nine coffins

Chapter 981 The Wheel of Life!That smile, how much time has passed

Chapter 981 The Wheel of Life!That smile, how much time has passed

Demon Lord's obsession makes this road impossible!
As soon as this remark came out, the body of Lihen thought sneered and said, "I have already said that I was born from the great way, and I don't respect any venerable. The obsession of the demon venerable has nothing to do with me!"

Amu smiled and said, "Since it's none of your business, why guard this place and prevent us from passing?"

"Thousands of years of karma have already been cut off, and I have nothing to do with it. I also jumped out of the chaos of the Three Realms. Now, I only want this place to be the Pure Land of the Three Realms, so no one is allowed to step in!" Li Hennian's eyes were dark, and his voice was calm .

It's just that there always seems to be a kind of sadness behind that calmness.How could Shura's place in Tianzhou become a pure land?
"Cut off cause and effect, and jump out of the three realms?" Amu shook his head and smiled wryly, "That's probably something that Canghai Xianzun didn't even do? If everything was that easy, there would be no reincarnation of karma for tens of thousands of years, let alone There is you, the incarnation of Demon Lord's obsession."

Li Hennian's black pupils shrank slightly, but he didn't speak.Amu's words are certainly good.

"That's right!" Hu Qing sneered, "The so-called cutting everything and jumping out of the Three Realms is just a dream! Today, no matter where you evolved from, we have to pass through the gates of the Three Realms!"

At this time, the green energy on Hu Qing's body rose again, and the momentum on Yu Huo's body was like fire.

A gleam of light flashed in Amu's eyes, and then he became calm for an instant.However, a little red light on the center of his eyebrows did not come out, and then Amu took half a step towards Shen Yan's side.

Because, no matter from the perspective of the realm of the four people or the configuration of magic weapons, Shen Yan of Yuan Xian Jiuzhong seems to be the weakest link.

The demon master and the demon coffin are most likely behind the gate of the Three Realms.

So close at hand, how can Amu and the others retreat now?Especially the Qinghu couple, who have waited for thousands of years in reincarnation, and are ready to fight to the death today, otherwise the meaning of their existence will be gone.

Li Hennian was speechless, but the black awns all over his body rose as fiercely.That pair of pupils were bottomless black and endlessly deep, like a dark hole at the beginning of the universe.

Any one of the ancient venerables was actually conceived by the Three Realms.

And the snow shadow floating above Li Hennian's head was still as white as snow, and his eyes were drooping, as if he was asleep.It was quite a strange scene.

The two obsessions are born from the same root and exist in separate bodies.It's just that one has woken up, and the other has not woken up.

The nameless world is filled with bloody sand.

At this moment, an unknown amount of power between Tianzhou and Shura is surging and converging here.Only the figure of that peerless woman seemed unmoved.

"Lihen, accept the move!" Hu Qingqingpao let out a long whistle, while forming a seal with one hand and lightly raising the other.In an instant, a vortex of power appeared in the sky.

The eternal power in the vortex rotates, and the airflow is billowing, like clouds and fog, like seas like tides.

There are endless blue lights circulating in each stream of air, and every time it circulates, a face of a green fox appears, and the expression of each face is different.

The green fox changes a thousand times, everything is different.

There is sadness and joy, anger and joy.Anger, glaring, sad and resentful, wild laughter, ferocious.The green fox has lived for thousands of years and has various shapes, all of which are being performed.

That is the experience of the green fox's reincarnation for thousands of years.

And at the same time that Hu Qing sacrificed this technique, Yu Huo also hand-printed the formula.In fact, when they reach the level of Tianhu, they can all follow their words and give birth to a single thought.

Therefore, the spell of solemn sealing is very different.

In an instant, several red lights soared into the sky behind the jade fire.The red light is like a tent, hanging for thousands of miles, hanging between the sky and the earth.The red light is like a hidden world, which can be compared with those three yellow sand gates.

"The Green Fox Life Wheel—"

"The world of mortals—"

The Tianhu couple drank almost at the same time.Look again, the thousands of green foxes with different faces have merged into the red light from the jade fire.

