nine coffins

Chapter 976 Green Soul?What is it that makes you start again!

Chapter 976 Green Soul?What is it that makes you never look back!

The phoenix Xuantian moves the three worlds.Qing Mozi and Xing Fei each used secret methods, and almost disappeared without a trace.Xuan Tian stood with his hands behind his back, his eyes twinkling with immortal light.

Blue light, white light!
In the light and shadow, the green demon and Xing Fei have nothing in form and spirit, and they are completely integrated with the void.At the same time, the two rays of light wanted to merge.Between the green and white, the ancient inexplicable coercion suddenly regenerated.

At that moment, it was an extremely mysterious feeling.Xuan Tian frowned slightly, Xing Chen's complexion changed slightly.That kind of coercion is indescribable.

That might be ancient Tianwei!

For the first time, Xuantian's face was serious, and he began to make seals with both hands.The prestige of the venerable rises again.

Fengming, Yiyang!
The whole body of Xuantian was glowing with a sky-high blue light.In the blue light, the chicken beak, swallow jaw, snake neck, turtle back, fish tail, dragon pattern, and turtle back faintly emit five-color light.

The divine bird of the Three Realms, the true phoenix appears!If the Phoenix Immortal Realm hadn't become its own small world, then the entire Tianzhou would have seen this peerless spectacle.

At that moment, Li Ruo and Li Shui were extremely shocked.Xing Chenxiu frowned, and at the same time waved her hand abruptly, using her own strength to protect Li Shui and Li Ruo.

Xuantian's blue phoenix avatar, Xingchen understands what kind of power it represents.One must know that Xuantian has never used his phoenix avatar for tens of thousands of years.

Today, the real phoenix appears in the Phoenix world.It can be seen what kind of power Qing Mozi and Xing Fei possess, otherwise Xuantian would not have summoned his own Phoenix avatar at all.

If this type of duel collides, the entire Phoenix Immortal World will be greatly damaged.

Xing Chen frowned slightly, then stepped back and stood on the top of Phoenix Mountain.This trick seems to be avoided, but in fact it has a deep meaning.

Because, the Devil Soul of Lihen is still sealed on Phoenix Mountain.If this battle affects everyone, disturbs Lihen Demon Soul, or makes it escape, it is too late to regret.

Therefore, Xingchen must ensure that the demon soul is safe.

At this moment, the entire Phoenix Immortal Realm was completely flooded with the bluish-white light and the power of the real phoenix.Either of those two forces can destroy a world.

This battle for the coffin has gone to the extreme.At this time, both sides of the battle could no longer stop.This shocking blow may affect many people.

"Alas—" the sigh came again from the top of the Phoenix Immortal Realm, "It's all for the sake of the sea, so why bother? You all stop your efforts! Suppress!"

At the top of the Phoenix Immortal Realm, there was a light drink, and then a white light suddenly fell.As soon as the white light fell, the aura in the entire Phoenix Immortal Realm changed instantly.

It was endless peace and endless auspiciousness.That is the most authentic breath of Tianzhou Boundless Realm, because it is the Buddha light of the Three Realms.

The Buddha's light diffused, and Sanskrit sounds rang out.At that moment, endless Buddha lotuses descended from the sky.That is the most solemn and quietest existence in Haoyu of the Three Realms.

A coffin lasts forever.

It is pure white and holy, golden lotus is reflected, and countless Sanskrit characters surround it.The appearance of endless Buddhas and demons, thousands of appearances, but only compassion.

Buddha coffin!One of the nine coffins.As soon as the Buddha's coffin appears, there will be eternal peace.

At that moment, the Phoenix Immortal Realm was like a Buddha Realm.

The Buddha coffin symbolizes peace and joy.Although its power is almost the same as that of demon gods and other coffins, only the Buddha coffin does not carry any murderous intent, only the power of benevolent wishes.

"Buddha coffin!" Xing Chen's complexion changed.Not only because of the appearance of the Buddha's coffin, but also because she didn't feel the slightest sense of the top of the Phoenix Immortal World, and there were people there all the time.

He even escaped the existence of the Venerable Spiritual Consciousness!Who is that?
Looking at the whereabouts of the Buddha's coffin, it looks like a canopy, covering everything with coercion.Neither the bluish-white light nor the avatar of the phoenix could resist the compassionate power of the Buddha's coffin.

As soon as the Buddha's coffin appeared, the two forces receded like sea water.

Above the coffin of the Buddha, the fairy looks graceful.She is wearing a green dress, with a white jade gourd hanging on her waist, and holding an ancient umbrella.At the same time, the woman has endless Buddha light on her body.

That is the most holy woman in the Three Realms!

"Green Soul—" Xingchen exclaimed.

At this time, Qing Mozi and Xing Fei were also shocked.In Xuantian's eyes, a brilliant light also flashed across.

Green Soul?Buddha girl green soul?
The Buddha's coffin pressed down on the sky, and the pressure of endless compassion instantly suppressed the bluish-white light and the power of the mysterious phoenix.

