nine coffins

Chapter 977 The immortal body is forever, not falling into the devil's way!Self-broken wheel ch

Chapter 977 Immortal body is forever, never fall into the devil way!Self-defeating reincarnation, never to be reborn!
The future is uncertain, and we may meet again after tens of thousands of years.

Yun San's words were of little significance to Tianzhou Phoenix or Canghai Erguang.Because, there are too many uncertainties in those words.

It seems that the words that Cang Hai left to everyone back then did not have a clear direction, and the meaning was quite vague.

In the sea, there are many things that cannot be said.

"The sea is a mystery!" Yun San smiled wryly, then glanced at everyone, "No one in the Three Realms knows what kind of chess game the sea left behind!"

Everyone is silent, if Yunsan, who is a green soul awakener in the Three Realms, does not know everything about Cang Hai in the three realms after tens of thousands of years, then everything may really be inexplicable.

"Is Amu the reincarnation of Cang Hai?" Xuan Tian looked at Yun San and asked.

"No!" Yun San shook his head, but a complex look flashed in his eyes, and then he sighed, "Tianzhou people don't have reincarnation. They are as powerful as the sea, and it should be impossible to change their fate. However, Amu should be the closest person in the Three Realms. The person who catches the sea! The person who has been robbed for thousands of years, everything should be broken in his hands."

"The person who is closest to the sea!" Xuantian's eyes flashed brightly, and he smiled wryly, "If Amu can really end everything that has happened for tens of thousands of years, it will be a great fortune in the Three Realms!"

"Blue light, white light!" Yun San turned to look at Qing Mo and Xing Fei.Both of them bowed slightly.

"Today's battle is unnecessary! The fairy coffin will be temporarily placed in the Phoenix fairyland. Back then, Canghai was willing to hand over the fairy coffin to Phoenix because he believed in them. In the Phoenix fairyland, the demon soul of Lihen is sealed. For thousands of years, if the Phoenix If you have a different intention, I’m afraid it’s already turned upside down, why wait for today? Besides, even if you give the fairy coffin to Amu now, it’s still a dead coffin, and he can’t handle it at all. The fairy coffin is very special!”

Xuantian and Xingchen looked at Yunsan and nodded slightly.If the clouds disperse, it should work.

"Huh?" Qing Mozi and Xing Fei both bowed their heads and remained silent.Obviously, although Yun San had a special status, his words did not completely dispel the two people's desire to take away the fairy coffin.

Yun San naturally understood what the two of them were thinking, and couldn't help but smile.

"Don't worry! The nine coffins are one, and the last one is indispensable. Both the fairy coffin and the Buddha coffin will be collected in Amu's hands. If something goes wrong with the fairy coffin in Phoenix's hands, I will fetch it for you in the future, how about it?"

Yun San's words were addressed to Qingmo and Xing Fei, but in fact they were also addressed to Xuantian and Xingchen.If Tianzhou Phoenix refused to take out the fairy coffin in the end, then she would do it herself.

The awakened green soul holds a Buddha coffin in his hand.The power possessed by Yunsan should be above Xuantian.

"Since that's the case, everything will be done according to the Lord's will!" Qing Mozi finally nodded.Xing Fei didn't say much.

Xuantian and Xingchen looked at each other, then nodded to each other.

"Since the green soul said that Amu is the person who is closest to the sea!" Xuantian paused, "then there is no need to wait for him to ascend the road of sage, as long as he thinks he needs the fairy coffin one day, he can come and get it himself. As long as he can control it, we will give it to him! Everything is for the Three Realms!"

After hearing Xuantian's words, Yun San looked at the pair of phoenixes meaningfully, smiled and said nothing.

"It's better like this, thank you very much!" Qing Mozi cupped his fists at Xuantian and smiled lightly.Both sides take a step back, which is the best result at present.

Yun San glanced around the Phoenix Immortal World, and finally landed on the top of Phoenix Mountain, thoughtful.

"Thousands of thousands of years ago, all the gods of the three realms were basically involved in that catastrophic war! But, there is only one, which never really appeared! That is the existence we should pay most attention to."

"Ming Zun!" Xuantian and Qing Mozi said almost at the same time.

"That's right! The most mysterious venerable in the Three Realms—— Mingzun!" Yun San said.

"Green Soul, have you seen his true face?" Xuan Tian still called Yun San that way.

"No!" Yun San shook his head, "But Cang Hai should have seen it before. Because, once he told me that Mingzun is immortal, he felt uneasy!"

"The Mingzun is immortal, so his heart is uneasy?" Xuan Tian and Xing Chen frowned.This was an evaluation that even the Demon Lord had never had before.

Hades, right in the Nether Realm.

However, that is a space that no one dares to step into easily.As powerful as a phoenix from Tianzhou, he could break through the realm and fly to the Shura realm with a phoenix feather, but he never dared to venture into the nether world.

Nether world, that is the world belonging to Hades.There are endless unknowns.

