apart from Xing Fei's expression remaining the same, Li Shui, Li Ruo and even Xing Chen were shocked again.Especially Xingchen, with his eyebrows furrowed, he could hardly believe Xuantian's words.

Just now, hasn't the Green Demon always used his real body to fight?
"Xuantian Phoenix, well-deserved reputation!" Qing Mozi smiled slightly, "However, if you want to see my real body, it depends on your means!"

"Very good! This battle is worth it no matter what!" Xuan Tian smiled.Immediately, Xuantian didn't move at all, but the blue flames rushed directly behind him.

The endless coercion of the venerable spread throughout the entire Phoenix Immortal Realm in an instant.Such power and influence are absolutely incomparable to the stars.


Xuan Tian still stood with his hands behind his back, but the two Phoenix Feather Immortal Swords behind Xing Chen flew straight up.

Feng Ming is still the same, only more sharp!
The twin swords soared up, completely turning into two phoenix forms.The blue sword went straight to Qingmo, and the red sword went to Xingfei.Looking at the current Three Realms, there are no more than one palm of a person who dares to throw swords at Qing Mo and Xing Fei at the same time.

Xuantian is within one palm.

Venerable Phoenix, if you don't move, you will be fine, and if you move, you will shake the sky.

The entire Phoenix Immortal Realm can actually be regarded as Xuantian's domain.Under His Majesty, the only people in the Three Realms who can make a move in the Phoenix Immortal Realm are probably only Qing Mo and Xing Fei.

At this time, Qing Mo and Xing Fei absolutely dare not neglect.Even if Xuantian had no intention of killing, that sword could still kill.

Qing Mozi moved his body, but he didn't see any spells.However, his whole body directly transformed into a sword shadow.It was a sword energy.

It's just that that sword energy is extremely special, containing endless heavenly power.Above the sword energy, the talisman flows, which is an extremely ancient forbidden map.


That sword energy directly faced the Phoenix Feather Blue Sword.That posture is completely different from when he jumped out of the Star Sword just now.

Looking at Xing Fei again, he had a sword Qingliu in his hand, and he directly shot up to the sky, shaking the Phoenix Feather Red Sword hard.However, at this time, Xing Fei's body was filled with white light.

Qing Mo and Xing Fei have exactly the same aura.

boom - boom -

Almost each of the four forces can strangle the void.The Phoenix Immortal World can have no beginning and no end.The raging forces are like four worlds about to collide.


That's not a single air flow, it's a vortex rolling directly.Ten thousand zhang vortexes, each with endless power, are incompatible with each other.

The entire Phoenix Immortal World was trembling.At that moment, the 99 mountains outside the fairy world were shaking.Such power is changing the entire space.

Xingchen frowned, and hit four fairy talismans in a row to stabilize the Phoenix fairyland.


The four whirlpools collided suddenly.


Roar - woo -

That kind of voice is enough to destroy many.

Countless clouds and mist rose from the sky.Unfortunately, not many people can see this battle.Because, the entire Phoenix Immortal World is a closed existence.

After a while, the violent tremor stopped and the smoke gradually dissipated.The four forces actually cancel each other out.It's just that the moment when everything is released just now is enough to destroy a continent.

Xuantian, still standing there, was completely unharmed.Qing Mo and Xing Fei each withdrew for countless miles.

With this move, they were still at a disadvantage.

They looked at each other and nodded to each other, their bodies emitted more glaring blue light and white light respectively, to defeat Xuantian they could only use the ultimate means.

Blue and white light!Everything seems to be changing.

In the eyes of Xuantian and Xingchen, the figures of Qing Mo and Xing Fei gradually blurred.That is not a method of invisibility, but a real disappearance.

That blue light can cover the world.

That white light can illuminate the three realms.

"Alas—" At this moment, the top of the Phoenix Immortal Realm sighed, "You are all immortal, so what's the point of this battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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