nine coffins

Chapter 978 I am with the sea!Dead yellow sand!

Chapter 978 I am with the sea!Dead yellow sand!
In the Phoenix Immortal Realm, there is only the sound of wind.The blue and white light dissipated, but the shock in the eyes of Yun San, Xuan Tian, ​​and Xing Chen did not dissipate, and the three stood silently.

half an hour.

Xuan Tian looked at Yun San, and slowly asked: "Green soul, what is the source of that blue and white light?"

Yun San also turned his head to look at Xuantian and Xingchen and said with a smile: "The combination of blue and white can actually open the gate in the Phoenix Immortal Realm. Such a great magic power, even ordinary venerables can't do it. If I don't have the Buddha's coffin inside hands, and cannot stand silently on the summit of the Phoenix Immortal Realm."

"The bluish-white light has an immortal body, and many ancient secret techniques are the only ones in the Three Realms. Although Cang Hai has never mentioned their origin, I don't need to mention many things. You should have guessed everything just now."

Xuantian and Xingchen looked at each other, it seemed that their guess was right.

"That kind of origin is just a bit shocking!" Xuan Tian smiled wryly.

"Which one in the sea is not an evildoer!" Yun San's tone was a little misty, and then he paused and said, "Xuantian, you refuse to hand over the fairy coffin, but you don't believe in Amu?"

Xuan Tian nodded, then shook his head with a sigh.

"Actually, it's not that I don't believe in Amu, but that I don't believe in the cycle of karma for tens of thousands of years. Mingzun, of course, is mysterious and unpredictable. However, Mozun is not an idler. Although he was divided and sealed, he had to guard against it." .After all, none of us have ever seen the real body of ten thousand venerables. Now, Amu is a complete demon body. The best thing he controls is also the magic coffin!"

"You're worried about karma. In the end, Amu will become the next demon?" Yun San frowned.

"The chess game of the Three Realms is full of ups and downs! Who can see through it until the end? As you said, the one hundred thousand gods and demons and one hundred thousand blood are by no means aimless, and the demon king is as dangerous as the god of the underworld. In fact, Amu has never had anything to do with the devil since he practiced." Cut off. If so, at the last moment, the devil will overwhelm all natures..." Xuan Tian paused, "If you turn things around, black and white can be reversed!"

"So, you let Shenglian enter the Phoenix Immortal Realm to practice and swear a poisonous oath to prepare for any eventuality?" Yun San said.

"The awakening of the immortal body will not be the opponent of the body of ten thousand venerables, but the pure immortal body will never be contaminated with demonic energy. If it is to resist demons, the immortal body is the first. It is always better to have a backhand than to be unprepared , just in case!" Xuantian said.

"If Amu became a demon, you would pass the fairy coffin to Lishui, right?" Yun San said.

Xuantian sighed for a long time, and said: "I have such a plan. You know, the fairy coffin among the nine coffins is very special. Now the Three Realms, only me and Xingchen can control it. You understand, this is why I don't give Canghai One of the reasons for Erguang's fairy coffin. Even if I give Amu the fairy coffin, he will not be able to control it. Could it be that Canghai Erguang controls it?"

After hearing Xuantian's words, Yunsan and Xingchen couldn't help laughing.

"To control the fairy coffin, you need to be connected with each other, and Yin and Yang work together." Yun San said with a faint smile, "You intended Xuanyue and Li Shui to control the fairy coffin, didn't you?"

"It's all wishful thinking! Lishui will never be negative." Xuantian smiled wryly and shook his head, "Unfortunately, if the pear is too weak, even if it follows the green demon to practice, if it wants to reach the realm of the holy lotus and control the fairy coffin, I don't know What year is it?"

"If I give it to Amu in the future, he may be able to control the fairy coffin together with Shen Yan!" Yun San turned around and looked at the endless sea of ​​clouds rolling outside the Phoenix Immortal Realm, with a calm voice.

Xuantian looked at Yunsan's back and pondered for a while.In their view, Yunsan is the green soul.

At this time, Xingchen frowned and said: "Although Shen Yan has a good background, and Amu will definitely be in harmony with his mind. However, it may not be able to catch up with the footsteps of Wan Zun's body? Thousands of causes and effects, if nine coffins are to be combined It's really not easy!"

"No problem!" Yun San appraised the emperor's way, then gently raised his hand, the ancient umbrella covered his face again, "At the critical moment, Amu and I control the fairy coffin, it is absolutely no problem!"

"I will always be with the sea!" Yun San's words echoed throughout the Phoenix Immortal Realm.

Xuantian and Xingchen showed endless sadness on their faces.

"Green soul girl, isn't Amu really Canghai?" Xing Chen asked again.

"I'm not a green soul, and Amu is not Canghai! Phoenix, take care! Yun San is leaving!" Yun San's voice was calm, but he didn't turn his head back, nor did he say anything else.

