nine coffins

Chapter 982 Know the cause and effect, see through the future!Ziyou child, stop!

Chapter 982 Know the cause and effect, see through the future!Ziyou child, stop!
Asura Demon Continent.No, to be precise, it should be Shura Sea Desolation.

This space does not completely belong to the Sea Desolate World, nor does it completely belong to the Shura Demon Continent.It was a gap in time and space, and it was a special existence in the Three Realms just like Shura's place in Tianzhou.

In a dark and gloomy world, the mountains are like ink, and the yin is continuous.

At this time, many palaces are suspended in the void, just like the stars in the vast universe.The styles of those palaces are not the same, but they are all simple and vicissitudes, with a different atmosphere.

Every palace exudes a gray light.Not too bright, not too dark.

Wuhen Valley, Shura Palace, and Youfu Palace are the three major immortal gates of the Demon Continent, and they are still so.Shura Palace considers itself orthodox in Demon Continent, Wuhen Valley has not regained its vitality, and Ufu Palace is low-key and mysterious.

At that time, whether it was the battle of Wuhen Valley or the later Battle of Blood Moon and Eternal Night, there were forces from UFO Hall.However, it is almost a glimpse, and the power of UFO Temple has never really come to the front.

Even the UFO Hall can be regarded as a strange force within the Three Realms.

Dotted all over, each UFO.The foundation of UFO Temple has never been touched by anyone.At this time, among the many palaces, a simple and boundless city is particularly eye-catching.

Surrounded by purple air, it is majestic.

The atmosphere of that ancient city is somewhat incompatible with the atmosphere of other UFO palaces.Even in this entire Sea Desolate Shura, that ancient city can become a world by itself.And it's not that it's in the world, it's that this sea desert Shura is covered by it.

Because, it is the holy city of Ziyou, which has suppressed the Sea Desolate God Continent for countless thousands of years.

This eternal purple city has always been a mystery of the Three Realms.

Back then, in the battle of the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms, Yue Shuai Yunxuan, the lord of Ziyou City, once made a move to disrupt the situation, and even wanted to use Ziyou City to overwhelm the Holy Mountain.However, at the critical moment, Amu used the time-forbidden map to imprison and speed up time.

The holy dragon appeared, the coffin was repaired, and Leng Yu got it.At the last moment, the entire Ziyou City broke through and escaped.After that, Ziyou City in the Three Realms disappeared.

Probably not many people would know about it, and even more people would not have thought that the Holy City of Ziyou was actually floating in the sea of ​​Shura.This is the same as the Shura place in Tianzhou, which does not belong to the Three Realms but is a space at the junction of the Three Realms.

For tens of thousands of years, Dragon Saliva used the entire Demon Continent world to repair the coffin, so Shura's time flow was ten times faster than that of Sea Desolation.Later, when Shui Mei took away the magic coffin, the time in Shura World gradually slowed down.

It's just not yet fully balanced.

The time in this Asura Sea Desolation is also unusual.Only 800 years have passed between Haihuang and Tianzhou, while Ziyou City has been floating in Shura Haihuang for 3000 years.

In 3000 years, there are naturally too many things that can be changed.

At this time, Ziyou City was still silent.It's just that this silence doesn't seem to be natural silence, but a kind of cold dead silence.

Although the entire Ziyou City does not change the fairy charm and purple light of the past, there is a rather strange feeling that hangs over the ancient city.

On the top of Ziyun Mountain, everything remains the same.The ninety-nine 81 ancient tombs are silent, surrounded by a faint black mist, gloomy and mysterious.The void in Ziyou City still has no stars, and the sky is deep and endless.

It's just that Ziyou City is too quiet, as if the aura of the ancient tomb on Ziyun Mountain infected everything.

A corner of the city, an ancient temple.There seemed to be no one there for a long time.That was the place where Yue Shuai Yunxuan practiced.But at this time, there was only one person standing in the ancient hall.It's just that the man is not dressed in purple, but a red robe.

The red clothes are like blood, and the long hair is like ink.

The once incomparably noble City Lord Ziyou has almost completely changed into another person except for his appearance.It was a strange and evil temperament.

A bloodthirsty aura emanated from the current Yue Shuai Yunxuan.

Then look at the corner of Yue Shuai Yunxuan's mouth curved, and then the red robe moved slightly.He gently pushed open the hall door that had not been opened for a long time, then stood outside the ancient hall, and took a deep breath.

In Ziyou City, purple air is dense.

Yue Shuai Yunxuan stood alone at the gate of the ancient hall, the faint red glow on his body and the aura of the entire Ziyou City were strangely blended together.

At this time, if the former Ziyou people could see this scene, they would indeed have a strange idea.That is definitely not their Ziyou City Lord, but there seems to be no one in the entire Ziyou City.

The former four clans of Ziyou City, Jin Feng, Lang Wu and other Dharma protectors, and even the three ancestors who practiced in Ziyun Cave seem to have disappeared.

Only Yue Shuai Yunxuan understands that today's Ziyou City is completely different from the original Ziyou City.The entire Ziyou City was firmly under his control.