Blue and red blend, the color is strange.Countless life wheels are turning in the world of mortals.

The most special thing is that those two forces are intertwined, bursting out a kind of ultimate power.Two images of celestial foxes that seem to exist but not actually stand in the red light.

At this time, the sky of the whole world began to twist under their almost venerable power.The corpses and remnants of soldiers all around turned into smoke and dust in an unknown amount of time.

The traces of tens of thousands of years ago seem to be being destroyed.

The bloody sand inside the three realm gates began to spin rapidly.The red glow on the center of Amu's eyebrows was even stronger, and he tightly protected himself and Shen Yan.

In today's battle, Amu didn't know if he had the opportunity and meaning to make a move.Because, this can be regarded as a showdown at the venerable level.

Perhaps, he simply has no room to make a move.

In fact, for Amu, this is also the first time to really see the power of Tianhu.Although in Guteng City of Tianmu Grassland, Hu Qing once made a move to disperse the remnants of the ancient demon master and frightened the entire Tianzhou, but that was definitely not his ultimate strength.

But today, Hu Qing and Yu Huo showed their true strength against Shang Mozun's body.

Sky Fox Nine Revolutions, each of their husband and wife can be said to be a half-respected body, possessing the power to destroy heaven and earth.Looking at the Three Realms, the only one who can suppress their husband and wife is the true venerable.

What's more, they only want to win today's battle, regardless of life or death!


The endless air flow, like a hurricane, directly rolled towards Lihennian's body.The body of two demigods can naturally fight Lihen Nianbody.

But at this moment, Li Hen Nian Body still had the same expression.It wasn't the real black robe but it danced lightly.The long hair like ink is also flying in the air.

Tianhu's technique may be within his expectation.

"Tianhu sorcery, it's been a long time!" Li Hennian's eyes were dark, and the corners of his mouth slightly curved, thinking inwardly.Immediately, he raised one hand and did not make any seals.

"Kill the Demon Obstacle!" He spat out the three words lightly, and he became the prestige of a venerable.This kind of momentum is really unmatched at times.


In an instant, thousands of black mist surged out of thin air.Lianhen thought of the body, looking natural.Wearing a black robe, he remained motionless, but Mozun was standing above the sea of ​​fog.

It is independent of the sea of ​​fog, backed by the boundary gate.At that moment, all the forces seemed to be weaker in front of him.Looking at Li Hennian's body and feeling such power, Qinghu and Yuhuo were in a daze.

The majesty of the Demon Lord once penetrated into their souls.Now, that mind body is definitely reborn from hatred, but there is a difference between black and white.

Amu has also seen the battle between the demon king and the ghost king in the illusion.

However, later he found out that the Ghost Venerable was Shangxie.Using the sky as paper, the spear as the pen, and the blood as the ink, it goes without saying that there is an evil demeanor.

However, you must know that the demon king in the peerless white clothes was better than the evil in the red clothes.


In an instant, the strength of the three people collided in one place.In the whole world, thunder suddenly sounded like a big wave.However, it was not a kind of impact-style slamming into each other, but squeezing and wrestling each other.


The entire space is trembling, and the void is full of shining arcs.

Although Amu was far behind Hu Qing and Yuhuo, the red light above his head was already stronger, and even faintly revealed the shape of a divine coffin.

Only in this way can he ensure that he and Shen Yan will not be affected.Moreover, Amu didn't dare to use the magic coffin before leaving the hatred.

At this time, the entire space is dislocated, the power of Tianhu and the power of Mozun, it seems that two huge energy plates are moving, colliding, competing, and biting.

Cyan-red glow, the light of the black devil.

The Qinghu couple faced Lihennian from a distance.There seemed to be a gully between them.The power of both sides came rolling in, and then melted and poured down like a waterfall.

That is enough power to move the Three Realms.

At that moment, both Amu and Shen Yan's hearts were shaken.They had never seen such a thrilling duel.

At this time, outside of this world, many visions appeared.

Tianzhou Boundless Realm.