The green skirt flutters lightly, and the ancient umbrella turns.A ray of Buddha light spread out, and the green shadow disappeared instantly.

Within the Phoenix Immortal Realm, one can come and go freely.Xuantian and Fenghuang still stood where they were, not moving for a while.Then, everything returned to its original appearance.

The Phoenix Immortal Realm is as peaceful as ever.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In the vast sea of ​​stars, there are countless lost ways.

Among the three realms, Tianzhou Infinite Realm is named after Infinite, which can be described as boundless.Outside the Tianzhou Continent, the brilliant star sea is an endless world.

Perhaps, many former venerables could not fully distinguish the time and space in the Tianzhou Star Sea.

At this time, Amu, Shen Yan, Tianhu and his wife were walking through the sea of ​​stars.The sea of ​​stars is boundless, and under the guidance of the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the four of them can only feel the countless brilliance in front of them, and they are speeding past.

It is like a river, like a shooting star, like a myriad of phenomena.Amu and the others understand that each ray of light may be a space-time node, or even a small world.

The boundless world, boundless and boundless.Thousands of worlds are all in it.

In the sea of ​​stars, Amu and the others could barely perceive time and space accurately, so they could only follow the star map and head straight ahead under the eyes of the myriad monsters.

Shura's place in Tianzhou, that's the place that Xue Ying had mentioned.However, it is unknown, and no one knows where it is.

I don't know how long, I don't know day and night.

Although they were all peerless powerhouses, the four of them still felt an unprecedented pressure.The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the holy weapon of the monster clan, but I really don't know if there will be a mistake.


I don't know how long, accompanied by a gust of wind, the light of space suddenly disappeared.The brilliance of the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters dissipated immediately.The eyes of the four of Amu brightened instantly.

desert!Endless yellow sand.However, the yellow sand seemed to be stained with too much blood.Looking from a distance, the wind blows the sand, and sometimes it looks like a wave of blood.

It was a strange sight indeed.

However, there is no sun in this world.I don't know where the light came from.

Among Amu, Shen Yan, Hu Qing, and Yu Huo, Shen Yan's cultivation is the weakest, but he is also at the Ninth Level of the Original Immortal Realm.If the consciousness is dispersed, it will definitely be able to travel thousands of miles.

However, at this time, the four people's spiritual consciousness was scattered, and they were all blocked by an inexplicable force.

Hu Qing and Yuhuo turned nine times into the sky fox, and their cultivation was comparable to that of the Venerable.However, even for them, their spiritual consciousness was imprisoned within tens of thousands of miles at this time.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo couldn't help but look at each other.

"There is a seal of the venerable level here!" Said this sentence to Amu and Shen Yan.

The two couldn't help but gasped when they heard this, because although they felt a strange oppression, they couldn't be sure.

"Is this the Tianzhou Shura's place?" Amu looked around, frowning slightly.

"Absolutely not wrong! This should be an independent space. It should not belong to the Tianzhou Realm, nor does it belong to the Shura Realm. Maybe we are in the gap between these two worlds, hence the name Tianzhou Shura Place." Hu Qing speculated, "It's just that, due to the confinement of some kind of force, we still can't lock the position of Xueying."

"That kind of power is the seal of the venerable?" Amu looked at Hu Qing and Yu Huo.

"I can't think of any other power except for the seal of the venerable. Otherwise, it would be impossible to seal the Eye of the Thousand Monsters and the consciousness of Yuhuo and me!" Hu Qing said firmly.

"There are thousands of miles of desert around, and I don't see any foreign objects." Yuhuo raised his eyebrows.

"Let's go and see!" Hu Qing said.

The four of them rose against the wind each, and walked quickly in this vast desert.However, none of the four could reach the speed of the real realm.

Everything in this small world is suppressed.It was like a pair of invisible giant hands completely controlling everything.Even the realms of Hu Qing and Yuhuo cannot be completely ignored.

Even so, though, the speed of four is extraordinary.If someone stood on the desert and watched, he could only see four streamers and nothing else.

However, there is no end to the yellow sand.The four of them are like ordinary people who have lost their way in the vast ocean.

According to calculations, several people should have been flying for a full day and night, and it is estimated that the distance should be tens of thousands of miles.However, there is no alternation of black and white, nor is there anything other than yellow sand.

This world is a dead silence without life.

The four of them frowned slightly, feeling a sense of loss in their hearts.

"Huh?" But at this moment, Hu Qing raised his eyebrows suddenly.Almost at the same time, Yuhuo and Amu also sensed it.

However, the four people's spiritual consciousness changed, and their figures kept changing.

Right in front, seven thousand miles away, three yellow whirlwinds rose up from the sky to the ground, as if they were holding up the sky, which was extremely spectacular.And the sand there is more than half red.

At the same time, the entire desert was filled with corpses and remnants of soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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