"Scatter!" The woman in green yelled softly, and the golden lotus on the Buddha's coffin turned like an auspicious wind.In an instant, all the tyrannical power was dissolved into smoke.

It seemed random, but it brought out the power of the Buddha's coffin and the power of the Buddha to the extreme.Neither is possible without the other.Because, Xuantian is also a venerable.


Xuantian stepped back, and Phoenix's real body was put away directly.Qing Mozi and Xing Fei also transformed into green and white clothes.

"Green soul?" Xuan Tian was also surprised.

The Buddha coffin is true, but it is by no means that anyone who can hold the Buddha coffin can separate the two lights of Tianzhou Phoenix and Canghai.Within the Three Realms, there should be only one person who can control the Buddha's coffin and do this, and that is the green soul of the Buddha who was not called the Buddha.

"Green soul! Is it really you?" Xing Chen looked at the woman with the ancient umbrella covering her face, a gleam of light flashed in her eyes.Because, back then, the friendship between the green soul and the stars was very strong.

However, at that moment, Xingchen couldn't see through the true face inside the ancient umbrella.

"No!" The woman in green stepped on the Buddha's coffin, gently put away the ancient umbrella, showing a peerless face, "I am not a green soul, I am Yunsan!"

Long hair like a waterfall, very holy.Between the eyebrows, there is a golden lotus mark.That's what the paradise looks like.Xuantian and Xingchen looked at the Three Realms, how could they not have seen them?

Yun San looked at Xuantian and Xingchen with a calm and indifferent expression.

I am not a green soul, I am Yunsan!

When he said these words, there was no ripple in Yun San's eyes.However, neither Tianzhou Phoenix nor Canghai Liangguang would agree with Yun San's words.

The shape is not similar, but it is definitely the green soul.

"Thousands of years later, you finally fully awakened and came to Tianzhou again!" Xuantian looked at Yun San and sighed.The stars are also endless sighs.

"The blue light of the sea—" "The white light of the sea—"

"I bow down to the Holy Lord of the Green Soul!" Qingmozi and Xing Fei looked so solemn that they wanted to kneel directly in front of Yun San and pay homage.

Qing Mozi, the clouds are calm and the wind is light.Xingfei, eternal reincarnation.

The blue and white light once helped the sea to be invincible.They are the most proud existences in the Three Realms.Except Canghai Immortal, other venerables are in front of them, and they don't know how to give big gifts.

However, Green Soul is different.Because, she is a woman in the sea.

"You two don't need to be too polite!" Yun San smiled lightly, and then waved lightly with one hand, which didn't make Qing Mozi and Xing Fei really fall to their knees.At that moment, Qing Mozi and Xing Fei frowned slightly.

Because, if it was the green soul back then, it would never be like this.The green soul will proudly accept the bowing of the green demon and Xing Fei.The reason for this is the same as the reason for their prostration.

However, Yun San will not.

Reincarnation, isn't it the beginning?As a reincarnation, Xing Fei didn't understand.

"I'm not a green soul!" Yun San looked at them and spoke again with a firm voice.Everyone was silent for a short time, because they didn't understand Yun San's heart.

Only they themselves know the things between Canghai and Green Soul.

"Green soul, or Yun San!" After a while, Xing Chen looked at Yun San and smiled wryly, "Sister, since you are here, today's matter should be settled!"

Yun San nodded, then waved his hand, and the Buddha's coffin turned into a pendant and hung under his neck.

"The death of Cang Hai has nothing to do with Phoenix!" Yun San's words were obviously meant for Qing Mo and Xing Fei.

"Holy One, do you know why the Immortal Venerable fell?" Qing Mozi said.

Yun San shook his head with a complicated expression.

"I don't know! Within the Three Realms, who can see through the sea? Not even a green soul. That's a mysterious man!"

"Holy Venerable, do you still remember what it was like to see the Immortal Venerable the last time?" Qing Mozi asked again, "Holy Venerable, what did you say?"

"The last time?" The corner of Yun San's mouth curled up, that smile was full of sadness and joy.That is the taste that still does not change the original intention after tens of thousands of years.

"If you don't want to be a relative in this life, you can't ask for it in ten thousand years. If there is a soul here, I will accompany you for 200 years!" Yun San's tone was low, and the four sentences seemed to come out from the bottom of his heart.

"He said that the future is uncertain but cause and effect reincarnate, and we may meet again after tens of thousands of years!"

Yun San slowly closed his eyes.

Because, she can't forget the back of Tsing Yi who left in the sea that day.She can't forget the heroic laughter of that day.However, she has too much to understand.

She didn't understand why Cang Hai always opposed her guarding the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.She didn't understand why Cang Hai was two days late in making an appointment with her in the sea of ​​bitterness.She doesn't understand, the sea has ruled the Three Realms and is invincible, so what else is he worried about?
In the dark, what kind of power is fighting against the sea?In the end, why did Cang Hai abandon himself, and then go away resolutely, never looking back?
(End of this chapter)

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