Everyone is under his seal.

The power possessed by Yue Shuai Yunxuan can make anyone in the Three Realms look sideways.

Looking up at the direction of Ziyun Mountain, Yue Shuai Yunxuan's eyes flashed with conceit.

"The legend of the tomb is in my hands!" The Lord Ziyou looked confident and full of ambition, "My heart is like the sea, how can I just be the guardian of the tomb for thousands of years? Everyone in the tomb will be used by me that day and fight with me!"

But at this moment, above the Ziyou sky, there was a slight shock suddenly.In the purple sky, there will never be stars.However, just a moment ago, there seemed to be a star shining in the void.

"The battle of the lords?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan raised his brows, and a blood light moved slightly in the center of his brows.Immediately, with a single wave of his hand, he saw the purple air surging on the Ziyou sky, and countless criss-crossing star paths appeared in an instant.

Countless trajectories, countless star points.The complexity of the star path is better than all the star maps in the Three Realms.The entire Ziyou sky is like a gigantic map.

Everything in the Three Realms is marked.That is the star map of the Three Realms that no one knows except the past Ziyou City Lords, and it is also one of the secrets left by the ancient Ziyou City.

"Where did that breath come from just now?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan's consciousness spread out, and he wanted to find out the source of the breath of the battle of the lords just now through the star map of the Three Realms.

However, among the countless stars, there is no special shining.That Venerable Xinghui is like a meteor for a moment, without a trace.

"It's not within the Three Realms?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan was slightly taken aback, and then moved his body.The red light dissipated, and he stood outside Ziyou City in an instant.

Outside Ziyou City, the vast void is like a dark night, and the cities are suspended.There is no light in Shura Sea Desolation.

As soon as Yue Shuai Yunxuan stood outside the city, two black shadows appeared like ghosts, and then knelt down on one knee not far from him.

"My subordinates will see the Palace Master! Congratulations to the Palace Master for leaving the customs forever!" The voices of the two shadows were hoarse and gloomy, and even the words of congratulations did not express joy.

"How is the Asura Realm now?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan said with a blank expression.What eternal exit?In fact, it didn't mean much to him at all.

Realm, for him, is an illusory existence.As long as he wants to, he can improve.

"Return to the Hall Master! All factions are stable and recuperating. It's just that Jiulun Mountain has changed, and there seems to be a big battle there. Gui Zun and Shui Mei are missing!" one of the shadows said.

"Oh?" A playful look flashed in Yue Shuai Yunxuan's eyes, and then he asked calmly, "I don't know where to go? The majestic Ufu Palace, one of the three great immortal sects, can't find any clues in the Asura Realm?"

"Damn this subordinate!" The voices of the two shadow men were tinged with panic.

"Damn it indeed!" Yue Shuai Yunxuan smiled lightly, without showing any murderous intent.However, all of a sudden, he saw his red sleeve move.


With a flash of blood, the two shadow figures half kneeling in front of him turned into blood mist without even making a scream.

Then, the blood mist instantly condensed into two red lights, which actually penetrated directly into the nostrils of City Lord Ziyou.

"Useless!" The smile on Yue Shuai Yunxuan's face did not change, and then he looked around the UFO halls in the distance.As far as his eyes could see, it seemed that all the palaces were inexplicably intimidated and trembled slightly.

The master of UFO, moody.This is something that all the monks in the UFO Hall know.

However, Yue Shuai Yunxuan didn't make any next move.

The Nine Wheels changed, and the Ghost Venerable disappeared!Yue Shuai Yunxuan understood that the one who could do this silently in the Shura world must be the most powerful person.

Yue Shuai Yunxuan didn't call anyone anymore, but suddenly his mind moved, and then he slowly walked three steps towards the true north of Ziyou City.

Within three steps, it is thousands of miles away.And following these three steps, Yue Shuai Yunxuan's clothes gradually turned purple, and that black hair also turned back to the original noble purple color.

Yue Shuai Yunxuan stood in the void, surrounded by a vast expanse.The red robe did not move, and the Lord Ziyou remained silent, as if waiting for something.

But at this moment, energy fluctuations were seen not far away, and a gate of the realm opened silently.

A monk stepped out of the door, dressed in black and red-haired, with an imposing manner.The moment that person appeared, Yue Shuai Yunxuan couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

Because, in just 3000 years, that person's realm has actually improved to a higher level.That should be a former peak state.

"Honor Dragon Saliva! It's been a long time!" City Lord Ziyou looked at Long Saliva with a calm expression.It's just that the word Longxi Shengzun seems quite interesting, after all, Longxi has not stepped into the realm of being a venerable.

Everyone understands that in this post-sage era, there is no real sage at all.Although Tianzhou Phoenix embarked on the path of being a sage, almost no one in the Three Realms knew about it.

"City Lord Ziyou, it's been a long time! I haven't seen you for more than 3000 years, and the city lord has stepped into the eternal realm. It's really gratifying!" The red-haired Longxi smiled lightly, as if he didn't care about Yue Shuai Yunxuan's title at all.

