nine coffins

Chapter 983 Turn 9 against the sky!Breaking the eternal destiny of my spirit clan

Chapter 983 Nine turns against the sky!Breaking the eternal destiny of my spirit clan


Tianzhou Shura Office.The power of Tianhu and Mozun pierced through time and space, shaking the Three Realms.At this time, countless scattered stars and endless streams of light melted and poured into the ravine.

This world is full of colors.The Tianhu couple and Mozun are all dressed in clothes.

This type of duel, they all felt heart throbbing.Even though they had certain inferences about each other's strength before the attack, they were still amazed at each other's strength once the attack was made.

The sky fox turns nine times and steps on the respect with one step.If you are free from hatred, you will have the power of a true venerable.

At this time, it was Amu and Shen Yan who were most shocked.Although one of them is the first level of Yongjing and the other is the ninth level of Yuanxian, but without the protection of the divine coffin, it is impossible for them to stand here and watch the battle.

A duel at the level of a venerable, in this small world, is more terrifying than in the Three Realms.

"Spiritual Sky Fox, even better than back then!" Li Hennian's dark eyes could not reveal any expression.The gloomy and cold words were like spells.

"To each other! To each other! The body of the Demon Lord's obsession is also peerless in power!" The corners of Hu Qing's mouth rose slightly.

"But, Tianhu, you should retreat! There is still a chance now, otherwise I will never show mercy. I will give you one last chance!" The gate of the Three Realms behind Li Hennian's body spun completely.

At the same time, the two black lights on the back of the thought body gradually opened up, seemingly thousands of feet in length.Those are the wings of the devil, completely sealing the gates of the three realms.

Back then, both Hu Qing and Yu Huo had seen the demon king's wings.That is the vision of the Demon Lord, whose strength is constantly increasing.And the snowy shadow on Li Hennian's body was still floating.

On top of the black ink, there is a touch of white.

"Lihen, don't need to talk too much!" Hu Qing smiled casually, "The sky fox has turned nine times and has gone through countless calamities. How can it retreat? Our husband and wife don't need the opportunity provided by anyone."

"Forget it!" The magic light in Li Hennian's eyes became stronger, he nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice, "There are many things that will never go back forever! I'm sorry, Yaozun Xueying!"

The last sentence of Lihennian's body was actually an apology to the Yaozun.


No more words.

Looking at Li Henian's hands apart, the Myriad Monster Eye, which was originally held by him with one hand, instantly became radiant.The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the Holy Artifact of the Spirit Race.As soon as this thing came out, all demons surrendered.

The status of the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters in the hearts of the Tianzhou Spiritual Clan is second only to the Demon Coffin.

Not to mention Hu Qing and Yu Huo, even Yaozun Xueying has a shadow in the eyes of Wan Yao.Otherwise, with the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, how could Tianhu find this Tianzhou Shura place?
Suppress demons with demons!Both Hu Qing and Yu Huo raised their eyebrows involuntarily, and a strong murderous intent flashed in Hu Qing's eyes.

And at the moment when the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters radiated brilliance, Li Heng Nian Shen already formed a seal with both hands.

A faint green aura lingers on Lihen's fingertips, it is actually extremely pure monster aura.

"Jiulingtian Demon Seal!" Yu Huo lost his voice, and Hu Qing was also shocked.

Because, at this time, what Lihennianbody is using is the authentic top secret technique of the spirit clan.Even if you look at the past, there are only three or five people in the entire Tianzhou spirit clan who can use this formula.

That is the top secret of the Tianzhou Spirit Clan.

"Xueying actually passed on his spirit clan's secret technique?" Hu Qing's voice was cold, but at the same time he couldn't believe it.Because, the Nine Spirits Sky Demon Seal is definitely not ordinary for the Spirit Race.This secret technique can manipulate the Eye of Ten Thousand Demons to directly suppress demons.

After the demon master learned this technique, wouldn't he be able to control the two races of demons?


At this point, there is no time to think about anything.In an instant, the eyes of Wan Yao shone with brilliance, and there were two mournful fox cries from within.At the same time, two fox shadows appeared indistinctly in the light, one blue and one red.

That is the natal light of Hu Qing and Yu Huo.

At this moment, Hu Qing and Yu Huo felt a slight shock in their Danhai at the same time.