"The fall of the sea may have something to do with Mingzun!" Yun San raised his eyebrows, "In the great battle back then, all the gods in the three realms had their own fates. Only Mingzun seems to have been silent in the nether world. And within the three realms, it can bring threats to Canghai Yes, only Mingzun is left!"

"The three realms are like a game of chess. If someone is playing against Cang Hai, it's probably Mingzun!" Yun San said in a deep voice.

Xuantian and Xingchen remained silent, because they had also speculated about this possibility.

Qing Mozi also raised his eyebrows.

Regarding Hades, he and Mo Lang also had discussions.They speculated that Hades might not be able to get out of the Netherworld, otherwise how could the Three Realms be so peaceful?

"Ming Zun, the Zun of Nether. However, no one has seen his true face. Legend has it that he can reverse life and death, control reincarnation, and control fate." Xuantian sighed slightly, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in Phoenix Immortal Realm, his eyes dim.

"Back when the monks of the Three Realms fought, countless unwilling souls fell into the Underworld. They may all be under the control of the Underworld Lord. If those souls return to the Three Realms with the power of the Underworld Lord, I am afraid that everything that happened tens of thousands of years ago will repeat itself. Even worse."

"Xuanyue once saw a soulless and Taoist in the Asura Realm, and that person was from the Mu family in his previous life!" Xingchen said, "And that Taoist soul came from Ziyou City, and was finally persuaded by Xuanyue to leave!"

"Ziyou City, Wuhen Valley, Wangchuan River..." The green skirt swayed slightly, Yun San frowned slightly and whispered to himself.Because there are ghost passages in those places, although there are guards, the situation is different.

"Qing Mo, Xing Fei, this is the end of the matter. What are your plans?" Yun San didn't bother about Mingzun anymore.

"Go back to Tianzhou Sky Burial Snow Mountain to meet Mo Lang and Amu first, and then discuss everything in the long term!" Qing Mozi said.

"Alright!" Yun San smiled faintly, "However, don't neglect the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms in the sea. One hundred thousand gods and demons, one hundred thousand blood! That devil's last technique is by no means aimless. Demon Venerable is as dangerous as Nether Venerable!"

"Don't worry, my lord, the whole line of the sea will never disgrace the responsibility of thousands of years!" Qing Mozi smiled slightly.

Yun San looked at Qing Mo and Xing Fei, and nodded slowly.

"Unfortunately, there is no ocean in the Three Realms!" Yun San's tone was complicated and disappointed.Her words made Tianzhou Phoenix and Canghai Erguang's expressions darken.

"Holy One!" Qing Mozi bowed towards Yunsan, "If there is nothing else, we will leave first!" Xing Fei also bowed slightly.

The purpose of Qing Mo and Xing Fei is for the death of Cang Hai and the immortal coffin.The sea is a mystery that cannot be solved yet.The fairy coffin has already reached an agreement, so it doesn't make much sense to stay here.

"Take care, both of you, we will meet later!" Yun San said.

"Phoenix, we are going to take away the holy lotus!" Qing Mozi looked at Xuantian and Xingchen and bowed his hands.

Xuantian and Xingchen nodded with a smile.

At this time, Li Shui came to worship Xuantian and the stars.

"Disciple leaves the water and bids farewell to the two holy venerables. I will never forget the kindness of thousands of years!"

"Lishui, the universe of the Three Realms has been chaotic, and the way is unclear. You are the holy lotus body, and will never be polluted. I only hope that you will assist justice and work for the Three Realms." Xuantian's words are very special, and the tone is even more low-key. , the prestige of the venerable is looming.

"Don't worry, my lord, this disciple will bear in mind the teaching!" Li Shui said.

"Do you remember the oath you made under my Phoenix Gate?" Xuan Tian said.

"Immortal body is always there, don't fall into the devil's way! The three realms are the basis, and the common people are the soul. If you have a demonic thought, you will break the cycle of reincarnation and never be reborn!" Li Shui almost stuttered every word, repeating the oath of the year.

Knock on the phoenix three times from the water, with all sincerity.It's just that he didn't expect that one day, he would break his oath and go against the sky.

Xuantian and Xingchen looked pleased and nodded slightly.Qing Mo and Xing Fei frowned slightly.Yun San's expression was somewhat complicated.

If Li Ruo heard the words "self-defeating reincarnation and never being reborn", her body trembled slightly.What is the meaning of such an oath?
"Very good! Lishui, practice with heart. One day, you will embark on the path of the venerable. Go!" Xuantian said with a faint smile.

"Take care, everyone! Farewell!" Qing Mozi and Xing Fei said goodbye to others after seeing that they would say no more.Lishui and Liruo also paid tribute to Yunsan.

Then, blue and white lights suddenly radiated out.The two rays of light blended with each other to form a circle, and unexpectedly directly opened a domain gate in the Phoenix Immortal Realm.

The blue and white picture floats in the void.

The blue devil is still calm and breezy.Xing Fei is equally immortal.


Qing Mo, Xing Fei, Li Shui, and Li Ruo suddenly disappeared.Xuantian, Xingchen, and Yunsan all had a flash of surprise in their eyes, looking at the place where they disappeared, they didn't say a word for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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