"To each other! To each other!" Yue Shuai Yunxuan also smiled, "I don't know why the Holy One summoned you?"

"Naturally, we must first thank the city lord for his help in the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms!" Long Xin said.

"Haha!" Yue Shuai Yunxuan laughed twice, then shook his head and looked at Longxi, "Why is the Holy One so hypocritical and polite? It happened 3000 years ago, and he came across the border to thank you after 3000 years. Who would believe it? What's more , even if I didn't have Ziyou City back then, who could really keep the Dragon Saliva Sacred Venerable?"

"The city lord is amazing!" Long Xi smiled slightly, and changed the topic, "City lord, have you been comfortable for 3000 years?"

"Of course I'm free!" Yue Shuai Yunxuan laughed, "Within the Three Realms, I am the only one in Ziyou City who can travel freely without restriction, isn't it great freedom!"

"Great ease, may not be true ease!" Long Sali looked behind Yue Shuai Yunxuan.In fact, in his eyes, although Ziyou City is thousands of miles away, it is right in front of him.

The Ziyou City reflected in the dragon's saliva eyes is like Haoyu's last purple star.Mysterious, majestic and magnificent, it is the existence that countless monks in the Three Realms yearn for.

Even Dragon Saliva dare not be in awe.And if it wasn't for Ziyou's back, how could Yue Shuai Yunxuan be qualified to stand in front of Longxiu?

"First there was Ziyou City, and then there was Yueshuai's family! The ancient peerless heavenly soul ninety-nine and eighty-one ways were buried in that ancient city, which was an arrangement of fate and cause and effect! Your Yueshuai family, although you have special bloodlines and chances, may not be able to keep it !"

"Hehe! You may not be able to defend it?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan sneered, "Everything in Ziyou City is under my control!"

Long Xin shook his head, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

"It's all within your grasp? Then let me ask, how did the ghost ghost escape from the Ziyoutian Tomb back then, and then reincarnated?"

"The ghost's soul, reincarnated?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan narrowed his eyes slightly.You must know that Ziyou's third son is the reincarnation of Guizun, but it is a secret.

Yue Shuai Yunxuan said coldly: "Since you know the origin of Ghost Venerable, it seems that the change in Jiulun Mountain is really related to you?"

"Hehe!" Long Xin also sneered, "Looking at the entire Demon Continent and even the Three Realms, who has such power except Ming Zun? Gui Zun and Shui Mei are not ordinary characters, you should have thought of who would be able to do it."

"Ghost Venerable Water Charms are all in your hands?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan said.

"It's not just these two or two people!" Long Xin smiled slightly, "The ghost coffin is also under our control!"

"Ghost coffin?" Yue Shuai Yunxuan sneered, "I heard that Shengzun used to raise the coffin in the Demon Island for tens of thousands of years, but it turned out to be Shui Mei's wedding dress. Now, even if the ghost coffin is really under your control, it must be It’s not that the Holy One owns everything!”

Longxiu's pupils shrank slightly, the words of City Master Ziyou still touched his hidden pain, but his expression remained unchanged.

"You should understand that under the cause and effect, all the coffins are gone! Ghost coffins have no original meaning to me!"

"Under such a cause and effect, all the coffins are gone!" Yue Shuai Yunxuan looked at Longxi with a slight sneer in his eyes, "I only know that the nine coffins are not here, and the cause and effect are empty. Since you say that all the coffins are gone, then Mingzun Why send you to find me? Don't talk about everything!"

After all, Yue Shuai Yunxuan turned around and wanted to go back to Ziyou City, not paying attention to Longxiu.

"Oh?" A flash of surprise flashed in Long Saliva's eyes, as if he didn't expect Yue Shuai Yunxuan to be so decisive.

Still three steps away, Yue Shuai Yunxuan walked in the void without changing his purple clothes.

The red hair of Ambergris flutters in the wind.

Long Xie himself pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "Cause and effect are not complete, everything is reversible; heaven and earth are one, invincible! Now, Mingzun has turned around, half-shackled, and he can get the ghost coffin with his hands. City Lord Ziyou, look forward to seeing you again!" Think twice!"

Dragon Saliva's words were poured into Yue Shuai Yunxuan's ears.He knew that City Lord Ziyou would definitely be able to understand what he said.However, Yue Shuai Yunxuan turned a deaf ear and kept walking.

Long Saliva frowned again, and his expression suddenly turned cold.

"Wang Gu Mingzun, who knows the cause and effect of the three realms, sees through the past and the future! The secrets of the three realms are all in his heart. The Nine Wheels Ghost Venerable is actually not the real Ghost Venerable. Now, Dragon Salle, Ziyou Chizi, please stay!"

Longxi cast the last trump card.

Perhaps, the true and false Ghost Venerable may not be able to move the heart of Ziyou City Lord

But, Ziyou Chizi, hold back!These six words caused Yue Shuai Yunxuan's body to shake suddenly, and he was instantly frozen in the void, with red lights all over his body shooting up into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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