nine coffins

Chapter 979 The Demon Lord's Spiritual Mind!forgotten world

Chapter 979 The Demon Lord's Spiritual Mind!forgotten world

Seven thousand miles away.

The yellow wind soared into the sky, rolling like clouds, and soaring upwards.In the meantime, endless red sand is flying in the sky.

The consciousness of the four of Amu passed by, and they were all shocked.Because, it wasn't just three whirlwinds that lifted the sky, there were also endless corpses and remnants flying around them.

The four of them kept moving and went straight ahead.

Hundreds of miles away from the three whirlwinds, the four people fixed their bodies and raised their eyes to look again.The three whirlwinds, like three giant gates leading to the ancient world, connect the sky and the earth, lined up side by side without seeing their tops.

Dangerous and strong!

The four of Amu are all well-informed people who have traveled all over the three worlds, but at this time they couldn't help feeling awe.That is the wonder of the Three Realms, the beauty of heaven and earth.

The most important thing is that the coercion that has always existed just now is even stronger now.Inside the yellow wind and red sand seems to be its source.

The seal of the Venerable, the power of the Venerable!

Hu Qing and Yuhuo frowned slightly, and then couldn't help but looked at each other.

Because, at the same time, they felt the intertwining of the two kinds of powers of the sages, and any one of the powers of the sages has been engraved in their minds, and has never been erased for thousands of years.

Woo hoo - hoo hoo - hoo -

The hurricane whizzed and roared.In the yellow wind and bloody sand, it is like hiding the world.

There are countless corpses, all kinds of strange things, and different shapes, but they all exude various colors of brilliance, and the strange aura is soaring to the sky.

There are many remnants of soldiers in various styles, but there is no complete thing, and it is difficult to see the whole picture.If so, those remnant soldiers can still be so angry that they radiate brilliance in the bloody yellow sand.

Even the many corpses and remnants of soldiers were rolled up to form an air current accompanied by sand.

"These are all ancient relics!" Hu Qing narrowed his eyes slightly, and let out a sigh of relief, "Thousands of monsters, melted into smoke and dust."

"However, the demon bones and demon soldiers have been fighting for thousands of years, and their hearts are still unwilling!" Yuhuo wore a fiery red veil, and his clear eyes showed endless sentimentality.

After all, the world of Hu Qing and Yuhuo has too many vicissitudes.

"Brother Hu, has there ever been an ancient demon war here?" Amu looked at everything and asked with a slight frown.Because from many legends, we can know some of the past. The demon master and the demon master once fell in love with each other, so how could there be a battle between demons and demons?
"Love can become hate, and hate can also become the root of love. Amu, with everything you have experienced, you should know the truth." Hu Qing looked at Amu with a wry smile, "There are many monks in ancient times who can become venerables, which one is not Stepping on thousands of corpses, bathing in blood and cultivating? Yaozun and Mozun are just a period of time."

"Actually, the two races of demons and monsters were not at odds with each other in the time longer than tens of thousands of years. The war between the two sides had been endless. Otherwise, how could there be an ancient demon master cursing the demon's love? But later, the snow shadow turned into the sky This is how the war between the two sides was curbed." Yuhuo took over the conversation, shook her head and sighed, "But even though Snow Shadow was able to shock the Three Realms back then and make all kinds of spirit clans surrender, she touched the ancient world after all. Curse, many spirit races dare not look at Xueying angrily, but they may not have no hatred for the demon race!"

Yuhuo looked at Hu Qing deeply at this point, and then looked at Amu and said, "Don't talk about others, even you, Brother Hu, and I are quite sad and helpless about the love of the demon!"

Amu smiled helplessly and nodded at the same time.

In fact, Hu Qing and Yuhuo's attitude towards the love of demons can be seen from the time when the crows were forever black birds during the battle at the Brahma Temple in the Sea Desert.

Even if the sky fox turns nine, they still fear the ancient curse.