Two rounds of daylight, walking towards each other, did not reach noon.At this time, almost all the monks in Tianzhou felt an inexplicable coercion from above the sky.

I can't tell, I don't know the way.There seems to be a strong pull between the heaven and the earth, and even many monks feel that the aura in their bodies is not flowing smoothly.

Between the two rounds of daylight, an incomparably huge halo appeared.Such a scene has never been seen before.The top monks on Tianzhou are frowning slightly at this moment.

In the south of Beichen City, the mountain of Qingcheng, the cave on the top of the mountain.

A middle-aged monk with long hair, sitting cross-legged in a fairy posture, is peerless.Mu Qingcheng, the sword god of the Mu family, slowly opened his eyes, and then let out a long sigh.

Back then, outside Liu Town in the snow-covered mountain, Mu Qingcheng fought Mo Lang with a single sword.It's a pity that even his Alluring Sword cannot be exchanged for Mo Lang to look back.

Since then, Mu Qingcheng has never stepped down Qingcheng Mountain.Even Mu Tingfeng, whom he valued the most, has not seen him for more than 700 years.

"The majesty of the lord changes the world!" Mu Qingcheng shook her head, but she was not sure.

at the same time.Qingjia Qingshuishan.

Outside the Qingshui bamboo building, Qingqianzang and Qingqianyu brothers stood side by side.The same Tsing Yi, but in terms of temperament, Qingqianzang is much better than Qingqianyu.

"Brother, what kind of power is that?" Qing Qianyu squinted at the two halos of daylight.

"That's the power of demons!" Qing Qianzang said firmly, then frowned, "Qianyu, I want to leave Tianzhou temporarily. I will leave the family affairs to you!"

"Where are you going?" Qing Qianyu asked.

"When the end of the world comes again, I want the three souls to return to one. Take care Qianyu!" Qing Qianzang answered irrelevant questions, then disappeared outside the Qingshui Bamboo Building with a single movement of his body.

Tianzhou Phoenix Mountain.

"The power of the Demon Lord?" Xing Chen said.

"That's right!" Xuantian said in a low voice, "And it's Tianhu against Mozun! However, that power doesn't seem to be in the Three Realms. We don't even know what world it penetrates from!"

"But, how can there be the power of the Demon Lord outside the Three Realms?" Xing Chen looked at the top of Phoenix Mountain.

On the top of Phoenix Mountain, the red and blue flames are like this forever.There, there has never been a slight change, and the real demon soul is sealed under the flame.

Guard the demon soul and watch the Three Realms.That is the meaning of Xuantian Guliu's existence.

"Xueying, disappeared for tens of thousands of years!" Xuan Tian said a sentence that seemed to have no beginning and no end, and then fell silent.

Sea Desolation God Continent, the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, three white clothes lined up.Donghuang, Leng Yu, and Murong Haiqing are the three generations of Cang Hai.At this moment, on the top of the holy mountain of the entire Three Realms, Yunbo was treacherous.

The power of the battle of demons also came through time and space.Although it is the end of the crossbow, it makes people feel strange.

"Uncle, what is that?" Leng Yu asked.

"The battle between Mozun and Qinghu and Firefox!" Donghuang's face did not change, but a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"Mozun?" Leng Yu and Murong Haiqing were surprised.

"How is that possible?" Murong Haiqing was surrounded by cold air, and his white clothes moved slightly.Restricted by realm, it is even more difficult for Murong Haiqing to understand the existence of some situations.

"The mysteries of the Three Realms are derived in many ways! Cause and effect have changed drastically. I am afraid that everything today is not what Canghai Xianzun thought back then!" Donghuang sighed slightly.

Leng Yu and Murong Haiqing didn't say anything more.

Inside the Yunhai Cave, in the Tianchi water.The naked Lihen real body still has long hair floating, but a little black light flickers between his brows, silently.

There was such a moment, a desolate and evil smile, passing by the corner of Lihen's mouth, how much time passed by?
 Immortals and demons from all walks of life, gods and Buddhas all over the sky!May those who love me and those I love be safe and happy!I wish all fellow Taoists a safe Christmas Eve.

(End of this chapter)

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