The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters can control all demons.Tianzhou nine turns, after all, does not change the demon body.As soon as the natal light appeared, Hu Qing and Yu Huo instantly felt the coercion, as if the power of the ancient spiritual clan past lords was attacking them.

That is the deterrence of life directed at the soul, Tianhu is simply unbearable.

"Surrender! Tianhu!" Li Hennian's voice was majestic, as if looking down on all living beings.

"Li Heng Nian, you suppress us with the sacred artifact of our clan, you are really humiliating our clan!" Hu Qing gritted his teeth slightly, his eyes were piercing, and there was a slight blood in his eyes, and the green light on his body gradually subsided but became stronger .

"Has Xueying really passed on his secret technique?" Yuhuo said to himself, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes.

The love of demons is not tolerated by the demon clan!However, all the Yaozu people have always believed that their venerable will never reveal the secret arts of their own clan, especially the method of controlling sacred objects.

Because, that would be tantamount to handing over the life and death of the entire Spirit Race to the other party's hands.However, there is no way to explain everything in front of me.

"Hehehe!" The murderous intent in Hu Qing's eyes was like blood, and he sneered a few times.It's just that the object of this sneer no longer knows whether it is Xueying or Lihennianbody.

"Tianhu Nine Turns, how can you allow such blasphemy? The Eternal Spirit Clan can't bear this insult! The Tianzhou Spirit Clan is the number one in Eternity!" Hu Qing's voice was low and decisive, "Xueying, it is you who blamed my Spirit Clan, I am ashamed of my ancestors!"


Hu Qing raised his head to the sky and neighed.The sad humming of the fox was like the sky from this world.Sorrows erupted everywhere, becoming real objects amidst thousands of rays of light, as if thousands of spirit foxes came from all directions.

"Brother Qing!" A look of pity flashed across Yuhuo's eyes.

"Sister Huo, if you and I are here today, you and I have broken the cycle of reincarnation, and we can be safe!" Hu Qing's Tsing Yi bulged, and the demonic light of the green glow temporarily blocked all pressure.

The long black hair fluttered in the wind, but Hu Qing's eyes became more and more clear.

"Because we are worthy of each other, our clan, and our Ninth Revolution!"

"Brother Qing—" Yuhuo wanted to say something, but he hesitated to say anything, so he nodded deeply, "Yes! That's right!"

"That's good—" Hu Qing looked at his wife, then looked up to the sky and smiled, "Hahaha—haha——"

"Lihen, look at my celestial fox with nine turns against the sky, breaking the eternal destiny of my spiritual race—"


The mournful fox cry pierced the sky like an invincible sword.Look again, Hu Qing's long hair is completely spread out, and the green circle between his eyebrows looks like a cold moon.

That blue light is the essence of Hu Qing's Nine Turns, even under the light of the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, it is extremely dazzling.

A green moon hangs high in the world.


At the same time, Hu Qing's body was instantly covered by the green light.


Hu Qing's figure suddenly disappeared, replaced by a cloud of blue mist.

"Brother Hu——" Amu, who was watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but exclaimed, feeling a bad premonition in his heart.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the void.Nine rays of light and shadows burst out from the blue mist.

The body of nine green foxes floats in a semi-curved shape in the void, guarding the curved green moon.The nine green foxes all have the same form, but they are all different.

The first green fox was actually covered in blood.The front paws were broken, and the fox's mouth was torn.The fluff is scattered, and the pupils are about to scatter.That was the green fox tens of thousands of years ago, before the ninth revolution.

The second green fox is depressed and old, and looks like an ordinary old farmer, with endless sadness.That is the second rotation of Tianhu.

The third blue fox, looking up to the sky and neighing like a tiger roaring in the forest, is majestic and majestic.The aura of the king is undoubtedly revealed.That's three rotations of Tianhu.

The fourth blue fox has a ferocious face and endless hatred in its eyes.A long ink-colored arrow was inserted into his abdomen, and blood gushed out.That's the four rotations of Tianhu.

The fifth blue fox, the sixth blue fox...

The last green fox has clear eyes and a refined temperament.The divine light is introverted, and the hairy feathers are endless.That was the last reincarnation of Tianhu.

The sky fox has turned nine times, and it has been countless years since one turn.

At this moment, Amu Chenyan looked at everything, but actually couldn't understand everything.However, the jade fire in the void knows everything.For thousands of years, the husband and wife have loved each other.How many lives and deaths, bitterness and happiness know themselves.