"The karma of the days may be irresistible!" At this time, Hu Qing looked at the three whirlwinds of yellow sand, and slowly spit out eight words from his mouth.For tens of thousands of years, the battle strength of the Tianhu Nine Revolutions has surpassed the Venerable, but there are still many difficult things to solve.

And at this moment, the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, which had just been taken back by Hu Qing, suddenly charged straight up without being controlled.

The holy artifact was suspended in the void, emitting ten thousand rays of light, circulating endlessly.Like the scorching sun, it shines on the yellow and red world.


Look again, the three sky-reaching vortexes suddenly accelerated their rotation.The red and yellow sand, like clouds rolling, scattered in the sky.And between the yellow sand, white light suddenly appeared, and the image of a woman was looming.

The Eye of Myriad Monsters buzzed.Within the demonic light, thousands of demonic voices and even countless ancient demon shapes radiated out, as if they wanted to go straight to the yellow sand.It was a calling, a resonance.

It's just that the white shadow is relatively light, and its appearance is not clear.However, this is enough for the four of Amu.Within the Three Realms, there is probably only a white shadow that can resonate with such a vision from the monster clan's holy weapon.

"Snow Shadow!" A strange color flashed in Hu Qingyu's eyes, and she exclaimed almost at the same time.Amu and Shen Yan were also taken aback suddenly.

Yaozun Snow Shadow!

You know, Amu also saw Xue Ying's divine sense during the Blood Moon Battle in the Demon Continent Shura Realm.In the battle of the blood moon, the demon master suppressed the three coffins with his spiritual thoughts!Amu will never forget the scene that year.


At this time, a neigh sounded like a fox but not a fox, and it went straight to Xiaohan without hearing sorrow or joy.


The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters in the void is no longer controlled by Hu Qing and Yu Huo.With that hissing sound, they went straight to the three yellow sand vortexes.

"Huh?" As soon as Hu Qing frowned, he felt a bad feeling in his heart.

However, everything is in the blink of an eye.At that moment, it even surpassed the reaction speed of Hu Qing and Yu Huo.

The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters completely turned into a white light, rushing into the gate of yellow sand and casting snow shadows directly.However, almost at the same time, the image of the snow shadow in the yellow sand suddenly disappeared.

All that seems to be a mirror image.The appearance of snow shadow does not exist at all.

"Not good!" Hu Qing and Yu Huo exclaimed in their hearts at the same time.Amu and Shen Yan were also moved in their hearts.

In an instant, the coercion of the Venerable just now suddenly overwhelmed the sky.The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters rushed into the yellow sand, but it disappeared without a trace like a star falling into the dark sea.

The sacred artifact of the Tianzhou Spirit Race, even if it faces the Nine Coffins, I am afraid it will not be instantly sad.However, this is the case at this time.


The black mist in the yellow sand suddenly dissipated, and endless mysterious light shot up into the sky.But in the black mist, the white shadow disappeared, and a phantom divine sense suddenly appeared.

At that moment, the whole yellow sand world changed.The three vortex yellow sand gates were directly darkened.

The world-defying magic will last forever.White clothes, long hair.White clothes are better than snow, and the spirit is as rich as jade.It was a man with a peerless face.

Her hair reaches her ankles, her eyes are like stars.It's just that those are two dark stars, and the pair of eyes are like black holes, deep and bottomless, it seems that they can sink for thousands of years.

"Lihen!" Hu Qing and Yuhuo exclaimed, almost unable to believe their eyes.At the same time, a protective divine light emanated from their bodies instantly, and two phantoms could be seen in the blue-red light.

Facing the demon king, they almost had an instinctive reaction.

However, how could there be a demon king here?

In the battle tens of thousands of years ago, Lihen was jointly sealed by Canghai and Tianzhou Phoenix.It is no secret that Lihen is sealed in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms now.

The sea seal has never been broken.Then how could there be a sense of hatred here?
"Mozun Divine Sense!" Amu's expression was strange, and at the same time he felt the devil's coffin in his body suddenly tremble.If Amu hadn't been promoted to Eternal Realm, if it wasn't for the magic coffin that had been integrated into Amu's bloodline after many years, he might have left his body at this moment.