Tianhu Nine Turns, because unwilling!
Tens of thousands of years ago, they had no intention of getting involved in any disputes, they just wanted to be free sky foxes.However, the rotation of cause and effect grinds everything into the wheel of fate.

In such a torrent, who can be safe?However, I have done nothing wrong for tens of thousands of years, so how can I live or die?
They are sacrifices of fate!However, this time today, they will sacrifice their fate.

"Brother Qing, it's still the husband who sings and the wife follows!" The veil of the jade fire suddenly lifted up with the wind, like a little red cloud, rising and falling in the void, melting in the rays of light.

Except for Hu Qing, only Amu had seen Yu Huo's true face among the people present.The rest, no matter Lihen Shennian or Shen Yan, have only seen Yuhuo with red gauze.

All the fox women are coquettish and peerless beauties.Yuhuo's figure is exquisite and graceful.The eyes of jade fire, tenderness surpasses water.

However, Yuhuo's face was shocking.A series of scars, intertwined.No one would have imagined that the almost venerable spirit clan sky fox would have such a face.

At that moment, Shen Yan's body shook suddenly.Because, only a woman understands that a woman, even if she surrenders to all living beings in the Three Realms, is probably not as good as her own peerless beauty.

"Heavenly fire burns face!" Li Hennian muttered to himself in a low voice.

He saw that it was injured by the sky fire tens of thousands of years ago.Skyfire, the nameless flame of the Three Realms.From the nameless, disappear into the nameless.Even, the source of this thought of leaving hatred is unknown.

The veil flew down, and Yuhuo's eyes were filled with affection and a smile.She will always follow the green fox, just like running freely when she was young.

"Forbidden technique! Don't ask about reincarnation, be one with you!" Yuhuo's voice was calm and proud.In fact, a woman's pride is often because she has a great man.

Qinghu, enough!

Yuhuo formed seals with both hands, and the power similar to that of a venerable suddenly burst out.The red clothes were like fire, and Yuhuo disappeared instantly, completely turning into a round of blood yang.

Qingyue, blood yang.That is the burning life of Tianhu.They seem to change the world by themselves and break the cause and effect.

The green light and red light complement each other, making it unstoppable.

At that moment, the magic coffin in Amudan Sea buzzed and mourned.The divine coffin above his head also trembled slightly.Amu held Shen Yan's hand tightly, but his expression was cold.

Forbidden!Amu understood the meaning of those two words.With this type of technique, Tianhu fights with his life, otherwise he will not be able to get rid of the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters at all, and he will be invincible in the battle.

The howling wind roared, and the energy was endless.The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters raised by Li Hennian kept shaking in the void.


The two shadows, one blue and one red in the light, collapsed in an instant.

"Nine turns of the celestial fox, transcending cause and effect?" Li Hen couldn't help but move slightly.Tianhu's strength exceeded his expectations, and at the same time, the snow shadow above his head moved slightly.

Nine turns against the sky, breaking the eternal destiny!Tianhu broke free from the shackles of the Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters.

Suddenly, Qingyue and Xueyang merged into one.The sky fox roared loudly, shaking the Three Realms.Endless power, like a world explosion.The turbulent power rolled up huge waves of tens of thousands of feet.

Everything, unstoppable.At that moment, even the stars will melt.


The Eye of Ten Thousand Monsters, the first to bear the brunt, was crushed by the power of the Sky Fox.Amu held Shen Yan's hand, and retreated hastily under the protection of the divine coffin.

His footwork is the Tianhu dance step, otherwise he might be affected.At the same time, he had a thought.A strange treasure floated in front of him.

That was Amu's ultimate method.

At the only moment, Li Hennian's expression changed suddenly.The three monks behind him stopped spinning in an instant, and seemed to be collapsing.

He knew that he couldn't shake this technique forcefully, otherwise the gate of the realm would collapse in an instant.Then the passage at Tianzhou Shura will truly be opened.And once the channel is opened, the consequences will be disastrous for him.

And at this critical moment, that snow shadow obsession finally slowly opened his eyes.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, with a touch of strangeness and infinite murderous intent.

Those are not the eyes of the Snow Shadow Demon Venerable at all!

 I wish all my friends a happy New Year's Eve and a prosperous Year of the Monkey.In the new year, good luck is always there, and laughter is always there!I would rather you be with the mountains and rivers.thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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