Amu knows better than Hu Qing and Yu Huo how Cang Hai sealed the Demon Lord back then.Because, back then, Murong Haiqing had told Amu about this matter in detail.

Nowadays, many people know that Lihen is sealed in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.But few people knew that it was just the demon's body.And the soul of the Demon Lord was sealed in Phoenix Mountain, guarded by Xuantian and Xingchen together.The Demon Lord's demonic will was completely dispersed back then and scattered in the Three Realms.

Most of those magic ideas should be inherited by Xiao Luo later.However, Xiao Luo was gone.The Demon Lord has been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and the Three Realms are known to all.How can there be a spirit of hatred in this Tianzhou Shura place?
Theoretically, a free spirit is enough to bring Lihen back to the Three Realms.

However, the four of them didn't have much time to think.

Then look at the demon god's divine sense, suspended in three black vortexes.That is the coming of the real devil, and everything can only be his background.

Demon Lord, no matter where he is, he should be a kind of master.

At this time, the Demon Lord stretched out his left hand, holding a little white light in his hand.That is the holy artifact of the demon race—the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons, but at this moment, its brilliance is completely suppressed by the breath of the Demon Lord.

Mozun looked at the white light in his hand, and said nothing.

"Lihen!" At this time, Hu Qing and Yu Huo stood side by side in front of Amu and Shen Yan, and the protective light covered everything.

Although the husband and wife felt the coercion of the two venerables, Yaozun and Mozun, the moment they saw the three vortex gates, but no matter what, they never expected to encounter a demon lord here.

There is a kind of awe in life that comes from the soul, even if you reincarnate in life and death, I am afraid that you will not be able to erase it.It is this kind of awe that Hu Qing and his wife have for Mozun.

Demon Lord, he was able to contend with Cang Hai back then, needless to say his prestige.Therefore, the reactions of Hu Qing and Yu Huo at this moment were completely instinctive.

At the same time, the divine light jumped between Amu's eyebrows, and a shadow of the divine coffin directly covered himself and Shen Yan.They didn't understand that if Mo Zun made a move, he might be crushed.

"Eye of the Spirit Race?" Lihen Divine Sense looked at the palm of his hand and spoke slowly, thoughtfully.Then, he seemed to hear Hu Qing and Yu Huo's call, and turned his head.

Eyes like dark stars, peerless face.Among the men in the Three Realms, only Mozun and Xiao Luo could have such a face.That is the beauty of heaven and earth for oneself.

"Green Fox, Firefox?" A dark light flashed in the eyes of Lihen Shennian, this sentence seemed to be a question but not a question, and the tone was unclear.

Hu Qing and Yu Huo couldn't help but frown, because at this moment they couldn't see through the spirit of hatred.Li Hen seemed unsure of what he had said.

"That's right!" Hu Qing said in a deep voice, "Lihen! Tens of thousands of years have passed, and we haven't seen each other for a long time! I didn't expect that the sea is sealed by you, and you still have a sliver of spiritual thought here!"

"Thousands of years?" Lihen Shennian frowned slightly, and whispered to himself.The three black vortexes behind him swirled endlessly, and the endless black mist surged like clouds.

"Have I been here for tens of thousands of years?" Lihen asked himself, his black hair like a waterfall was gently raised.At the same time, a black glow suddenly flashed between his eyebrows.

"This is a forgotten world!" Lihen Shen thought the words, inexplicable, and then sighed.In those dark eyes, many past events seemed to have melted away.

The four of Amu were all at a loss.

"Devil's coffin?" At this moment, the Divine Sense of Lihen suddenly turned his head and stared at Amu Danhai.How could the devil's coffin escape the eyes of the devil?
 It’s been a long time since I’ve updated it, and I have nothing to say or face to everyone!Sorry to everyone who has read this book.I seldom surf the Internet recently.Just one word, this book is not very good, this has never changed!
  This book has almost no economic value, but Shanhe will never open a new book until it is finished.Sorry everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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